Page 1: Living the present with passion CONSECRATED Welcome to the ... · Welcome to the Year of Consecrated Life! October 24, 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters,consecrated people, seminarians,

Living the present with passion...

Welcome to the Year of Consecrated Life!

Oct ob er 24, 201 4

Dear Br oth ers an d Si s t e r s ,

Pea ce be wi t h you !

The Lor d has ch osen us t o be conse cr a ted fr om be fo re we

were b orn ( s ee Jer emia h 1 :5) , and t ha t conse cr a t i on was br ou ght t o frui t i on in our Bapt i s m. P ope Fran ci s has de clare d a Year of Conse cra ted Li fe f r om Nove mb er 30, 2014 t o Febr uar y 2 , 201 6, s o tha t we can ce l ebra te the gi ft of conse cra t i on, and espe cia l l y s o tha t we ma y gi v e than ks for t h ose women and me n wh o h a ve a l read y resp ond ed t o a ca l l t o a spe ci a l conse cra t i on t o ser ve God’s pe ople i n the i r w i tness of p over t y, chas t i t y an d obedie n ce . Th e Year i s a gr ea t opp or tuni t y t o fos ter a s t r on g cul ture of vocat i ons in our d i ocese , s o th a t the Chur ch ma y

a lwa ys ben e fi t fr om the gi f t s an d wi tn ess of conse cr a ted pers ons .

Our Chur ch owes a gre a t debt of gra t i tu de t o th os e wh o a ns wered God’ s ca l l t o ser ve hi m as Rel i gi ous Si s t e r s , Br ot he rs , and pr ies t s . We al s o ce l ebra te other for ms of conse cra t ed l i fe : c onse cr a ted vi r gins l ivi n g in the wor l d an d her mi t s . The i n vi s ib l e su pp or t the y gi ve us a l l in pra ye r and sa cr i fi ce can n ot be me asure d, and we thank th em for i t . Our s ch ool s , hea l t h care i ns t i tu t i ons , s oc ia l ser v ice pr ogra ms, an d man y oth er mini s t r i es ha ve thr i ved i n the i r abi l i t y to ser ve be cause of

the lovin g an d fa i th - fi l l ed d edi ca t i on of these wo nder ful women and men.

Mor e than what t he y d o, h owe ver , i s the wi tn ess th e y gi ve . In a wor ld tha t oft en th i nks fi r s t of pr of i t s an d a cqui r in g mor e and more goods , the y sh ow us the j o y of l i v in g s i mpl y in d epen d en ce on God. In a cul ture t ha t i s obsess ed wi th se x, the y sh ow us t ha t t rue and j o yful love i s p oss ible in chas t i t y. In a context where i ndi vi dual s a r e focused on the msel ve s and the i r own per s onal ch oi ces , th e y sh ow u s the beaut y of sub mi t t in g on e’s wi l l in fre ed om t o a commu ni t y , and ul t i mat e l y t o

the Lor d, in ob edie n ce .

Th ou gh the nu mb ers of th ose l i vi n g as cons e cra te d pers ons ma y ha ve dimini shed in re ce nt de cad es , our Yea r of Conse cr a ted Li fe can gi ve us a l l t he i mpet us t o on ce a gain be g t he Lord of t he har ves t t o se nd out h i s be l ove d l ab ore rs , to work wi t h our you n g p e ople in d i s cer nin g the i r vocat i ons , and t o l i ve our l i ves in Ch r i s t w i th dedi ca t i on and gr ea t j oy!

God bl ess you a l l ! And God bles s espe cia l l y our conse cra ted s i s t e r s and br ot hers – pas t , pr esent , a nd fut ure !

Sin cere l y you rs in Chr i s t ,

Most Re veren d Lar r y Si l va B i s h o p o f H o n o l u l u


The Church

is Born!

With gra tef ul

rem embrance. . .

A hand-hewn well become an

underground parking lot; a hut of pili grass

become the majestic

c o r a l s t o n e Cathedral Basilica of

Our Lady of Peace.

Can you imagine?

It was upon this

land acquired from

King Kamehameha III by a

Frenchman in 1827, and given to

the lay Sacred Hearts Brothers

that the Honolulu Catholic Mission began

and the daily life of the church grew. From 1831-1836, the Sacred

Hearts priests were banished from

Hawaii. The Brothers continued their trades and cared for their

gardens, which included the first

algaroba –kiawe tree in the islands

planted by Father Alexis Bachelot. In 1839 religious liberty was

granted. On August 15, 1843 the new

Cathedral was blessed. 1893 gave witness

to a new era of religious peace with the

inauguration of the statue of Our Lady

of Peace. During WWII, many mi l itary

personnel were confirmed and found

solace and courage in this center of the faith.

Trivia: 1. What was the name of the

Kakaako Mission? 2. The Cathedral

Basilica was dedicated on the 5th canonization anniversary of whom;



“I invite YOU to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ TODAY…Wherever there are

consecrated people, seminarians, men & women religious, young people, there is JOY!”

-Pope Francis: Rejoice!, 2014

November 2014November 2014November 2014

Monthly Resources for Celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life

Video Views to Renew...

Living a Consecrated Life DVD: Witness to Joy

Good Reads… For the young at heart: Jorge from Argentina: Story of Pope Francis / Monge,FSP Pope Francis / Bunson, M.

For Spiritual Reading & Study Groups:

Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel / Pope Francis

Classic Wisdom Collection: Intimacy in Prayer Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux / Arcement,OSB

For Discerning a Priestly or Religious Vocation...

Discernment / Rupnik,SJ

Vocation Guide Network (articles, quizzes, videos)

Embracing the future with hope...

published by: Diocese of Honolulu Vocations Office * With Grateful Hearts * Leadership Assoc. of Religious Congregations *

1. St. Agnes Church, 1915; 2. St. Damien de

Veuster, SS.CC, October 11,2014

Page 2: Living the present with passion CONSECRATED Welcome to the ... · Welcome to the Year of Consecrated Life! October 24, 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters,consecrated people, seminarians,

C o n g r e g a t i o n s o f t h e M o n t h …

Co ng r eg at i o n o f th e S ac r e d H e ar t s o f J e s us a nd M ar y a n d o f P e r p e t u a l A do r a t i o n ( SS . C C )

Did you know?... The Fathers and Brothers of the Sacred Hearts established the Catholic faith in Hawaii. From 1833 to 1940 Hawaii's first six bishops were all members of the Congregation of the SS.CC. The SS.CC. is present in 33 countries. The U.S. Province includes a Region in India, and a Mission in Tonga. Did you know?... The first 10 Sacred Hearts Sisters destined for Hawaii were lost at sea on the Marie Joseph in the year 1843 along with Bishop Rouchouze, 7 SSCC Brothers, 6 SSCC priests, and 1 sub-deacon. The second group of Sacred Hearts Sisters arrived in 1859 and founded the first school for girls at Fort Street in 1859. In 1909, they founded Sacred Hearts Academy. From 1909-1960, the SS.CC. Sisters operated a Catholic orphanage at St. Anthony’s Home, Kalihi. The charism of the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts is best exemplified in their reparative adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

1. Baptism 14. Deacon 27. Docile 40. Vows

2. Mystery 15. Brother 28. Epistle 41. Zeal

3. Pray 16. Sister 29. Vocation 42. Assent

4. Grace 17. Serve 30. Courage 43. Free

5. Celibacy 18. Gospel 31. Revere 44. Joy

6. Purity 19. Listen 32. Kneel 45. Act

7. Promise 20. Response 33. Pope 46. Holy

8. Talents 21. Anoint 34. Gift 47. Seed

9. Discern 22. Obedience 35. Sanctity 48. Bible

10. Apostle 23. Poverty 36. Love 49. Glory

11. Nun 24. Psalm 37. Hope

12. Peace 25. Chastity 38. Faith
