  • #PatientEngagement Lets have an open discussion around patient engagement How can we use our industry information, knowledge and experience to help us better engage patients? Kathleen Poulos InCrowd Co-Founder March 2014
  • The more engaged and involved a person is in their own healthcare, the better chance we have of helping them achieve their personal health goals.
  • Much has been written on patient engagement, many studies and statistic are available, with new input being added every day. How can we as healthcare professionals and industry stakeholders come together and learn from what others have shared?
  • The question we must ask How can we use our industry information, knowledge and experience to help us better engage patients?
  • Ive included my thoughts, would love to hear yours Lets start the discussion with 6 industry articles Whats the relevant take-away What can we learn How can we use this information to better engage patients
  • via Forbes Patient Engagement: Blockbuster Drug Or Snake Oil? True patient engagement has metrics of demonstrable success, at scale, over time. Learnings & Uses: Share success and failures Be open with best practices Collaborate with colleagues on patient engagement efforts Putting numbers around successful outcomes paves the way for change Best practices act as road maps for those just starting
  • via Pew Research Internet Project The e is for engagement "The path that most Americans are traveling is on their mobile devices. Learnings & Uses: People are mobile, healthcare needs to be as well Healthcare information must be easily accessible on mobile devices Mobile healthcare apps can play a critical role in patient engagement Encourage physicians to prescribe mobile apps Design apps to be interactive, used as a two-way communication channel Explore unmet needs and utilize mobile health tools to resolve these needs
  • via InCrowd Do Gen Xers and Millennials hold the key to success for the Affordable Care Act? Millennials are more familiar with the term patient engagement than their Gen X counterparts. Learnings & Uses: Target your messaging, make it audience specific Interact with the health consumers you want to reach, understand what they need and how you can help them Do your homework, determine how they like to get their information and use that channel
  • via Corepoint Health 2014 is a Landmark Year in Medicine: More Digital Natives Practicing than Digital Immigrants Leadership will be determined in part by the capacity to leverage new tools to build, communicate and influence. Learnings & Uses: Digital natives will begin to assume leadership roles in medicine, look to them to for ways to engage the growing base of digital native health consumers Be open to their ideas and support their change efforts Personally, I see this as one of the most exciting areas of patient engagement this growing community of digital native physicians and the ideas they bring to medicine
  • via HITECH Answers Patient Engagement Through Social Media In this model the patient is in charge of their own health care and they are building their trusted networks. Learnings & Uses: Healthcare conversations are taking place on social media, with or without any of us To maintain the role of trusted health advisor and be in a position to truly engage patients its imperative for physicians, healthcare organizations and pharmaceutical companies to be an active participant in the online healthcare discussion
  • via IMS Health Engaging Patients Through Social Media "Pharmaceutical companies are starting to deal with the lack of regulatory transparency by publishing their own guidelines. However, even with these safeguards in place AstraZeneca was forced to pull a Twitter campaign in August 2013. Learnings & Uses: Pharma will make social media mistakes Companies trying to engage and be open to new channels of communication deserve industry support Share information, guidelines and best practices to support Pharmas efforts Work with Pharma to develop programs and tools that solve patient problems and enhance engagement gnextchannel=a64de5fda6370410VgnVCM10000076192ca2RCRD&vgnextfmt=default
  • Let the discussion begin What are your thoughts on these articles? What do you think we can learn and share within our healthcare community? Do you have an interesting article you think we should read? Share it, lets learn together.
