
LockPicking & LockSportAleksandar Mirkovic

Association eSigurnost

About me

u CISO / DPO in Banks for last few years

u Founder of eSigurnost Association – biggest Information Security

community in Serbia

u Board member of IT Expert Witness Association

u Information Security trainer (EcCouncil, ISC2, Comptia)

u Cyber Security and Digital Forensics consultant

u Passionate fisherman, climber and alcohol tester

What is lock picking?

u Lock picking is the art of unlocking a lock by manipulating the

components of the lock device without the original key. (Wikipedia)

u Preformed by locksmiths, criminals and as a hobby (locksport)

u Criminals and hobbyists use the same tools (Interesting)

Why is this important for INFOSEC?

u In short words: Digital information security has no meaning without

physical security

u Firewall rules can’t prevent breaking and entering.

u Covert entry is even worse.

u Lockpicking is nondestructive method of defeating a locking mechanism

u Locksportists – signifcant % comes from InfoSec

Locksport Ethics

u Never pick a lock that is in use

u Only open locks that belong to you or you were given permission by an


u The security needs of others must be preserved.

u All activities take place within boundaries of respectability, integrity and


How do locks work?

How do locks work?

How do locks work?

How do locks work?

Lock Picking Tools – Manual picking

How to use it and pick a lock?

How to use it and pick a lock?

Lock Picking Tools – Raking

Lock Picking Tools – Bump key

Lock Picking Tools – Bump key

Lock Picking Tools – Bump / Snap Gun

Lock Picking Tools – Shimming

Other Lock Types – All pickable

Security Pins

Security Pins

Security Pins

Where to start?

u Tools:

u Cheap sets: Gearbest & Banggood

u Toool

u Sparrows

u MadBob

u eSigurnost Association


Welcome to your new addiction

