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Low Fat Chikki

About Chikki

Chikki is an assorted sweet prepared in south Asian countries and popular in India especially in states of Maharashtra , Gujrat and southern India

About Chikki (Continued)

• Chikki is an product providing high energy and source of glucose providing immediate relief after tiresome activities like athletic sports , physical exercises

• It is a food product which is having higher calorie value.

• There are various brands all over indiaespecially Lonavla Chikki which is popular brand in india as well as abroad.

Varieties of Chikki

• Traditionally the Chikki prepared in various flavours and combinations.Popularly used are

• Groundnut

• Til/Sesame

• Coconut

• Almond

• Cashew

• Black Gram/Chana

Fats present in Chikki

• Currently Chikki available in market are having fat content

• The reason for high fat is

• Oil content in groundnuts , sesame and coconut which are used in preparation

• 100 gm of groundnut/sesame/coconut has 25 to 30 ml oil present(25 to 30%)

Low fat chikki

• Out of 25 to 30 % oil present,20 percent oil is removed from groundnuts/sesame/coconut

• Fats are required by our body hence instead of fat free, we remove some maximum fat and keep some

• All the fat is not removed

Advantages and Business Scope

Preferred For

• Health conscious people

• For Athletes and sports persons

• For people who want to try something new

Thus lot of business scope for Low Fat Chikki


• For Sesame/Til Chikki

• 150 gms sesame, 170 gms jaggery,60 gmssugar

• Other flavoring components like elaichi etc can be added

• For Groundnut/coconut chikki, we need 150 gms jaggery and 60 gms sugar


• Oil ExtractionConsider case of til chikkiFirst oil is extracted.Til is put in extractor in an hydraulic container and

pressure is applied to remove oil Further ProcessThe remaining contents are roasted Jaggery and sugar are heated to create a syrupAll the contents are mixed homogenously to prepare an

mixtureThey are put on tray and solidified, cut and packaged

Oil Extraction Images

• Following image shows manual oil extraction machine for oilseeds

Images for Chikki Preparation

• Following figure shows how the mixture of jaggery and Groundnut,Til are mixed , heated and assorted

Images for Chikki Preparation

Following is the image of low fat Chikki once when prepared and packed

Additional Things can be done


The product can be fortified with minerals like calcium,iron,phosporous


Various shapes can be given before packaging


Many flavors can be added to make this product popular example: strawberry

Videos and Links

• Click to watch video

For more details

Please visit

Vigyan Ashram

A/P Pabal , Taluka Shirur,

Pune district , Pin 412403

Phone: 91-2138-292326

Email :- [email protected]

Special Thanks to Home and Health section for providing useful guidance