

(KTSP 2006) (Program Semester) (Program Semester I dan II) ( Bahasa Inggris Untuk Sekolah Dasar Kelas 5) (LET’S LEARN FOR BEGINNERS )

(Group Fourth Bahasa Inggris Semester 6 STKIP BARUS – TAPANULI TENGAH)

(Science and Social Study Program)


(Science and Social Study Program) (PENERBIT ENGLISH DEPARTMENT) (KTSP 2006) (Program Semester) (Program Semester I dan II) ( Bahasa Inggris Untuk Sekolah Dasar Kelas 5) (LET’S LEARN FOR BEGINNERS )

(Program Semester I dan II) ( Bahasa Inggris Untuk Sekolah Dasar Kelas 5) (LET’S LEARN FOR BEGINNERS ) (Program Semester) (KTSP 2006)

(Jilid 1)

(Penerbit English DepartmentGroup FourthJl. Alfansyuri No. 1Stkip Barus, Sibolga 22564http://www.jerusmanmarbun.wordpress.comE-mail: [email protected][ Komisaris Bahasa Inggris Semester 6 ( Enam ) ]) (Kelompok :Jerusman MarbunLiana Arnita TanjungMaya Irmanda SihombingNoni Almayuna GajaSridewi Nopianti Rambe)

(Science and Social Study Program)

LET’S LEARN FOR BEGINNERS Buku Bahasa Inggris di terbikan oleh Kelompok 4 ( Empat )

Noni Almayuna Gaja ( Writer ), Jerusman Marbun ( Editor ), Liana Arnita Tanjung, Maya Irmanda Sihombing, Sridewi Nopianti Rambe

Barus: Semester 6 ( Enam ) English Department, 2015

Isi : x cm

Untuk Sekolah Dasar ( SD )/ Sederajat

Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2006, ( Program Semester )

Bahasa Inggris ( Pendidikan Dasar )

[Pick the date]

[Pick the date]


Almayuna G, Noni. Arnita T, Liana. Irmanda S, Maya. Marbun, Jerusman. Nopianti R, Sridewi

Let’s Learn For Beginners

Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Dasar Jilid 1, Edisi Pertama

Hak Cipta © 2006 pada Penerbit Semester 6 ( Enam ) Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Penyusun;Kelompok 4:

Jerusman Marbun

Liana Arnita Tanjung

Maya Irmanda Sihombing

Noni Almayuna Gaja

Sridewi Nopianti Rambe

Editor : Jerusman Marbun

Language Consultant : Dra. Hj. Mei Suri, MA

Buku ini diset dan dilayout oleh Bagian Produksi Penerbit Semester 6 ( Enam ) Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Setting : Kelompok 4 ( Empat ), English Department

Desain Sampul : Jerusman Marbun

Percetakan : UD. BATU BARA

Dilarang keras mengutip, menjiplak, memfotokopi baik sebagian maupun seluruh isi buku ini serta memperjual – belikannya tanpa mendapat izin tertulis dari Kelompok 4 ( Empat ) Prodi Bahasa Inggris Semester 6 ( Enam )



Let’s Learn For Beginners is a series of English course book for Elementery School Students. The materials developed in this book has adapted the teaching learning cycle method which put genres as the main tool in language learning. They have been carefully designed to meet students’ expectarions in learning foreign language, i.e. to express their feelings and ideas.

All the activities in this book cover the four language skill: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They encourage the students to develope their competence in phonological/graphological and lexicogrammatical levels, as well as their discourse and cultural levels. Materials are organized as an integrated sequence of activities around a text type being discussed.

This book owes its sincere gratitude to Dra. Hj. Mei Suri, MA an English Lecturer of Stkip – Barus, Tapanuli Tengah for her constructive advice in proofreading this book.

(Barus, June 2015WriterN0NI ALMAYUNA GAJAnnWriter)Content

Preface .......................................................................................................................................

Lesson 1Greetings ........................................................................................

Lesson 2Colours ...........................................................................................

Lesson 3Dialogue .........................................................................................

Lesson 4Vegetables ......................................................................................

Lesson 5Fruits ...............................................................................................

Lesson 6Parts of the body .............................................................................

Lesson 7Days in a week ...............................................................................

Lesson 8Things in the Classroom .................................................................

Lesson 1

Greetings ( Salam )

Greeting is an act of communication or a word or movement to welcome someone.

(Everyday Greetings)

(Read and practice the conversation below :Teacher : Good Morning, my students? How are you today?Students : Good morning, miss! We are fine. And you, miss?Teacher : I’m fine too. Thank you!)

Special Greetings

(“ Merry ChristmasAndHappy new year ”1st January)

(“ Congratulation on your graduate ”Well done !)

(“ Get Well soon ”)

(Task 1Answere the question below:What is greeting?What is the meaning of “good afternoon” in indonesia?What is the meaning of “good morning ” in indonesia ?Mention 3 special greetings!How to say greeting in 00.01-1st January ?)

Lesson 2

Colours ( Warna-warna )

Colour is certain spectrum contained in a perfect light.

Kinds of Colour

White Putih

Black Hitam

Brown Cokelat

Pink Merah Muda

Red Merah

Orange Orange

Yellow Kuning

Grey Abu-abu/kelabu

Green Hijau

Blue Biru

Purple Ungu

The child’s T-shirt is red

Task 1

Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks below :

(The Plane is flying over on the air.The Plane color is .................)

(Ewin) (Noni) (The Elephant is angrying to a Lion in the forest.The Elephant color is ................)

(Ewin is playing a plastic ball with Noni. They are very happy.Ewin wears T-shirt color .............)

Lesson 3

Dialogue ( Percakapan )

(Hi, I’m Andi) (I’m Rudi)Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people.

(Andi : Good morning, Rudi?Rudi : Good morning, Andi.Andi : How are you today?Rudi : I’m fine. Thanks! And you?Andi : I’m fine too.)

(My name is Noni) (My name is April)

(April : Hi, How do you do?Noni : How do you doApril : What is your name ?Noni : My name is Noni. And you?April : My name is April. By the way, where do you live?Noni : I live in Barus. I stay at Professor’s houseApril : How old are you, noni?Noni : Hmm... I’m twenty - five years old)

(My name is Minggo)

(I’m Justin)

(Fill in the blank and practice with your friends.Minggo : Hello, What is your name?Justin : My name is Justin Timber LakeMinggo : ..............................................Justin : ..............................................Mingggo : .............................................Justin : .............................................)Exercise !

Lesson 4

Vegetables ( Sayur-sayuran )

Vegetable is any part of a plant that is consumed by humans as food as part of a savoury course or meal.

(Tomato( Tomat )) (Bean( Buncis )) (Cauliflower( Bunga Kol ))

(Chili( Cabai )) (Eggplant( Terung )) (Carrot( Wortel ))

Write !

Rearrange the letters to be words below :

1. l – i – f – l – o – c – a – r – e – w – u

2. g – g – p – a – t – e – n – l

3. o – t – o – a – m – t

4. a – n – b – e

5. i – i – c – h – l

6. t – c – o – a – r – r

7. a – c – g – e – b – b – a

8. e – n – t – u – p – a

9. i – o – n – o – n

10. c – a – h – s – i – p – n

Lesson 5

Fruits ( Buah – Buahan )

Fruits including essential foodstuff and nutrious.

Kind of Fruits

(Orange) (Mango) (Papaya) (Cherry) (Avocado) (Grape) (Apple)

(Rambutan) (Strawberry) (Pineapple) (Durian) (Pear) (Guava) (Lemon)

(Watermelon) (Star fruit)

(Do you like Mango?)

(Yes, I do.)

(David : What do you favorite fruits?Louis : My favorite is Durian because it is delicious.David : How is about Mango? Do you like Mango ?Louis : Yes, Ido. And You?David : I like Papaya and watermelon.)

(Task !Tuliskan dalam bahasa inggris “ Belimbing, Anggur, Semangka ”Tuliskan dalam bahasa indonesia “ Pear, Watermelon, Papaya, Orange, Pineapple ”Tuliskan dalam bahasa ingggris nama buah – buahan lainnya yang kamu sukai )

Lesson 6

Parts of the Body ( Bagian – bagian Tubuh )

The name parts of the body

( Nama – nama bagian Tubuh )

1. Head = Kepala

2. Face = Wajah

3. Eye = Mata

4. Ear = Telinga

5. Nose = Hidung

6. Chin = Dagu

7. Cheek = Pipi

8. Neck = Leher

9. Lip = Bibir

10. Tooth = Gigi

11. Tongue = Lidah

12. Mouth = Mulut

13. Elbow = Siku

14. Shoulder = Bahu

15. Chest = Dada

16. Knee = Lutut

17. Foot = Kaki

18. Toes = Jari Kaki

19. Hair = Rambut

20. Hand = Tangan

21. Finger = Jari Tangan

22. Back = Punggung

23. Thigh= Paha

24. Calf = Betis

25. Buttock = Pantat

26. Stomach = Perut

27. Arm = Lengan

28. Heel = Tumit

29. Eyebrow = Alis Mata

30. Eyelash = Bulu Mata

Task 1

Complete the picture directions based on parts of the body.

(Picture 2) (Picture 1)

Lesson 7

Days in a Week ( Nama – nama hari dalam seminggu )

Sunday = Minggu

Monday = Senin

Tuesday = Selasa

Wednesday = Rabu

Thursday = Kamis

Friday = Jumat

Saturday = Sabtu

Complete the sentences below.

1. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, ……., Thursday, ……., Saturday.

2. I go to school 6 days in a week that is………..

3. Every ……. I am not go to school because our school always holiday

Lesson 8

Things in the Classroom

( Benda – benda di dalam Ruangan Kelas )

(This is a Dump) (This is a Eraser) (This is a Book) (This is a Table) (This is a Clock)

Answer the question of the sentences below

1. What things are in the classroom according to the pictures?

2. What is the meaning of Eraser ?

3. What other things that exist in the class besides in the picture ?
