Page 1: Leveraging Hadoop in your PostgreSQL Environment

Postgres & Hadoop

Page 2: Leveraging Hadoop in your PostgreSQL Environment

Who am I?Jim Mlodgenski


Co-organizer, NYCPUG

Co-organizer, Philly PUG

Co-chair, PGConf US

[email protected]


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AgendaStrengths of PostgreSQL

Strengths of Hadoop

Hadoop Community

Use Cases

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Best of Both World

PostgresWorld’s most advanced open source database solution

Enterprise class including MVCC, streaming replication & rich data type support (to name a few!)

Robust transaction support with strong ANSI-SQL compliance

HadoopBig data distributed framework

Reliable, massively scalable & proven

Failures handled at the application layer allowing commodity hardware

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Strengths of PostgreSQLStrong Data Types






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Components of PostgreSQLDatabase




– Libpq

Foreign Data Wrappers

And more...

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Strengths of HadoopParallelism




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Components of HadoopHDFS






And many more...

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Hadoop Distributed File System

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HbaseModeled after Google BigTable

Column-oriented database on top of HDFS

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ZooKeeperDistributed Configuration Service

Supports synchronization and distributed locking

Automatic leader election

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HiveAdds SQL on Hadoop

Converts SQL (HQL) to MapReduce Jobs

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FlumeStreams data into HDFS

Distributed and Highly Available

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SqoopAllows for bulk transfers of data between Hadoop and a RDBMS

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Hadoop CommunityMuch more like the Linux community than the PostgreSQL community

Some competing commercial interests makes the direction unclear to some

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Use Cases

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Hive MetastoreAll of the meta data of the Hive tables reside in a RDBMS

The default is to use Derby

– Limits to a single connection

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Hive Metastore (cont.)Use PostgreSQL for scalability and reliability

Many concurrent users

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PostgreSQL BackupsPostgreSQL's WAL archiving and Point In Time Recovery is powerful

– But it requires a lot of storage

Typically used with some sort of NFS

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PostgreSQL Backups (cont.)Use HDFS

– Redundancy & Scalability

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PostgreSQL Backups (cont.)Archive Command

archive_command =

'hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal %p /user/postgres/wal/%f'

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Log FilesMaintain log files for months or years

May use Syslog to consolidate multiple database logs

Turning on query logging makes the log file huge

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Log Files (cont.)Use Flume

Consolidates logs across databases

MapReduce allows for parallel analysis

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Log Files (cont.)Setup Syslog to forward messages to Flume


*.* @

Configure Flume to act as a Syslog server = syslogudp = 5140 =

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Log Files (cont.)MapReduce jobs can quickly analyze the logs

public static class MapClass extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<StatementOffset, Text, Text, LongWritable> {

private final static String STATEMENT_DELIM = "statement: "; private final static String SYSLOG_IDENT = "postgres";

private final static LongWritable one = new LongWritable(1);

public void map(StatementOffset key, Text value, OutputCollector<Text, LongWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException {

String line = value.toString();

if (line.startsWith(SYSLOG_IDENT) && line.contains(STATEMENT_DELIM)) { output.collect(getStatementType(line), one); } }...

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Transaction HistoryHistory Tables grow very rapidly

Maintaining the tables over time is a huge undertaking

Partitioning frequently used

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Transaction History (cont.)Use Sqoop

– Add a sequence to the table for fast incremental loads

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OLAP CubesCan take a very long time to build

PostgreSQL will use only a single CPU

Drilling down to the details can be a very long query

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OLAP CubesUse a Foreign Data Wrapper

Looks like a native table to reporting tools

Drill down takes place on Hadoop

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OLAP Cubes (cont.)Create a Foreign Server


CREATE SERVER hadoop_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER hadoop_fdw OPTIONS (address '', port '10000');


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OLAP Cubes (cont.)Create a Foreign Table

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE order_line ( ol_w_id integer, ol_d_id integer, ol_o_id integer, ol_number integer, ol_i_id integer, ol_delivery_d timestamp, ol_amount decimal(6,2), ol_supply_w_id integer, ol_quantity decimal(2,0), ol_dist_info varchar(24)) SERVER hadoop_server OPTIONS (table 'order_line');

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OLAP Cubes (cont.)Loading PostgreSQL aggregate tables is a simple SQL statement

Use Hive views for more complex aggregations

INSERT INTO item_sale_month SELECT ol_i_id as i_id, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM ol_delivery_d) as year, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM ol_delivery_d) as month, sum(ol_amount) as amount FROM order_line GROUP BY 1, 2, 3;

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OLAP Cubes (cont.)Drill downs pass the processing down to Hive

postgres=# explain verbose select sum(ol_amount) from order_line where ol_i_id = 34928;



Aggregate (cost=11002.50..11002.51 rows=1 width=14) Output: sum(ol_amount) -> Foreign Scan on public.order_line (cost=10000.00..11000.00 rows=1000

width=14) Output: ol_w_id, ol_d_id, ol_o_id, ol_number, ol_i_id,

ol_delivery_d, ol_amount, ol_supply_w_id, ol_quantity, ol_dist_info Remote SQL: SELECT * FROM order_line WHERE ((ol_i_id = 34928))(5 rows)

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Audit History

All database access should be audited and autonomously logged

Must be maintained for years

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Audit History (cont.)Use the Hadoop Foreign Data Wrapper to Flume

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Audit History (cont.)Create a writable foreign table

CREATE FORIEGN TABLE audit ( audit_id bigint, event_d timestamp, table varchar, action varchar, user varchar,) SERVER hadoop_server OPTIONS (table 'audit', flume_port '44444');

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Message Queue

Tables have a lot of churn with many updates and deletes

Causes a lot of table and index bloat in PostgreSQL

AKA a vacuuming nightmare

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Message Queue (cont.)

Use an FDW to HbaseHbase is not an “Eventually Consistent” architecture so it is ideal for message queues

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Message Queue (cont.)Create a writable foreign table

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE hbase_table ( key varchar, value varchar) SERVER hadoop_server OPTIONS (table 'hbase_table', hbase_address

'localhost', hbase_port '9090', hbase_mapping ':key,cf:val');

INSERT INTO hbase_table VALUES ('key1', 'value1');INSERT INTO hbase_table VALUES ('key2', 'value2');UPDATE hbase_table SET value = 'update' WHERE key = 'key2';DELETE FROM hbase_table WHERE key='key1';SELECT * from hbase_table;

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High Availability

When setting up replication for high availability many necessary components are not provided by PostgreSQL

Failure detection

Split brain prevention

Replica promotion

Notification to clients of fail over

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High Availability (cont.)

ZooKeeper with a custom background worker can handle all of the missing components

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High Availability (cont.)

Failure Detection – Replicas watch an ephemeral lock created by the master

void watch_master() {... sprintf(root_path, "%s/lock", zookeeper_path);

while (!found_master && !got_sigterm) { elog(DEBUG1, "Looking for the master lock...");

rc = zoo_get_children(zh, root_path, 0, &children);

if (rc == ZOK) { sprintf(child, "%s", "~"); for(i=0; i < children.count; i++) { if (strcmp(child,[i]) > 0) { sprintf(child, "%s",[i]); found_master = 1; } }

if (found_master) { sprintf(lock_path, "%s/%s", root_path, child); elog(DEBUG1, "Found a lock at %s", lock_path);

/* Set the watch on the lock */ bufferlen= sizeof(buffer); rc = zoo_get(zh, lock_path, 1, buffer, &bufferlen, NULL); if (rc != ZOK) { found_master = 0; elog(LOG, "Unable to watch %s. Retrying...", lock_path); } } } else { elog(LOG, "The path %s does not have any children yet. ...", root_path); }


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High Availability (cont.)

Split brain prevention – master grabs an exclusive zooKeeper lock on startup. Shut down immediately if unsuccessful

char *create_lock() { char path[PATH_LEN]; char *buffer; int rc;

buffer = (char *) palloc(PATH_LEN);


sprintf(path, "%s/lock", zookeeper_path); if (zoo_exists(zh, path, 0, NULL) == ZNONODE) { rc = zoo_create(zh, path, NULL, -1, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1); if (rc) { elog(FATAL, "Failure creating zooKeeper path: %d", rc); } }

sprintf(path, "%s/s-", path);

rc = zoo_create(zh, path, "master", 6, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL | ZOO_SEQUENCE, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1); if (rc) { elog(FATAL, "Failure creating zooKeeper lock: %d", rc); } elog(DEBUG1, "Created a zooKeeper ephemeral path at: %s", buffer);

return buffer;}

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High Availability (cont.)

Replica promotion – use zooKeeper for ballots of a election. Highest LSN wins

void elect_master() {... recptr = GetWalRcvWriteRecPtr(NULL, NULL); sprintf(lsn, "%X/%08X", (uint32) (recptr >> 32), (uint32) recptr);

elog(DEBUG1, "Entering a ballot with an LSN of: %s", lsn);

sprintf(path, "%s/lock/%s", zookeeper_path, replica_id);

rc = zoo_create(zh, path, lsn, strlen(lsn), &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1); if (rc) { elog(FATAL, "Failure creating zooKeeper path: %s", path); } elog(DEBUG1, "Created a zooKeeper ephemeral path at: %s", buffer); all_votes_in = false; while (!all_votes_in && !got_sigterm) { sprintf(path, "%s/replica", zookeeper_path); rc = zoo_get_children(zh, path, 0, &replicas);

if (rc == ZOK) { sprintf(path, "%s/lock", zookeeper_path); rc = zoo_get_children(zh, path, 0, &ballots);

if (rc == ZOK) { all_votes_in = true; for(i=0; i < replicas.count; i++) { found = false; for(j=0; j < ballots.count; j++) { if (strcmp([i],[j]) == 0) { found = true; break; } }

if (!found) { all_votes_in = false; break; } } } }… }

for(j=0; j < ballots.count; j++) { if (strcmp([j], replica_id) != 0) { sprintf(path, "%s/lock/%s", zookeeper_path,[j]);

memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); bufferlen= sizeof(buffer); rc = zoo_get(zh, path, 0, buffer, &bufferlen, NULL); if (rc != ZOK) { elog(LOG, "Unable to get %s. New master probably already found...", path); }

elog(DEBUG1, "Comparing the LSN: %s", buffer);

if (strcmp(lsn, buffer) < 0) { elog(DEBUG1, "Found an LSN greater than mine. I am not the winner."); return; } else if (strcmp(lsn, buffer) == 0) { elog(DEBUG1, "Found an LSN equal to mine. See if I was the first to the start."); if (strcmp(replica_id,[j]) > 0 ) { elog(DEBUG1, "Found an LSN equal to mine and a sequence earlier than mine. I am not the winner."); return; } } } }

elog(LOG, "Becoming the new master. Acquiring the proper locks.");

lock = create_lock();

for(j=0; j < ballots.count; j++) {

elog(DEBUG1, "Removing ballot at %s", path); rc = zoo_delete(zh, path, -1); if (rc != ZOK) { elog(LOG, "Unable to delete %s", path); }


if (!has_lock(lock)) { elog(LOG, "Unable to acquire a zooKeeper lock. Shutting down to prevent a split brain scenario"); do_stop(); } else { elog(LOG, "Promoting to become the new master."); do_promote(); }


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High Availability (cont.)

Client notification – Python (or others) can watch the master and act appropriately

def __init__(self,zkHosts,pathName): zkHosts = zkHosts pathName = pathName

watchPath = pathName + "/master"

zk = KazooClient(hosts=zkHosts) zk.start()

if zk.exists(watchPath + "/connection"): (data,stat) = zk.get(watchPath + "/connection") self.pgConnection = data

@zk.DataWatch(watchPath + "/connection") def host_watch(data, stat): print("The new master connection is %s" % data) self.pgConnection = data

host = self.pgConnection.split(":")[0] port = self.pgConnection.split(":")[1]

Config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() for name, value in Config.items("databases"): if name == bouncer_db: newValue = "" options = value.split(" ")

for option in options: if option.split("=")[0] == "host": newValue = newValue + "host=" + host + " " elif option.split("=")[0] == "port": newValue = newValue + "port=" + port + " " else: newValue = newValue + option + " "

Config.set("databases", bouncer_db, newValue)

cfgfile = open(bouncer_config_file,'w') Config.write(cfgfile)



else: raise NameError("The path (" + watchPath + \ "/connection) does not exist in ZooKeeper")

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Getting the Components

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