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LIIAR Analysis Ella Duncan

Media Studies

LIIAR analysis-front covers Ella Duncan

Media A-level

Conventions- Language

MastheadThe font is quite big and written in blue which stands out from the plain white background making it eye-catching for the reader. The masthead goes behind the main spread which makes it hard to read the full name of the magazine which could be negative. However, the font is individual and matches the main red, blue and white theme that runs through the cover.

SpreadThe picture relates to the main story of the magazine letting the reader know what is included in the magazine.

Main cover lineThe main cover line tells the reader whatAmy Winehouse will be discussing in the magazine which could attract readers as they will want to see the whole interview with Amy Winehouse. The font is also slightly bigger than some of the other pieces of text on the page making it even more eye catching. Pull-cover lines

There are other stories that are shown to be mentioned inside of the magazine however they are not the main story inside of the magazine. Therefore, the font is a lot smaller and is in black which does not stand out as much compared the red, larger font of what the Amy Wine house section is about.

Bar CodeThis magazine cover follows the codes and conventions as a barcode is shown as is the Date of release and the price.

Hook-The hook is placed at the top right corner of the magazine which attracts readers and it stands out as it is in black box with white writing on a white background.

Institution• Rolling Stone is published by Jann Wenner (Wenner

Media, LLC) • Based in New York City • The first issue was November 9th 1967• Sold every other week


Rolling Stone is a music magazine that focuses on politics and popular culture and is known for its musical coverage and political reporting by the enigmatic and controversial journalist Hunter S. Thompson.

In recent years, the magazine has resumed its traditional mix of content, including in-depth political stories. It also has expanded content to include coverage of financial and banking issues.

Audience The target audience for the Rolling Stone magazine is

adults between 18-30.

60% male and 40% female

The magazine is popular in the USA


The picture of Amy Winehouse shows her with a straight face and just a black vest top on which allows the readers to see all of her tattoos showing a representation of her

The picture of very posed, with her hair and make clearly having been done previously before the shoot for the magazine cover.

A mid shot is clearly shown which makes it clear to the audience the emotions she is feeling and gives the reader an insight to her personality due to the way she is portraying herself

Conventions- Language

Masthead-The Masthead is clear, bold and stands out as it is a large, white font on a red hair coloured background which grabs the readers attention. It follows the conventions as it is placed at the top left of the magazine

Spelling line-The line “New Musical Express” makes the reader aware of what the magazine is about which attracts audience and readers.

Main cover line-The main cover line is a quote from Florence which clearly relates to what is included inside of the magazine

Main picture-The main picture on the cover is big and takes up the whole of the cover which is effective because it is clear what is included ad could attract readers attention

Barcode-The cover follows the conventions as the barcode is visible and shows the price and release date of the magazine

Plug-The plug stand out and allows the reader to see specific things that may interest them about the specific edition of the magazine, attracting attention


• NME is published by IPC Media Ltd (formerly International Publishing Corporation

• The magazine is published weekly

• UK weekly pop/rock music journalism publication

• IPC media was founded in 1968


It started as a music newspaper, and gradually moved toward a magazine format during the 1980s and 90s, changing from newsprint in 1998. It was the first British paper to include a singles chart, in 14 November 1952 edition. In the 1970s it became the best-selling British music newspaper. During the period 1972 to 1976, it was particularly associated with gonzo journalism (self-involved reporting)


NME is a music magazine which targets mainly men aged between 17-30, this target audience would be classed as C1,C2 or D on the standard occupational classification, meaning people between lower middle class, skilled working class and working class are all targets of this specific magazine publication.


The picture of Florence is very posed and a close up photo, this lets the audience understand what is included in the magazine which could attract the readers and fans of Florence and the Machine

The shot used is a clear close-up shot which lets the reader see the artists features and the emotions she is trying to portray


MastheadThe main font is in a pink box which makes it stand out on the white background which attracts audiences eyes and makes them aware of the name of the magazine. The font is large and yellow making it stand out well

Buzz wordThis attracts more readers as the word “FREE” stands out, it is a different front compared to the other fonts on the page, making the magazine eye-catching and appealing to the target audience

BarcodeThe barcode shows the price and the issue number of the magazine.

LureThe lure font is clear but is not as big as the main story which makes the banner stand out even more. The lure can be read and tells the reader small pieces of information about some of the stories included inside

Main imageThe main picture of Justin Bieber takes up all of the front page and is zoomed in which attracts the target audience and readers


Immediate Media Company

Immediate Media Company Limited (styled as Immediate Media Co) is a combined publishing house, combining the former assets of Origin of Publishing, Magicalia and BBC Magazines. It was created in late 2011 following the clearance by the Office of Fair Trading of the purchase of BBC magazines from BBC Worldwide by Exponent Private Equity.

Sold monthly

First issue in 1995


Top of the Pops magazine is a monthly publication published by Immediate Media Company. It features chart information, star gossip, fashion and beauty advice, quizzes, song lyrics and posters. It is a supplementary magazine for the TV show .Top of the Pops until the latter was cancelled in 2006.


The target audience for this magazine are teenage girls/pre-teens who are interested in pop, fashion, music and boy bands. The magazine includes photos and interviews with various artists and boy bands which is why it is aimed at teenage girls


The photos are very posed, implying they were taken at a photo-shoot

The main image is a close up of Justin Bieber where he is smirking which attracts the target audiences and with other pictures included on the front cover, it lets the audience know that magazine is mostly about Justin Bieber.

The shot is a mid-shot letting the reader see the clothes the artist is wearing which tells the audience a bit about his personality and the emotions and feelings he is portraying.