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Ageing Actively: the role of the Voluntary and Community Sector in Early Intervention and Prevention Services

Janet Wheatley, CEO, Voluntary Action Rotherham

Lesley Dabell, CEO, Age UK Rotherham

Older People in Rotherham

• Rotherham’s population is growing and ageing as people live longer

• 2012 46, 600 (18%) 65+ ……. 2021 53, 200 (21%) …

• 85+ increase by 27% (5, 600 to 7, 100)• 11, 000 live alone (50% of total) … 10% lonely

on daily basis• 60% 65+ have a long term health problem• 32.5 % have severe disability

Older People’s Health and Social Care Pathway and VCS Involvement in


Fit for the Future

October 2013 – March 2015

National Picture

• BIG Lottery Funding

• Continuing Fit as a Fiddle extended programme.

• Eleven local Age UKs in England where chosen to work with over 18 months.

National Project Aims

• Older people have improved mental wellbeing and greater social contact

• Older people have improved general physical health

• Older people have an enhanced quality of life

AUKR Project Aims

• Reduce loneliness and isolation

• Improve mental, physical and social health and wellbeing

• Setting up community groups

Set up groups for the community

with what is wanted by the community

and is supported by the community.

Group Set UpSample session – trial of different activities, gauge interest

Weeks 1 – 6: Set up of group – variety of different activities provided

Week 7: Decision made on whether to continue group after ten weeks

Week 8: Group informed of decision

Week 9 – 10: Prepare group for next stage

Weeks 11 - 14: Volunteers take over the group with Age UK external support. They are provided with no contact with group for first week followed by group visit, then no contact for third week which is followed by a phone call on week four

Week 15+: Visits or phone call once a month, invitation to volunteer meeting every two months, invitation to skills workshops every four months

Support after the Ten Weeks

Volunteer Skills Workshops

Volunteer Group Meetings

Assistance at sessions

Phone supportHelp with


Equipment Hire

Leavers Pack

Help with early finances

Help with advertising

Individual Meetings

Group visits


Groups Set Up – 31

Groups Disbanded – 16

Groups Successfully Self Sustainable – 15

People Involved• 413 people have attended at least one group session

• 6627 total registered attendance s

– 78% women – 22% men

– 13% under 65– 28% between 65 and 74– 33% between 75 and 84– 24% between 85 and 94– 2% over 95

• 36 people attend Age UK Groups a week (average across the project)

• 74 people attend Volunteer Led Groups a week (average across the project)

• 148 people attending a volunteer led group by the of the project – 20+ older people volunteering

Favourite Activities

Group Sustainability

• 15 Groups have become independent after the initial ten weeks of Age UK Rotherham support

• 45% sustainability overall

• 89% sustainability on groups that have averaged 6 or more member during that ten weeks of Age UK Support

• 100% sustainability for groups given twenty weeks of Age UK Support

Groups Running

Volunteer Comments

I was helping on a Befriending project in Thorpe Hesley where I

take out some lonely and isolated older people out for lunch on a

Thursday and I was asked to come along and help out for the first

session and have stayed ever since.

We want to carry on as we are providing a place where they can come

along and have a chat.

We have bought the equipment that Age UK had for the ten sessions so that we can continue

to do exercise but are finding that the ladies

enjoy talking.

Volunteer Comments

I have worked in the community for 30 years and I moved here 12 years

ago it was a vibrant active centre and then it changed and I wanted to get it

back to how it used to be.

The group loves quizzes, talking and especially sing-a-longs.

We are starting another group on a Monday.

Achievements: What difference did it make for older people in Rotherham?

• 87% had improvement against at least one outcome• 79% said that they don’t know where else they would have found the same support


Mental and social health and well being• 67% said they had positive changes to mental health and well being• 30% increased in how close they feel to other people• 29% increased their rating out of ten for how satisfied they are with their life• 24% increased in feeling part of a community• 23% increased in feeling less isolated• 22% increased in feeling more in tune with other• 21% increased in feeling good about themselves• 20% increased in feeling less left out

Physical health and well being

• 34% increased the amount of exercise that do each week• 20% increased the amount of fruit and vegetables they each week

Group Members Comments

We have a good laugh which is good for you and you don’t feel so


I enjoy the company it is

better than being on your own we

have a good chat I enjoy it very


Everyone seems to bring something to the group and it is very interesting to hear

what other people have done in their past.

I really enjoy the session, I always come back feeling happy, because we have had a quiz or made something at

the craft table, and maybe had a game of Dominoes

which always raises a laugh.

Nice to learn a new skills it makes you feel

more confident it is good to meet new people and have a


I have benefitted socially because I

am a full time carer and it is nice to get out

with friends again.

I believe that Senior Citizens benefit

from regular small amounts of


This group works because of individuals not “an individual” each person brings a

different talent and personality which makes our group friendly and caring. We are taking

part in community events enriching community life in our village.

Group Members Comments

Learnings & Findings

Older people in the lead works

Volunteers are key to sustaining community activity

• Finding out what older people want and working with them builds assets, increases choice and control, increases impact

• BUT they need to be supported – 15-20 weeks initially with follow on support seems to work

Learnings & Findings

Improving reach • Work with partners has helped to extend reach with key pathways through community housing, AUKR Services, voluntary and community groups, Social Prescribing and Self referrals

• Collaboration with other groups has helped to target harder to reach groups e.g. Tasibee – BME, Rotherham United – older men

Thank you and

enjoy the video