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Soap Opera Genre –

Ancillary Product Analysis

Name: Lucas Kirkland Candidate Number: 1159Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

OCR Media Studies – A2 Level

Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio

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The layout of this poster is landscape and features one main image with a low opacity second image with little text. The poster illustrates the well known Birdseye view of the Eastend of London featured in the title screen of the series. One of the main characters of the series is featured as the main image.

The main character is pictured to the left of the poster looking at the main text and the image of the Eastend. This hints to the message that this character will be crucial to the plot of the series. Dressed in white, the Mise-en-scene of this character connotes purity, however the black surrounding her connotes the evil that perhaps surrounds her in Albert Square.

Brand Identity/web address format – The broadcaster is given credits in the bottom left of the poster. This will give the broadcaster more popularity. Furthermore the “#EastEnders” allows audiences to take on further reading and tweet about the upcoming new series, thus adding to the hype of the series.

The only text present on this poster is the verbal code of the tagline “Walford will change. Forever.” Two short sentences written in bold connotes a bold statement and the impact that the new series will have on Walford.

The colours used are very dark and dystopian, creating an ominous tone for the rest of the series. However the white text connotes purity, therefore this could be providing an enigma clue to the binary opposition (Levi Strauss) of good vs Evil.

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Main Image – The non-verbal code of the feature image on this poster for Hollyoaks is heavily manipulated. The characters seem to be emerging from flames. This could be ‘signifying’ (De Saussure) to the audience that these characters will be involved in a drama with lots of intertwining sub plots. Additionally the fire could be taken in a literal sense, and could perhaps be a key turning point in the plot. For example a key component of the plot could be that the local pub catches on fire.

Channel Ident– The institutions logo is present to provide capital value for the company and ensure that audience can trust the show due to their track record in the genre. Additionally the programme will gain popularity and draw viewers into watching other programmes.

Tagline – The verbal code of the tagline for this poster provides an ‘enigma clue’ (Roland Barthes) to the drama that could happen in future episodes. The verbal code “change” illustrates a pivotal moment in the plot of the drama as it connotes a turning point that will be like nothing audiences have ever seen before.

Point of call – To build the hype of the programmes ahead. The date is clearly displayed. The verbal code “Starts” connotes the beginning of a whole new set of plots that will provide audiences with new content, that will entice audiences to tune in.

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Student Exemplar Work – Textual AnalysisThe image manipulation is very effective in connoting a message to the audience. The blood droplets forming at the bottom of the glass, with low opacity eyes placed in the blood is very effective. Linking to the tagline “Blood is thicker than water”, this is very effective in captivating and exciting audiences for the drama ahead.

Logo brand Identity – The “Surrey Downs logo” is displayed clearly at the bottom of the poster. This allows audiences to create a connection with the new brand.

Critical praise- This convention allows audiences to decide whether to watch the series due to professional reviews. Verbal codes such as “Gripping” connote the intensity of the drama and therefore engage the audience.

Social Media Synergy – By displaying twitter and Facebook logos, this poster forces audiences to take on further reading and be able to spread.

Scheduling and Point of call – It is important for a new soap opera to state its broadcasting hours so that new audiences can tune in. This convention is bolded so that audiences can see it clearly.

The main headline – Provides a punchy phrase that audiences will remember. “Blood is thicker than water”. The “B” in blood is a different colour and has a dripping blood effect to signify evil within the text.

A white gradient signifies purity, however red accents of blood juxtapose this. Therefore creating binary opposition, and perhaps hinting to a murder.

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To conclude, from analyzing these posters, I plan to draw from them and “Repeat” (Steve Neale - 1980) certain aspects. I feel that deciding on high or low key lighting is important to create a message for the trailer and the series. Additionally, simplicity and effectiveness is vital in getting viewers to tune in. Point of call information is also important as it clearly connotes the times audiences need to tune in. Furthermore Social media synergy is a key aspect that I would like to replicate in my poster. Audiences can take on further reading by visiting Facebook and Instagram pages. Finally a catchy subline Is important as it will draw in the audiences eye, this is a convention I would definitely “Repeat” (Steve Neale – 1980) in my poster.