
A Plan for your loved ones

Contact Me: 08036411416 or

Email: [email protected]

Thumbs up to hardworking Nigerians

Who you are

I know you surely will fall in any of the categories above, but I must say I know your greatest fear which you probably might not have

focused on

If you work hard, try to plan for the best future, try to

provide the best life for your family & kids(If any). You are

the one I’m talking to

You earn little, yet find a way to feed your family (Sense of


You’re averagely okay but clouded with so much expenses and have no reserve, yet your family survive

You are classed as successful in this present economy because your income/investment can cater for now, tomorrow or after you’re no more

You see yourself as poor/useless and have the

fear of not achieving anything

You live for yourself and carless of anything

around. You believe in self survival

You believe you are too young to think of others. Therefore, you enjoy to be taken care of by parent

What is your greatest fearYour greatest fear is Death! (Take it or leave it). I know you might be

disgusted right now and not want to read further. This word is definitely what most of us shy from or never wish it comes our way. We know it’s certainty but just don’t know when. If you still have doubts that this is

not your fear. Ask yourself these questions:

If truly your religious believes about eternity, paradise, hell or eternal torment are true, where would you be after death?. If you have answers to this, how sure and positive is your answer? Is it certain or automatic?

What will happen to my family after my dismiss? Will my children continue with the kind of education I ever dreamed of?

Is my reserves enough to sustain my family them for a life time? How can I increase my financial worth?

What will my family say of me when I’m gone

Will I say I have lived a fulfilled life?

The Bitter TruthNigerians are faced with Natural (Health hazard) and accidental death on a daily bases (Nigeria Death expectancy rate: 48years). Look around you, you’ll find young people die everydayNigerian’s are known to be hardworking, loving but most times ignorantly selfish to themselves. In the bid to make ends meet (provide for family and satisfy daily expenses), They forget the real purpose of our existence. If we agree that the main purpose of our existence is to make a positive impact to our generation and fulfill God’s purpose.What then happens in the process of achieving all, the eventuality of death occurs?. No one wishes to die, everyone sees death as a bad thing but When bad things happen in life, you are left with three choices. You can either let it define you. Let it destroy you or let it strengthen you

U.S.A 78 yearsCanada 81 yearsUnited Kingdom 80 yearsNigeria 48 years

Diabetes Cancer


Heart Failure

We are not saying this to discourage you from moving forward or trying to let the thought of death consume you, but to remind you of the

unforeseen. We only want you to be that better person that

plans for his/her family while alive.

Daily accidental Risk

Questions to ask yourself

What can I say I’ve achieved when I am no more?

How will my loved ones survive when we I’m not there

How much will my family need for immediate sustenance or survival? #1million, #10million, #20million


Whose responsibility is it to provide for the

immediate needs of my family in my absence?

How much is my financial worth?

How can I increase my financial worth?

What can I do to have a peaceful eternity?




ion =N



How much will my family/beneficiary

need if I’m no more

Yea!! I Got it!!A Life Assurance is all I need

With =N5,000,

You can worthN1million naira or get more if you so desire….

How to achieve thisPhysical : Get a Pure Life Assurance

• Mutual Term Assurance Policy• Mutual Benefits School Fees Guarantee Scheme• Whole Life (Limited Premium Payment Plan)

Spiritual : Be Dedicated to the rules binding your religion

Know about your religion, study the rights and wrongs of your religion.Christians: remember that you will be questioned for not taking care of your family (1 Tim 3:5)Muslims: Some Muslims don’t believe in insurance because they feel it’s a form of gambling. Al-Munajjid advises Muslims about what to do in such a situation: "If you are forced to take out insurance and there is an accident, it is permissible for you to take from the insurance company the same amount as the payments you have made, but you should not take any more than that. If they force you to take it then you should donate it to charity.“

Term Assurance

You pay a very small amount (premium e.g #5000) to enjoy a very large cover (#1million) for a year.Convenient payment options – monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly.Creation of immediate estate upon the inception of the policy for the dependants.In case the assured lives until the end of the specified term of the policy, the policy expires and no benefit is payable.It creates confidence in the mind of the assured to move on with life activities.

Term Assurance is one of the cheapest pure life assurance policy. It is a type of assurance policy taken within a specific period, maybe 1yr, 2yrs etc. A little amount is paid to cover an assured/person within a period. If the assured survives the period, the assurance expires and there is no payment made by the insurance company. The amount to be paid to purchase the cover is determined by the; Sum Assured,

Age of Assured & Duration

Age Premium/How much to pay

Financial worth/Sum Assured

20-40 2,500 500,000

41-50 3,750 500,000

51-60 7,500 500,000

Mutual School Fees Guaranteed Plan

Mutual Benefits School Fees Guarantee Scheme is an insurance plan designed to guarantee the continuation of a child’s education in the event of the parents not being there to fund their education as a result of death, critical illness or permanent disability.

It is a renewable contract policy that pays for the school fees of the child(ren) for the remaining term/semester from the point the sponsoring parent falls critically ill or suffers a permanent total disablement or dies.If death occurs, the policy pays the sum assured to a named (trusted) beneficiary chosen by you for your children’s education.Minimum duration is One (1) yearMinimum age at entry is 18 while the maximum age at entry is 60Benefits required can be adjusted to ensure adequate provision for the child’s educationMultiple children with varying years of education outstanding can be coveredThe plan does not attract surrender value benefit

Convenient way of funding Children’s EducationEnsures realization of Children’s EducationThe scheme helps you to cater for your children’s education even when you are no longer availableTax advantagesIt guaranteed peace of mindIt is one of the cheapest and affordable form of insurance

Whole-LifeWhole Life Assurance policy is a type of insurance that provides insurance coverage of the contract holder for his/her entire life. In other words, it does not have any form of maturity benefit. It only pays an agreed benefit (The Sum Assured) to the beneficiary of an assured after the assured must have died.

Minimum age at entry is 20 while the maximum age at entry is 60The duration of this policy usually a function of how long the life assured lives. That is the duration is a life time.Premium payment stops at a specific age chosen by the assured, say 45, 50, 55, 60 or 65.Note however that the longer the age at which the premium payment will cease, the cheaper the premium payable.If after the premium payment has ceased, the assured is still alive, the policy will be in force until the life assured dies before the benefit becomes payable to the named beneficiary(ies)

Family protection cover for the entire lifeTax advantagesIt guaranteed peace of mindIt is the cheapest and affordable form of insuranceIf death occurs, the policy pays the sum assured to named beneficiaries chosen by you.

There is no policy loan available under this policy.This plan does not acquire surrender valueThe policy has no maturity dateThe premium payable under this type of policy is determined by the following factors

The Sum Assured selected by the assuredThe Date of Birth of the assured, and The Age at which the Life Assured would like to stop premium payment

Call me to get a policy

Contact Me: 08036411416 or

Email: [email protected]
