
Lent and Holy Week 2014

Grace Episcopal Church 1934 Crabtree Falls Highway

Massies Mill, Virginia


Lent 2014

Shrove Tuesday, March 4 6:30 PM: Pancake Supper

“Shrove” is the past tense of the verb “shrive” which means to obtain absolution from sins through Confession and penance. The day before Ash Wednesday is also known as Mardi Gras (French for “Fat Tuesday”), since rich foods are consumed to clear the pantry in preparation for the Lenten season. Our observance will tend toward the more festive nuance. (Regarding private Confession, the Episcopal Church teaches, “All may; some should; none must.” If at any point you wish to meet with Marion for The Reconciliation of a Penitent, please contact her to arrange for an appointment.)

Ash Wednesday, March 5

12-12:30 PM: Imposition of Ashes with Communion

6:30-7 PM: Imposition of Ashes with Compline


Thursdays in Lent

March 6: No Thankful Thursday dinner since we will have had dinner together on Shrove Tuesday. March 13: Bishop Bourlakas will meet with the Vestry and others interested at 6 PM in the church, followed by our usual 6:30 PM dinner. March 20 & 27, April 3: Guided Lenten meditation at 6 PM in the church followed by our 6:30 PM dinner. (It’s just fine to come to the dinners without attending the meditations.) April 10: Join us at 6 PM as we make palm crosses for Palm Sunday! Our regular Thursday dinner will follow at 6:30 PM.


Holy Week 2014

Maundy Thursday, April 17 6:30-8 PM: Seder Meal

Menu reservations are requested to help with planning. There will be three entrée options: roasted lamb, baked chicken or poached salmon. This is a scripted ritual meal based on a traditional Jewish Seder. Scripture tells us Jesus participated in the Seder meal with his disciples prior to his betrayal. (Why is there an orange on the Seder plate? Come and find out!)

8 PM: Maundy Thursday Service This service parallels the Seder meal and includes Holy Communion, the Stripping of the Altar and optional foot-washing. The service ends in darkness and silence. Hot cross buns will be available at the conclusion of the service to take home with you. It’s an Anglican tradition associated with Good Friday.


Good Friday, April 18

12-12:30 PM: Stations of the Cross

We will be using our stained glass windows as the Stations. A special service incorporating an aspect of each window will be used. Communion from the Reserved Sacrament will be offered.

6:30 PM: A Service of Tenebrae “Tenebrae” means “shadows” in Latin. The service dates to the 8th century. There are seven readings, seven responses and seven candles. After each reading, a candle is extinguished so that the service ends in darkness. The people leave in silence. If you’ve not attended a Tenebrae service before, it can be quite moving.


Holy Saturday, April 19

10 AM: The Planting of the Vegetable Garden (in raised beds behind Bowling House)

Food grown in our garden will be used for our Thankful Thursday dinners. There is a sign-up list for the Dirty Nails Crew (our newly-forming garden group). The DNC will make decisions regarding pest control, fertilizing and best gardening practices.

Easter Sunday, April 20

11 AM: Easter Vigil/Easter Service You are invited to bring fresh-cut flowers to flower the Cross and a handbell to ring during the Gloria. An Easter egg hunt will follow the service, rain (indoors) or shine (outdoors). There will not be a 5 PM service.


Monday in Easter Week, April 21

12-12:30 PM: Stations of the Resurrection

These stations will be outdoors, on the grounds of our parish. If it is raining, please bring your umbrella and appropriate shoes.

12:30-1:30 PM: Lunch and discussion of The Easter Moment written by John Shelby Spong

Lunch will include egg salad, chicken salad, Waldorf salad, tomato aspic, rolls, iced tea, water and wine. Advance registration is requested to help with food planning.

Need more information? Email our priest at [email protected] or call (434) 466-4769.
