
CHAPTER 5 LESSON 2Life in Ancient Egypt


Identify key terms: Civilization, theocracy, pharaoh, embalming, pyramid, bureaucrat, distribute, crucial, reside, labor, construct, manual, obtain, obelisk

Identify the characteristics of a civilization.

Compare the economic, political, social and religious institutions of Ancient Egypt

Discuss the various social classes in Ancient Egypt.

Civilization,theocracy, pharaoh,embalming,pyramid, bureaucrat, distribute, crucial, reside, labor, construct, manual, obtain, obelisk




Pass outGet

Build with handsLive besides

BuildColumn like monument

Tomb for kingGovernment based on religion

Highly advanced societyGovernment worker


Key Terms Matching

Rulers of Egypt

From the time period of 2600 BCE - 2200 BCE, Egypt’s Old Kingdom flourished.

The Egyptians built magnificent cities and increased trade.

They also formed a unified government with the PHARAOH (leader of Egypt, means great house) at its head.

The PHARAOH was the political and religious head of the government (THEOCRACY)

Rulers of Egypt, continued The Egyptians were fiercely loyal to their PHAROAH. The PHAROAH appointed BUREAUCRATS

(government officials) to carry out his orders. The government was responsible for the

construction and repairs of dams, irrigation canals and granaries.

The PHAROAH owned all the land in Egypt. He also collected taxes from the people in the form

of LABOR and/or grain.

Rulers of Egypt, continued

Egypt was a theocracy. The government leader was also a spiritual leader. They thought Pharaoh was God on Earth.

As a religious leader, the PHAROAH commanded great loyalty.

In Egyptian society, the PHAROAH was considered the son of Re (Ra), the Egyptian Sun God.

As Egypt’s religious leader, the PHAROAH participated in ceremonies to help the kingdom thrive.

Religion in Egypt

Religion influenced every part of Egyptian life. The Egyptians believed in many different gods

or goddesses. POLYTHEISM The Egyptians believed these gods controlled

natural forces as well as human activities The Egyptians had a positive view of the

afterlife. One of the most important writings of Ancient

Egypt was the BOOK OF THE DEAD. With this book, a good Egyptian would study its

prayers and magic spells to prepare for the afterlife.

Actual part of Egyptian Book of the Dead

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The mystical Spell 17, from the Papyrus of Ani. The vignette at the top illustrates, from left to right, the god Heh as a representation of the Sea; a gateway to the realm of Osiris; the Eye of Horus; the celestial cow Mehet-Weret; and a human head rising from a coffin,

guarded by the four Sons of Horus.

Religion in Egypt, continued

In Egyptian society, all people, rich and poor, could hope for eternal life.

The process of EMBALMING (treat a body to prevent it from decaying) emerged so that Egyptians could protect bodies for the afterlife.

The Egyptians learned much about the human body from EMBALMING.

They had acquired medical knowledge and wrote down this information on papyrus scrolls.

The Pyramid Tombs PYRAMIDS (great tombs) were tombs built for the

PHAROAHS. Some of these structures were huge! How huge? Try

500 feet tall huge, or about 48 stories high. They took years to build and millions of blocks and

materials! The Egyptians faced many challenges as they built

the PYRAMIDS. They also built the Sphinx and many obelisks, (tall 4

sided pillar ending in a pyramid shaped top) to honor gods and mark important events.

From these challenges, the Egyptians learned many things :

Astronomy, 12 month, 365 day calendar and many mathematical advances. (fractions, division)

Can you visit inside the pyramids ?


Sarcophagus inside the Great pyramid’s King’s Chamber.


The Pyramids at Giza(Tombs for the pharaohs)

Daily Life At its peak, Egypt was home to about 5

million people. Most Egyptians lived in the Nile River

Valley and delta. People had different roles in Egyptian


Social Status in Egypt The upper classes lived near the Nile and

wore expensive white linen, along with eye make-up.

The middle class was made up of people who had businesses and held skilled jobs. They lived in smaller homes and dressed more simply than the upper class.

The lower class was made up of farmers, unskilled workers and enslaved people. Generally speaking, the houses were smaller.

Ancient Egyptian Social Classes :

Egyptian Families The family was the most important group in

Ancient Egypt. The father was the head of the household Women had many rights, including the right

to own property, buy and sell goods and obtain divorces.

Few children attended school. Instead, many children learned their parents’ trade or job, since very often they would inherit the business/job when the parents would pass. (mainly the sons)

EGYPT Today Modern city of Cairo

Modern Egypt today

Egypt Today

Key Terms :

1. Oasis – A fertile water area in a desert. 2. Aswan Dam-A man made barrier in the Nile

river that holds back water to use it to irrigate fields all around Egypt.

3. Suez Canal – A man made or artificial waterway connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. It provides an important short cut for ships, trade, and transportation.

4. Islam- Religious faith practiced by many Egyptians today. A monotheistic religion that teaches the ideals of the prophet Muhammad.


Aswan Dam

Aswan Dam

Aswan Dam makes electricity

Suez Canal

More Key Terms :

5. Muslim- A follower of the Islamic religion. 6. Mosque – An Islamic temple where Muslims

worship. 7. Arabic- The prevailing language of Egypt today.

8. Lotus- A water lily common near Nile, and a popular motif of Egypt.

9. Bazaar- Open markets containing stalls or carts that have food and handicrafts for sale.

10. Felucca- An Egyptian sailboat.

Islam Muslims Mosques


- Mosques -

- Muslims -






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