
Englisch Kl. 7abc Unit 3 March 2020


Lösungen Lernwegeliste 3: Liverpool – The world in one city p. 54 no 1 a) Ben isn’t very happy because he thinks the lesson is boring. He thinks that he isn’t good at school. Mrs Fox wants Ben to take part in a (business) competition. Zusatz: Mrs Fox thinks that Ben is good at selling things. So she tells him he’s a good salesperson. She thinks that Ben should use his talent for business. That’s why she shows him some information about the BIZ 4 KIDS competition. It’s a new competition for young people who are interested in business and want to find out who’s the best salesperson. Mrs Fox wants to help Ben if he takes part in the competition. b) 1: for, 2: in, 3: at, 4: for, 5: in, 6: into, 7: in, 8: in c)1: not in the text, 2: false (she says that Ben is the best salesperson in the school), 3: not in the text, 4: false (he isn’t going to sell things at school again because he knows he’ll get into trouble), 5: false (she says he shouldn’t sell things at school), 6: true Workbook p. 35 no 3+4 Workbook p. 36 no 5

Workbook p. 34 no 1 (no 2: individuelle Lösungen)

p. 57 no 3

1) rains, will stay 2) stays, won’t be 3) are, will come

Englisch Kl. 7abc Unit 3 March 2020


4) has, will make 5) look, will eat 6) eat, won’t have

Workbook p. 37 no 7-9

p. 57 no 5a) If the baby puts the ice cream on the cat’s head, it will run away. If the cat runs away, the dog will see it. If the dog sees the cat, it will run, too. If the dog runs, the table will fall and the apples will go on the road. If the boy on the bike looks at the girl, he won’t see the apples. If he doesn’t see the apples on the road, he will fall. If the boy falls, maybe he’ll see the money. If the boy sees the money, he’ll give it to the man. Workbook p. 38 no 10+11: individuelle Lösungen
