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Auto immune disorder characterised by tissue destruction due to the deposition of auto antibody and immune complexes with in it.

Production of antinuclear antibody – hallmark

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Specific cause undefined. Researchers suggest that genetics,

hormones and environment contribute to the immune disregulation in lupus.

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Age of onset: 30 years in females &40 years in males.

Skin lesions : fixed erythematous lesions that have a butterfly configuration over the cheeks & across the bridge of nose.

Also affect neck,shoulders,upper arm & fingers.

Produce itching & burning sensation & areas of haemorrhage which is intensified by sunlight.

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Female to male prevalence ratio : 2:1 before puberty & 4:1 after puberty.

Extensive loss of hair from scalp. Kidney : fibrinoid thickening of glomerular capillaries. Heart : fibrinoid degeneration of epicardium and

myocardium & atypical endocarditis. SLE included under category of collagen desease.

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Shows white hyperkeratotic plaque like areas & resemble lichen planus.

Hyperemia,edema and extention of lesion is more prominent in SLE than DLE.

Bleeding, petechiae, & superfitial ulcerations are present , which are surrounded by a red halo.

Vermilion border of lip is affected-lupus cheilitis. Xerostomia , altered taste sensation , chronic

periodontal desease etc are also reported. In some cases lesions under go malignant


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Collagen disturbance & degenerative features are prominent.

Atrophy with hyperkeratinisation of the oral epithelium.

Liquifactive degeneration of the basal cell layer.

Lymphatic infiltration & fibrinoid degeneration of the collagen fibers

Edema of sub epithelial CT with vascular dilatations.

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Specific test was established with the discovery of LE cell inclusion by Hargraves and his associates.

Test : add blood serum from a person under suspicion to the buffy coat of normal blood.

If the patient is suffering from SLE , typical LE cells will develop.

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Systemic steroid therapy.

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Chronic , scarring ,atrophy producing , photosensitive dermatosis.

Not associated with autoantibody production.

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Occurs in genetically predisposed individuals.

Heat shock protein is induced in the keratinocyte due to UV light exposure or stress & this protein act as target for T cell mediated epidermal cell toxicity.

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Occurs in third & fourth decades of life. More common in women. Common sites : oral mucous membrane,

chest, back & extremities. Skin lesions of DLE also present a

butterfly distribution over the molar region & across the nose.

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On forceful removal of covering scale , neumerous ‘carpet track’ extensions of the pialo sebacious channels appear.

Skin lesions enlarge at the periphery & epidermoid or basal cell carcinoma may develop from these lesions.

Involvement of scalp with lose hair is also common.

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Reported in 20 -50 % cases of DLE. Begins as erythematous areas ,with out

induration & typically with white spots. superfitial, painful ulceration occur with

bleeding. No scale formation on skin. Seen in buccal mucosa,tongue,palate &

vermilion border of the lip. Tongue : atrophy of papillae & fissuring

are seen.

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Hyper ortho or parakeratinisation of the surface epithelium.

Atrophied epithelium. Few lesions exhibit keratin plugging &

achanthosis. Basophilic degeneration of the collagen. Inflammatory cell infiltration till CT. Vasculitis absent.

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scleroderma/dermatosclerosis/hide bound disease.

Systemic CT disease charecterised by vasomotor disturbances, fibrosis, subsequent atrophy of the skin, SC tissue, muscles & internal organs with associated immunologic disorder.

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Blood circulation insufficiency in tissue due to abnormalities in arterioles & blood capillaries cause replacement of the normal CT by the dense collagen bundles & result in fibrosis or sclerosis of the tissue.

Genetic factors are also involved.(HLA B8,HLA DR3,HLA DR5,HLA DR52M,HLA DQB2).

Apoptosis and generation of free radicals are also involved.

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Age: common in 30 to 50 years of age. Sex: female to male ratio is 3-6:1. Begins on the face, hands, or trunk. Typical indurated oedema of the skin,

neuralgia, paresthesia, arthritis, joint pain etc are present.

Erythema present.

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Skin: yellow , gray , or ivory white waxy appearance.

Brown pigmentation of the skin is present as a late manifestation.

Calcinosis cutis is seen in the affected area.

Eyes become narrow. Skin becomes hardened & atrophied. So

that wrinkles do not form. It gives a mask - like appearance of face.

‘’Monalisa face.

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restriction of muscle movements results in fibrosis.

Finally internal organs like GI tract, heart, lungs & kidney become affected by fibrosis.

Crest syndrome is variant of systemic sclerosis. It includes the following components.

1.calcinosis. 2. Raynaud’s phenomenon. 3.esophageal dysfunction. 4.scleroductyly. 5.tielangiectasia.

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1.localised/circumscribed scleroderma/morphea. One or more well defined ,slightly elevated or depressed cutaneous patches . Lesions occur on the sides of the chest & and the thighs.

2.generalised/diffuse form/linear scleroderma . Occur as linear bands or ribbons on the face.

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Monalisa face.* Multiple telangiectatic spots on the facial skin

& loss of facial esthetics and expression.* Pinched appearance of the face-mouse facies.* Trismus & restricted movements of the TMJ. * Pain, clicking sound & crepitations in TMJ.* Pursed lips & fish mouth.* Xerostomia due to atrophy of SG.* Trigeminal neuralgia.

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Chicken tongue. Loosened teeth. Weakness of hands, decreasad TMJ

mobility, decreased salivary secretion, decreased mouth opening etc lead to poor oral hygiene.

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Widening & thickening of PDL space. Bone resorption at condyle or ramus of

mandible. Osteomyelitis.

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Atrophied oral epithelium with flattening of rete ridges.

Thickening & hyalinisation of the collagen fibres in the CT with atrophy of minor SGs.

BVs become scanty & its lumen become narrow due to perivascular fibrosis.

PDL thickness increased due to increased synthesis of collagen & oxytalin fibres.

Sweat glands, sebacious glands, & hair follicles absent.

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No specific treatment.Systemic steroid therapy produces partial


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