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• rei.t, 14 likrtiP4' eA 10t* •A

Subject s UNDERHERG., Hubert Gottfried. Sr,and Family (German Citizens)

Case No.: Special

Ref. No,: Specia1/IEDIC/SIIR3

Date s. 16 Sanuary 1946

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PageI • INTRODUCTION 6, • 6 *** , .... • • . • • • 1

II, . HUGO HUBERT UNDERBERG, SR.• e a • • • • • • • • • IP • 2

414 Shcrt . Bastory, L.trehr Man.?6 io *** t s e'46 II

B. The gvEGER ecount • • 6 * 6 • • * A • 2C. A. Little .:.bout Hauser& a • • 2D. Subject .;,gain Imprisoned 6 • • • •

• • • It O * • *

3•E. Move to 1.ustria and Court Battles, 1 4 3

• F. Political Martyr/ • • • • • • • • • # • • • • • • • 6G„ Tho 1;;Iild Denunciations • • . • • • • • • • # • it • • 7H. Conclusion • • ••• •• • • 8r,

,III. THE SON • • *** ****** • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8

li.. Investigation Results: Nazi. First Class, „ • , • • 8•B. Biography: J:LEGER Version • • , • • 11

C.Conclusion •11• • • OOOOOO • • • •7 .. I.1 OOO


Embassy Secretary 12B. Conclusion 12

V, TIE IlLUGRTER t NO. 2 s . 4 12

•A.,, L-rt Student • • • • . ., 12,B. Conclusion • • •• .• • . O : • i i * • ... 12

VI. TIE ';;;Ilrd4-.4., -4,1.4,i . II:. 3r....v.:;.• ;;;;; . t • • • . 4 • • • • • ; • f,. . .12

VII, FIN.:1, CONCLItION • • • i • . • ..• it • ' • • • • • • ..■ ■ 1.2• ,

VIII. RECOMMENWZION• • • • .* • • • •


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On or about 7 November 1945, Hubert GottfriediERG,and his family (rife; daughter'Ellen . rith six month old baby,and daughter Ruth) mere evacuated .Artim'St, liiolfgang,A4stria,to Germany under protest. The sOLOIuberttras confined toan insane asylunk(Iandesheilanstalt l .Salzburg) at the sametine, .1,rriving n Kassel, the older UNDERBERG presented hiscase to the Conmanding . Officeri Military Gevernment in Kassel,who referred him to the PUblic'Safety Officer for the "04 S.Zone of Germany * Headquarters, United States Forces, EuropeanTheatre, LPO 757, Frankfurt, Germany. Subject presented hiscase there, and Headquarters, United States Forces, EuropeanTheatre issued travel permits to Lustria so that Subjectmight present his case for reconsideration.

UNDERBERG, Sr, reported to a.0- cf4i, G,. 42nd. 2ftfanWF.PiviDten in'Salzburg, and Erhard C, 1st 16,,AUC.114Latriggen_Board„-Iand Salzburgl—rtalt,..ellealted with the iavesti*gation, Lt. NZGER issued several reports in rhich he cameto the conclusion that the UMERHERG family are "...Germannationals who tore politically persecuted under the Nazis..."and that " is the rell considered opinion ef the under..signed (Lt, TLER) that m Dm: no- G and his family have notonly been politically persecuted by the Nazis, but have beensuch actiVe opponents of the Nazi regire that they have con.tributed, within the limits of their power, everything theyhad to offer to bring about the collapse of the Nazi regime,'

.14 the sem tine, It. =GER demanded investigation ofseveral members of the United States , and the arrestand trial of nunerous Lustrians. The latter two pointsrill not be the subject of this report, although the fitnessof Lt. /LEGER as an investigator till have to be challenged.

Lt. ILEGER&s reports, thich led to ropercussions,:didnet appear to be without prejudice. Therefore ., the Commanding.General of the 83rd Infantry Division charged the 430th GIGDetachment with reinvestigating the UNDERBERG family membersas to their activities and their claims of political perse-cution. This task as turned over to the undersigned, andthe results are hexepith submitted in the form of abtikt


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r •1 .1



A4 Short History, 21brehr

Subjeet ras born 10 November 1891 in Germany. Be claire to have.three brothers, all Of them dwarfs only slightly over four feet tall.The tension between Subject, rho is Of normal appearances and histhree brothers' led to an endless series of legal contests over thelarge family fortune. This ras carried as high as the GermanSwore= Court and has not yet been settled. These triOlss claims,and counter claims have been a dominant factor in Subject's life.UNDERBERG served in the first World War rith the intelligenceservice and reached the rank of. First Lieutenant. In 1930 Subject

retired from business due to angina pectoris (heart disease). InZobraary 1940 he res recalled to active service rith the GermanLirmy, was declared fit for limited service Clone of Interior), andbegan to serve with the Lbrehr (counter-intelligence) of theVI Gerpas rhich was in Mhenster, ';%estfalensat that tine. Rewitnessed the preparations for the invasion of the Netherlandsand Belgium. Be generallly ware civilian clothing. Lit one tireSubject attended an intelligence school in Berlin, rhere he netdndral C.L,a1R13.

On 27 Llril Subject ras again released from the army and put onan inactive status, Be states that his release ras due to a'previous court conviction to six months' imnrisonnent on 2 May 1939for insult and slander (allegedly of a state attorney).

B. The 7,%,EIZE2144ecouiqt.

Lt. 31ECER has the folloring story to tells °Be (Subject)was a decided opponent . of any rar against these countries (Hollandand Belgium) and got into hot argunents.rith the chief of staffthere and ras subsequently arranged for trial by the highestmilitary court in Benin, Through connections rith an old friendand lacrld V;ar I feller officer, the then SS General 'LASER, rhohad remained active since 1918 to the end of this war and obtaine4his rank in the SS through his army rank, UNDERBERG managed to

pu11.out of three trials by military court,' •

;4ttle ,:about Hauser.

inen interrogated, Subject atutaa Lhat his story as allgarbledi that he ras arrested, that ho did write to General

but that HLUSER neither ansrere4 nor did anything 'or him.




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L4s to the SS General HAUSER, "...rho remained active since 1918to the end of this war and obtained his rank in the SS throughhis army rank", an excerpt from an official Gorman biographyof General HLUSER is herewith given:

niS3 Obergruppenfuehrer and General of the loaffen SS PaulBLL clor„,„ReSigned in 1929 as Nhjor General in the ReichwehrsL.fter his aCtivities as an al- leader, IVI.USER joined the SS in1934. Ls the inspector of the Verfuegungstruppen SS he greatlydistinguished himself in the formation of the Division *Das

H.LIBER proved himself during the campaign an the westernfront....n

The falso statenont in Lt. IZGER's report appears to. bethe work of Lt. JL:EGER because UNUERBERG gave an essentiallycorrect version of BMSER's background when questioned.

Do Sub loot aiii Zrapria oned

In Bonn on 23 March 1942 UNDERBERG again received an elevenmonths prison term for knowingly making false accusations andfor defamation of name. On 17 March 1943 Subject was given asix months' prison sentence by the Division Court in Colognefor insulting t superior officer. In the meantime he had morepolice trouble / which he termed political, but which never ledto a conviction.

E4 140ox .;-11M2riaan3..Court Battles..

In , pril 1943 UNDERTERG moved from Godesberg to Schwarienbach8, St. V;olfgang, District Gmunden, Gau OberdonaU (Austria). Itshould be noted that Subject was not bombed out.' He simply didnot like the climate of the Rhineland, which becalm increasinglyunhealthy Under Allied bombing, but preferred the quiet beautyof AuStria. It should be noted thct only. very wealthy or veryinfluential poople could make such desirable MVOs. UNDBRBERGcould not get along with the family from which he had rantedrooms and had an ondless row. of court procedUres. The familywanted to get UNDEBBERG out of the apartment, but he playedevery possible legal trick of delay. Ln outline of the pro.ceedings follows.



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28 September 1943 Lao' von_LEVETZM vs. UNDEBIdERdCHARGE: . Return of a key belonging

to plaintiff.BESUIT: 4 October 1943 court ruldd ease

TICO toounimportant to consider.Ldvised settlement out of courte:.

16 October 1943 2s.xel von IEVETZMi vs. UNDERHERGCHARGE: To prevent defendant from using

a kitchen owned by plaintiff.RESUIT: 14 December 1943 court ruled case

vas too unimportant to consider,Advised settlement outside of court,

28 September 1943 Locel von IEVETZ0i; vs. UNDERBERGCH.:.,RGE: To have bedroom armed by plaintiff


RESULT: 4 October 1943 court adjournedto 11 October 1943. Lgainadjourned to. 23 October 1943._ Onthe latter dato . court drew up anev lease in rhich the defendantveuld be the direct lessee of theotner of the Schloss Sehrarzenbaehvon Goerachen, of certain rooms,including the roam in qUestion..The lease vas dra7m up on conditionof the plaintiff and defendant. On9 November plaintiff told courtthrough his layer that he did notapprove of the agreement, On 23December 1943 case 7.7es reopened ' andimmediately the court adjourned, •

The litigation continued for a yearand a half and ras finally settled on6 March 1945, Subject being-reiluiredto tacate the room and -pay expensesamounting to 597,48 marks.

16 October 1943 Hilde von IEVETIOW vs. RBERGCHZGE: Stealing toed.RESULT! On 26 October rithdrew complaint,

• . as differences had boon settledin the meantime.


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8 November 1943 UNDERBERG vs. Heinrich von PACHER &kxelvon LEVETZOWCHARGE: Defamation of Character.RESULT: 14 December 1943 court ruled that case

was too petty to be considered duringtine of war,.

10 November 1943 Uhrgarethe RICHER & Hilde von LEVETZOW vs.UNDERBERGCHLRGE: Defamation of CharacterRESULT: Charge was that defendant told plain-

tiff he belonged at the front and notback home. Plaintiff would not believedefendant when latter gave his wordas an officer in the army. After asentence of ten days and costs and acouple of appeals the case was finallysettled out of court.

26 November 1943 UNDERBERG vs. Margarethe PACHERCHARGE: Defamation of CharacterRESULT: 29 November 1943 court ruled that case

was too petty to be considered in timeof war.

18 December 1943 UMERBERG vs. Hilde von LEVETZOWCHARGE: Making false statenent under oath,RESULT: Defendant acquitted on 27 December 1943.

18 December 1943 UNDERBERG vs, Margere the PACHERCHARGE: Making false statenent under oath,RESULT; Defendant acquitted on 27 December 1943..

3 February 1944 Axel von LEVETZOW vs, UNDERBERGCHARGE: To compel defendant to vacate rooms

leased by plaintiff.RESULT: 15 March 1944 court ruled defendant

must vacate and pay trial costs, After,appeals and new trial court upheldfirst sentence with addition of costsof new trial.

8 March 1944 hertha liCuE vs. UNDERBERGCHARGE: Making false accusations knowingly.RESULT: Plaintiff accused defendant of aCcualng

her of theft of valuables from his rootDefendant was cleared of charge on 5October 1944.


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The following will give some indication of the comic-operaaffairs these various litigations turned out to be.

On 3-February 1944, in the Amtsgericht in Bad Ischl, Judge Dr,Alfred NOLDIN was handling the case, "Axel von LEVETZOW vs, Hubert-Gottfried UMERBERG". Hilde von LEVETZOW, wife of the plaintiff, wascalled as a witness. To the question of who had made the preliminarynegotiations with the defendant from the partyof the plaintiff, thewitness, answered, Was. heist Vorverhandlungen?" (What means preliminarynegotiations?)'. The judge then rebuked the witness for answeringquestions with counter-nuestions, particUlarly in the manner in whichthe witness asked, "Was heisst VorVerhandlungen?", since that is a .typically Jewish way of expressing one's self. It is ironical to notethat Mrs. von LEVETZOW, a vicious Nazi of Prussian nobility, should beaccused of Jewish mannerisms. Because representatives of the plaintiffobjected on the grounds that the judge was prejudiced, the courtadjourned to consider the objection.

F, Political Martyr? •

When the lessors of the aartment concluded thk they couldn't getrid of VEMERBERP. by court action they tried other means known to theThird Reich - political denunciation. They eventually were able tofind three instances in which UNDERBERG is alleged to have made dis-respectful remarks about high-ranking Nazi personalities, includingHITLER. In January 1945 WDERBERG Was arrested because of these al-legations but liberated by the arriving Allies. Was this denunciationenough to make UNDERBERG a political martyr? A letter written by hiton 7 October 1944 to the Replacement Office of the Waffen SS, Replace..ment Depot Danube XVII, is quoted:

"Schloss Schwarzenbach. 7 October 1944

"Subject: Enlistment of an Auxiliary Instructor of the Reichs LaborService into the Waffen SS.

"I herewith respectfullYask which steps should be taken by avolunteer for the Waffen SS who is volunteering from the Reichs LaborService for duty in the Naffen SS in the Spring of the year, Due tohis excellent conduct as chief foreman, he received the assurance ofan official of the Waffen SS at that time that former assistant in,strUctors of the Reich La llor Service are scheduled for immediate entryinto a nom-comtissioned officers school. The person in question hasbeen released frbm the Reichs Labor Service since 30 September.


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-"Due to My long standing acquaintance with 55 tbergruppenfUehrer.Generaloberst of the Waffen SS Paul HAUSER, I am personally interested • •that this excellent young man find appropriate employment with theWaffen SS, and I would appreciate a prompt reply.

Hell Hitler/s/ UNDERBERG

Itn. d. Res. a. D."

Subject received the reply, !.n which he was asked for the nameand personal data. He replied on 12 October 19441

"Nhny thanks for your kind information, dated 10 of the currentmonth. Complying with your request, I am giving you the followingpersonal data:

"Rudolf WAIINER, born 17 September 1926, in St. 'Wolfgang,(Upper Danube).

"After his previous excellent performances in the Reich LaborService and also in his previous activity, one may justly expectthat the above mentioned chief foreman will bring honor upon hinorself through his conduct in the Waffen

Heil HitlerH. G. UNDERBERGLtn. d. Res."

This is strange language for a convinceianti-Nazi. Subject'sonly explanation is that he was g2ad to help a brilliant youngman to get ahead in life, the latter knoving that he could callupon UNDERBERG for a letter of recommendation in the Waffen SS.

Concerning Subject's last imprisonment, it should be notedat that time the Linz prison began to fill up with Nazis of all

sorts and descriptions due to a mad wave of denunciations, desertions,etc. The Reichsstatthalter of Upper Danube, EIGRUBER, threatenedBaldur VOR SCHIRACH when he appeared in the Gau during his flightfrau Vienna, with immediate arrest as a traitor if he were notout of the Gau within trelve hours. Von SCHIRLCH repaired toGait Salzburg in a hurry. Facts such as this must be consideredbefore a man can be considered a political refugee.

G. The Denunciations.

When Subject returned to St. Wolfgang after the AmericanOccupation: he began a series of wild denunciations Which wereeventually believed by Lt. JAEGER and formed the bases of arrests.Only one of them. is given here as an example, quoted from It.ZAEGER's report,


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"Jkmong other occasions, SUER was standing in a group with .the notorious Gauleiter EIGRUBER at 1300h about 27 June 1945 inthe hall of the house Schwarzenbach 8...."

This statement concerning the presence of Gauleiter El:GRUBERis then made the basis for far reaching accusations. The asand contacts of Gauleiter E1GRUBER were made the object of aminute study at this Headquarters. in November 1945 (See Detailed •Interrogation on-"The EICRUBER Gang", Ref. No, USDICA)P3, dated6 December 1945, this Headquarters), It is a proven fact thatEIGRUBER hid in the mountains around Hinterstoder from about15 May 1945 until his arrest in the middle of August. Never inall this time did he leave the mountains; he positively did nothave any meetings in St, Wolfgang, about 35 miles away from hishideout. 'UNDERBERG had been seeing things; he still sticks tothe story, and Lt. JhECER swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

H. Gonolueien,

UNDERBERG is a German citizen with pathological abilityto get . himself :involved in law suits. He was a member of theAbrehr far at least three months. Ho hat again and againbragged about his connections with highest Nazi and Reichauthorities, His "political"arrests are, upon close examination,solely an outgrowth of his continuous quarrels with his fellowcitizens, He therefore Cannot be called a victim of politicalpersecution. It has further to be considered that until theend two of his children were in Reich ta.positions for whichclose scrutiny of their character reliability in the Nazi sensewas mandatory (See below). Considering the Nazi principles ofSippenVeantwortlichkeit (clan responsibility) these Positionscould not have been held by them if their father was knownas an avowed and.fightingenemy of. Nazism.


Inveet,igatiou Results: Nazi, First C1e00. ‘-‘660

UNDEREERG, Hubert (son), born 11 January 1920,

Subject appears to have beena brilliant student, a radioamateur at the age of 12, and a member of the German AmateurRadio League (DA3D)'since . 1934. In the summer of 1935 Subjectattended the first radio amateur school of the Reichsjugerdfilehrung of the Hitler Jugend and became the youngest licensed radio


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amsteUr in GerMany. According to a biographical SketCh:rwitt4i0/1 I,by Subject on .5 April 19434 he was sent to the .United Otate.S:Inthe Fall of 1936 on behalf . bf the Reidhjugg ildfuehrting (11010kYouth) in order to study Aineridan no and.broadcaating,ihtf‘tutions. Subject visited all large American manugaoturingconcerns and states he sudebeded„ "under-certain difficultieSeiin taking one of the latest model HRO receivers (National)directly from the factory to Germany, there this set became .the modal for numerous German constructions. During thewinter 1938/1939 Subject studied at the Technische Bbabschu1ein Berlin and operated a Reichsbetriebstatien (Abwehr radiostation) in connection 17ith Captain SCHMOLINSKE, a knownAbrehr member.

Subject writes, "In the Fall of 1938, due to the Politicalsituation, I 'cos supposed to receive a special mission inconnection rith the German High Command and the Foreign Office.The affair was called off, horever, because of the Manionagreement."

In August 1939 Subject ras called to service with theGerman :Army High Command in the department Ausland IV (later1,usland III). On 4 November 1939 he ras released to the ForeignOffice for "special missions abroad essential for the war -effort". Until 10 August 1941 Subject rns engaged in thiswork, being employed in Lisbon, Portugal, most of the time.A copy of a certificate from the Foreign Office datedBerlin 28 November 1942 confirms that Subject's work, rhichextended over a period of more than nineteen montha, was"successful".

On 21 ugust 1941 Subject ms drafted into the infantry.He apparently disliked thiS duty, for on 18 December 1941 he'rote to . Fres._Napitaen 4716 Ressortdirektor134aHUOLIMEE The answer in quoted in part: •

'dilhelmshaven 10 Jan 1942

War Underberg:

"...I-t alked with influential gentleman of the archr yes-terday concerning your continued employment. ‘ The most importantthjn is that you bocome an effieer first in order to subse•quently occupy a leading rosition in our enterpriae, I thereforerecommend to stick to it for the time being and go through the


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scheduled military training, including combat, until you becomean officer,,, .1 regret to inform you that there is no possibilityto become an'officer rithin the Abrehr if you don i t beccne oneat the front,.."

/s/ SCHMOLINSKEFrog. Kpt (Ing) und Ressortdirektor fiNr,

Subject became sick and spent seven months in various -hospitals. He then succeeded in getting a transfer to the navyand worked in the Nachrichtenndttolversuchskommando Kiel,Funkversuchsstelle Pelzerhaken (Communication Research Command,Kiel; EXperimental Radio Station; lelzerhaken). In April 1943he Was ordered. to the Entricklungsinstitut f. Nachrichtenmitt404Konstanz (Institute for the Development of Nbans of Communication).Nothing is knorn about these tro institutions at this Headquarters,except for the fact that their rork was of a confidential nature,

In April 1943 Subject was released from the navy andassigned-to the Institute for World Postal and Ners Servicesat the University in Heidelberg. In a letter dated 27 October1944 he describes the assignment as fellers:

"Based on a special order of the-Fuehrer for the plannedmobilization of all fortes into the total war effort for victory,.

was discharged from the armed forces, deferred rith highestpriority, and assigned to the Institute for 'ijorld Postal andNews Services, special institute of Heidelberg University, asa physicist and *scientific collaborator in order to be ableto devote myaelf exclusively and wholly to my scientific 'helmand research."

Among other things, Subject studied atomic energy and rritesin a letter dated 17 soptembor 1943, addressed to a former'teacher: . "The experimental Kernphysik (nuclear physics andatomic research) which I pursue rith special interest is taughtby prof. W. BOTH, DT. GENTNER t Dr. 14IR.LEIBNiTZ, so that I amin the happy position to get my knowledge in this field fromnasters of this art, first hand so to speak."

In October 1943 Subject became ill with stomach ulcers andjoined his family in St, 'iolfgang, Upper Austria. His healthdeteriorated, and he also began to show signs of schizophrenia,rhidh necessitated temwrar7 co o:::!: an insane asylum in1944.



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Until the end of the war Subject retained the possession ofhis short rave receiver, which indicates he must have had the con*fidence of verr. high authorities; and he remained a member ingood standing of the German Radio Amateur League (PresidentsSS Obergruppenfuehrer and General of the -daffen SS MOBS),Be carefully, signed all his correspondence with "Heil BITIER",and rhen a Gestapo employee searched the house ho threatenedto write a special report to KeITENBRUNNER

B. Disgraphv! JAEGER Version.

The biography of UNDERBERG, Jr., as given by It. XAEGER isadded in full for comparison.

"(2) UnAerberA. Jr: A. brilliant student of physical science,he graduated at the'age of 16 from college in Bonn already thenconsidered a genius in electrotechnical research. At the age of16 he was sent over by the International Shortwave Amateur League tothe States, studied there for sore mohthso In Germany at beginningwar immediately deferred from active service, and assigned asradio shortwave expert to the German Legation in Lisbon, Portugal,After a year and a half in Lisbon he returned to Germany disgustedwith the German Gestapo politics in Portugal and forced his dismissalfrom this civil service. As punishment immediately thrown intoan infantry unit at the Russian front, he took sick.spent 7 mouthsin a military hospital. German scientists again dug him out of thearmy and put him to work on special assignments in shortwave researchand later atomic research. Be participated in the development ofthe cyclotron in Germany and became at the age of 24 a leadingexpert on atomic energy. ';hen assigned to the 4temic Bomb project,,he immediately backed out and 7.ent through a series of Gestapoattempts to threaten him back into continued work on the project,His fragile highstrung mentality suffered and inherited schizophrenetendencies made him patient of a mental hospital. Out of the hospi-tal he volunteered for the Navy, but got courtmartialed there in shortorder to anti-nazi attitude. .L certificate from the mental hospitalto the effect that he was through emotional disturbances at timesmentally oiat of order saved '

G. qpnolusien.

Subject was a member of the ,Ipwelar for many years, Be wascharged with top secret missions for the Third Reidh. Be is in ahighly arrestable category and a detailed interrogation might •reveal war criminal material.


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tabassy Secretary.

• Daughter ELIEN as a secretary in the German N.aessk in l'arisduring the vari beginning in 1943 and remaining until the endSLathough this position is not in an arrestable 'category; she musthave enjoyed_the confidence of Lnbassador ;.41816T.4i

Ba CPnclusion.

Subject is in the exclUsion category and cannot claim anyrights of asylua inLustrias


• L,s .:.rt Student.

Daughter R tudied painting in Berlin until the art academyi71144 bombed outs 3 e then joined her parents in $ te VoUgangs Inthe fall of 1944 she TglikS called up for compulsory labor service inan arms factory but succeeded; horever; in obtaining a much morepleasant position as arts and crafts counselor in a hospital in5,t1 Wolfgangs

'Bs Conclusions

Subject led a rather pleasant life in Nhii Germany and bannotclaim any rights of asylum in Lustria.

714 TRE

Little is knom about I's i UNDERBERGi 81'i, except for thefact that she has bad health;

Conclusioqi Urss UNDERBERG cannot claim political asylUht


The repatriation of the UNDERBERG family as legally mandatoryunder the repatriation order for Reichs Germans living in Atla+ria4



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Rolf;TIROLE SACOBYiCaptain, WeChief, PoliticalInterrogation Section

4u •



lillhoreas UNDERBERG, Sr, and such members of his familynow living in Austria care back to 41-ustria under authority andpermit of United States Forces, European Theatrel, they Shouldbe,returned . to the office authorizing the ti' At . the Seta .tike the findings of this, report should , he communicated to Said,office", panting - out that UNDERBERG,Sr as" 6 meMber of toAbzehr, is in the automatic arrest categorYi.

21 INDEREERGI Hubert, the son, should be arrdsted_andinterrogated in detail asto his Abuehr activities

3i Erhard C. JAEGER, 1st Lt,„ qmp , tiepatriation Beard,Land Saizburg, should be investigated as to his suitabilityas an interrogator or inVestigator, •

44 NO report of Lti N.EGER written in the case OBERGFamily" should be admitted as evidence, and any doubtful *questionsconderning.the family UNDERHERG and the commanity . of St,VelfgangShould be investigated anew by competent authorittas,'



450th (lib betochment A.ustria, Z.P0 777k U:S :airray e 25