
Level 9- Chaos To Unconditional Spontaneity

More accurately, what has Chaos got to do with Ascension? After all, the 12 Levels of Being guide us towards our Ascension and in the process, gift us with a deeper understanding of what Ascension really means. Before we explore this I would like to add something that may confuse you. I hope it does, in the kindest possible way, because when we are confused we let go of our beliefs and our convictions. We are open.

So what has Chaos got to do with Spiritual growth?

We can live perfectly wonderful lives and not move up and embrace Level 9, 10 ,11 or 12 at all. We can achieve and succeed all we want by living in limitlessness. We can grow and be of great service to all of humanity through living in Soul-Consciousness.

We can happily sail under Level 9 and avoid Chaos . But by avoiding Chaos or trying to

fix it, we cannot step into Universal Consciousness.

Chaos takes us to the depths of our being and like the end of a star, it takes us through the darkest black hole of our lives and eventually, we emerge, in a totally new dimension of Being. As always the Choice is ours to go forward or to remain where we are for a little longer. Every individual has their own black hole. In order to understand this level of Being we have to understand the analogy of Black holes.

Every individual has their own black hole because the black hole is the means of differentiating between being in physical manifestation and being in Spiritual manifestation. When it is time to pass into spirit each individual withdraws their energy through the tunnel of light. However, before we get to the tunnel we have to go through the black hole.

Once you get to the tunnel of light it means you are in the process of crossing over. Sometimes, as you know, we can choose to come back, especially, when we are told by our spirit friends, it is not our time yet. And sometimes we pass over into a new dimension of Being. The Spiritual Dimension.

Black holes exist as the polarity of stars. A star is a point of light. It is a point of physical manifestation. When the star has served it’s purpose it is drawn through a black hole because the black hole, as we said is the polarity of the star. The star is Matter and the black hole is Antimatter. It has to be that way because together they create perfect balance.

So when the star is drawn into this hole of anti- matter what occurs ( and scientists have not quite worked this out yet) is that eventually it pops out into a totally different dimension of Being. So what has all this got to do with Level 9?

Remember the Universe is always seeking to bring itself into balance? ( Level 3)

As we travel through Level 9 we move from one Dimension of Being into another. We move from the Soul Dimension to the Universal Dimension. By the way, I know this work can be a bit challenging, but I also know that if you are here reading and listening with me now, you are ready to move forward. Remember, Level 9 is Chaos.

Just notice what you are feeling. Right now. What thoughts are going through your head? What are you doing, right now to sort all this out? Notice. One of the things we tend to do, when we are experiencing Chaos, is that we resort to our old patterns to help calm ourselves down. We try to make sense of what is happening by giving it meaning. Making up some interpretation. Loosing our focus. Withdrawing. Reacting. These old habits are not what is needed here.

To fully experience Level 9 we must give way to and release completely our old attachments to Rigidity, Structure, Order and Form. Rigidity is our inability to be flexible Structure is the way we think things should be Order is how we fit things into a pattern Form is the physical outcome. Iraq is a perfect example. The US believed that by using old methods tried and true they would be able to move into Iraq destroy the old regime, establish law and order, and install democracy and then they would be out. They ignored the one war that could have shown them that these old methods, would not work. Iraq was destined in many ways to become another Viet Nam. The old system did not work and what was created was more Chaos.

Every time we find ourselves in Chaos, we are being given an opportunity to see the situation from another perspective. We are being given the opportunity to release our attachment to APPEARANCE

So in Level 9 we begin by perceiving the appearance as being significant. When we react to the appearance of events from our old ways of fixing things especially when these are based on material gain and material pleasure, the vibrational frequency of the mass consciousness cannot allow humanity to be in the Light of Love.

When we experience Chaos we create a situation that presents opportunity. The Chinese Character for crisis is Danger + Opportunity

A Crisis is usually accompanied by Chaos. It is the human condition to feel fear when there is Chaos. When life as we know it suddenly changes, and we don’t know what to do or how to understand what is happening, we become frightened. The ever-present qualities of light, freedom, peace and love are submerged beneath the dense and heavier frequencies of Fear. We feel discombobulated and disconnected. In other words, we become disconnected to the energies that imbue the event with purpose or significance. That is why we experience the event as chaotic. We must remember that there is always a purpose and significance for everything that occurs. We may not know or understand what that purpose is initially, but once we accept that things happen just because they happen, we transform random chaos into Unconditional Spontaneity.

When we look back at September 11, 2001 the appearance of that day was that the attack on the Twin Towers was as a result of something evil. The appearance was that a disastrous situation had occurred and it came from an external source. And as we are not responsible for any of it we cannot be guilty of it. We as the victims of the situation are not in any way responsible. We as victims must suffer and therefore we are entitled to our righteous indignation- to cast upon others what they cast upon us. That is how it was portrayed.

Whereas the significance over the years has gradually been brought forward that it was not simply an external situation. We have seen and read and learned that there was internal assistance given. There was as we now know, some collusion. So in Level 9, there is a build up of confusion, conflict, and chaos. We often call this the Dark Night of the Soul. It is our Black Hole. The way to address this is to allow it to be. Level 9 is also experienced through our own Soul.

The Soul is a bridge between the Personality and the Essence

Our Soul chooses into which culture we are born , what our genetic heritage will be, and what gifts and talents it will bring for us to use in our life time. It chooses what memories we have come to resolve and what emotional issues we have come to complete and heal. Each life time is an opportunity to grow and develop our soul’s alignment to the Essence. As the soul purifies energy that energy moves up to the Essence as wisdom. When the Soul has completed all that it came here to heal the Essence evokes the soul to prepare for its final moment. This usually occurs during a challenging, ‘heart breaking’ time. When the energy has built up and up over life times and we no longer fall back into trying to fix anything, the soul shatters and the process of the personality aligning itself fully to the Essence begins.

Whose Soul has shattered?

There are a number people on the planet who have stepped beyond the karmic treadmill and whose souls have shattered. Master Teachers have through the ages incarnated to teach one simple truth, that even in the physical body the individual can transcend states of being to achieve unconditional love. Love which is ever expansive irrespective of the circumstances. Unfortunately Mankind has tended to focus on the suffering of these teachers rather than on the outcome they have achieved. One of the greatest Master teachers who underwent the shattering of the soul and fully aligned to Divine Essence was The Master Teacher Jesus.

The crucifixion was not only an actually event but it was also symbolic. When Jesus cried our ‘My God My God Why have you forsaken me?’ he was undergoing the shattering process. It is a spiritual process that can only be done alone. We must face our own judgments, our own beliefs and attitudes and of course our own fears, and complete them all with love. No one can do this for us or even support us to do it. Another thing to note is that each of the levels correspond to the chakras as we have discussed. The 9th and 10th chakras are the left and right feet and the 11th and 12th chakras are the left and right hands. These are the chakras that connect us to the highest realms of consciousness. When Jesus was crucified it was into these chakras that the nails were hammered, whereby temporarily disconnecting him from his usual direct contact the highest Spiritual Realm. Of course all this was purposeful, but when you are in Chaos, you cannot always see the significance immediately.

The Master Teacher was showing us that we too need to complete the journey of the soul alone. We alone can stand before ourselves and forgive everything and everyone completely. His resurrection also was not only an actual event but also symbolic. He was showing that even after such a shattering experience our Spirit lives on forever. Once the soul shatters we then go through a process where the personality and the Essence become aligned.

Homework Level 9- Chaos

1. Is there a situation in your life right now that you would describe as Chaotic? If there is then look at 3 ways you are now able to release, the Rigidity, Structure, Order and Form you have previously been attached to.

2. Do the meditation.