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For the RnB genre it is common to see artists on stage either performing or receiving an award. Also there are a few snapshots of artists at concerts or award ceremony's. Within these images all that is seen is the microphone which is iconography for a music artists. Also the background of where the shots are taken which is either on stage or standing on the red carpet in front of the wall that tells you who sponsors the particular ceremony. This presents the artists while they are performing for their audience, it also shows you their face expressions whilst they are singing and hitting the correct notes as they do. The reasons why the shots are taken in a range where you can see their face expression is perhaps so that the audience can feel as though they are there at the concert as well, sharing the moments with the other fans too. The use of the location creates the sense of representation for the artists as being famous and also taps into the audiences desire to be like them and perform like them. The shots are often shot mid while the artist is singing so it gives it the effect of realism for the audience.

In RnB magazines like; Vibe, RnB, Blender we see a range of different images from artists in the music industry in outside locations like on roads, in front of cars, standing with the sun blazing down onto them and even at night giving the feel that they are going out for a night with friends. This gives it the effect of realism and being caught by paparazzi or even taking pictures with friends or relatives. It makes you realise that they are normal people still even though they are famous and well known to others, also you see that they are down to earth and knows exactly how to have a good time. Some of images look as though they are going out to the shops or to visit family or friends for example Mary J Blige’s image shows this explanation clearly.