  • 7/31/2019 London 2012 - East Brochure


  • 7/31/2019 London 2012 - East Brochure


    world class music

    Aldeburgh WorldOrchestra

    Experience a truly international

    musical event as the Aldeburgh World

    Orchestra brings together conductor, Sir

    Mark Elder and 119 o the most talented

    young musicians aged 1829 rom across

    the globe.

    Created or the London 2012 Festival

    the Aldeburgh World Orchestra will

    perorm some o the most thrillingmusic o the last 100 years, including

    a new commission. The orchestra will

    perorm in Suolk and then, ater a

    short European Tour, at the BBC Proms.

    In addition to the concerts there will

    be a series o installations created by

    young people using audio and video

    ootage given to them by members

    o the orchestra. There has also been

    a new ensemble created o the most

    talented young musicians rom the East

    o England. The whole programme will

    be celebrated when the installations are

    opened on 22 July and the Orchestra,

    Ensemble and the young people rom

    the Suolk based Exchanging Worlds

    groups will perorm.

    This programme builds on Aldeburgh

    Musics unrivalled reputation as an

    international centre or developing

    musical talent through the Britten-

    Pears Young Artist Programme.

    Aeuh Wo Ochesa

    20 Ju & 22 Ju

    Snape Maltings, Snape, Suolk

    Exchanin Wos Insaaions

    20 Juen o Au

    Snape Maltings, Snape, Suolk

    Exchanin Wos Enseme

    22 JuBritten Studio, Snape, Suolk

    Funded by Legacy Trust UK

    A London 2012 Festival event

    Photo: Some of the Musicians recruited to the

    Aldeburgh World Orchestra met at this years

    Britten-Pears Orchestras Easter course.

    Credit: Rob Marison

    Welcome to the CulturalOlympiad and London 2012Festival in the East of England

    Youre invited to celebrate the London 2012

    Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer

    with the culmination o the Cultural Olympiad.

    It is the largest cultural celebration in the

    history o the modern Olympic and Paralympic

    Movements. The past our years have already

    seen more than 18 million people all over the

    UK participating in or attending over 9,000

    perormances and more than 8,000 workshops

    as part o Cultural Olympiad. Now is your chance

    to be part o this once-in-a-lietime experience.

    We are proud that the programme across the

    East combines both local and global themes

    and celebrates our heritage as well as our

    international connections. From Legacy Trust

    UK and Arts Council supported classical music

    at Aldeburgh to regional carnival celebrations,and rom extraordinary exhibitions to outdoor

    arts experiences such as Robert Wilsons

    Walking, it oers something or everyone

    this spectacular summer.


    to nd out more and here is a favour o

    whats on near you

    Join in thenational

    celebration thissummer theressomething foreveryone

    Arts Council England is

    proud to be a principal

    under o the Cultural

    Olympiad and the London

    2012 Festival the nale

    o the Cultural Olympiad.

    Cover: clockwise rom top let

    Photo: The Crash of the Elysium.

    Credit: Tristram Kento

    Photo: How Like an Angel,

    Circa and I Fagolini. Credit:

    Norolk & Norwich Festival

    Photo: Sparks Will Fly, Essex

    County Council and Chelmsford

    CouncilCredit: Paul Tait

    Photo: The Search for Immortality

    Tomb Treasures of Han China.

    Credit: Fitzwilliam Museum,Cambridge

    .2012./ .../ 3

  • 7/31/2019 London 2012 - East Brochure


    On Landguard PointPacitti Companys On Landguard Pointis the East o England

    Artists Taking the Lead commission the UK Arts Councils fagship

    programme or the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. Inspired by the

    regions culture and history, the project explores the places we call

    home and how we think about these.

    artists taking the lead

    A Peoples Peculiar

    Pacitti Company has been gathering

    stories about the East o England since

    2011. A new permanent exhibition

    presents these tales. From these stories

    205 symbols, representing the character

    and history o the region, were selected

    and handcrated into silver charms. The

    symbols are also presented in a digital

    and interactive way in the exhibition

    and online where you can even add

    your own entry.

    Open now

    Abbots Hall,

    Museum o East Anglian Lie,


    Photo: On Landguard Point

    Credit: Pacitti Company

    On Landguard Pointhas created a lm

    about home. Perormance, prose, myth,music and stunning visuals eature

    alongside contributions rom people

    across the region. It will show at selected

    cinemas and venues across the East.

    There are additional Q&A sessions

    with Robert Pacitti on 21 and 23 June.

    .../ .2012./

    21 Jun

    Ipswich Film Theatre, Suolk

    23 Jun

    Harwich Electric Palace, Essex

    1215 Ju

    BAFTA Tent, Latitude Festival,

    Southwold, Suolk

    17 Ju

    Watord Palace Theatre, Hertordshire

    2 Sep

    Cinema City Norwich, Norolk

    9 Sep

    Arts Picturehouse, Cambridgeshire

    A London 2012 Festival event

    Photo: On Landguard Point

    Credit: Pacitti Company


  • 7/31/2019 London 2012 - East Brochure


    Carnival CrossroadsEast Bound

    The UK Centre or Carnival Arts has

    brought together perormers and

    artists rom ve communities

    (Southend-On-Sea, Norwich, Luton,

    Ipswich and Cambridge) to work with

    nationally renowned carnival artists.

    Together they have exchanged ideas,

    designs and creative techniques that

    make carnivals a success.Carnival Crossroads will culminate in

    a 500 strong parade with people rom

    across the East o England perorming at

    the Luton International Carnival as part

    o the Love Luton 2012 Festival.

    An exhibition will showcase highlights

    o the extensive Carnival Crossroads

    programme. This will include ootage and

    photos rom the event as well as props.

    Caniva Cossoas Paae: 8 Ju

    Luton town centre

    Exhiiion: 224 Au

    UK Centre or Carnival Arts

    Funded by Legacy Trust UK

    A London 2012 Festival event

    outdoor spectaculars

    Sparks will FlySparks will Flyis a cultural estival in

    Essex or everyone to celebrate the 2012

    Games. More than 100,000 people will

    enjoy playing a part in this county-wide

    spectacle. You can join them at the events

    which take place in Essex throughout the

    summer. The three-month celebration

    will culminate in a large scale pyrotechnic

    perormance in Hylands Park on 6 July.

    Carnival andOutdoor EventsGet right to the heart o celebrations with

    a series o events and parades. You can

    learn more about how carnivals are planned,

    designed and created and play your own part

    in an outdoor extravaganza during our Cultural

    Olympiad celebrations.


    Across Essex

    A London 2012 Festival event

    Photo: Sparks will Fly, Essex County Council

    and Chelmsford Council

    Credit: Paul Tait

    oto: Carnival Crossroads

    edit: Pax Nindi, UK Centre or

    rnival Arts

    7.../ .2012./

  • 7/31/2019 London 2012 - East Brochure


    Treasures of China

    This exhibition presents more than 70

    treasures rom Nanjing Museum in China.

    The historic objects explore the rise o

    Imperial China. Travel in time rom the

    earliest tombs to the reign o the Last

    Emperor a journey that spans 4,500

    years o Chinese history. Treasures of

    China is being co-curated by students

    rom The Gilberd School in Essex.

    30 Jun6 Jan 2013

    Colchester Castle

    A London 2012 Festival event

    Photo: Cicada on Jade Leaf

    Credit: Nanjing Museum, project made possible

    by Essex County Council and Jiangsu ProvincialGovernment in China


    Devised by young

    people, this weekend

    brings a series o public

    events, workshops and

    interventions around the

    theme o Skin together.

    The showcase will include

    an artists installation in

    the Castle Gardens.

    2122 JuNorwich Castle Museum

    and Art Gallery

    The Search

    for Immortality:Tomb Treasuresof Han China

    Discover the secrets o ancient Chinas

    2,000-year-old tombs at the most

    important exhibition o royal treasures

    ever seen outside China. More than 350

    jade, gold and ceramic items reveal the

    hidden world o the tombs and create

    a remarkable display o East Asian

    antiquity in the East o England.

    5 May11 Nov

    The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

    A London 2012 Festival event

    Around theWorld inEighty Objects

    Celebrate Lutons diversity

    with this exhibition based

    on the international

    characteristics o local

    collections. There are over

    100 recognised languages

    spoken in Luton and this

    also refects the many

    countries competing in the

    London 2012 Olympic and

    Paralympic Games.

    3 Ju9 Sep

    Wardown Park Museum

    Stories of the WorldDiscover some o the worlds greatest hidden treasures brought

    to the East o England as part o the London 2012 Festival.

    Eastern Exchanges reveals the secrets o Chinas ancient tombs,

    celebrates Lutons diverse cultural history and tells the story o

    China in the East.

    China inthe East

    This is a touring exhibition

    with a dierence,

    showcasing the rich Chinese

    collections across museums

    in the region. The precious

    objects are brought to lie

    by new media displays

    created by young people.

    7 Ju25 Sep

    Epping Forest District



    5 Oc2 Jan 2013

    Ipswich Town Hall

    Uni 16 Ma 2013

    Hertord Museum

    Photo: China in the East

    Credit: Courtesy o Epping

    Forest District Museum

    extraordinary exhibitions

    9.../ .2012./

  • 7/31/2019 London 2012 - East Brochure


    Art in unusual placesLive Art Collective East is an artist-led organisation based in the East

    o England. This summer they will deliver eight commissions as part

    o the Cultural Olympiad. The projects refect an exciting array o

    brand new collaborations, solo creations, community engagement

    and site-specic work.

    Find out more about all eight commissions at

    and see ull listings at the back o this brochure.

    Hopscotchto VictoryHelp set the world record

    or the most people

    playing hopscotch in

    the same place, at the

    same time. Inspired by

    the London 2012 Games,

    Richard DeDomenici

    and Caroline Wright are

    recruiting hundreds o

    participants o all ages to

    take part in this celebration

    o hopping, stepping,

    throwing and jumping.

    30 Jun

    Castle Park, Colchester

    StandstillAmidst the renetic

    excitement o the London

    2012 Games, Abi Cunlie

    invites you to slow

    down, stand still, pause,

    meander and breathe.

    Experimenting with

    sound and silence, ound

    objects and glimpses

    through windows, Abi will

    create a space to capture

    a moment or yoursel

    inside a beach hut in


    12 & 89 SepBrightlingsea

    Photo: Standstill, Live Art

    Collective East

    Credit: Lynn Bolton

    Out of WaterA site-specic perormance

    made or Holkham Beach

    in Norolk as part o the

    London 2012 Festival.

    A group o singers and

    swimmers look out

    towards the horizon.

    Is somebody lost at sea?

    Created by Helen Paris and

    Caroline Wright with a

    new score by Jocelyn Pook,

    stories o endeavour, o

    swimming, o sinking

    interweave with haunting

    music in the early morning

    light on one o Englandsmost glorious beaches.

    2527 Au

    Holkham Beach, Norolk

    A London 2012 Festival event

    UnlimitedGlobal Alchemy

    The results o a collaboration between

    artist Rachel Gadsden and the South

    Arican Bambanani artist-activist group,

    this series o artworks oer visceral and

    oten poetic perspectives on what it

    means to experience disabling conditions

    and to ght openly or lie in the ace o

    social taboos.

    Now coming to the UK or the rsttime this lie-arming and timely

    collaboration is a celebration o survival

    against the odds.

    22 Jun18 Au

    Museum o Archaeology and

    Anthropology, Cambridge

    A London 2012 Festival event

    Photo: Bongiwe Mba

    Credit: Rachel Gadsden

    Godiva Awakes

    Godiva Awakes is one o 12 commissions

    in the UK Arts Councils fagship Cultural

    Olympiad project, Artist Taking the

    Lead. It has been made by mechanics,

    artists, theatre makers, puppeteers and

    engineers. Godiva is reborn in aluminium

    and carbon bre. She will make her

    journey rom Coventry to London

    dressed in a coat crated by local artists

    and undergarments designed by Zandra

    Rhodes. Godiva Awakes is part o theArtists Taking the Lead public commissions

    and is created by Imagineer Productions.

    2 Au

    St Georges Square Luton

    3 Au

    Birchwood Leisure Centre, Hateld

    4 Au

    Town Centre, Waltham Abbey

    art in unusual placesspectacular summer

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    norolk & norwich estival commissions or the london 2012 estival

    Robert Wilson:Walking

    This major collaboration with visionary

    director and artist Robert Wilson is Norolk

    & Norwich Festivals landmark contribution

    to the London 2012 celebrations. Wilson

    works with Dutch visual artist Theun Mosk

    and theatre maker Boukje Schweigman to

    explore and redene our relationship with

    the landscape.

    You can experience sculpture andinstallations set against the backdrop o

    Norolks sweeping scenery, creating a

    unique artistic experience. The event will

    encompass a stunning three-mile stretch

    o the coastline with a display o sounds

    and visual installations all contributing

    to a thought-provoking contrast between

    the perormance and the landscape.

    Circa/I Fagiolini:How Like An Angel

    Fusing Circas exhilarating brand o

    contemporary circus with the exquisite

    sound o I Fagiolinis singing, How Like An

    Angelcelebrates the beauty and grandeur

    o two o the Easts stunning cathedrals.

    Join perormers and singers on a magical

    journey o discovery around these sacred

    spaces. Intensely beautiul music and

    eats o astonishing acrobatics draw youdeep into a world o physical daring and

    soaring sound, against a backdrop o

    stunning architecture.

    Australian company Circa are at the

    oreront o reinventing circus, combining

    traditional and re-imagined circus skills

    with sound, light and projection. Circa

    Director Yaron Litchitz collaborates or

    the rst time with Robert Hollingworth,

    Director o UK-based vocal ensemble I

    Fagiolini, who have travelled worldwide

    with their perormances o Renaissance

    and contemporary music.

    2628 Jun

    Norwich Cathedral

    23 Ju

    Ely Cathedral

    A London 2012 Festival event

    Photo: Circa

    Credit: Charlotte Vogel

    20 Au2 Sep

    Holkham, near



    Funded by Legacy Trust UK

    A London 2012 Festival event

    Photo: Walking

    Credit: Jemma Mickelburgh/Roel Dalhuisen,Norolk & Norwich Festival

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    The Crash ofThe Elysium

    Award-winning and internationally

    acclaimed theatre pioneers Punchdrunk

    create a live Doctor Who adventure. You

    will be the stars o the 60-minute show.

    The Crash of the Elysium premiered

    at the 2011 Manchester International

    Festival to great acclaim and will be

    revived at the Ipswich Art Festival Ip-art

    this summer or three weeks only. During

    this time you can choose the kind o

    show you want to take part in, selecting

    rom school perormances suitable

    or ages 812, amily perormance

    suitable or ages 712, and ater darkperormances designed or age 13 and


    Advance booking strongly recommended

    as capacity is strictly limited.

    15 Jun8 Ju

    Ipswich town centre

    A London 2012 Festival event

    Photo: The Crash of The Elysium

    Credit: Tristram Kenton

    Big Dance2012Big Dance 2012 is the UKs

    biggest ever celebration o dance.

    Its designed to get everyone

    involved including those who

    already dance, people who want

    to dance and those who just

    want to soak up the atmosphere.

    Events take place in both

    traditional and unusual spaces

    across the UK where you can

    experience dance in all its orms.

    HIgHlIgHtS INClUdE:

    Big Dance 2012:IpswichA antastic ortnight o workshops

    and perormances will be held at the

    DanceEast Speigeltent in Christchurch

    Park, including everything rom

    childrens workshops to pilates, belly

    dancing and street dance. You canalso enjoy cabaret and retro disco

    and great perormances will also take

    place at the Jerwood DanceHouse on

    the waterront, including Flamenco

    Express and The Demon Barbers.

    114 Ju


    Funded by Legacy Trust UK

    A London 2012 Festival event

    Photo: Time Gentleman Please!

    Credit: Demon Barbers

    Time Gentleman Please!The Demon BarbersBig Dance Regional TourThe UKs No.1 Folk and Hip-Hop Dance

    Extravaganza! Some o the UKs oldest

    dance orms are brought bang up to

    date as they collide with some o the

    youngest, in an ast-paced new andinnovative show bringing together some

    o the UKs top olk, clog, sword and

    Morris dancers with their counterparts

    rom the worlds o B-boying, popping,

    krump and beatbox.

    714 Ju

    Various locations across the region

    get dancingplay your part

    Funded by Legacy Trust UK

    A London 2012 Festival event

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    This nationwide project helps young

    people nd the space they need to do

    the things they love within sport, culture

    and the arts. Get involved any time i you

    are a young person who needs ree space

    to pursue your passion, or a space-holder

    who wishes to donate to the project.

    Get in touch and look out or events and

    showcase opportunities

    OnoinAcross the East o England

    Funded by Legacy Trust UK

    Untrue Island:A Response toOrford Nessby Arnie Somogyi,Robert Macfarlane and

    Jane & Louise Wilson

    Writer Robert Macarlane, jazz musician

    Arnie Somogyi and visual artists Jane

    & Louise Wilson explore Orord Ness

    through a series o site specic projects.The artists have responded individually

    and collaboratively to this internationally

    important nature reserve with its

    ascinating and at times disturbing

    history as a site or experimentation

    during the Cold War.

    830 Ju

    Orord Ness, Suolk

    A London 2012 Festival event

    Summer ReadingChallenge

    This summer you can be part o the

    UKs biggest reading event or children.

    Simply step into a Story Lab at your

    local library and start an adventure o

    the imagination that knows no limits.

    Thousands o amilies rom all over the

    country get involved in this annual

    event so dont miss out.

    14 Ju9 Sep

    Various locations across the region

    A London 2012 Festival event

    spectacular summer

    All the Bells

    On Friday 27 July people will rise across

    the UK to celebrate the day the London

    2012 Games begin by taking part in Martin

    Creeds Work No.1197: All the Bells in the

    country rung as quickly and as loudly as

    possible or three minutes at 8.12am.

    27 Ju

    Across the UK

    A London 2012 Festival event

    Photo:All the Bells

    Credit: Chris Watt

    176 .../

    Pop-Up Cinemaat the Big WeekendCelebrate the arrival o the Olympic Torch

    in Cambridge with eature lms, locally-

    produced shorts and amily avourites.

    78 Ju

    Parkers Piece, Cambridge

    Silents on the StreetsCelebrate the close o the London 2012

    Festival and get set or the Cambridge

    Film Festival with an evening o open-air

    screenings in historic Cambridge

    9 Sep

    Magdalene Street, Cambridge

    Saffron Screen on the GreenA night o lm or all the amily,

    including a new eature, short lms

    and rare archive ootage showcasing

    Saron Walden rom days gone by.

    8 Sep

    Saron Walden Common

    Photo: Screen Team Audience Fitzwilliam Museum

    Credit: Tom Catchesides

    Screen TeamCambridge Film Trust and their Screen Team initiative presents

    stunning cinema screenings in unusual places this summer. The Screen

    Team is an innovative events and training programme which has

    inspired young people rom across the region to take part behind the

    scenes and screens presenting these special events.

    JuSep 2012 /

    ilm events

    Funded by Legacy Trust UK

    .2012./ 17

    Hansel of FilmA Hansel o Film Shetland to

    Southampton and Back is a series o

    short lms screenings that celebrate the

    London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic

    Games. Each has been made by

    members o the public across the UK.

    7 Ju


    8 Ju


    A London 2012 Festival event

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    torch & paralympic torch

    Olympic Torch Relay andParalympic Flame CelebrationsWelcome the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay and Paralympic Flame

    Celebrations as they pass through the region in July and August.


    A choir o 500 residents will accompany

    white winged gures rom Close Actasthey carry the fame.

    3 Ju

    Embankment, Peterborough


    Perormance groups will entertain

    along the route and the Pulse project

    will provide audio and visual evening


    4 Ju

    Chapelelds Gardens, Norwich


    Two new commissions organised jointly

    by DanceEast and Aldeburgh Music willset the scene or the Torch to arrive.

    5 Ju

    Christchurch Park, Ipswich


    The Olympic Torch celebration will have

    a spectacular nish with the Sparks willFlynale.

    6 Ju

    Hylands Park, Chelmsord


    A spectacular carnival-style procession

    brings the our-month community arts

    project,A Field for Dreams, to an end.

    7 Ju

    Parkers Piece, Cambridge


    A procession o 500 people in the

    Carnival Crossroads parade and the Love

    Luton Festival will welcome the Torch.

    8 Ju

    Popes Meadow, Luton

    Photo: East Meets West 2008, Walk the Plank

    Credit: Essex County Council

    Paralympic FlameCelebrations

    The Paralympic Flame celebrations will

    see the whole o the UK celebrate the

    positive impact o human endeavour.

    Four separate fames will be lit in

    London, Greater Belast, Edinburgh

    and Cardi beore they are united to

    create the Paralympic Flame at Stoke

    Mandeville. There will be Paralympic fame

    celebrations in every county in the Easto England and people are encouraged

    to develop their own lantern celebrations


    2428 Au



    HIgHlIgHtS INClUdE:

    Suffolk ParalympicFlame Celebrations

    Suolk will host the Paralympic Flamein Needham Market on 24 August with

    a amily ocussed community celebration

    eaturing a range o artist-led workshops,

    sports activities, stilt walkers, tightrope

    walkers, entertainers and impromptu

    perormances all themed around the

    London 2012 Paralympic Games.

    24 Au

    Needham Lake, Needham Market or

    london 2012 olympic torch and paralympic lame celebrations

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    a w

    e oj

    3 Ju9 Sep: WardownPark Museum, LutonFREE

    r r w

    34 Ju: WestRoad Concert Hall,CambridgeTicketed

    a w

    e oj

    3 Ju9 Sep: WardownPark MuseumFREE

    o t r


    4 Ju: ChapeleldGardens, NorwichFREE

    o t

    r i

    5 Ju: IpswichFREE

    s s

    5 Ju9 Sep:Various locationsFREE


    6 Ju: WestonAuditorium, HateldTicketed

    t s


    6 Ju: rstsite, ColchesterFREE

    beat c

    6 Ju: Histon andImpingtonTicketed


    7 Ju: CambridgeTicketed

    b d: e

    e s

    J n

    6 Ju: NorwichPlayhouseTicketed

    b d:


    6 Ju: NorwichPlayhouseTicketed


    p c


    6 Ju:Kings CollegeChapel, CambridgeTicketed


    6 Jul:


    t b w

    & b d

    68 Ju: Parkers Piece,CambridgeFREE

    s :


    6 Ju: Hylands Park,ChelmsordFREE

    c e

    7 Ju: Epping ForestDistrict Museum,Waltham Abbey



    7 Ju: The ArkCommunity Theatre,BorehamwoodTicketed

    o t r


    7 Ju: Parkers Piece,CambridgeFREE

    p-u c

    78 Ju: Parkers Piece,CambridgeFREE

    t g


    714 Ju:Various locationsTicketed

    s h


    7 Ju29 Sep:Braintree DistrictMuseum, BraintreeTicketed

    c c

    e b p

    8 Ju: Luton (Part oLove Luton Festival)FREE

    o t r


    8 Ju: Popes Meadow,LutonTicketed

    t s


    8 Ju: HertordshireYouth Games,HateldFREE

    t s


    8 Ju: HertordshireYouth Games,HateldFREE


    8 Ju:Aldeburgh CinemaTicketed

    u i

    830 Ju: Orord Ness,SuolkTicketed

    b d: e


    s J


    9 Ju: The Junction,CambridgeTicketed

    b d: e

    e s

    J h

    9 Ju: Watord PalaceTheatreTicketed

    b d: e

    e s

    J s

    1012 Ju: JerwoodDance House, IpswichTicketed

    b d: e

    e s

    J b

    11 Ju: University oBedordshire TheatreTicketed

    b d: e

    e s

    J p12 Ju: Key Theatre,PeterboroughTicketed

    e w


    12 Ju: LatitudeFestival, SouthwoldTicketed

    v p

    1215 Ju: LatitudeFestival, SouthwoldTicketed

    o l


    1215 Ju:BAFTA Tent, LatitudeFestival, SouthwoldTicketed

    b d: d


    14 Ju: Waltham CrossFREE

    b s


    14 Ju: JaylympicsFREE



    16 Ju7 Sep:Campus West ArtGallery, WelwynGarden CityFREE

    o l


    17 Ju: WatordPalace TheatreTicketed

    v p

    1922 Ju: SecretGarden Party,CambridgeshireTicketed

    a w

    o c

    20 Ju & 22 Ju:

    Aldeburgh Music,Snape, SuolkTicketed

    e w


    20 Juen Au:Snape Maltings,SuolkFREE

    e e

    s w

    2122 Ju: NorwichCastle Museum andArt GalleryTicketed

    e w


    22 Ju: Britten Studio,Snape, SuolkTicketed

    w a g d22 Ju: SainsburyCentre or Visual Arts,NorwichFREE

    a b

    27 Ju: Various venuesFREE

    frOM AUgUSt

    c c


    224 Au: UK Centrefor Carnival Arts, Luton


    g a,


    2 AuFREE

    g a,


    3 AuFREE

    g a,

    w a

    4 AuFREE

    c c

    c c

    4 Au: Slack Space,ColchesterFREE

    c o


    5 Au: Cedars Park,Waltham CrossFREE

    r w


    20 Au2 Sep: NorolkTicketed

    v p

    2526 Au:Cambridge FilmFestivalTicketed

    o w

    2527 Au: Holkham

    Beach, NorolkTicketed



    c hz

    25 Au: SnapeMaltings, SuolkTicketed

    frOM SEPtEMbEr


    12 & 89 Sep:Brightlingsea


    o l p

    2 Sep: Cinema CityNorwichTicketed

    s s

    g8 Sep: Saron WaldenCommon, EssexFREE


    8 Sep: Out ThereFestival, GreatYarmouthFREE

    o l p 9 Sep: Cambridge ArtsPicturehouse,FREE

    b m

    9 Sep: VariouslocationsTicketed



    9 Sep: CambridgeFREE



    29 Sep:The Junction,CambridgeFREE

    frOM OCtObEr



    c e

    5 Oc2 Jan 2013:Ipswich Town HallFREE



    c e

    JanMa 2013:Hertord MuseumFREE

    We have not been able to list all the

    projects happening this summer inthis brochure. A ull listings o what is

    happening in the East o England can be

    ound at www.isinohechaeneeas.

    While every eort has been made to

    ensure the accuracy o these listings please

    check details with each venue whenplanning your visits.

    You can also access a lot o this summers

    cultural activity on The Space, a new way

    to access and experience all o the arts

    or ree. Available on computer, tablet,smartphone and connected TV, The Space

    invites you to take part in the biggest

    summer o arts the UK has ever seen,

    whenever you want it and whereveryou happen to be. www.hespace.o

    The London 2012 Creative Programmeror the East o England is Liz Hughes.

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  • 7/31/2019 London 2012 - East Brochure


    Aou he Cuua Oympia an lonon 2012 fesiva

    The London 2012 Cultural Olympiad is the largest cultural celebration in the history o the modern

    Olympic and Paralympic Movements. Spread over our years, it is designed to give everyone in the

    UK a chance to be part o London 2012 and inspire creativity across all orms o culture, especially

    among young people. The culmination o the Cultural Olympiad is the London 2012 Festival, a

    spectacular 12-week nationwide celebration bringing together leading artists rom across the

    world with the very best rom the UK, running rom 21 June until 9 September 2012. For more

    details on the programme visit

    Arts Council England

    14 Great Peter StreetLondon SW1P 3NQ

    www.ascounci.o.ukEmail: [email protected]

    Phone: 0845 300 6200

    Textphone: 020 7973 6564

    Charity registration no 1036733

    You can get this publication in Braille, in large

    print, on audio CD and in electronic ormats.

    Please contact us i you need any o these ormats.

    To download this publication, or or the

    ull list o Arts Council England publications,


    As Counci Enan, May 2012

    As Counci Enan is proud to be aPrincipal Funder and supporter o the

    Cultural Olympiad and London 2012 Festival.

    The Arts Council champions, develops and

    invests in artistic and cultural experiences

    that enrich peoples lives. We support a range

    o activities across the arts, museums and

    libraries - rom theatre to digital art, reading

    to dance, music to literature, and crats tocollections.

    leacy tus UK is delighted to be a Principal

    Funder o the Cultural Olympiad and London

    2012 Festival and unds cultural, sporting

    and educational projects in communities

    across the UK that are inspired by London

    2012. Legacy Trust UK supports a wide range

    o activities rom street art to volunteering,

    music to animation, school sports to dance

    and digital art to estivals.

    the Oympic loey disiuo is proudto be a Principal Funder o the Cultural

    Olympiad and is supporting a number o

    the major projects and events which will

    be part o the Cultural Olympiad and its

    culmination, the London 2012 Festival.

    bP is delighted to be a Premier Partner o theLondon 2012 Cultural Olympiad. Building on its 30

    year support o the arts, BP is working with its arts

    partners, the Royal Opera House, British Museum,

    National Portrait Gallery and Tate Britain, to

    help involve millions o people in the Cultural

    Olympiad and its nale, the London 2012 Festival.

    bt is proud to be a Premier Partner o theLondon 2012 Cultural Olympiad and to be

    enabling millions o people to have a antastic

    London 2012 experience through music and art

    events. BT River o Music welcomes the world to

    London with a once-in-a-lietime weekend o

    ree music at landmarks along the River

    Thames. And the National Portrait

    Gallery/BT Road to 2012 project

    celebrates those who are

    collectively making the

    London 2012 Olympicand Paralympic

    Games happen.

    Premier Partners o the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad