
Advanced live chat tool for a university to engage with students

University ambassador & applicant instant messenger tool

Live, simu-live and on-demand presentation webinar platform

Full virtual open day solution

4 individual modules designed to deliver true engagement







Uni-Connect is the latest innovation from H.E. virtual event experts iVent.

It utilises market leading technology enabling prospective students to engage not only with your university staff but also with your current student ambassadors.

iVent is the globally recognised leader in this sector delivering successful virtual open day & live chat solutions to universities from Australia to the US and throughout Europe.

• The Uni-connect interface can match your website

• Engage live with any amount of students

• Curate and manage content in real-time for each live chat session

• Full analytics and data capture for every interaction

• Works with WhatsApp for uni-chat notifications

• CRM integration

• Tablet and mobile compatible

• Proven success

• 4 individual modules all designed to engage

An example of some of modules available

Uni-live provides universities with an easy to use solution to engage with prospective PG & UG students as well as offer holders in live chat sessions.

These sessions can be set up in advance and added to the Agenda and News feed allowing students to plan ahead and sign up to each live chat they want to attend.

Chats can be for specific subjects, to offer advice, to discuss offers or any other issue such as fees and funding or applying for visas.

• Separate PG & UG live chat areas

• Student Support area for live advice sessions

• Social lounge for general student discussions

• Live agenda noting all forthcoming sessions

• Personal agenda and email reminder feature

• Newsfeed of forthcoming sessions to sign up to

• Add downloads, video and links specific to each live chat

• Detailed analytics and chat transcripts

An example of the Uni-live modules

Module 1: -live




Link to website

Off-line Contact Form

Twitter feed

Facebook page

LinkedIn page

1-1 Video chat

LIVE CHAT - public and private

Module 1:

Uni-live chat booths provide an advanced chat feature allowing for both private and public discussions. It can also contain supporting content including pdf’s, videos and links as well as social media feeds and FAQ’s.

On the right is a set of the standard features that are automatically included in the chat area meaning you can engage with your applicants and offer holders live as well as offer them some additional information to take away from the session.

All interactions are recorded in the analytics portal.

An example of the Uni-live booth



The Uni-live Social Lounge is a great tool for delivering and managing more general chat sessions where applicants can meet current students and staff.

Gathering feedback via polls and discussion subjects provides matchless insights into the important issues of students applying to your university.

-liveModule 1:

An example of the Uni-live networking area

Live chat




Facebook Page

Twitter Feed


Uni-chat is an advanced ‘buddy’ system allowing prospective students to engage with your current student ambassadors.

Prospective students can search for and filter the list of ambassadors to find one that matches their chosen course or country and to strike up a conversation via instant messenger powered by WhatsApp and the iVent platform.

• Prospective students can speak to relevant uni ambassadors

• Ambassador filter for students to find their ideal ‘buddy’

• Anonymous mode

• Notifications via WhatsApp, SMS and email

• Full reporting on all buddy interactions

• Host ‘meet your buddy’ events

• Help convert prospects

• CRM integration

Module 2: -chat

An example of the Uni-chat

Uni-chat works on mobile with notifications triggered by WhatsApp, SMS and email as well as with tablets and desktops.

A list of all conversations with the different students who have asked questions are listed with the ability to open and respond to each one individually.

• Notifications trigger by

• Clean mobile chat interface

• Editable welcome message

Module 2: -chat

Inbox of Messages from applicants Individual message thread per chat

Uni-present gives you a powerful medium to reach students across the world who can’t attend an open day on campus.

Popular uses of webinars are for sample lectures, interactive advice sessions and on-boarding.

All webinars can be tracked with attendance rates, poll responses and live chat transcripts.

• Deliver live or ‘simu-live’ webinars – customised for each session

• Deliver sample lectures or advice sessions

• All presentations can be placed on-demand & accessed 365

• Online registration with RSVP feature

• Live chat with students in the presentation

• Downloads, polls and social media integration

• Full analytics on all activity including attendance

• Reminder emails and icals

• Webcam, audio, dial-in or stream live from an event

Module 3: -present

An example of the Uni-presents modules

Uni-present webinars have a huge array of different widgets that can be deployed to drive interaction and engagement between you and the participating students.

The webinars can be delivered live or can be pre-recorded and broadcast at a time and date that suits you.

Live announcements

Live chat with logged in students


Speaker Bio

Live polls

Private question submission


Module 3: -present

Uni-virtual means you can extend your solution to deliver full virtual open days with multiple booths, resource centres, multi-track presentations, meetings and networking spaces to recreate a classic open day format.

Uni-virtual utilises all the aspects of the other 3 modules into one powerful digital open day solution.

iVent has delivered successful virtual open days to over 250,000 students in the last 12 months.

Module 4:

• Unlimited global outreach capturing both UK and international students and their parents, including China

• Fully customisable virtual environments that are a true online extension of the university

• Huge cost efficiencies compared to existing physical events’ programmes

• 360 degree campus tours to experience the campus, accommodation and wider student life

• Live 1-2-1’s with lecturers, course leaders as well as group & 1-1 chat with other students

• In-depth analytics and data capture for future marketing and offer-holder conversion

• Host ‘meet your buddy’ events

• Help convert prospects

• CRM integration


An example of a Uni-virtual environment


What are the options?

Why not ask for a demonstration?

• Choose any individual module or all of them

• Start with one module and add modules as you go

• Secure cloud hosted solution

• Cost effective licence model

• Fully supported by an experienced team

• Uni-chat is our latest innovation and goes live in January 2019

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