Page 1: London grammar  strong music video anyalsis

London Grammar- Strong

In this establishing shot it sets the scene and creates an atmosphere. It appears to look like some sort of dumping site so it sets a dirty and

dark image. The buildings in the background also help to tell the audience that it is in a big city.

This shot is a commercial exhibitionist as it shows the girl of London Grammar. Although they are not in the whole of the video they wanted to portray there image and ensure that they were part of this

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video somehow. Having close ups of them throughout the video ensures that they are part of the video and people know it’s them.

This is a birds eye view shows a man putting out equipment, as the audience we are not entirely sure why he is doing this and it doesn’t really make sense along with the music video either. We learn throughout the music video that there is a man wearing fire workecp

Page 3: London grammar  strong music video anyalsis

This shot shows the girl clenching onto her fathers shoulder. It can relate to the genre of song and to do with the theme idea of the song. It shows insecurity and the father/daughter relationship in this video.

This last shot shows a man dressed in a suit with fireworks coming out of him. This shot is very busy and bright and as the viewer it’s quite a lot to take in in one shot. This is a long shot as it includes the man and the fireworks coming out of him.
