Download pdf - Looking at Joomla! 3.3

  • 1. Looking at Joomla! 3.3 Michael BabkerProduction Leadership Team #jd14atl #joomla33

2. #jd14atl #joomla33 Looking at Joomla! 3.3& Beyond Michael BabkerProduction Leadership Team 3. #jd14atl #joomla33 Hi, Im Michael Army Veteran (Almost) PHP Geek Making Joomla! Sexy Since 2010 4. #jd14atl #joomla33 5. #jd14atl #joomla33 Missed Features Front-end Module Editing 6. #jd14atl #joomla33 Raised Requirements 3.3+ requires PHP 5.3.10+ 3.2 - extended security support thru October 2014 7. #jd14atl #joomla33 Features 8. #jd14atl #joomla33 Security $2y$10$J68yyH0vc5kyWuRrDi0EjuJ0Ek6lgDXh.U7GpMbWBlOEo3BFf8q6W $P$D4yAwNvMlRawx4hfPnVu9kuaGMuGhs1 9. #jd14atl #joomla33 Security BCrypt password hashing Two-Factor Authentication Improved Remember Me Flag users to reset passwords 10. #jd14atl #joomla33 Less MooToolsMore jQuery 11. #jd14atl #joomla33 Less MooToolsMore jQuery GSoC 2013 Project Started with 3.2 Over 25 script elements rewritten 12. #jd14atl #joomla33 Router Performance 13. #jd14atl #joomla33 Router Performance Improved caching OOP based router classes 14. #jd14atl #joomla33 Microdata 15. #jd14atl #joomla33 Microdata Improved SEO More accessible information 16. #jd14atl #joomla33 Cloud Storage APIs 17. #jd14atl #joomla33 Cloud Storage APIs Amazon S3 Dropbox Google Rackspace 18. #jd14atl #joomla33 Joomla! Framework Integration 19. #jd14atl #joomla33 Joomla! Framework Integration CLI Application Output Processors JRegistry -> JoomlaRegistryRegistry 20. #jd14atl #joomla33 Michael Babker Most stable Joomla! release, ever. 21. #jd14atl #joomla33 Responsive Web Design Content History Tags Extension Finder Rapid Application Development Third Party APIs Enhanced International Support Front End Conguration Security Redesigned Template Manager Improved Routers Multi-database Support Improved Unit Testing 2FA 22. #jd14atl #joomla33 Road to Release Beta 2 - April 8, 2014 Release Candidate - April 15, 2014 3.2.4/3.3.0 - April 22, 2014 23. #jd14atl #joomla33 How Can I Help? Testing 5540-joomla-cms-3-3-beta-released.html Marketing joomla-cms-33-beta-is-here.html 24. #jd14atl #joomla33 Looking at Joomla! 3.3& Beyond Michael BabkerProduction Leadership Team 25. #jd14atl #joomla34 Joomla! 3.4 July 15, 2014 26. #jd14atl #joomla34 Joomla! 3.4 Continued Microdata Implementation Front-End Module Editing Composer Integration Decouple com_weblinks 27. #jd14atl #joomla33 Discussion [email protected] #joomla34
