
PowerPoint Presentation

Video GE Capital

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Wave AnalyticsLes donnes changent la donneAgns BuzelinRegional Vice [email protected]

Dclaration conforme la directive Safe Harbor contenue dans la loi amricaine intitule Private Securities Litigation Reform Act de 1995:Cette prsentation est susceptible de comporter des dclarations conditionnelles, qui impliquent ncessairement une certaine prise de risque, des incertitudes et des hypothses. Si l'une de ces incertitudes se concrtise ou si certaines hypothses se rvlent incorrectes, les rsultats de Salesforce, Inc. pourraient tre sensiblement diffrents de ceux explicitement ou implicitement avancs par nos dclarations conditionnelles. Toutes les dclarations ne portant pas sur des faits historiques peuvent tre considres comme conditionnelles, y compris les projections de disponibilit des produits ou des services, d'augmentation du nombre d'abonns, de bnfices, de chiffre d'affaires ou autre valeur financire, toute dclaration concernant les stratgies ou les plans de gestion des oprations venir, toute opinion personnelle, toute dclaration concernant les services ou les dveloppements technologiques nouveaux, planifis ou mis niveau, ainsi que les contrats clients et l'utilisation de nos services.Les incertitudes et les risques susmentionns concernent, sans s'y limiter, les risques associs au dveloppement et la fourniture de nouvelles fonctionnalits pour notre service, aux nouveaux produits et services, notre nouveau modle commercial, nos pertes d'exploitation antrieures, les ventuelles fluctuations de nos rsultats d'exploitation et de notre taux de croissance, les interruptions ou les retards de notre systme d'hbergement, les failles des mesures de scurit, l'issue des litiges, les risques associs aux fusions et acquisitions relles et ventuelles, la jeunesse du march dans lequel nous voluons, notre historique relativement limit, notre capacit dvelopper, fidliser et motiver notre personnel et grer notre croissance, les nouvelles ditions de notre service, ainsi que le dploiement russi chez les clients, notre exprience limite en matire de revente de produits tiers, et l'utilisation et les ventes de grands comptes. Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur les facteurs pouvant influencer les rsultats financiers de Salesforce, Inc. dans notre rapport annuel (formulaire 10-K) pour l'exercice fiscal le plus rcent et dans notre rapport trimestriel (formulaire 10-Q) pour le trimestre fiscal le plus rcent. Ce rapport et d'autres documents contenant d'importantes informations sont accessibles sur notre siteweb dans la partie Informations Investisseurs, section Documents pour la Commission des oprations de bourse (SEC).Certains services ou fonctions qui ne sont pas encore commercialiss et sont mentionns ici ou dans d'autres prsentations, communiqus de presse ou dclarations publiques, ne sont pas encore disponibles et ne seront peut-tre pas livrs temps, voire pas livrs du tout. Les clients qui achtent nos services doivent prendre leur dcision sur la base des fonctionsactuellement disponibles. Salesforce, Inc. n'est pas tenu et n'a pas l'intention de mettre jour cesdclarations conditionnelles.Dclarations conditionnelles

Objets connects

Science des donnes

Rseaux sociaux



Milliardsdobjets connectsBillionsdinteractions clients


Bienvenue dans lre du clientTout est dsormais connect



We have moved so rapidly from thousands of computers in the mainframe age, millions of computers in the client server age, to now billions of connected things.

Accelerated by technology advancements like the Cloud, Mobile, Social and Data Science the internet of things has yielded an incredible age, where trillions of customer interactions are taking place. This my friends is what we call the Age of the Customer.

We at Salesforce are extremely excited by the opportunities that lay ahead in this new era. The age of the customer is enabling companies all over the world to leap forward and take their business to new heights.

Prparez vous une russite client dun nouveau genreEntrez dans lre du clientPowered by Lightning

Connectez vous avec vos clients comme jamais !Grez votre business depuis votre smartphoneCrez des parcours clients personnalissEnrichissez votre connaissance client

You need a customer success platformBecome a customer-obsessed company with the Salesforce CSP

At Salesforce, our mission is to help you close the gap and become a customer company - a company focused on creating long-term relationships with its customers. Our customer success platform solely focused on helping you connect with your customers in a whole new way.

You want to build 1 to 1 relationships with your customers. You expect a seamless experience regardless of platform or device you choose. That is our commitment to you. And continuous investment in our ecosystem, now the worlds largest in the enterprise.

Get ready for a new kind of customer success.

Prparez vous une russite client dun nouveau genreEntrez dans lre du clientPowered by Lightning

Connectez vous avec vos clients comme jamais !Grez votre business depuis votre smartphoneCrez des parcours clients personnalissEnrichissez votre connaissance client

You need a customer success platformBecome a customer-obsessed company with the Salesforce CSP

At Salesforce, our mission is to help you close the gap and become a customer company - a company focused on creating long-term relationships with its customers. Our customer success platform solely focused on helping you connect with your customers in a whole new way.

You want to build 1 to 1 relationships with your customers. You expect a seamless experience regardless of platform or device you choose. That is our commitment to you. And continuous investment in our ecosystem, now the worlds largest in the enterprise.

Get ready for a new kind of customer success.

Connectez tous vos utilisateurs vos donnes

CommerciauxResponsablescommerciauxOprateurs duservice clientResponsablesservice clientResponsables marketingAnalystesfinancierDonnes clientsDonnes de pipelineDonnes produitsDonnes de canauxDonnes de campagnesDonnes de performanceRenforcer la relation clientFaire grandir le businessOffrir un service proactifAmliorer lefficacit oprationelleGrer les parcours clientsPrparer la croissance

How are we going to help every employee to get smarter about customers?

Well every employee has questions and needs answers to make better decisions and more importantly take action.

And these are the employees that are on the front line to your customers. Your sales reps who are cold calling prospects. Your service agents that are handling customer support calls. Your marketers that are interacting with your customers on social media.

These are the people who need insight the most, yet they are the ones with zero access to data.

Les employs ne peuvent pas obtenir de rponsesavec les outils danalytiques existants

Outils fragmentsPas de libre-servicePas de prise dactionPas mobileDEAD END

These employees just cant get answers from their legacy analytics tools.

First, most of the tools are fragmented. Data lives across multiple systems that are not integrated.Second, legacy analytics are generally not self-service. Business users rely on an analyst or data scientist to pull reports for them.Third, none of these tools allow a user to take action from the point of insight. Most tools allow a user to ask a question and get an answer, but then what? Last, but definitely not least, these tools were built decades+ ago before the mobile revolution. None of them are optimized for this mobile-first world we find ourselves living in.

Des applis Wave pour tousDes applis pour chaque employ, chaque fonction, chaque secteur



Sales Wave

Service Wave

Marketing Wave

Admin Wave

Esthtique et simplicitDesign pur et personnalis par rles (commerciaux, managers, direction)MobilitExprience utilisateur optimise sur smartphones et tablettesNouvelles fonctionnalitsAnalyses dopportunits, analyses compares, informations de comptes, cartes, objets et champs additionnels dans le flux de donnes

Sales Wave 2.0 - Juillet 2016Lanalytique pour les clients Sales Cloud

Thats why we are introducing Sales Wave. Delivering actionable analytics for sales cloud customers.

First and foremost, every sales manager and rep can access best practice templates and KPIs. Dashboards are expert built by Salesforce (the worlds #1 leader in CRM), and are automatically populated with Salesforce data. No more waiting for one-off answers; instant access to the metrics that matter most.

Pipeline trending offers instant exploration into pipeline, and an ability to track pipeline changes and movement. What grew? What was pushed out? Which deals should I accelerate?

Finally, Sales Wave is natively integrated with Salesforce, and delivers instant actionability. For the first time, you can go from self-service data discovery (and insight) to taking action within salesforce. You dont have to jump across different systems or go back to your desk to move business forward.

Des milliers de clients russissent grce Wave Analytcis

Ajouter Orangina

In just 18 short months since launching Wave Analytics, we've seen tremendous customer success. Across every region, industry, segment and use case, we're seeing customers win with Wave. They're harnessing the power of data to get smarter about their customers.

We will shortly hear from BT how their sales teams are using Wave to explore their customer data, gain insights and do individual analysis on landscape data, inventory, whitespace or customer satisfaction.

Virgin Media is another great example. They recently integrated Wave Analytics and that way gained new insights into prospect behaviour and sales channel performance. For example, Virgin Media has been able to identify the end-to- end cross-channel journeys that different prospects take when buying. Now they know exactly where a prospect started their journey, where they completed it and everything that happened in between. As a result they can make smarter decisions on which parts of the journey to optimise.

Voici Service WaveLa meilleure solution pour les clients Service CloudIntgration native Compltez automatiquement vos tableaux de bord avec des donnes Service Cloud et intgrez les la console Lightning

Tous vos indicateurs cls rassemblsGagnez en visibilit sur vos tickets, lefficacit de votre centre dappel, vos canaux ou votre CSAT

Prise de dcisions instantaneCollaborez, crez et mettez jour vos requtes Service Cloud depuis loutil

+++THIS IS IT+++

For desktop/web image:multi-channel vision (articles + chat?)Thunderbolt dimensions

Franois LopitauxSenior Director, Product Management


Stanislas RambaudManager du dveloppement des ventesStphane LoueratDirecteur des systmes dinformation

Please help me welcome Chris Hammond, Project Director at BT.

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