
Leveraging Handhelds for Sales and Support Force Automation

Andrew Robertson

Director of Technology

ArcStream Solutions

[email protected]

• How we Design Mobile and Wireless Applications

• Common Functionality

• Case Studies

• Demo


Workbench Approach

SFA Application

Enterprise Applications

Intranet & Web


Reporting / Data Warehouse


• Integrate data from multiple applications• Organize data according to the unique workflow of the

mobile worker• Present information in an intuitive, easy-to-navigate

user interface

Prepare for Sales Call

• Check Contacts

• Read Alerts

• Follow-up from Last Visit

• Review / Change Schedule

• Review Sales Data

• Study Training Material

“Waiting Room”

• Review Scenarios for Visit


• Read Sales Tips (Organizational effectiveness


• Review Prior Visit Notes

• Review Product Information

• Provide Product


• Place Order

• Check Status of Orders

• Rebut Objections

• Drop Literature

Conduct Call


• Update Contacts

• File Report/ Provide


• Review Orders

• File Expenses

• Plan next visit

Understand Workflow

• Increased efficiency on sales call

• Streamline administrative tasks

• Minimize repetitive tasks

• Maximize time with prescriber

• Increase organizational effectiveness through training and education

• Ensure continuity upon territory turnover

• Leverage expenditures on IT infrastructure

• Reduce technology expenditures

Benefits of a Mobile or Wireless Solution

• Real Time Inventory Levels

• Order Placement / Order Status

• Calendar and Contact Management

• Notes Capture

• Sales Data

• Surveys / Evaluations

• Alerts / Communication Tools

• Access to Training Materials

• Presentation Tools

Types of Apps: General Sales

• Contact Management

• Sample Drop Management and Sample Reconciliation

• Notes Capture

• Prescriber Data

• Literature/Premium Management

• Communication Tools

• Access to Training Materials

• Presentation Tools

Types of Apps: Pharma Detail Rep

Staples Case Study

• Challenge

– Improve communication regarding customer orders between the inside call center and outside sales force

• Solution

– Web-based application with mobile component

– Integration with several backend systems allows real-time order processing, sales data entry and synchronization, as well as customer credit approval

• Benefits

– Increased efficiencies will save Staples up to $800K per year

– Boosts revenues by increasing productivity of sales force

– Dramatically improves customer satisfaction

Pharma Case Study

• Challenge

– Build and implement full SFA solution for Sales Reps, Clinical Liaisons, and Sales / Marketing Management

• Solution

– Tablet-based application with fully mobile component

– Oracle Web2Go infrastructure with full SQL database on mobile device

– Integrate into legacy systems & XML data feeds.

• Benefits

– Tight integration between Sales and Marketing will help drive new drug release success

– Access to all necessary information while on the road


Thank You


• Please be sure to complete your session evaluation forms and place them in the box outside the room. We appreciate your feedback.

• Define Success (participation, increased sales, ROI…)

• Get “User” Buy-in – Include the Detail Reps

• Prioritize the functionality

• Phase-In Development

• Ease of Use is critical

• Add Technology Where it Makes Sense

• Automate – Wherever Possible

• Project the Right “Image”

What makes a new application successful?

Screen Shots
