Page 1: Life Science Final Review Multiple Choice Identify the

Life Science Final Review Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Vertebrate skeletons are _____.

a. always composed of bone

b. mostly exoskeletons c. nonliving secretions d. made of living cells

____ 2. All vertebrates have _____.

a. endoskeletons b. skulls c. backbones

d. all of these

____ 3. The endoskeletons of all vertebrate animals _____. a. are endothermic b. have a skull and vertebral column

c. are nonliving d. have a supporting exoskeleton

____ 4. Animals that maintain a relatively constant body temperature are _____.

a. endothermic

b. ectothermic c. exothermic d. hypothermic

____ 5. Large ears help keep an animal from becoming too warm in hot climates.

a. True b. False. Large ears help a large animal keep cool in cold places. c. False. Large ears do not affect body temperature. They help the animal hear.

d. False. Large ears do not affect body temperature. They are generally used for signaling between animals of the same species.

____ 6. Animals that cannot control their body temperatures internally are _____.

a. endothermic

b. ectothermic c. cartilaginous d. carnivorous

____ 7. Snakes often need sunlight to help warm their sluggish bodies after a cold night because they are _____.

a. endothermic (warm-blooded) b. ectothermic (warm-blooded) c. endothermic (cold-blooded)

d. ectothermic (cold-blooded)

____ 8. Because many enzymes do not work properly if they get too hot or too cold, ectothermic animals must _____.

a. adjust their activities to the changing temperature of their environment b. keep their blood flowing at a constant rate c. spend half their time in warm weather and half their time in cool weather

d. keep active in hot weather

____ 9. If an ectothermic animal is too hot or too cold, it may _____. a. sweat b. become inactive

c. pant d. all of the above

____ 10. Snakes spend a lot of time sunning themselves because they are _____.

a. marsupial

b. endothermic c. ectothermic d. placental

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____ 11. Deoxygenated blood in vertebrates is a shade of _____. a. blue

b. red c. green d. brown

____ 12. Blood that has a high level of carbon dioxide in it is _____.

a. oxygenated

b. endothermic c. deoxygenated d. ectothermic

____ 13. What type of blood is red?

a. oxygenated b. deoxygenated c. both

d. neither

____ 14. The walls of a vertebrate heart chamber are made of _____. a. cartilage b. muscle

c. tendon d. blood

____ 15. What is the maximum number of chambers in any vertebrate heart?

a. two

b. three c. four d. five

____ 16. Which vertebrates have two-chambered hearts?

a. snakes b. birds c. fish

d. frogs

____ 17. Which heart system permits oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to mix before it is pumped to the body? a. one-chambered b. three-chambered

c. two-chambered d. four-chambered

____ 18. Vertebrates that breathe air have lungs; those that take oxygen from the water have _____.

a. gills

b. collar cells c. capillaries d. lungs

____ 19. Mammals and humans have a muscle called a _____ to help them breathe.

a. cranium

b. lung c. sartorius d. diaphragm

____ 20. The central nervous system consists of the spinal cord and the _____.

a. sensory organs b. brain c. peripheral nerves

d. cranial nerves

____ 21. The central nervous system does not include _____.

a. the cranial nerves b. the brain

c. the spinal cord d. all of the above

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____ 22. Nerves that go down the leg of a frog are _____. a. cranial nerves

b. brain nerves c. spinal nerves d. all of the above

____ 23. Which element is an important part of the hormone involved in the metamorphosis of tadpoles?

a. iodine b. uranium c. lead

d. plutonium

____ 24. Which organ has walls that squeeze in and out to mix food with digestive enzymes? a. stomach b. small intestine

c. large intestine d. liver

____ 25. Most food absorption takes place in the _____.

a. stomach

b. large intestine c. small intestine d. liver

____ 26. An animal that eats only plants is a(n) _____.

a. carnivore b. herbivore c. omnivore

d. none of these

____ 27. Vertebrates have _____ that filter wastes from the blood. a. urinary bladders b. stomachs

c. kidneys d. intestines

____ 28. The structure that manufactures urine by filtering the blood is the _____.

a. urinary bladder

b. kidney c. ureter d. anus

____ 29. A fish swims by _____.

a. flexing its entire body b. adjusting the amount of air in its swim bladder c. flapping its scales d. flapping its fins

____ 30. How many chambers does a fish’s heart have?

a. one b. two c. three

d. four

____ 31. Lampreys and hagfish differ from other fish because they _____.

a. have larger scales b. have no cartilage in their skeletons c. have no jaws

d. live on the ocean floor

____ 32. The shark and the ray are examples of _____ fish. a. jawless b. bony

c. poisonous d. cartilaginous

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____ 33. Sharks swim with their mouths open to _____. a. catch small particles of food

b. keep water passing across their gills c. control their speed in the water d. all of the above

____ 34. Which is not characteristic of bony fish?

a. swim bladder b. scales c. paired fins

d. multiple gill slits

____ 35. Which group of fish is the largest in number? a. jawless fish b. cartilaginous fish

c. bony fish d. scaled fish

____ 36. Which does not belong with the other three?

a. guppy

b. hagfish c. tadpole d. skate

____ 37. What organ do young amphibians have that the adults usually do not have?

a. gills

b. scales c. eyes d. heart

____ 38. Which is not an organ of respiration in amphibians?

a. skin b. gills c. lungs

d. All are organs of respiration in amphibians.

____ 39. Cold weather is to hibernation as hot weather is to _____.

a. migration

b. estivation

c. metamorphosis

d. spawning

____ 40. A period of inactivity occurring during hot, dry weather is called _____.

a. hibernation

b. estivation c. dormancy d. migration

____ 41. A frog’s tongue is not _____.

a. coiled like a spring

b. attached at the front of its mouth c. sticky d. used to catch food

____ 42. A frog swallows by _____.

a. pushing food back with its tongue b. grinding food with its teeth c. contracting muscles in its pharynx

d. blinking its eyes

____ 43. Amphibian skin _____. a. may secrete distasteful substances b. is used in respiration

c. is smooth and moist d. all of the above

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____ 44. Which type of amphibian has a tail? a. lizard

b. salamander c. frog d. tuatara

____ 45. Reptile skin _____.

a. secretes distasteful substances b. is used in respiration c. is moist

d. is scaly

____ 46. Which is not true of reptiles?

a. They all have a dry, scaly skin. b. They all have a four-chambered heart.

c. They are all ectothermic. d. They all have lungs for respiration.

____ 47. Which is not a reptile?

a. snake

b. salamander c. crocodile d. turtle

____ 48. Periodic shedding of skin by reptiles is called _____.

a. molting b. estivation c. terrapin

d. preening

____ 49. Which sense do snakes not have?

a. sight b. smell

c. hearing d. all of the above

____ 50. Because of the size of its head, a snake can eat only prey much smaller than itself.

a. True

b. False. Snakes tear their prey into smaller pieces before eating it. c. False. Snakes have specialized jaws and elastic throats that allow them to swallow large prey. d. False. Snakes are scavengers, so they generally eat bits left over from another animal’s meal.

____ 51. Alligators and crocodiles are classified in the same group of reptiles as lizards.

a. True b. False. They are classified in the same group as snakes. c. False. They are classified in the same group as tuataras. d. False. They are classified in their own group.

____ 52. Turtles that spend their entire lives on land are called _____.

a. terrapins b. tuataras c. sea turtles

d. tortoises

____ 53. Where does a terrapin spend most of its time?

a. in the ocean b. in fresh water c. on land

d. any of these

____ 54. Which does not belong with the other three?

a. terrapin b. sea turtle

c. monitor d. tortoise

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____ 55. Which structure is the large intestine? a. A

b. B c. C d. D

e. E f. F g. G

____ 56. Which structure is the small intestine?

a. A b. B c. C

d. D e. E f. F

g. G

____ 57. Which structure is the pancreas? a. A b. B

c. C d. D e. E

f. F g. G

____ 58. Which structure is the liver? a. A b. B

c. C d. D e. E

f. F g. G

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____ 59. Which structure is the esophagus? a. A b. B

c. C d. D e. E

f. F g. G

____ 60. Which structure is the gallbladder?

a. A

b. B c. C d. D

e. E f. F g. G

____ 61. Which structure is the stomach?

a. A b. B c. C

d. D e. E f. F

g. G

____ 62. Which animal has a two-chambered heart? a. Animal A

b. Animal B c. Animal C

____ 63. Which animal’s skeleton is made of cartilage?

a. Animal A

b. Animal B c. Animal C

____ 64. Which animal has two sets of teeth, the maxillary and vomerine?

a. Animal A

b. Animal B c. Animal C

____ 65. Which animal undergoes metamorphosis?

a. Animal A b. Animal B

c. Animal C

____ 66. Which animal has heat-sensing pits? a. Animal A b. Animal B

c. Animal C

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____ 67. What characteristic is unique to birds? a. They can fly.

b. They have wings. c. They have feathers. d. They are endothermic.

____ 68. Which of the following do birds not have?

a. crop b. down feathers c. teeth

d. lungs

____ 69. Bird bones differ from those of other animals by _____. a. having feathers attached to them b. being exceptionally heavy

c. being solid d. having air spaces

____ 70. The part of the shaft below the vane of a bird feather is the _____.

a. quill

b. crop c. barb d. papilla

____ 71. Papillae are bumps on the _____.

a. skin from which feathers grow b. bones from which feathers grow c. skin from which hair grows

d. bones from which hair grows

____ 72. Which does not belong with the other three?

a. quill b. barb

c. papilla d. albumen

____ 73. Birds preen themselves to _____.

a. kill fleas and reduce their weight

b. oil their feathers and reattach barbs c. remove old feathers and replace them with new ones d. make themselves more attractive

____ 74. Preening helps keep a bird’s _____ in good condition.

a. feathers b. feet c. bill d. eggs

____ 75. The process a bird uses to oil its feathers to keep them flexible is _____.

a. molting b. preening c. spawning

d. incubating

____ 76. A bird receives fresh oxygen when it inhales and when it exhales because it is equipped with _____. a. lungs b. air sacs

c. gills d. albumen

____ 77. A bird’s body is cooled mainly by its _____. a. beak b. down feathers

c. air sacs d. lungs

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____ 78. A bird’s lungs are filled with oxygen-rich air when it _____. a. inhales b. exhales

c. both inhales and exhales d. holds its breath

____ 79. The food supply provided for a developing bird inside an egg is the _____.

a. embryo

b. albumen c. shell d. yolk

____ 80. Since a chick develops inside an egg, oxygen must be stored inside the eggshell in the form of air bubbles.

a. True b. False. Oxygen is dissolved in water inside the eggshell, and the chick is equipped with gills to breathe. c. False. Oxygen passes through the eggshell.

d. False. Oxygen is stored in the yolk and is released inside the chick’s body.

____ 81. Which of the following have hair on their bodies and produce milk for their young? a. birds b. fish

c. mammals d. turtles

____ 82. Which does not belong with the other three?

a. mammary glands

b. hair c. feathers d. milk

____ 83. Milk-producing glands in female mammals are called _____.

a. mammary glands b. placental glands c. embryonic glands

d. thyroid glands

____ 84. Which teeth are used for cutting? a. incisors b. canines

c. premolars d. molars

____ 85. Which teeth are used for tearing? a. incisors b. canines c. premolars

d. molars

____ 86. Which is not one of the three major groups of mammals?

a. carnivores b. monotremes c. marsupials

d. placental mammals

___ 87. Which does not belong with the other three?

a. porcupine quills b. bear teeth c. lion mane

d. beaver fur

____ 88. An animal’s whiskers are used to _____. a. aid the sense of smell b. aid the sense of taste

c. provide extra insulation in winter d. sense things around the animal

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____ 89. Mammal hairs are filled with a protein called _____. a. melanin

b. keratin c. melatonin d. chlorophyll

____ 90. Which layer of hair makes fur feel warm?

a. down b. keratin c. underhair

d. guard hair

____ 91. Underhair is to fur as _____ is to feathers.

a. down

b. papilla

c. contour

d. keratin

____ 92. Monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees are _____.

a. monotremes

b. primates c. avians d. chiropterans

____ 93. Mammals that lay eggs are called _____.

a. marsupials b. monotremes c. placental mammals

d. birds

____ 94. An egg-laying mammal is the _____. a. kangaroo b. opossum

c. duck-billed platypus d. koala

____ 95. Where could you see a monotreme in its natural environment?

a. Florida

b. China c. Africa and Madagascar d. Australia and Tasmania

____ 96. Where could you see the most marsupials in their natural environment?

a. Florida b. China c. Africa and Madagascar d. Australia

____ 97. A mammal that has a pouch where its young develop is called a _____.

a. placental animal b. monotreme c. marsupial

d. wombless animal

____ 98. Most of a newborn kangaroo’s body is _____. a. not developed b. covered with hair

c. surrounded by a shell d. all of the above

____ 99. Which is not a mammal?

a. whale b. bat

c. ape d. All are mammals.

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____ 100. Which order of mammals includes squirrels? a. Cetacea

b. Proboscidea c. Sirenia d. Rodentia

____ 101. Which does not belong with the other three?

a. innate b. learned c. cultivated

d. intelligent

____ 102. An animal is born with _____ behavior. a. innate b. learned

c. intelligent

____ 103. A reflex is a(n) _____. a. thought-out response b. time-consuming response

c. educated response d. simple response

____ 104. An animal’s yawning would be an example of a(n) _____.

a. reflex

b. instinct c. intelligent behavior d. learned behavior

____ 105. The panting of a dog is considered _____.

a. a reflex b. an instinct c. intelligent behavior

d. learned behavior

____ 106. The jumping of a cat when it hears a loud noise is an example of a(n) _____. a. instinct b. reflex

c. pheromone response d. intelligent behavior

____ 107. Instincts are classified as _____.

a. learned behaviors

b. innate behaviors c. cultivated behaviors d. reflex behaviors

____ 108. Bird mating rituals are _____.

a. reflexes

b. intelligent behavior c. instincts d. learned behavior

____ 109. Migration is not a(n) _____.

a. instinct b. seasonal movement c. learned behavior

d. innate behavior

____ 110. The seasonal traveling of animals over long distances from one region to another is called _____. a. estivation b. hibernation

c. migration d. instinct

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____ 111. Annie sees Canada geese migrating in a V formation and correctly states, “The geese _____. a. are learning a new migratory route instead of following their usual route” b. are communicating by forming letters”

c. have considered the risks and benefits and have decided to move” d. are following their instinctive drive to migrate”

____ 112. Chemicals that are released by animals and that affect other animals of the same species are called _____.

a. hormones

b. auxins c. tropisms d. pheromones

____ 113. Pheromones _____.

a. may attract mates b. are very specific c. are similar to hormones

d. all of the above

____ 114. How do pheromones and hormones differ? a. Pheromones work outside the body; hormones work inside the body. b. Pheromones are only in ectothermic animals; hormones are only in endothermic animals.

c. Pheromones work when the animal’s hormones are not working properly. d. Pheromones are used for learned behavior; hormones are used for instinctive behavior.

____ 115. A housebroken dog exhibits _____.

a. a learned behavior

b. an instinct c. intelligent behavior d. a reflex

____ 116. When a parrot says “Polly wants a cracker,” it is exhibiting _____.

a. an instinct b. a learned behavior c. intelligent behavior

d. a reflex

____ 117. A lion cub hunts with its mother for a period of time before it can hunt on its own. Hunting ability in lions is primarily _____. a. an instinct b. a learned behavior

c. intelligent behavior d. a reflex

____ 118. The first night the raccoons raided the garbage cans, it took them 20 minutes to get the cans open. Now they can do the job in seconds.

This achievement is an example of a(n) _____. a. instinct

b. reflex c. innate behavior d. learned behavior

____ 119. If a fox tries to eat a toad but then vomits it out after the toad releases its poison, it will probably never attempt to eat a toad again. This is

an example of a(n) _____. a. instinctive behavior b. reflex

c. intelligent behavior d. learned behavior

____ 120. If an animal does not possess intelligent behaviors, it will probably not survive.

a. True

b. False. Some animals can survive quite well by following innate behavior patterns. c. False. An animal can learn intelligent behaviors. d. False. All animals possess intelligent behaviors.

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____ 121. The ability to communicate with symbols is an example of _____. a. reflexes

b. instincts c. intelligent behavior d. a learned behavior

____ 122. The ability to reason out a solution to a problem is part of _____ behavior.

a. innate

b. learned c. intelligent d. inborn

____ 123. Dolphins communicate with one another by _____.

a. whistling b. blowing bubbles c. sign language

d. tail flaps

____ 124. Which of these is not a tool-using animal mentioned in your textbook?

a. goldfish b. chimpanzee

c. digger wasp d. woodpecker finch

____ 125. Which does not belong with the other three?

a. meiosis

b. albumen c. haploid d. gamete

____ 126. A(n) _____ is a reproductive cell that transfers or receives chromosomes.

a. ovary b. gamete c. spawn

d. amnion

____ 127. How many sets of an organism’s chromosomes are contained within a gamete? a. one b. two

c. three d. four

____ 128. Gametes are produced by the process called _____.

a. mitosis

b. meiosis c. fertilization d. embryogenesis

____ 129. Gametes are special cells that are most important for _____.

a. growth

b. reproduction c. digestion d. movement

____ 130. In animals, eggs are produced in the _____.

a. uterus b. testes c. ova

d. ovaries

____ 131. Egg is to ovary as sperm is to _____.

a. milt

b. zygote

c. testis

d. yolk

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____ 132. Sperm is to testis as egg is to _____.

a. uterus

b. zygote

c. ovary

d. yolk

____ 133. Fertilization occurs when _____.

a. two haploid cells come together and form a diploid cell b. two gametes unite c. a zygote is formed

d. all of the above

____ 134. A zygote is a. diploid b. an egg that has not been fertilized

c. a kind of gamete d. haploid

____ 135. The diploid cell that results from fertilization is called a(n) _____.

a. egg

b. sperm c. zygote d. gamete

____ 136. Even if an egg is not fertilized, it can still grow into a healthy adult.

a. True. b. False. It will die. c. False. It will grow into a weak adult.

d. False. It will grow into an adult but will probably live only half as long as normal.

____ 137. Spawning is a type of _____. a. hatching b. incubation

c. external fertilization d. asexual reproduction

____ 138. When a sperm enters an egg, _____. a. no more sperm can enter b. the membrane around the egg changes

c. neither A nor B d. both A and B

____ 139. The sperm-containing fluid produced by male fish is called _____.

a. spawn

b. albumen c. milt d. saliva

____ 140. Which types of animals generally produce the most gametes?

a. those that reproduce by external fertilization

b. those that reproduce by internal fertilization c. those that reproduce asexually d. placental mammals

____ 141. In animals it is generally true that the larger the number of offspring is, the _____.

a. less parental care the young get b. more parental care the young get c. larger the animal is at birth or hatching

d. larger the father is

____ 142. Which one of these provides the least amount of care for its young or eggs?

a. cichlid b. goldfish

c. Great Plains skink d. walrus

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____ 143. Internal fertilization occurs when the gametes unite _____. a. indoors

b. during incubation c. inside the female parent’s body d. inside the eggshell

____ 144. The term egg describes _____.

a. a female gamete or ovum

b. a zygote surrounded by a shell c. both A and B d. neither A nor B

____ 145. A zygote that has a shell placed around it is called a(n) _____.

a. ovary b. egg c. nucleus

d. sperm

____ 146. What part of an egg is composed mostly of water and protein and contains vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the embryo’s development? a. nucleus

b. yolk c. shell d. albumen

____ 147. Which does not belong with the other three?

a. placenta b. albumen c. yolk

d. shell

____ 148. Incubation occurs _____.

a. after an egg is laid b. inside the mother’s body c. in the uterus

d. before gestation

____ 149. In seahorse families _____. a. the female protects the eggs b. the female produces the sperm

c. the male keeps the developing eggs d. both the male and female protect and incubate the eggs

____ 150. The eggs of the giant water bug _____.

a. are attached to underwater plants

b. float freely on the surface c. are carried on the father’s back d. are carried on the bottom of the mother’s abdomen

____ 151. Gestation is the period of time spent _____.

a. in the uterus

b. inside an egg c. in the nest d. spawning

____ 152. In mammals the zygote attaches to _____.

a. the eggshell b. the wall of the ovary c. the wall of the uterus

d. none of the above

____ 153. The zygote of a live-bearing animal develops in a special structure called a(n) _____. a. ovary b. egg

c. gamete d. uterus

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____ 154. A placenta can be found only in _____. a. male mammals b. female mammals

c. bird and reptile eggs d. bird eggs

____ 155. An umbilical cord connects _____.

a. an ovary and an egg

b. an ovary and a uterus c. an embryo and an egg d. an embryo and a placenta

____ 156. In placental mammals, the embryo is attached to the placenta by the _____.

a. umbilical cord b. amniotic fluid c. albumen

d. shell gland

____ 157. Usually, the longer a pregnancy is, the _____. a. more developed the young animal will be at birth b. less developed the young animal will be at birth

c. more eggs that will be laid d. fewer eggs that will be laid

____ 158. What kind of behavior is exhibited by a pet dog that rolls over on command?

a. innate

b. learned c. intelligent

____ 159. Which animal is demonstrating a mating ritual? a. Animal A b. Animal B

c. Animal C d. Animal D

____ 160. Which animal is demonstrating a learned behavior?

a. Animal A

b. Animal B c. Animal C d. Animal D

____ 161. Which animal is demonstrating intelligence?

a. Animal A b. Animal B c. Animal C

d. Animal D

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____ 162. Which animal produces the most eggs? a. Animal A b. Animal B

c. Animal C d. Animal D

____ 163. Which animal spawns?

a. Animal A

b. Animal B c. Animal C d. Animal D

____ 164. Which animal has the longest pregnancy?

a. Animal A b. Animal B c. Animal C

d. Animal D

____ 165. Which animal has a placenta? a. Animal A b. Animal B

c. Animal C d. Animal D

____ 166. Which is not one of the three basic areas of study in ecology?

a. how organisms in an ecosystem affect each other

b. how nonliving factors of the ecosystem affect the organisms of the ecosystem c. how the organisms in an ecosystem affect the nonliving factors of the ecosystem d. how ecosystems can be limited

____ 167. Which of the following cannot be an ecosystem?

a. a swimming fish b. David’s aquarium c. a mountain valley

d. Turner’s Pond

____ 168. An ecosystem is made up of all the _____. a. abiotic environments and all the biotic communities of an area b. populations in an area

c. nonliving factors (such as rain, wind, and temperature) in an area d. living organisms, regardless of kind or quantity, in an area

____ 169. Hummingbirds build their nests in trees, where they are protected from predators but can still go out to find food and water. This

describes the hummingbirds’ _____.

a. habitat b. biome c. humus

d. niche

____ 170. The area of an ecosystem where an organism lives is called its _____. a. abiotic environment b. biotic community

c. habitat d. niche

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____ 171. The area where a white-tailed deer lives is its _____. a. ecosystem b. habitat

c. niche d. biotic community

____ 172. An organism’s role, or job, in an ecosystem is called its _____.

a. habitat

b. niche c. environment d. occupation

____ 173. The abiotic environment of an ecosystem may contain all of the following except _____.

a. substrate b. water c. plants

d. light

____ 174. In the environment, fire can _____. a. be a physical factor b. never be beneficial

c. be a biotic factor d. never be significant

____ 175. Humus is _____.

a. sand and clay in the soil

b. decaying plant and animal material in the soil c. animals that live in the soil d. all of the above

____ 176. What is the name given to the movement of water from the earth to the atmosphere?

a. the water cycle b. precipitation c. runoff

d. evaporation

____ 177. Precipitation that enters the soil is called _____. a. the water table b. groundwater

c. runoff d. evaporation

____ 178. Succession is _____.

a. how organisms survive in harsh environments b. how ecosystems change as time passes

c. caused by the migration of organisms in relation to seasonal rhythms d. caused by factors like hibernation and annual rainfall

____ 179. Pioneer species are populations that are _____.

a. always producers in an ecosystem

b. found early in succession c. never producers in an ecosystem d. found near the climax organisms in succession

____ 180. Cutting the grass, pulling the weeds, trimming the shrubs, and planting different plants in the yard prevent _____.

a. seasonal rhythms b. succession c. the abiotic environment from taking over the yard

d. the yard from being an ecosystem

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____ 181. The term population refers to _____.

a. members of one species of organism that live in a particular ecosystem

b. all organisms in a particular ecosystem c. biotic members of a particular ecosystem d. members of one kind of organism, regardless of the ecosystem it is found in

____ 182. All the brook trout living in Sideling Hill Creek are a(n) _____.

a. family b. ecosystem c. biotic community

d. population

____ 183. Which is the best example of a population?

a. all the animals in a zoo b. all the birds in your backyard

c. all the largemouth bass in a lake d. all the producers in a meadow

____ 184. In an aquarium, the biotic community is made up of _____.

a. populations of producers and consumers

b. the water, gravel, temperature, and light in the aquarium c. all the limiting factors d. only the animals placed in the tank

____ 185. Consumer organisms _____.

a. consume only producers b. consume only consumers c. include organisms that consume producers, consumers, or both

d. include only organisms that can obtain their energy directly from the sun

____ 186. Organisms that are unable to manufacture their own food are called _____. a. producer organisms b. biotic organisms

c. consumer organisms d. cyclic organisms

____ 187. From what process do producer organisms ultimately get their energy?

a. cellular respiration

b. circadian rhythms c. photosynthesis d. osmosis

____ 188. Cellular respiration takes place in _____.

a. producers only b. consumers only c. decomposers only d. all organisms

____ 189. The carbon and oxygen cycles _____.

a. are made up of the living and nonliving things in an ecosystem b. involve the photosynthesis and cellular respiration that go on in an ecosystem c. are based on a daily rhythm

d. are based on limiting factors for the abiotic environment

____ 190. In an ecosystem, the plant and algal populations carry on _____. a. cellular respiration only b. photosynthesis only

c. both photosynthesis and cellular respiration d. neither photosynthesis nor cellular respiration

____ 191. Which two major biological processes drive the carbon and oxygen cycles? a. photosynthesis and cellular respiration b. the water cycle and cellular respiration

c. photosynthesis and the water cycle d. the water cycle and the nitrogen cycle

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____ 192. A factor in a habitat that restricts the growth or existence of an organism is known as a(n) _____. a. controlling factor b. limiting factor

c. aquatic factor d. biotic factor

____ 193. Certain bacteria cannot grow if the pH drops below 5.The pH level is a _____ for these bacteria.

a. circadian rhythm

b. limiting factor c. biological inhibitor d. none of these

____ 194. A limiting factor _____.

a. limits the size of a population in an ecosystem b. causes the ecosystem’s cycles to stop c. causes the ecosystem’s rhythms to stop

d. limits the size of the ecosystem

____ 195. The most abundant element in the atmosphere is _____. a. oxygen b. carbon

c. nitrogen d. helium

____ 196. Which of these does not make some nitrogen available to plants?

a. lightning

b. soil bacteria c. rain d. transpiration

____ 197. Circadian rhythms happen every _____.

a. day b. week c. season

d. year

____ 198. Nocturnal organisms are active _____. a. at night b. during the day

c. day and night d. half the day and half the night

____ 199. An organism that is active during the day is _____. a. nocturnal b. dormant c. diurnal

d. rhythmic

____ 200. Flowers that open at night exhibit _____ rhythms.

a. circadian b. nocturnal c. diurnal

d. seasonal

____ 201. Morning glories open in the morning and close at night. This is an example of _____.

a. dormancy b. a seasonal rhythm c. a lunar rhythm

d. a circadian rhythm

____ 202. The state of inactivity in plants, when growth and metabolism slow down, is called _____. a. hibernation b. dormancy

c. succession d. latency

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____ 203. Dormant buds are most easily found _____. a. while a plant is growing b. on annual plants

c. during the winter d. on hibernating chipmunks

____ 204. Plants that survive the winter only as seeds _____.

a. are annuals

b. are perennials c. form dormant buds d. hibernate

____ 205. Annual plant species survive through the winter in the form of _____.

a. buds b. seeds c. nitrogen

d. roots

____ 206. A chipmunk hibernating through the cold winter is an example of _____. a. organisms affecting each other b. the abiotic environment affecting the biotic community

c. the biotic community affecting the abiotic environment d. a circadian rhythm

____ 207. Summer resident birds in the village of Waterfall, Pennsylvania, will _____.

a. hibernate during the winter

b. migrate to somewhere else for the winter c. be present year-round d. perform photosynthesis only in the summer

____ 208. Hibernation does not involve _____.

a. lowered body temperature b. slowed metabolism c. seasonal rhythms

d. easy waking

____ 209. What happens to an animal’s body temperature when it hibernates? a. It increases. b. It decreases.

c. It increases and decreases in a cyclic pattern. d. It remains the same as when it is awake.

____ 210. Susan is studying how the kidneys function to cleanse the blood. She is studying the kidneys’ _____.

a. anatomy b. physiology

c. histology d. zoology

____ 211. A scientist studying the size of the human leg bones is studying the bones’ _____.

a. anatomy

b. histology c. physiology d. osteology

____ 212. The brain is _____ to the heart.

a. anterior b. posterior c. superior

d. inferior

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____ 213. The vertebrae are _____ to the lungs. a. anterior

b. posterior c. superior d. inferior

____ 214. Bone and blood are _____ tissues.

a. connective b. nerve c. muscle

d. epithelial

____ 215. The tissues that line the external and internal surfaces of your body are _____. a. connective tissues b. nerve tissues

c. muscle tissues d. epithelial tissues

____ 216. The thick layer of skin that contains many blood vessels, nerve receptors, and hair follicles is the _____.

a. epidermis

b. dermis c. subcutaneous layer d. epicutaneous layer

____ 217. What is underneath the dermis?

a. the epidermis b. hair follicles c. the subcutaneous layer

d. sweat glands

____ 218. Which of the following is not true of a blister?

a. It can result from intense heat. b. It is an area of thickened epidermis.

c. It contains fluid trapped under the skin. d. The skin layers separate.

____ 219. Which of the following is true of both a callus and a blister?

a. They are formed from dead cells.

b. They are ways the skin protects itself. c. They contain fluids trapped under the skin. d. They are caused by an infection.

____ 220. An area of thickened epidermis is called a(n) _____.

a. callus b. dermis c. blister d. osteon

____ 221. Which of the following does not happen when the skin attempts to cool the body?

a. Perspiration is released by the sweat glands. b. Blood flow to the skin is increased. c. Pores in the skin are closed.

d. Sweat evaporates, cooling the skin.

____ 222. The pigment that is responsible for much of the color of human skin is _____. a. periosteum b. keratin

c. melanin d. chlorophyll

____ 223. The yellowish pigment found in the skin of some people is called _____. a. melanin b. tannin

c. carotene d. rouge

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____ 224. Based only on normal working conditions and equal skin pigmentation at the start, which of these people will produce the most melanin?

a. an underground coal miner in Pennsylvania b. a wheat farmer in Iowa

c. a bank teller in Alaska d. a night watchman in Mexico

____ 225. A sunburn is a burn caused by _____.

a. visible light

b. ultraviolet light c. x-rays d. gamma rays

____ 226. A mild sunburn or a burn that results in redness of the skin but not in breaking or blistering is called a _____.

a. first-degree burn b. second-degree burn c. third-degree burn

d. fourth-degree burn

____ 227. Dale accidentally touched a hot stove and received a minor burn. He should immediately _____. a. submerge the burn in cold water b. put ice on the burn

c. put butter or margarine on the burn d. go to the hospital

____ 228. Which of the following is not a function of bones?

a. store calcium

b. produce blood cells c. protect organs d. produce melanin

____ 229. The tissue of the skeletal system that is flexible, does not contain blood vessels, and covers the ends of bones in joints is _____.

a. ligament b. tendon c. cartilage

d. periosteum

____ 230. Your bones were once made of _____, a flexible material that in an adult functions to hold the bones together. a. cartilage b. bone marrow

c. ligaments d. tendons

____ 231. A unit of bone, consisting of a blood vessel, layers of nonliving material, and living bone cells, is called a(n) _____.

a. periosteum b. osteon

c. keratin d. marrow

____ 232. The white tissue that covers the surface of a bone is the _____.

a. periosteum

b. ligament c. spongy bone d. cartilage

____ 233. What structure forms new bone tissue as you grow?

a. periosteum b. marrow c. keratin

d. osteon

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____ 234. What is found in the long central cavity of many bones? a. periosteum

b. cartilage c. osteons d. marrow

____ 235. Your Achilles tendon connects a _____.

a. leg bone to a heel bone b. leg bone to an ankle bone c. leg muscle to a heel bone

d. leg muscle to a foot muscle

____ 236. The sternum is _____ to the femur. a. anterior b. posterior

c. superior d. inferior

____ 237. Joints that allow free rotating movement within a limited area are _____.

a. ball-and-socket joints

b. hinge joints c. fused joints d. pivot joints

____ 238. Joints that bend only back and forth are _____.

a. pivot joints b. ball-and-socket joints c. hinge joints

d. gliding joints

____ 239. The elbow is an example of a _____ joint. a. gliding b. pivot

c. ball-and-socket d. hinge

____ 240. A fracture that splinters the bone is called a(n) _____ fracture.

a. incomplete

b. gliding c. comminuted d. complete

____ 241. Which does not belong with the other three?

a. circular b. gliding c. hinge d. pivot

____ 242. Most voluntary muscles are _____.

a. smooth muscles b. in the stomach and intestines c. the muscles of the heart

d. skeletal muscles

____ 243. What organ has involuntary, striated muscle? a. the heart b. the lungs

c. the stomach d. the skeleton

____ 244. Muscle tissue in the heart is called _____ muscle. a. smooth b. cardiac

c. skeletal d. coronary

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____ 245. What type of muscle is nonstriated and voluntary? a. smooth b. heart

c. skeletal d. none of these

____ 246. An example of a striated muscle would be _____.

a. stomach muscles

b. intestinal muscles c. heart muscle d. muscles in blood vessel walls

____ 247. When your biceps contracts, your triceps _____.

a. relaxes b. contracts c. rotates to the right

d. sags

____ 248. Which muscle is found at the back of the lower leg and extends the foot as you push off when walking? a. trapezius b. gluteus

c. gastrocnemius d. sartorius

____ 249. The gastrocnemius is _____ to the tibialis anterior.

a. anterior

b. posterior c. superior d. inferior

____ 250. Which muscle is superior to the others?

a. pectoralis b. rectus abdominis c. gluteus

d. tibialis anterior

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Life Science Final Review Answer Section


1. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 277

2. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 277

3. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 277

4. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 278

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34. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 288

35. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 288

36. ANS: C Guppies, hagfish, and skates are fish.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 288

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38. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 289

39. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 290

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51. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 295

52. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 295

53. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 295

54. ANS: C Terrapins, sea turtles, and tortoises are types of turtles.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 295

55. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: Page 292

56. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: Page 292

57. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 292

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60. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 292

61. ANS: G PTS: 1 REF: Page 292

62. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 280

63. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 277

64. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 290

65. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 291

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66. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 295

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69. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 303

70. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 304

71. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 304

72. ANS: D

The quill, barb, and papilla are all parts of a feather. PTS: 1 REF: Page 304

73. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 304

74. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 304

75. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 304

76. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 305

77. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 305

78. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 305

79. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 305

80. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 305

81. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Pages 306-307

82. ANS: C

Mammary glands, hair and milk are associated with mammals.

PTS: 1 REF: Pages 306-307

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84. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 307

85. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 307

86. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 307

87. ANS: B

Porcupine quills, lion mane and beaver fur are examples of hair. PTS: 1 REF: Page 308

88. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 308

89. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 308

90. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 308

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97. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 311

98. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 311

99. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 312

100. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 312

101. ANS: C

Innate, learned and intelligent are types of animal behavior. PTS: 1 REF: Page 319

102. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 319

103. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 319

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122. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 323

123. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 325

124. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 325

125. ANS: B

Meiosis, haploid and gamete are related to gamete formation.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 326

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127. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 326

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144. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 326 | Page 329

145. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 329

146. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 329

147. ANS: A Albumen, yolk and shell are parts of an egg.

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149. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 330

150. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 330

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161. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 325

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178. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Pages 346-347

179. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Pages 346-347

180. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Pages 346-347

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201. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Pages 354-355

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222. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 419

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225. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Pages 419-420

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236. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 414 | Page 424

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238. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 425

239. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 425

240. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 425

241. ANS: A

Gliding, hinge, and pivot are types of joints. PTS: 1 REF: Page 425 | Page 427

242. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: Page 428

243. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 428

244. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 428

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248. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 429

249. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 414 | Page 429

250. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 414 | Page 429
