  • 1. Lesson 8

2. Lesson 1: 1. What to say when you meet new people; 2. How to compliment people in different times of the day; 3. How to use the verb to be in the Simple Present. We have already seen: 3. Lesson 2: 1. Family members; 2. Possessive case; 3. Simple Present. We have already seen: 4. Lesson 3: 1. Alphabet; 2. Physical and psychological characteristics; 3. Simple Present and Present Continuous. We have already seen: 5. Lesson 4: Cup Song Anna Kendrick We have already seen: 6. Lesson 5: Daily routine; Personal, demonstrative, possessive adjetive and possessive pronouns. We have already seen: 7. Lesson 6: Numbers; Hours; Food (breakfast, lunch and dinner). We have already seen: 8. Lesson 7: Movie Make it Happen We have already seen: 9. And now, on Lesson 8... Food (fruits and vegetables) Likes and dislikes Articles 10. Let's start with the vocabulary... 11. Likes and Dislikes A: Do you like chicken? B: Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 12. Likes and Dislikes O que so os likes and dislikes? So expresses usadas para dizer do que gostamos e do que no. 13. Do you like...? 14. Do you like...? 15. Articles Primeiro as boas notcias: h apenas trs artigos em ingls! So eles: a, an e the. 16. Indefinite articles - a and an (determiners) Os artigos a e an so o que chamamos de INDEFINIDOS, porque eles falam para algum no especfico. Em portugus temos exemplos de artigos indefinidos: Um, uma Uns, umas Ou seja, em Portugus, diferentemente do Ingls, temos artigos variando em gnero e nmero (feminino e masculino, singular e plural). 17. Indefinite articles - a and an (determiners) O significado de a e de an o mesmo, o que muda na hora de os utilizarmos a palavra subsequente. Por exemplo: "I saw an elephant this morning." "I ate a banana for lunch." O uso est ligado ao SOM. 18. Indefinite articles - a and an (determiners) Eles tambm so usados quando nos referimos profisses. Exemplo: "I am an English teacher." "I am a b"I am an English teacher." "I am a builder."uilder." 19. Definite Article - the (determiners) Quando pronncia, h duas formas de pronunciarmos o termo the, podendo ser d ou dii. Quanto ao uso veremos a seguir as situaes nas quais usamos este tipo de artigo. 20. Definite Article - the (determiners) We use the when you have already mentioned the thing you are talking about. For example: "She's got two children; a girl and a boy. The girl's eight and the boy's fourteen." 21. Definite Article - the (determiners) We use the to talk about geographical points on the globe. For example: the North Pole, the equator 22. Definite Article - the (determiners) We use the to talk about rivers, oceans and seas For example: the Nile, the Pacific, the English channel 23. Definite Article - the (determiners) We also use the before certain nouns when we know there is only one of a particular thing. For example: the rain, the sun, the wind, the world, the earth, the White House etc.. 24. Definite Article - the (determiners) However if you want to describe a particular instance of these you should use a/an. For example: "I could hear the wind." / "There's a cold wind blowing." "What are your plans for the future?" / "She has a promising future ahead of her." 25. Definite Article - the (determiners) The is also used to say that a particular person or thing being mentioned is the best, most famous, etc. In this use, 'the' is usually given strong pronunciation whether or not it preceeds a vowel: For example: "Harry's Bar is the place to go." "You don't mean you met the Tony Blair, do you?" 26. Definite Article - the (determiners) Note - The doesn't mean all:- For example: "The books are expensive." = (Not all books are expensive, just the ones I'm talking about.) "Books are expensive." = (All books are expensive.) 27. No Articles H tambm situaes em que no usamos artigo algum, como veremos a seguir. We usually use no article to talk about things in general:- Inflation is rising. People are worried about rising crime. (Note! People generally, so no article) 28. No Articles You do not use an article when talking about sports. For example: My son plays football. Tennis is expensive. 29. No Articles You do not use an article before uncountable nouns when talking about them generally. For example: Information is important to any organisation. Coffee is bad for you. 30. No Articles You do not use an article before uncountable nouns when talking about them generally. For example: Information is important to any organisation. Coffee is bad for you. 31. No Articles You do not use an article before the names of countries except where they indicate multiple areas or contain the words (state(s), kindom, republic, union). Kingdom, state, republic and union are nouns, so they need an article. For example: No article - Italy, Mexico, Bolivia, England Use the - the UK (United Kingdom), the USA (United States of America), the Irish Republic Multiple areas! the Netherlands, the Philippines, the British Isles 32. Exercise 1- LOOK AT THE FACES AND COMPLETE WITH LIKE Smile OR DON'T LIKE Unhappy: a. I ______ hamburgers. b. I ______ pizza. c. I ________ dumplings. d. I ________ sushi. e. I ________ fried rice. f. I _______ noodles. g. I _________ cake. 33. Exercise Choose the correct (and most natural-sounding) response to complete each sentence: 1. Q: Is dad picking us up today? A: Nope, _________________ mom's picking us up. NO ARTICLE a the 2. Q: Who's that? A: That's _________________ guy I told you about last week. a the NO ARTICLE 3. Q: Why are you so upset? A: I'm not upset. You're _________________ one who's upset. the a NO ARTICLE