

Liptak DDS Rescue Operations Manual

For Patterson Dental

September 2012


Liptak DDS Rescue Technical Operations Manual

Table of Contents

DDS Rescue Overview Page 3

Liptak Tech Support Services and Tech Support Limitations Page 3

DDS Rescue Features Page 4

DDS Rescue Warranty and Terms and Conditions Page 5

DDS Rescue System Upgrades for Client Page 5

System Requirements For Client’s Production Server and Network Page 6

Internet Speed Constraints, “Throttling” and Round Trip Drives Page 6

Installation of the DDS Rescue System Page 7

Monitoring of the DDS Rescue System Page 10

Notification to the Client and Patterson Page 10

Reporting to the Client and Patterson Page 11

File and Folder Data Recovery for the Client Page 13

Fail Over From the Client’s Production Server to the DDS RescueSystem

Page 14

Standard Restore of the Client’s Server From DDS Rescue Page 15

Disaster Recovery of the Virtual Server ­ Floods, Fire, Act of God Page 16

Bare Metal Restore of the Client’s Server From DDS Rescue Page 17

Liptak Digital Services


Technical Operations Manual

Liptak Products and Services Overview

How the system works

The Liptak Rescue System is a highly advanced backup device comprised of 2 components. The

onsite device is intended to be a file recovery location and a temporary failover server in the event

the production server goes down. This substantially minimizes down time for the client. The offsite

(online, cloud) service allows access to a copy of the production server through an internet

connection. The offsite service is mainly for disasters. The data is stored in the cloud once a day and

can be available immediately to the client with view only access. To recreate a functional network for

the client (in the event of a disaster), the data in the cloud must be downloaded to a new DDS Rescue

unit and delivered back to the client. This generally takes several days. The unit chooses one image

per day and sends it to the cloud service. The cloud service is not intended to be used as a production

failover server and the image may be several days older than the onsite backup.

The DDS Rescue System is a backup device only and is not intended to be a permanent production

server. The client is required to provide a designated server or workstation that is a file server for

the Rescue System to back up. While the Rescue System will back up from just about any current

computer on the market, Liptak does not recommend using a general workstation as a server or file

server. Liptak recommends using business class servers only such as Dell, and HP. Contact your local

IT provider for more information on servers.

DDS Rescue is a highly advanced and complex system

The DDS Rescue System is a more advanced system than traditional backup methods like USB hard

drives and the current online backup solutions such as Carbonite, Mozy, Crash Plan, etc.. The system

takes a virtual image of the server, not just select data folders which makes the backup files much

larger than traditional backups. Therefore, the DDS Rescue is more susceptible to backup issues due

to poorly performing networks, servers, and internet connections. These issues will not only cause

backup failures with the DDS Rescue System, they will cause issues with the operation of your

network and must be addressed.

Liptak requires a thorough screening of the client network and system prior to installation which will

prevent many of these issues. We will also monitor closely the data usage to look for unexpected

spikes in data size which is usually due to the client or local IT provider loading non critical data to the


server such as DVDs, music files, high end cosmetic images from a camera such as an SLR, plugging in

an external USB hard drive to the server which mistakenly gets included in the backup, and other data

which may inflate the data of the server to require a system upgrade. While these scenarios may

create unwanted maintenance on the server from the client or a professional IT provider, they are

easily preventable and curable. If the guidance is followed for the network requirements and data

management, the client will only experience all the tremendous benefits of the DDS Rescue System

with none of the drawbacks.

The role of an IT Professional

The DDS Rescue Services are an excellent solution for any network. However, they are not intended

to replace the IT professionals who service networks onsite. Liptak recommends having a

relationship with a local IT provider for network maintenance, new computer purchases, internet

connectivity issues, and emergencies which require onsite support. In some cases, Liptak will need to

work with a local IT provider in order to accomplish certain processes, including but not limited to

preparing the network and server for installation of the DDS Rescue, restoring the data to a new

server, and performing a failover.

DDS Rescue Support Services

1. Liptak provides free technical support for the Liptak Rescue Product only while the customer is

under a current agreement with Liptak.

2. Liptak may from time to time restart the client’s server during the installation of the product, and

other instances where the software may need to be reinstalled. This process will be done remotely

and will require the client to be present during the restart process. Liptak is not liable for any issues

that may result from the restart process such as a server not restarting, corrupt software or files, etc..

3. Liptak DOES NOT PROVIDE TECHNICAL SUPPORT for other products, systems, or software that is not

a Liptak branded product. These products, services, or issues include but are not limited to:

a. Client production servers

b. Client Practice Management Software and Digital Imaging Software

c. Internet connections

d. Non Liptak Software conflicts

e. Spyware and viruses

f. Printing issues

g. Non Liptak Software updates

h. USB port issues


i. Device issues including digital cameras and digital sensors

j. Mapped drive failures

k. General Network issues that are not related to the Rescue System

l. Routers

m. General server issues

n. Power issues

o. Computer component issues

p. Database access

q. Passwords and resets for non liptak products

r. Hardware issues such as keyboards, mouse, monitors

s. Windows updates

t. Hard drive corruption/check disk

u. Internet bandwidth constraints

4. All costs incurred by the local IT provider in conjunction with the help of Liptak Tech Support and

the DDS Rescue System are the sole responsibility of the Client. Maintenance and health of the

client server/IT infrastructure are always the responsibility of the client.

DDS Rescue Technical Features - Data Retention

The DDS Rescue default setting is scheduled to take a “snapshot” (a file that is an exact copy of your

server hard drive including but not limited to the operating system, data, passwords, favorites and

software) of the server every hour during normal business hours as defined in the site survey

performed by Patterson. The data retention is set as follows.

Snapshots to DDS Rescue unit onsite

a. Snapshots are taken on the unit every 60 minutes during the client’s stated business hours.

b. 3 most recent days of hourly versions are retained on the unit.

c. Beyond the 3 days of history, only 1 version per day is retained on the unit.

d. After 3 weeks of single daily version history, the dailies are reduced to a single weekly version on

the unit..

e. After 3 months of single weekly version history, all older versions are deleted from the unit.


Snapshots sent to the cloud

a. A single snapshot is chosen from the DDS Rescue unit and uploaded to the cloud throughout the


b. Cloud snapshots are retained in the cloud for up to a year.

DDS Rescue Warranty and Terms of Use

1. Warranty is 3 years on the unit from activation date. If the monthly service is cancelled, the

warranty and service is null and void. See the client agreement for more information.

2. Returns - Liptak does not accept returns except for upgrade exchanges.

3. Terms of use - The service agreement is for 1 year and is auto renewed every year. Client can

cancel with a 30 day written notice after the initial year of service. Upon cancellation of the monthly

service the unit will no longer function or create new backup versions.

DDS Rescue System Upgrades For the Client

1. The goal of sizing a unit for a client is to have them on the system for at least 2 years prior to an

upgrade. This may or may not be achieved due to client growth or unexpected amounts of large data

being loaded to the server causing the client to out grow their unit prematurely.

2. When a DDS Rescue System has reached its storage capacity, it must be upgraded to a larger unit or

the system will not function properly and the client data will not be backed up.

3. Liptak will give a 30 day notice of a required device change to Patterson when a Rescue device

exceeds 80% of the capacity of the storage, where a new Rescue upgrade is required.

4. Prior to ordering the larger upgraded device, the client and or Patterson are encouraged to verify

the need for the upgrade is not due to the storage of unneeded files, or temporary files. Often times

having the local IT provider clean up the current production server of unnecessary files will prevent

having to upgrade the device.

5. Patterson will immediately contact the client and arrange for delivery and processing of the new

device including an upgrade fee to the client.

6. Liptak will activate the new device.

A. Customer unboxes and plugs in the device to power and network, then contacts Liptak



B. Liptak will coordinate the transfer of local backup data to the new Rescue unit. This

process is estimated to take 3 hours without client involvement or network downtime.

C. Once Liptak confirms the new unit is functioning properly and communicating with the

Rescue cloud server, the old unit can be returned to Liptak using the shipping materials from

the new unit and Patterson will issue full credit to the client. Liptak will wipe the old device

clean of any identifiable data remotely before returning.

D. Upon receipt of the removed device, Liptak will issue a credit to Patterson which will

reference the client name, PD customer number, and device serial number.

E. On a separate invoice, LIptak will charge Patterson an upgrade fee.

F. Monthly service upgrade-In the case of a system upgrade, Liptak will provide an

adjustment to offset the remainder of the month at the lower service level and credit that

time towards the new service level. Both the service levels for the month will be prorated

based on the upgrade date.

System Requirements For Client’s Production Server and Network

1. Windows XP SP3 or Windows Server 2003 SP3 or later (no Mac)

2. 30% of free space on the client's production server

3. High speed internet connection -Lowest recommended speed is 512K upload speed. The

connection must meet the requirements for stability as defined in the Patterson Site Survey.

4. An open port on a 1000 mbit ethernet switch or related wall jack.

5. Grounded power with a dedicated surge protector (UPS Preferred)

6. Additional requirements as stated in the Patterson Site Survey and The Server and Network Prep

Form performed by the professional IT provider.

Internet Speed Constraints, Round Trip Drives, “Throttling”

The internet connection is still the weakest link in most business class networks. Liptak recommends

to get the fastest internet connection available in your area and must meet the required speeds as


indicated on the Patterson Site Survey . Depending upon where you live and what services are

offered, most dental offices use a DSL or cable connection which all vary in reliability and speed.

Most connections will have a faster download speed than the upload speed. The speed of internet

connections may cause a lag time with the offsite backup. This problem with the internet

connectivity speed causing delays in the online cloud backup is not unique to DDS Rescue. This is also

an issue with any online backup system including Carbonite, Mozy, SOS, and others.

The internet speed does not impact the local device backup. Where the internet connection is an

issue is the offsite backup which uploads data from the device to our servers in the cloud. Often

times dental internet connections are so slow, the initial offsite cloud backup must first be

“seeded”with the USB round trip drive. The round trip drive is a specially formatted USB hard drive

which takes an initial backup of the server that is sent next day to our data center and immediately

loaded to your account in the cloud. This is the only way to get large amounts of data to the online

cloud backup without taking substantial time (in some cases the initial backup could take

approximately a month) and causing interference with the internet connection during normal

business hours. After the data from the round trip drive is loaded to your cloud account, the

subsequent backups which are much smaller can easily be handled through the internet. We do

require the use of the round trip drive in other cases where an upgrade to the system has been

made, large files have been added to the system after the initial installation, and other special


The other issue with slower internet connections and bandwidth of the client is the amount of traffic

being used during business hours to process insurance claims, credit cards, emails, and other

processes. These processes can leave very little bandwidth for the online backup to send data from

the client’s system to the online cloud backup. For this reason, we often throttle back the amount of

data being backed up during normal business hours (to prevent slow internet connections during

normal business hours) and increase the amount of data transferred to the online cloud backup

while the office is closed (throttling for offices that are open more than 4 to 5 days a week may not be

a viable option and a faster internet connection may be required). The delays in uploads during

business hours can substantially delay how current the backup is for the online cloud system. Based

on internet limitations and server performance, the offsite version of your Rescue data may be older

than onsite version. This latency is based on the client environment and other conditions outside of

the control of DDS Rescue support. The latency may be 10 days or more in extreme cases.

DDS Rescue Impact on the Network

The DDS Rescue System will not interfere or conflict with any services, processes, software (with the


exception of some backup programs) or systems on the network.

The DDS Rescue System will require 128KB/s for uploading data to the cloud. After business hours,

DDS Rescue will use approximately 100% of the internet resources available.


Sales Process and Pre Installation

1. Specify the correct product for the client: Patterson will process Pre Sales Checklist via Echosign

which will include the size of unit to be installed and determine any items that need to be addressed

with the client’s network or server prior to selling or installing the DDS Rescue System. The time to

perform this step is estimated at 15 minutes.

2. Patterson completes the sale and sends the unit from inventory.

3. Pre Sale Checklist completion signals Liptak to send the Liptak Client Agreement to the client via


4. Upon completion of the Liptak Client Agreement, Liptak sends the client Pre Installation Checklist

for DDS Rescue. Please schedule this approximately 7 business days after the date of the Pre Sale

Checklist. Ideally, the DDS Rescue should be installed when a professional IT person is present and is

best done after the pre installation checklist. These document processes will all be managed by


5. Patterson invoices and ships the product to the client

6. Patterson sends Liptak a spreadsheet daily which includes the name, address, phone number,

NEED EMAIL?, Patterson customer ID, client data size, serial number of unit that has been shipped

and ready to be installed.

7. Liptak sends the round trip drive to client based on the new spreadsheet data.

8. Liptak contacts the client with a day and time for installation. - IMPORTANT! - allow 5 to 7 business

days for the round trip drive to get to the client prior to installation from the time Liptak receives the

client agreement. No installations can be performed without a round trip drive a completed Pre

Installation Checklist. When scheduling installation, allow for at least one hour of downtime for the

office for the installation. Liptak may need to reboot the server 2 times which will require a

complete shut down of the network. The Rescue System and Round Trip Drive must be on site PRIOR

to installation.

9. Client receives round trip drive

10. Local IT Provider completes The Server and Network Prep Form from step 3 which will include the

client’s Patterson ID. The time to perform this step excluding the check disk function is estimated at 1

hour or less. The coordination and cost of this task are the client’s responsibility.


a. IMPORTANT! Client or local IT will be responsible for ensuring 2 valid and verified local backups of

client data are in place in 2 separate physical locations prior to DDS-Rescue install. All backup

software must be removed prior to DDS-Rescue installation and local IT will be performing a check

disk process on the server which could compromise the system. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR



11. Upon completion of a signed Pre Install Checklist, Liptak installs the DDS rescue unit on date

agreed upon. See installation steps below for a detailed description of the process.

12. Liptak invoices Patterson for the client based on the install date where the first month will be pro

rated and every month will be at the full monthly rate. Liptak will invoice Patterson for all monthly

services for all clients thereafter in one invoice the 1st of each month.

Installation steps (steps 2 to 4 will take approximately 1 hour WITH the client or IT professional):

1. Client or local IT unboxes the Rescue System and plugs it into an Ethernet Port or Switch which is

attached to the same network as the server to be backed up using the included cable (see picture)

and powers on the device. The Rescue System is a computer which should never be located near

water, heat, excessive dust, on the carpet, or poorly ventilated areas. Important! Never put the


system in a closed cabinet or block the front, side, or rear vents as it will overheat.

2. Important! The onsite backup to the Rescue Device will occur only when DDS Rescue has

completed step 6 below. The offsite backup to the cloud will occur when the USB round trip drive has

been received and processed by DDS Rescue.

3. Client or local IT contacts the Liptak Technical support center on the scheduled date and time.

They must be in front of the server with an internet connection. Liptak assigns the client’s Rescue

device a name for internal purposes as follows: Last Name of Client/Patterson ID

4. Client or local IT provider unboxes and plugs in the Round Trip Drive to the Rescue System. Make

sure to save the box and prepaid return label for the return shipment of the Round Trip Drive back to


5. Using remote access software, the Liptak Technical Support person will finish the technical setup of

the Rescue System including an initial backup. This step may require approximately 2 reboots of the

client server.

6. Liptak will perform a backup to the Rescue Device which will take approximately 1 to 3 hours

depending upon data size, and server configurations. The client and/or the Local IT person does not

need to be involved during this process in most cases and this will not cause the client any downtime.

7. Liptak will perform the transfer from the Rescue system to the round trip drive. This process will be

performed without the client or IT professional and may take 1-2 hours to complete but will cause the

client no downtime.

8. Liptak will notify the client when the backup is complete to re-package and return the round trip

drive using the included pre-paid shipping label. The round trip drive will take approximately 7

business days to be loaded to the off site “cloud” server. Important! UNTIL THE ROUND TRIP DRIVE IS


IT Best Practices

1. Leave the DDS Rescue Server operating at all times. The unit is designed to be powered on 24

hours a day 7 days a week. It is also recommended to leave the server powered on 24 hours a day, 7

days a week. Do not shut down the DDS Rescue unit or server even if you are going on vacation. If the

Rescue device needs to be shut down, please contact DDS Rescue for instructions.


2. It is recommended to not use a workstation as a file server

3. It is recommended to replace production servers every 3 to 5 years.

4. Always store the DDS Rescue and other computers in clean, cool areas and keep off the carpet.

5. Do not block the rear or side heat vents of the DDS Rescue unit.

6. The DDS Rescue and other servers must be installed on a dedicated circuit.

7. It is recommended to have a utilities directory on the server which is loaded with the installation

files for the mission critical programs used in the dental office (practice management software,

image management software, document management software, accounting software, etc.). This

directory will be included in the backup.


Liptak’s monitoring services will include

1. Daily monitoring of the onsite backup and test restore with screen shot verification

2. Daily monitoring of the offsite backup - Liptak will verify the date of the backup in the cloud. DDS

Rescue will notify the client of any needed steps to correct any issues. Patterson’s monitoring access

will include:

1. VIEW level access to the DDS Rescue Web Portal Page for Patterson

2. The portal page will allow Patterson to view:

a. A list of all Patterson devices which are activated

b. Serial numbers for each device in the list

c. The status of the onsite and offsite backup for each device

d. A dashboard which will allow Patterson to view the information needed to reconcile the devices

with accounting and other analysis


Liptak provides notification services to the client and or Patterson in the event there is an onsite or

offsite backup failure which is not the result of the DDS Rescue System. Liptak will provide

notification services for data spikes that can potentially cause backup failures, system upgrades to

prevent backup failures, system overcapacity causing backup failures, and client network issues

causing backup failures which require local IT to resolve. The role of Liptak is to notify the client and


Patterson of the issues, not to resolve the issues.

1. Data spikes indicating a potential backup failure

Liptak will notify Patterson and the Client if there has been an unusual increase in data size on the

DDS Rescue of 5GB or more in a 24 hour time period. Substantial increases in data size may cause a

potential backup failure or unnecessary upgrade. This is often the result of temporary files on the

server, DVDs, plugging in an external hard drive which is inadvertently being backed up, and other

scenarios where non critical data has been loaded to the system.

a. Parties To be notified- Client, Patterson copied on communication

b. Method of notification - Email:

“This email is to notify you that your DDS Rescue device added over 5GB in data in the last 24 hours.

Please contact your local IT provider to determine that no unnecessary files have been loaded to the

DDS Rescue System that do not need to be backed up. If these files are not critical and can be

removed it is recommended to do so to prevent an unnecessary system upgrade. ”

NOTE: If the unnecessary files have been deleted, Liptak may need to send another round trip drive

to “reseed” the offsite backup as the new image may be beyond the capacity of the internet

capabilities for data upload .

2. Liptak will give a 30 day notice of a required device upgrade to Patterson when a Rescue device

exceeds 80% of the capacity of the storage, where a new Rescue upgrade is required.

3. System over capacity causing backup failure

If the device is overcapacity and is not backing up, Liptak will provide notifications as follows.

a. Parties To be notified - Client, Patterson copied on communication

b. Method of notification - Immediate Email, certified letter, and monthly email to client and

Patterson as follows:

i. Email sent the same or next day of the occurrence of an overcapacity device causing a backup


“This email is to notify you that the client (Last name) with the Patterson ID (Patterson ID) has a DDS

Rescue system which requires an upgrade to a larger device or deletion of non critical data to remain

on the current system. The System is currently not backing up the data. Please have your IT provider

address the data size of the server or contact Patterson to purchase an upgraded device. Please


contact Patterson or your Local IT provider if you have any questions. We value your business.”

ii. Certified letter sent 7 days after the occurrence of an overcapacity device causing a backup failure

and there is no upgrade planned

“This letter is to notify you that the client (Last name) with the Patterson ID (Patterson ID) has a DDS

Rescue system which requires an upgrade to a larger device or deletion of non critical data. The

System is currently not backing up the data. Please have your IT provider address the data size of the

server or contact Patterson to purchase an upgraded device. Please contact Patterson or your Local

IT provider if you have any questions. We value your business. ”

iii. Monthly email sent approximately 30 days from the occurrence of an overcapacity device causing

a backup failure which will be sent each month until the issue is resolved.”

“This email is notify you that your DDS Rescue System is not backing up your data. Please contact

Patterson Dental or your Local IT Provider to resolve the issue. We value your business.”

4. Backup failures requiring local IT

DDS Rescue services are dependent upon the health and environment provided by the client. If the

protected server has disk or OS errors that are preventing DDS Rescue services from backing up

properly, the responsibility will remain the customer’s to repair any indicated issues with their

systems. Disk errors can be revealed by the DDS Rescue services that would normally be missed by

other backup systems. Detecting these errors before they cause a failure is one of the benefits of

DDS Rescue services.

a. Common failures on the client server which could cause issues with the DDS Rescue backup which

requires Local IT for help including but not limited to:

i. Checkdisk needs to be run again

ii. Disk defrag needs to be run again

iii. Any program that needs to be installed or reinstalled

iv. Virtualization technology not enabled at setup

b. Failures with the client network or internet connection which is causing issues with the local or

offsite backup and needs IT including but not limited to:

i. Router configurations

ii. Modem replacements

iii. Loss of internet


iv. Server configuration (DHCP)

v. Failed switch or other network equipment

vi. Firewall configurations

vii. Internet speed and or internet quality out of spec

c. Parties to be notified - Client, Patterson copied on communications

d. Method of notification - One phone call the same to next day of the failure, 3 Emails each business

day from the day of the failure, a certified letter, and one monthly recurring email as follows:

i. Phone call placed on the call placed the same to next day of the failure

Phone script (Receptionist) “This is (name of Liptak engineer), I am calling on behalf of DDS Rescue.

We provide the data backup for your office. Can I please talk to the person who handles the

computers in the office?” (Talking to decision maker) “Hello, this is (name of Liptak engineer) with

DDS Rescue. We noticed that your backup system is not functioning properly as the result of a

network or server issue. Please have your local IT provider contact us to resolve the issue. Thank you

for your business.”

Phone script (Voicemail or message) “This is (name of Liptak engineer), I am calling on behalf of DDS

Rescue. We provide the data backup for your office. We noticed that your backup system is not

functioning properly as the result of a network or server issue. Please have your local IT provider

contact us to resolve the issue. Thank you for your business.”

ii. Email sent each business day for 3 days (unless issue is resolved or in the process of being

resolved) from the day of the failure as follows:

Sample Email script - “This email is to notify you that your DDS Rescue backup did not backup

properly due to a network or server issue. Please have your local IT provider contact us to resolve the

issue immediately. Neither Liptak nor Patterson are liable for any loss that may result with the failed

backup. We look forward to solving this issue and getting your important backups current. We value

your business.”

iii. Certified letter sent to client 7 business days after the date of the unresolved backup failure (if

client is unresponsive to the emails and phone call)

Certified letter language: “We have tried to contact you several times via email and the phone to

notify you that your DDS Rescue backup did not backup properly due to a network or server issue.

Please have your local IT provider contact us to resolve the issue immediately. We look forward to

solving this issue and getting your important data backed up. We value your business.”


iv. Monthly email sent approximately 30 days from the occurrence of a client network or server issue

causing a backup failure which will be sent each month until the issue is resolved

“This email is to notify you that your DDS Rescue System is not backing up your data. Please contact

Patterson Dental or your Local IT Provider to resolve the issue. We value your business.”

4. A failed screenshot does not necessarily indicate a failed backup.

5. If the client is not responsive to our phone calls, emails, or certified letters, or does not take

corrective action to resolve the issue that is causing the failure, neither Liptak nor Patterson will be

liable for any data loss or downtime for the customer


Liptak will provide the following reports

Weekly Client Report

1. DDS Rescue will provide an automated email once a week indicating the amount of data being used

on the device, the number of retained recovery points on the device, and the most recent test

screenshot. The date of the email will reflect the date of the onsite backup.

2. Patterson will be copied on the report


Sample Weekly DDS Rescue report

“Weekly Digest for protected device: DR.Server08

Below is a status report for the machine Dr.Server08 (Dr.Server08), protected by the backupdevice RESCUE XYZ:

This agent is using 232GB across 622 total recovery points.

Latest screenshot booted successfully:”


File/Folder Data Restore

More often than requiring a fail-over in an emergency situation is the need to restore

deleted/missing/corrupt files and folders to an earlier point in time. The basic data restoration

features of DDS Rescue are second to none. The versions of your server that the DDS Rescue System

creates are retained for a customizable amount of time on the unit as described above in this

document (level 1,2,3).

These versions of client historical data can be provided to browse and restore by Liptak Support. The

client or their IT provider must contact Liptak Support to arrange for this service.

Most missing data is actually the result of a shortcut breaking or an accidental drag and drop to a

nearby folder. IMPORTANT! Restoring data that is still present can cause a conflict and data loss by

overwriting the live file(s). It is imperative that a qualified, professional IT support provider search

for the data and authorize a data restore by Liptak before we take action.

Upon finding missing or damaged data that needs to be recovered:

1. Contact your local IT support provider and have them review the missing data.

Your local IT support provider should verify that the data hasn’t been misplaced. Most missing data is

actually a result of a shortcut breaking or an accidental drag and drop to a nearby folder.

2. The local IT support provider may contact Liptak and arrange for a recovery point to be mounted.

Liptak will review with the Local IT support provider the available versions near the point in time the

damage or loss happened. If your data was deleted prior to the oldest version being retained by your

Rescue system, no file recovery will be available. Typical data retention settings will vary depending

on the settings as described in the version section of this document.

3. When a recovery point is selected, the data will be mounted by Liptak Support and provided to

your Local IT in the form of UNC paths. The files will be in their original folder structure and can be

copied over the network to anywhere with LAN access.

4. If an alternate data version is required, The Local IT support provider can request another

restoration point be provided. At no time will the client or local IT support provider be given access


credentials to manage the Rescue system manually.

5. The client or local IT support provider will contact Liptak when the restore process is complete so

that we can dismount the restore point and return the Rescue system to normal functionality. Liptak

will automatically uninstall the recovery point 24 hours after creation to prevent data size



Server failures

If a client’s primary server goes down or their data becomes otherwise unavailable, the Client must

contact their local IT support provider for service. It is important that a professional IT company

assess the network to determine if a failover is absolutely necessary. Virtualizing a clone of your

server can cause a conflict and data loss if your server is only temporarily disabled or is still running.

Once the client server has been verified as non functional by a local IT professional and a failover has

been authorized, The local IT support provider may contact Liptak technical support Monday to Friday

from 5:30AM to 6PM PST, where a technical support person will take the call and begin the onsite

backup failover process. This process may take approximately 1 hour from the time the phone call

has been received as long as there are no other problems with the network that are out of Liptak and

Patterson’s control. IN MOST CASES, a local IT person is not required to be onsite during this process,

but will still have to be involved for configuration, oversight, and authorization.

1. Client and local IT will sign off on the failover authorization form and send to Liptak using (see the Failover Authorization Form)

2. Liptak will replicate the server using the most recent version available on the local Rescue unit.

The DDS Rescue hardware will operate a virtualized clone of the client server.

3. Liptak support engineers will work with the local IT support provider to log in to the Rescue failover

server instance, configure the new network adapter (NIC) and get it connected to the LAN.

The health and durability of the client router, modem, switch, etc. and its network settings can affect

the duration of this configuration phase. Liptak will only perform this process remotely. At no time

will DDS Rescue support engineers go on site to a client location for any work.


4. The DDS Rescue engineer’s recovery actions are complete once the virtual server is started,

connected to the network, performing current backups, and accessible by the local IT support

provider. The support ticket will be held open by Liptak until the failover instance is no longer


5. Client workstation computers may need to be restarted by the client or local IT person in order to

recognize the DDS Rescue recovery version of the client server. The network and workstations will be

able to function with the DDS Rescue recovery version until a new or repaired production server is


6. If the client is using the Rescue system as a production server in failover state and the Rescue

hardware fails, the restore process may be delayed by the time it takes to send a pre-loaded Rescue

system to the client which could take up to several business days. The cloud backup version may also

be older than the onsite backup. At no time will Liptak or Patterson be held responsible for any

production or other losses resulting from client downtime.

7. Once the server issue has been resolved or replaced, Liptak will assist the local IT professional to

reinstall the DDS Rescue system as the network failover device to the new server and continue with

the monitoring, notification, and reporting services.

Restoring from the DDS Rescue Device

If the client is using the Rescue system as a production server in failover state, it is highly

recommended to get a new production server ordered and installed as soon as possible. This is the

responsibility of the local IT professional. The DDS Rescue device is a computer which can fail and is

not meant to be a robust production server. Replacing your crashed server is a project the client

must work out with their Local IT support provider. The costs, technical details, and timing

expectations are not the responsibility of Liptak or Patterson unless otherwise contracted to do so as

a service provider.

Once a replacement server is acquired and configured, the local IT support provider will use the

running Rescue failover instance for their recovery data source including, but limited to: domain

extension/migration, transferring data, exporting databases, extending/migrating network services,

and stored program files. This will allow for a much easier transition to the new server and allow for

utilization of the most current server OS.


While it is not recommended, the Rescue Device can do a bare metal restore if needed (see below).

Both the standard and bare metal restore/replacement will require a business class, senior IT

professional on site to perform this process successfully. With the virtual Rescue instance running

throughout this process, it should not require involvement from a Liptak or Patterson support

representative. There are different procedures for reinstalling an existing server versus installing a

new server. Please notify us when the new server is complete and the virtual instance can be turned

off and removed from the Rescue unit.

Reinstalling an EXISTING production server

1. Export the necessary data from the DDS Rescue Machine to an external USB Device

2. Load the data from the USB device to the server

3. Reinstall programs as needed on the server

4. Contact Liptak to disengage the failover server from the network to prevent conflicts

5. Local IT will connect the server to the network and perform the necessary tests to confirm the

server, data and network is current and functional

6. Client and local IT fills out the form (see the Restore Authorization Form) confirming

the server is functional and ready to be reinstalled back into the network

7. Once the form is received from the client and local IT, Liptak will delete all backup

versions on the DDS Rescue system.

8. Liptak will require access to the new server to reconfigure the system to backup the production


9. Liptak will send a round trip drive to the client’s office to reseed the cloud backup

Installing a NEW Server into the system

1. Configure the new server and join it to the domain

2. Load the data from the DDS Rescue device to the new server

3. Reinstall programs as needed on the server

4. Contact Liptak to disengage the failover server from the network to prevent conflicts


5. Local IT will connect the server to the network and perform the necessary tests to confirm the

server, data and network is current and functional

6. Client and local IT fills out the form (see the Restore Authorization Form) confirming

the server is functional and ready to be reinstalled back into the network

7. Once the form is received from the client and local IT, Liptak will delete all backup

versions on the DDS Rescue system

8. Liptak will require access to the new server to reconfigure the system to backup the production


9. Liptak will send a round trip drive to the client’s office to reseed the cloud backup

Disaster Recovery- Floods, fire, acts of God

If the client is a victim of a flood, fire, or other disaster that destroys the entire network including the

DDS Rescue unit, the client must contact Liptak technical support Monday to Friday from 5:30AM to

6PM PST to begin the offsite server access process. The client must have access to a computer with

Internet connectivity. This process may take 1 hour or more from the time the phone call has been

received. The data version in the cloud will most likely be older than the last backup date on the local

device due to internet bandwidth constraints and timing. Cloud virtualization for disaster recovery is

READ ACCESS ONLY unless otherwise indicated

1. Liptak will grant the Client access to their virtual server via RDP allowing for immediate access to

data and software. If the client’s main application was not installed on their server desktop it will be

similarly unavailable in the cloud.

2. Liptak will send a new DDS Rescue System to the Client in approximately 48 hours with a copy of

their cloud data pre-loaded on the new device.

3. The client engages a local IT support provider that can recreate the network and migrate the data

from the Rescue recovery version to the new server. This will follow the same steps and

requirements as the failover section above. The DDS Rescue system is a backup device only and is

not intended to be a permanent, primary server.

4. Liptak will help reinstall the rescue system as the network failover device to the new network and


continue with the monitoring, notification, and reporting services.

5. Liptak will handle this and all other procedures remotely

Bare Metal Restore

In the rare event that a fairly new server crashes and the Operating System (OS)is destroyed, a Bare

Metal Restore is possible to recreate the server just as it was before the crash. Most server crashes

initiate a server replacement complete with a new OS etc. making Bare Metal Restore rare. This

process is extremely advanced and requires a senior level Local IT support provider/IT consultant to

complete successfully. Only the Client’s Local IT support provider can make the determination to

enact a Bare Metal Restore.

1. Schedule a time with Liptak during non business hours to do the restore process. The restore

process will take a minimum 3 to 4 hours without any interference from unforeseen variables.

Prior to the scheduled call with a Liptak representative, please make sure the following is completed

a. Have a replacement server which supports Intel’s PXE network boot.

b. Local IT provider only- Have a half height NIC card part #XXX on hand during restoration in

the event the card in the device is not functioning.

c. Local IT provider only- Have a Torx screw driver (in addition to other standard tools) on

hand that will work on the rescue appliance.

d. Verify the Linux Kernel is the latest version to allow for a bare metal restore.

e. Local IT provider only- Have the server near the Rescue device along with a cross over

Ethernet cable as they will need to be directly interconnected via Ethernet to perform this

process. (Gigabit-to-Gigabit interfaces can use a straight patch cable in some cases)

f. Configure the RAID array on the target server with the partitions you wish to use for the life

of the server

g. Have the driver set for the RAID card/Array on hand for the scheduled installation.

Mainstream business class hardware is supported by default. In some cases less


commonplace hardware may need a driver provided.

h. High speed Internet access.

2. Local IT provider only- Set BIOS on the production server to boot from PXE source before local

disks. Enable PXE if disabled.

3. Perform routine network tests. Liptak support will prepare the version to be restored and stage

the boot environment. Connect the new server’s primary NIC to the Rescue add-in NIC by crossover

cable or straight patch cable if gigabit (some cases).

4. Do a network boot from the Rescue device.

5. Once the restoration has completed, the new server must be fully tested and rebooted several

times before disengaging the Rescue system. Once restoration has completed, the Rescue unit must

be reset to factory settings to be re-initiated as the backup system for the newly restored server.

6. Verify the Rescue device is functioning as a backup device and the Agent is communicating.

7. The new network is ready for production

