
Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing WorldKAWARTHA PINE RIDGE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 – 2018

Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission, Vision and Values represent the bedrock for all of our decision making. These core principles are the launching point for our Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing World framework.

Developed after widespread collaboration, we believe they continue to resonate within our schools and workplaces.

Our Mission

We educate our students to excel in learning, to succeed in life and to enrich our communities.

Our Vision

We are a dynamic and responsive educational community that inspires joy in learning, excellence in teaching, and the development of character. We respect the diversity and uniqueness of all learners, employees, and community members. We create pathways for success in life.

Our Values

• The best interests and well-being of our students guide our decisions and actions.

• We provide a balanced education that includes success in student learning, and in personal, social and citizenship development.

• Our programs support the unique abilities, aptitudes, interests and needs of our students in their career destinations and life choices.

• We value equity, diversity, inclusiveness and the dignity and humanity of each individual in our policies, practices, programs and interactions.

• We create a climate of high expectations to promote excellence.

• Our students and employees demonstrate the positive character attributes developed through community consultation.

• We foster parental involvement and community engagement to build partnerships that support student learning.

• We nurture creativity, innovation and ingenuity in our quest for continuous improvement.

• We value the contributions of each of our employees to the attainment of our mission.

• We are accountable to the public we serve.



From the Chairperson

On behalf of my colleagues, and all of our educational partners, it gives me great pleasure to share with you our new strategic plan for 2015–2018: Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing World.

The culmination of an extensive consultation with the communities we serve, we are very proud of the commitments we have made here for the next four years.

Truly, it is only through the valuable relationships we have with parents, staff and community members that the success of our students is made possible. The inclusion of the voices of our students, parents, staff and community partners was critical in the crafting of this plan.

Flowing from our central mission: “We educate our students to excel in learning, to succeed in life and to enrich our communities” through our incredible team of staff, volunteers, and partners, we are united in providing our students a strong start in school, and in life.

Within our communities, nationally and globally, we know that our graduates not only drive positive changes in the world in which we live, but lead us toward an exciting future.

They are, truly ‘living, learning and leading’ in the modern world.

From the Director

In a rapidly evolving world, a good education is fundamental to future, long-term success. An exceptional education, however, prepares students to lead change, create new and significant ideas, and solve important global issues.

In Kawartha Pine Ridge, we pride ourselves on providing students with exceptional educational experiences that prepare them to live, learn and lead in our modern world.

Our strategic plan serves as our compass, guiding our decision-making, as we work with students, parents, staff and community partners to create student achievement and success in all of its many forms.

We heard strongly from our stakeholders about the need to focus not only on academics, such as literacy, numeracy and science, but also on the essential areas of overall well-being; such as inclusion, and mental and physical health. Building on this foundation, we heard about our important role in providing meaningful, real-world learning opportunities, from the effective use of learning technology, to partnerships with parents, community agencies and post-secondary institutions.

We invite you to be our partner in our shared priorities of Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing World.

Cathy Abraham Chairperson of the Board

W. R. (Rusty) Hick Director of Education


Cathy Abraham, Chairperson, Municipality of Clarington

Rose Kitney, Vice-chairperson, City of Peterborough

Sarah Bobka, Municipality of Clarington

Wayne Bonner, City of Peterborough

Cyndi Dickson, Municipality of Brighton, City of Quinte West-Murray Ward, Township of Cramahe

Gordon Gilchrist, Town of Cobourg, Townships of Alnwick/Haldimand and Hamilton, Municipality of Port Hope

Jaine Klassen Jeninga, Town of Cobourg, Townships of Alnwick/Haldimand and Hamilton, Municipality of Port Hope

Angela Lloyd, Townships of Cavan Monaghan, Douro-Dummer and Otonabee-South Monaghan

Diane Lloyd, Municipality of Trent Lakes, Townships of North Kawartha and Selwyn

Mary Lynch-Taylor, Alderville First Nation, Curve Lake First Nation and Hiawatha First Nation

Shirley Patterson, Townships of Asphodel-Norwood and Havelock-Belmont-Methuen, Municipality of Trent Hills

Khadijah Jilani, Student Trustee (2015–2016 School Year)

SUPERVISORY OFFICERSW. R. (Rusty) Hick Director of Education and Secretary of the Board

Chris Arnew Superintendent of Education: Business and Corporate Services 

Catherine Foy Superintendent of Education: Student Achievement

Steve Girardi Superintendent of Education: Student Achievement

Greg Ingram Superintendent of Education: Student Achievement

Jennifer Leclerc Superintendent of Education: Teaching and Learning

Peter Mangold Superintendent of Education: Student Achievement

Joe Tompkins Superintendent of Education: Student Achievement


In the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, we take great pride in the achievements of our students and staff.

We are also part of a public education system in the province of Ontario that is envied throughout the world.

We are collectively reaching, and teaching, each of our students in a way that works best for them. We are working to help them be critical thinkers who question, and improve, the world around them; and to be engaged in directing their own educational journey.

We are making decisions based not on how we’ve always done things, but on what leading research and evidence suggest is best. We are keeping our schools safe, and helping our students learn to be responsible digital citizens. We are making the rapidly evolving world a classroom and finding new partnerships each day.


And we know there is more to do.

Our new strategic plan, Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing World charts our course towards even better outcomes for our students, staff and Board.

Within this plan we have captured the voices of students, parents, staff and the communities we serve when we asked them: how can our schools and buildings be even better places to learn and work?

Once again captured within the framework of Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing World, we are very pleased to share our strategic plan for 2015 to 2018.



As an organization committed to continuous improvement, we believe it is critical to take time periodically to pause, reflect and consider how best to move forward toward greater success for our students and staff.

To that end, every four years we ask ourselves, and the parents and public we serve, what are the most crucial needs in public education today, and tomorrow.

Together with our stakeholders, we explored a number of key questions. Specifically, we looked internally and externally to consider:

• What are our strengths, and how can we build upon them?

• Where do we need to improve? And in what ways?

Our new strategic plan is the culmination of a 10-month journey of consultation, dialogue, visioning and realization that began in Winter 2015.

How We Got Here and What We Learned Along the Way

Online Survey

Over 1,500 students, staff, parents and community members took time to participate in our online strategic planning survey.

What we heard:

Participants identified a number of key strengths of our schools and Board, including:

• Our teachers and staff,

• Our inclusion of all,

• The safety of our schools,

• Extra-curricular activities,

• Our focus on literacy and math,

• Our work supporting the mental health of our students and staff, and the

• Welcoming and supportive learning environments we provide.

Survey participants also shared where we can continue to be better. These areas included:

• More mental health supports for students and staff,

• Support for our students with special education needs,

• Home-to-School communications,

• Supports for extra-curricular activities,

• Bullying supports,

• Improved learning technology, and

• Greater focus on healthy living, physical activity and nutrition.

Focus Groups

We also held a series of focus group sessions to speak directly with our internal and external stakeholders on these same areas of common interest. Regional sessions with students, parents, staff and community members took place in Brighton, Clarington, Northumberland and Peterborough. We also held sessions specifically with our Advisory Committee on Aboriginal Issues; our Special Education Advisory Committee; School Council Dialogue members and staff.

What we heard:

Consistent with our online survey, focus group participants identified a number of key strengths and priorities for our schools and Board, including:

• Mental and physical health supports for students and staff,

• Strong partnerships with other social service agencies,

• Safe and inclusive schools,

• Home-to-school and Board-to-community communications,

• Special education supports,

• Inclusive and equitable learning environments for our students; and

• Continued support for Aboriginal education, achievement and awareness.



We know that the wellness of our students and staff – mentally as well as physically – is vital for their success and happiness in life and at school.

This wellness is supported by ensuring our schools and workplaces are safe and inclusive places of respect for all. Our schools need to continue to be places where our students learn and feel valued in equal measure. For the next four years, we are committed to focusing on the following aspects of Living in a Changing World:

• Health and Well-being

• Safe, Equitable and Inclusive Environments


First and foremost, we are committed to high achievement goals for our students. The growth and advancement of their learning and knowledge is our core purpose as an organization, and we are committed to inspiring all students to realize their full potential.

To do that, we need to optimize learning conditions within our schools, and be conscious of learning gaps that require our focussed attention. Our commitment to supporting our students with special needs is a hallmark of our legacy as a school district and remains a constant in our decision making. We also embrace our obligation to champion Aboriginal education, achievement and awareness amongst all students.

We are committed to providing our students with innovative learning environments that are equipped with technologies matched to the modern world. This modern world will be led by our students, who have grown through the commitments in the area of Learning in a Changing World:

• Focus on Excellence

• Modern Learning Environments


As an organization, we sincerely believe that public education is a cornerstone of our democracy in Ontario. Our schools are places of wonder and joy, accepting of all, where every child has a chance to realize greatness.

We are proud to be ambassadors for public education, and are committed to be an organization that contributes to public confidence through our transparency and accountability. We will continue to celebrate our achievements, and to build even stronger relationships with the partners who make our success possible.

As we continue Leading in a Changing World, we are committed to:

• Enhancing Public Confidence

• Partnerships

Our Strategic Directions

Our students, parents, staff and community stakeholders were instrumental in shaping our new strategic plan. After this extensive consultation, our Board of Trustees engaged in a visioning exercise to craft what we’ve heard and what we know about our Board into a series of defined commitments.

This vision for the future is captured within our framework of Living, Learning and Leading in a Changing World.








Health and Well-being – Creating conditions for social and emotional well-being and supporting positive mental health;

– Enhancing supports for physical activity and healthy living; and

– Providing interventions, programs and supports responsive to the needs of students and staff.

Safe, Equitable and Inclusive Environments

– Creating safe and positive environments by fostering a culture of respect and inclusion;

– Promoting healthy and respectful relationships; and

– Developing responsible digital citizenship.


Focus On Excellence – Setting ambitious student achievement goals;

– Optimizing learning conditions and inspiring all students to reach their full potential (e.g. during transitions, addressing gender and achievement gaps, supporting students with special needs); and

– Championing Aboriginal education, achievement and awareness.

Modern Learning Environments

– Creating innovative learning environments accelerated through the use of learning technologies;

– Creating Pathways and authentic learning opportunities to support transitions into, throughout, and out of school; and

– Implementing research-based best practices in the areas of assessment and instruction.


Enhancing Public Confidence

– Continuous improvement in organizational effectiveness and financial stewardship;

– Being ambassadors of public education and celebrating our achievements; and

– Transparent and accountable governance in support of improved student outcomes.

Partnerships – Developing creative and strategic partnerships in support of our schools and communities;

– Enhancing partnerships with colleges, universities and business/industry to make connections for students; and

– Promoting home-school connections and parental engagement.

Educating for Success!

Education Centre 1994 Fisher Drive Peterborough, Ontario K9J 6X6

(705) 742-9773Toll-free 1-877-741-4577

[email protected]

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