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PQI Report July - December, 2012

Page 2: LSS PQI Report - first half of FY 2012


Programs LSS Programs operate in six New England states.

MaineAdult Community Integration Services (ACIS) - DD/MH

Adult In-Home Supports / Daily Living - DD/MH

Developmental Disabilities - DD/MH

Adult Residential Private Non-Medical Institution (PNMI) - DD/MH

New HampshireDisability Services- DD/MH

In-Home Care-Concord - IHC


Language Bank - SNA

Services for New Americans - SNA

Therapeutic Family Connections - CF*

VermontGNG - Donated Wheels - TR

GNG - VT Ready To Go - TR

ConnecticutAdoption - CF

In-Home Care -IHC*

Luther Ridge - OA

Lutheran Home of Southbury - OA

Massachusetts/Rhode IslandAdoption - CF

DUCS Foster Care -CF


Florence House - CF

Intensive Foster Care - CF*

Ruth House - CF

URM Foster Care - CF

Young Parent Support and Stabilization - CF

Bridgeway House - DD

Forsberg Independent Living - DD*

Lutheran Creative Living - DD

North Ashland Street - DD

Emanuel Village - OA

Emmanuel House Residence - OA

Fair Havens - OA

Legal Services - SNA*

Services for New Americans - SNA

* For stated programs, 6 month reports will be forthcoming


CF = Children and Family ServicesDD/MH = Developmental Disabilities and Mental HealthTR = TransportationIHC - In-Home CareOA = Older Adult ServicesSNA = Services for New Americans

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Program Location: Rocky Hill, CTService Line: Child and FamilyDirector/Manager: Lynn Gabbard

Adoption, CT

The LSS adoption program is a full service adoption agency. LSS supports families throughout all phases of the adoption journey. LSS also provides pregnancy counseling to expectant parents and post-adoption services for adoptive families.

Goal 1 Outcome:

We measured the number of placements that were maintained of those made. All of the placements made were provided with the support and none of the placements were disrupted.

Goal 2 Outcome:

We measured the number of child referrals given to families against the number of referrals accepted. This measurement is to illustrate how well prepared the families are for the reality of the children they are applying to adopt. Fifteen referrals were offered and fourteen were accepted.

Goal 1: adoptIVe plaCeMeNtS WIll Be StaBle aNd Well SUppoRted/MaINtaINed

Goal 2:    pRe-adoptIVe paReNtS WIll Be Well-pRepaRed foR tHe typeS of RefeRRalS tHey WIll ReCeIVe .

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Luther Ridge

Luther Ridge is a private, not for profit, low income senior living facility dedicated to providing housing and services to elders. There are three types of living programs available within 135 apartments: Assisted, Congregate and Independent.

Goal:   tRaCk tHe NUMBeR of MedICatIoN eRRoRS

Program Location: Middletown, CTService Line: Older Adults/HousingDirector/Manager: Yvonne Eisner

Goal 1 Outcome:

Over the past 6 months, staff have worked hard to increase participation in activities by offering new types of activities, new entertainers and changing times of programs. This has proven to be successful. These efforts will continue into the next quarter.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Medication was administered correctly between 94% and 97% of the time.

Goal: INCReaSe atteNdaNCe at aCtIVItIeS

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Program Location: Southbury, CTService Line: Older AdultDirector/Manager: Todd Gaertner

Lutheran Homeof Southbury

The Lutheran Home of Southbury is a skilled nursing facility of 120 beds. It is licensed as a CCNH in Connecticut. There is also a residential care home (RCH) consisting of 14 rooms.

Goal:    RedUCtIoN of ReSIdeNt fallS

Goal 1 Outcome:

Consistently ahead of the benchmark, in particular, for a dementia population. New DON plans to encourage greater use of hydrotherapy.

Goal 2 Outcome:

One resident sustained six falls during the month of November negatively affecting the total. Screened by Medical Director and Psych, discharged to acute psych. Change in drug regiment improved outcome in December.

Goal: RedUCtIoN of HIGH RISk pReSSURe

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Adoption, MA

Massachusetts Adoption program offers international, domestic infant and waiting child adoptions as well as pregnancy counseling and post adoption counseling, educational services and other supports.

Goal: adoptIVe plaCeMeNtS WIll Be StaBle aNd Well SUppoRted

Goal:   pRe adoptIVe paReNtS WIll Be Well pRepaRed foR tHe typeS of RefeRRalS tHey WIll ReCeIVe.

Program Location: Worcester, MAService Line: Children and FamilyDirector/Manager: Lynn Gabbard/Michelle Horn

Goal 1 Outcome:

100% of adopted children placed into adoptive homes by LSS remained stable.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Pre adoptive parents are receiving home study services which includes going over what information is given in referrals and what child characteristics families feel they will be able to accept. They will receive ongoing support when making decisions about referrals.

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DUCS Foster Care

Long Term Foster Care Program that serves children under 18 years of age with no lawful immigration status in the US and with no parent or legal guardian in the US available to provide care or legal custody.

Goal: INCReaSe plaCeMeNt StaBIlIty

Goal: all ClIeNtS’ MeNtal HealtH NeedS WIll Be Met.

Program Location: Worcester, MAService Line: Children and FamilyDirector/Manager: Mary Bartholomew/Indira Gumbe

Goal 1 Outcome:

All placements remained stable with one exception. This progress can be attributed to the collaborative work of case workers and family resource coordinator to support the foster families and the minors in their care.

Goal 2 Outcome:

There has been significant improvement from the first quarter to the second. We had three clients on a 6 week wait list for a Spanish speaking therapist. Three of these clients were new admissions from November 2012. As of December 2012, all clients except for one have been assessed for treatment needs. Only one remains on a waiting list at three different outpatient agencies.

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Program Location: Brockton, MAService Line: Children and Family Director/Manager: Justine Trinque

Florence House Teen Parent Program

The Florence House Teen Parent Program provides services to homeless teenage mothers and their children. We have a capacity for nineteen residents, nine teenage mothers ages 13-20 years and ten children newborn through age 5.

Goal: INCReaSe atteNdaNCe at day pRoGRaM/SCHool

Goal:    ReSIdeNtS WIll Meet MoNetaRy GoalS

Goal 1 Outcome:

During the summer months we had a significant turnover of residents at the TPP. While November and December we did not meet our 90% goal the residents that did not meet it have increased their school attendance and have met the DTA requirement of 70% to continue receiving cash benefits.

Goal 2 Outcome:

There was a turnover of residents in the first quarter. The 2nd quarter many of the residents started opening up accounts and have been starting to save.

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Intensive Foster Care

Intensive Foster Care serves children ages 0-22 whom have been removed from traumatizing situations and placed into foster care. The children are in need of nurturing families, and a stable environment. IFC recruits and trains potential foster parent as well as provides ongoing guidance and clinical support to children and families.

Goal: IMpRoVed BeHaVIoRal/eMotIoNal NoRMS

Goal:   IfC ClIeNtS WIll MaINtaIN StaBIlIty IN foSteR HoMeS WItHoUt HaVING to MoVe

Program Location: Brockton, MAService Line: Children and FamilyDirector/Manager: Stephanie McCarthy

Goal 1 Outcome:

Overall IFC has remained close to reaching the benchmarks indicated for the outcomes identified.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Overall IFC has remained close to reaching the benchmark for this identified outcome.

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Program Location: Brockton, MAService Line: Children and FamilyDirector/Manager: Karen Anfeild

Ruth House

The Ruth House is a residential program for pregnant and parenting teens. We are located in Brockton serving up to 11 moms and 14 babies.

Goal: poSItIVe day pRoGRaM atteNdaNCe

Goal:    ReSIdeNtS Meet MoNetaRy GoalS

Goal 1 Outcome:

The program tries to enforce a strict policy of day program attendance. This behavior models the importance of consistent work ethic. Mothers are required to have an 85% attendance in order to maintain their DTA benefits

Goal 2 Outcome:

The program tries to re-enforce the importance of planning for their future and the needs of their young families. It is at times difficult to meet those needs given all the outside influences and needs of a growing family. Having a savings account will give them the ability to have some flexibility.

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UnaccompaniedRefugee Minors

The URM program provides foster care for migrating youth who are in the United States without parents or guardians. It provides the educational, vocational and social support these youth need to start a new life in their new country.

Goal: URM ClIeNtS WIll GaIN WoRk expeRIeNCe aNd joB MaINteNaNCe SkIllS

Goal:   URM ClIeNtS WIll aCHIeVe fINaNCIal INdepeNdeNCe

Goal 1 Outcome:

The number of youth working over the past six months has slowly increased. In December this may have been due to seasonal work, which provides a good opportunity to enter the work force and gain experience. However , the program is consistently below the benchmark, and therefore will ensure that all volunteer/ internships are reported and analyze the obstacles to meeting the benchmark.

Goal 2 Outcome:

The number of youth with bank accounts slowly increased during this period. However, the program is consistently under the benchmark. The program will look at who is eligible in the program to open a Bank Account , what documentation is required and other methods to support youth with financial management.

Program Location: Worcester and Newton, MAService Line: Children and FamilyDirector/Manager: Mary Bartholomew / Laura Westerling

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Young Parent Support Program Location: Brockton, MAService Line: Children and FamilyDirector/Manager: Karen Anfield

The Young Parent Support Program serves young parents out in the community, making referrals and teaching life skills.

Goal: pRoGReSS oN Self-eSteeM

Goal:   poSItIVe SUppoRt to CHIldReN

Goal 1 Outcome:

The program met it’s benchmark each month, except in December when there was an unexpected loss of the a key staff person - the resident’s case worker.

Goal 2 Outcome:

The emotional impact of the holidays takes it toll on clients and their families.

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Program Location: Brockton, MAService Line: Disability ServicesDirector/Manager: Cassandra Semexant

Bridgeway House

Bridgeway Program is a DBT modeled home located in Brockton, MA. The current occupancy is four while awaiting the fifth resident. The program goal is to achieve the best quality of life for the women residing in the home. Through the use of the DBT skills groups, and in one to one counseling, the women are supported daily by staff to ensure that skills are being implemented and used.

Goal: to SUCCeSSfUlly CoMplete CoMMUNIty oUtINGS

Goal:    to INCReaSe SkIllS tHat pRoMote INdepeNdeNCe

Goal 1 Outcome:

Overall, the women have been able to successfully meet their goals and improve in the last quarter. The Bridgeway House has increased their community activity.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Three out of four of the residents have met their goals successfully each quarter. One of the individual residents chose not to participate in her individualized goal. She will have a new goal for the 3rd Quarter.

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Lutheran Creative Living

Lutheran Creative Living (LCL) is a group home for eight residents ages 29 to 56 who receive support through the Department of Developmental Services.

Goal: to INCReaSe SkIllS tHat pRoMote INdepeNdeNCe

Goal:   ReSIdeNtS to Be aCtIVe aS VolUNteeRS IN tHeIR CoMMUNIty

Program Location: Andover, MAService Line: Disability ServicesDirector/Manager: Sandy Busato

Goal 1 Outcome:

Staff at LCL are trained to focus on teaching residents to become as independent as possible in their daily living skills. This goal has demonstrated working properly for the level of residents at LCL Program. Some of the factors that can interfere with the successful accomplishment are family vacations and the choice of refusing to work on this goal.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Staff teach residents safety skills to become more active in their community.

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Program Location: Worcester, MAService Line: Disability ServicesDirector/Manager: Heather Krone

North Ashland Street

North Ashland Street Program is a two family residence that provides daily support in a home setting for 5 adult males ages 30-50 with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Goal: to INCReaSe SkIllS tHat pRoMote INdepeNdeNCe

Goal:    to BeCoMe aN aCtIVe paRtICIpaNt IN tHeIR CoMMUNIty

Goal 1 Outcome:

Residents succeeded in meeting or exceeding the benchmarks to promote and sustain their current level of independence.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Residents succeeded in meeting their benchmark in all but one month. Activities included volunteering and/or memberships in the community including the local YMCA, museums, and animal rescue league.

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Emanuel Village

Emanuel Village is an Elder and Disabled, Section 8, Housing Facility consisting of 75 units and 5 floors. We offer safe and affordable independent housing to those in need of a barrier free unit or regular studio and one bedroom apartment.

Goal: INCReaSe atteNdaNCe aNd paRtICIpatIoN IN aCtIVItIeS aNd eVeNtS

Goal:    aSSISt ReSIdeNtS to aGe IN plaCe By MaINtaINING StaBIlIty

Program Location: Worcester, MAService Line: Older AdultsDirector/Manager: Jacquelyn Vokey

Goal 1 Outcome:

Emanuel Village has increased attendance within it’s community. Many of Emanuel Village’s residents that never attended or came out of their apartments are attending regularly scheduled community events. Emanuel Village’s residents are very active in and outside the Worcester community.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Overall, an average of 99% of the resident at Emanuel Village have been able to remain in their homes receiving any necessary services. We have been able to consistently provide linkage to outside services for our residents at Emanuel Village which has allowed us to keep our residents as stable and independent as possible.

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Emmanuel HouseResidence

Emmanuel House Residence is an assisted living community that offers safe and affordable private senior apartments for adults 55 and older. E.H.R. provides assistance with daily living activities to help older adults maintain stability and age in place in the comfort of their own home at E.H.R.

Goal: IMpRoVe aBIlIty to aGe IN plaCe

Goal:    INCReaSe atteNdaNCe IN aCtIVItIeS

Goal 1 Outcome:

Residents at E.H.R. have continued to age in place on a 97% average. The needs and changes of residents are being identified as rapidly as possible to continue to make changes in residents’ service plans.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Attendance tends to be high when a new activity is scheduled. Hence in July, attendance was higher than at the end of 2nd quarter. The attendance numbers in 2nd quarter show our activities baseline is holding at an average of 28 in attendance.

Program Location: Brockton, MAService Line: Older Adults Director/Manager: BethAnne Higgins

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Fair Havens

Fair Havens is a level 4 rest home serving up to 28 residents at full census. Approximately 90% of our current population have at least one mental health related diagnosis, many with Paranoid Schizophrenia, Bipolar, or Schizoaffective Disorder.

Goal: eNCoURaGe atteNdaNCe aNd paRtICIpatIoN IN aCtIVItIeS offeRed to pRoMote Self-WoRtH, Well BeING, aNd ReSIdeNt SatISfaCtIoN.

Goal:   MoNItoR foR BeHaVIoRal CHaNGeS ReqUIRING aCUte pSyCHIatRIC HoSpItal adMISSIoNS.

Program Location: Middleboro, MAService Line: Older AdultsDirector/Manager: Susan Sinnott

Goal 1 Outcome:

Benchmark each month. Current Activities Director strives to offer new and interesting activities.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Monitor residents for medication change or need for acute psychiatric hospital admissions.  

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Program Location: W. SpringfieldService Line: Services for New AmericansDirector/Manager: Jozefina Lantz

Services for New Americans, W. Springfield, MA

Services for New Americans offer refugees a range of support services to help the new arrivals get on their feet quickly and become full, contributing members of the community. Services include resettlement; case management; employment, vocational training, and job readiness training; ESL and adult basic education classes; computer literacy; refugee elders; children school assistance; cultural adjustment assistance; volunteer support.

Goal: 60% of NeWly aRRIVed eMployaBle RefUGeeS WHo aRe elIGIBle foR eMployMeNt SeRVICeS, oBtaIN joBS WItHIN 90 dayS of aRRIVING IN tHe USa.

Goal:    all NeWly aRRIVed RefUGeeS WIll ReCeIVe tHeIR fIRSt HealtH aSSeSSMeNt WItHIN 30 dayS of aRRIVal IN tHe UNIted StateS.   

Goal 1 Outcome:

SNA assisted newly arrived refugees with increased and maintained stability by targeted job development that lead to job placements. SNA achieved results higher than the benchmark of 60%, and higher then the national average of 40%.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Within 1st 30 days, the new arriving refugee clients assisted by SNA were assigned a general physician, screened for current health issues, and were enrolled in continuum of medical care as needed. The clients were enabled to continue to care for their health needs independently, contributing to self-sufficiency and independence.

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Program Location: Worcester, MAService Line: Services for New AmericansDirector/Manager: Jozefina Lantz

Services for New Americans, Worcester, MA

Services for New Americans offer refugees a range of support services to help the new arrivals get on their feet quickly and become full, contributing members of the community. Services include resettlement; case management; employment, vocational training, and job readiness training; ESL and adult basic education classes; computer literacy; refugee elders; children school assistance; cultural adjustment assistance; volunteer support.

Goal: 60% of NeWly aRRIVed eMployaBle RefUGeeS WHo aRe elIGIBle foR eMployMeNt SeRVICeS, oBtaIN joBS WItHIN 90 dayS of aRRIVING IN tHe USa.

Goal:    all NeWly aRRIVed RefUGeeS WIll ReCeIVe tHeIR fIRSt HealtH aSSeSSMeNt WItHIN 30 dayS of aRRIVal IN tHe UNIted StateS.   

Goal 1 Outcome:

SNA assisted newly arrived refugees with increased and maintained stability by targeted job development that lead to job placements. SNA achieved results higher than the benchmark of 60%, and higher then the national average of 40%.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Within 1st 30 days, the new arriving refugee clients assisted by SNA were assigned a general physician, screened for current health issues, and were enrolled in continuum of medical care as needed. The clients were enabled to continue to care for their health needs independently, contributing to self-sufficiency and independence.

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Section Title

Adult In-HomeSupport - DD/MH

Adult In-Home Support services offers in-home care to individuals diagnosed with mental illness. The program aims to increase skills in daily living, social, crisis management, and symptom management for use across settings. This service is designed to reduce and minimize the need for acute care treatment within a hospital setting.

Goal: INCReaSe StaBIlIty By MaINtaINING MedICatIoN CoMplIaNCe at leaSt 90% of tHe tIMe

Goal:   INdIVIdUalS WIll folloW tHRoUGH WItH SeRVICeS aS SCHedUled 95% of tHe tIMe.  

Program Location: Auburn, MEService Line: Developmental Disability ServicesDirector/Manager: Heather Bingelis / Carol Rioux

Goal 1 Outcome:

Overall, individuals served have experienced greater stability over the 6-month period. Subsequently hospitalizations have reduced dramatically. Staff have been consistent with monitoring medication compliance within the home environment.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Goal met or exceeded. Hospitalizations over the 6 month period were kept to a minimum. Again, the data suggest that increased compliance with medications reduced the likelihood of hospitalization.

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Program Location: Auburn, MEService Line: Developmental DisabilityDirector/Manager: Heather Bingelis/Sandy Irving

Adult Community Integration Services

LCS Community Integration Services supports individuals diagnosed with major mental illness. The services are designed to support the reduction in need for crisis intervention and subsequent acute care admissions.

Goal: INdIVIdUalS WIll INdepeNdeNtly aCCeSS aNd paRtICIpate WItH tHeIR MeNtal HealtH pRoVIdeRS at leaSt 75% of tHeIR SCHedUled appoINtMeNtS

Goal:    95% of INdIVIdUalS SeRVed WIll Not ReqUIRe IN-patIeNt CaRe

Goal 1 Outcome:

Goal achieved. The spike during August cannot be accounted for with data. The remaining months were consistent in terms of the percentage of times participants followed accessed mental health supports.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Individuals served have, overall, required fewer hospitalizations than is typical for the population served. However, we would like to draw a correlation between the consistency in attendance and participation with MH providers as a positive influence on overall stability and the resultant decrease in the need for acute care facilities. Individuals tracked consistently met or exceeded the benchmark monthly.

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DevelopmentalDisability Services

Disability Services focuses on each person’s unique talents and gifts. We are committed to offering the possibilities of self-determination, inclusion and individualized services for people with disabilities. We encourage individuals to make decisions.

Goal: INCReaSe INdIVIdUal INdepeNdeNt lIVING SkIllS

Goal:   INdIVIdUalS WIll paRtICIpate IN a CoMMUNIty aCtIVIty at leaSt 55% of tHe tIMe.

Program Location: Auburn, MEService Line: Developmental DisabilitiesDirector/Manager: Zoe Sweet/ Program Managers

Goal 1 Outcome:

Individuals show marked increase in their productivity, exceeding the benchmark, prompted by verbal and/or physical cues from the staff.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Individuals showed a steady increase, exceeding the benchmark, and participated in family events, Halloween parties, Thanksgiving community meals, and religious celebrations of their choosing.

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Program Location: Auburn, MEService Line: Developmental DisabilitiesDirector/Manager: Heather Bingelis/Jennifer Melanson

Adult Residential Private Non-MedicalInstitution (PNMI)

The Adult PNMI program provides 24/7 supervision and support to individuals diagnosed with chronic and persistent mental illness within a structured and secure setting. The program offers 17 beds within 5 homes/apartments.

Goal: INdIVIdUalS WIll Meet at leaSt 75% of MoNtHly GoalS foR MeNtal HealtH

Goal:    RedUCtIoN of ReSIdeNt fallS

Goal 1 Outcome:

Individuals served by the PNMI program are diagnosed with severe mental illness. They continue to work toward individual recovery within their home and community settings. September and October marking the greatest success for meeting identified goals and benchmarks around management of their mental illness.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Exceeding the benchmark, clients became more active within their communities, engaging in both social and employment opportunities. Several individuals actively participated in a peer run clubhouse using an employment based model.

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Section Title

Disability Services, NH

LSS Disability Services enable persons who are economically disadvantaged, have disabilities, chronic illness, mental illness, Deafness and other challenges to become and remain successful contributors to the communities in which they live and work.

Goal: Help INdIVIdUalS fINd aNd MaINtaIN CoMMUNIty INteGRated eMployMeNt aNd/oR VolUNteeR oppoRtUNItIeS

Goal:   Make pRoGReSS oN INdIVIdUal’S SeRVICe aGReeMeNt GoalS at leaSt 90% of tHe tIMe

Program Location: Concord, NHService Line: Disability ServicesDirector/Manager: Patricia J. Luoma

Goal 1 Outcome:

Individuals exceeded the benchmark, with more than 60% having found and maintained employment and/or volunteer occupations in their communities, as compared to 27% in a nationwide study by The National Core Indicators Project (NCIP.)

Goal 2 Outcome:

Individuals met the 90% benchmark set for each month of the 2nd quarter. Treatment teams have been working to make changes to goals where individuals are not making progress to help ensure success for all. In addition, several individuals did not like the chosen goals and were able to create new goals more in line with their future and career plans. These changes helped individuals to be more successful and more satisfied with their service goals.

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Program Location: Concord, NHService Line: In-Home CareDirector/Manager: Rebecca Hutchinson

In-Home Care, NH

The In-Home Care program provides non-medical assistance to Medicaid and private pay clients throughout New Hampshire. Assistance includes housekeeping, meal preparation and personal care. This care enables individuals to remain at home safe and independent.

Goal: to aCHIeVe aNd SUStaIN aN exeMplaRy leVel of CoNSUMeR SatISfaCtIoN foR HoMe CaRe ClIeNtS

Goal:    INdIVIdUalS ReMaIN at HoMe, Safe aNd INdepeNdeNt, foR aS loNG aS poSSIBle

Goal 1 Outcome:

LSS In-Home Care maintains a high level of customer satisfaction that often times exceeds the benchmark.

Goal 2 Outcome:

This is the first time we have reviewed data regarding how many of our clients remain at home until they are no longer able to be at home safely or have met their wish of remaining at home until end of life So far, there appears to be no clear trend. There are many factors that cause clients to leave our services, including when they choose to move to be nearer a family member. In this case, they have remained at home as long as they wish.

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Language Bank

The LanguageBank (LB) is a high quality, face-to-face language and American Sign Language interpretation and translation service. LB is used by wide range of New Hampshire professionals and the people they communicate with who have limited English proficiency or who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. It was created to provide medical, legal, and other professionals throughout the state.

Goal: INCReaSe tHe NUMBeR of INCIdeNCeS IN WHICH lB IS aBle to SeNd aN INteRpReteR to aNy appoINtMeNt (leGal, MedICal oR otHeR.)

Goal:   INCReaSe tHe pool of exotIC foReIGN laNGUaGe INteRpReteRS

Program Location: Concord, NHService Line: Services for New AmericansDirector/Manager: Amy Marchildon/Alen Omerbegovic

Goal 1 Outcome:

The LanguageBank increased meaningful use of mainstream resources by being able to send interpreters to any appointment from 96% to 98% of the time.

Goal 2 Outcome:

The LanguageBank is challenged to maintain meaningful use of mainstream resources regarding the availability of exotic foreign language interpreters as measured by the new hires compared to those already on staff.

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Program Location: Concord, NHService Line: Services for New AmericansDirector/Manager: Amy Marchildon/ Augustin Ntabaganyimana

Services forNew Americans, NH

LSS Services for New Americans offers refugees a range of support services to help new arrivals get on their feet quickly and become full, contributing members of the community. Services include case management, cultural adjustment, employment and job readiness training, English instruction, and volunteer support.

Goal: RefUGee CaSeS WIll Meet tHeIR expeNSeS aNd Be CoNSIdeRed fINaNCIally Self-SUffICIeNt.

Goal:    loWeR leVel eSol StUdeNtS aRe aBle to INCReaSe tHeIR SCoReS leadING to leVel adVaNCeMeNt WItHIN oNe yeaR.

Goal 1 Outcome:

Refugee cases will meet their expenses and be considered financially self-sufficient.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Lower level ESOL students are able to increase their scores leading to level advancement within one year.

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Section Title

Language Bank

The LanguageBank (LB) is a high quality, face-to-face language and American Sign Language interpretation and translation service. LB is used by wide range of New Hampshire professionals and the people they communicate with who have limited English proficiency or who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. It was created to provide medical, legal, and other professionals throughout the state.

Goal: INCReaSe tHe NUMBeR of INCIdeNCeS IN WHICH lB IS aBle to SeNd aN INteRpReteR to aNy appoINtMeNt (leGal, MedICal oR otHeR.)

Goal:   INCReaSe tHe pool of exotIC foReIGN laNGUaGe INteRpReteRS

Program Location: Concord, NHService Line: Services for New AmericansDirector/Manager: Amy Marchildon/Alen Omerbegovic

Goal 1 Outcome:

The LanguageBank increased meaningful use of mainstream resources by being able to send interpreters to any appointment from 96% to 98% of the time.

Goal 2 Outcome:

The LanguageBank is challenged to maintain meaningful use of mainstream resources regarding the availability of exotic foreign language interpreters as measured by the new hires compared to those already on staff.

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Good News GarageDonated Wheels

Good News Garage Donate Wheels program creates economic opportunity by providing affordable and reliable transportation options for people in need.

Goal: MaINtaIN HIGH peRCeNtaGe of CaRS WItHoUt WaRRaNty WoRk oR CoMeBaCkS IN tHe fIRSt MoNtH of WaRRaNty.

Goal:   MaINtaIN a HIGH peRCeNtaGe of ReCIpIeNtS RepoRtING aN IMpRoVeMeNt IN tHeIR eMployMeNt aS a ReSUlt of HaVING aCCeSS to RelIaBle tRaNSpoRtatIoN.

Program Location: Burlington, VT/Manchester, NHService Line: TransportationDirector/Manager: Paul Boone/Robert Buckley

Goal 1 Outcome:

The percentage of cars returned for maintenance in the first month of the warranty was kept close to or above goal four months out of the six months measured. Reliable transportation improves recipients ability to work without disruption or missed days.

Goal 2 Outcome:

The percentage of recipients reporting an improvement in their employment as a result of having access to reliable transportation remained close to or exceeded goal throughout with the exception of one month. Transportation enables individuals access to more employment opportunities, the ability to work a variety of hours, to obtain additional employment and the ability to become financially independent.

Page 31: LSS PQI Report - first half of FY 2012


Program Location: Burlington, VT/Manchester, NHService Line: TransportationDirector/Manager: Paul Boone/Kyle Toof

Good News GarageReady To Go

Ready To Go is a transportation program for individuals and families in Vermont. Much of Vermont is rural and most communities are not served by public transportation, which makes it all but impossible for families without a car to get to work, job training programs and childcare.

Goal: 95% ClIeNt SatISfaCtIoN Rate foR INteRaCtIoN WItH SCHedUlING Staff.

Goal:  Ready to Go dRIVeR IS CoURteoUS aNd ReSpeCtfUl.

Goal 1 Outcome:

Consistent positive interactions, averaging over 95%, between the clients we serve and the scheduling staff will be an indicator of quality service.

Goal 2 Outcome:

Goal exceeded nearly every month, with only one month’s 2% dip below the goal of 98% satisfaction. Courteous and respectful interactions consistent over time will attest to our driver’s professionalism and will enhance our ability to serve our clients.