  • 7/30/2019 Legal Processes in Justice for Freedom Flotilla 2010


    Account of my understanding of the legal routes to justice in the case of the

    attack on the Freedom Flotilla 2010 having attended the hearing on 6th

    November 2012

    What are we doing at court in Turkey?

    On Tuesday 6th November a number of international witnesses came to give

    evidence at Istanbuls alayan Courthouse. The case was opened in Turkeyafter the Office of the Public Prosecutor carried out an investigation into the

    attack and filed it at the 7th High Criminal Court on 28 May 2012 (file number

    2012/264). The case is conducted under Turkish Penal code and the Court is

    hearing evidence in order to decide whether or not four named individuals from

    the Israeli military are guilty of offences including voluntary manslaughter,

    attempted voluntary manslaughter, intentionally causing grievously bodily harm,

    plundering, abducting or confiscating maritime or railway transportation

    vehicles, intentionally causing damage to property, deprivation of personalfreedom and inflicting torture and maltreatment. Israeli individuals are being

    prosecuted under Turkish law in a national court for offences that broadly match

    offences under international humanitarian and human rights law namely willful

    killing, torture and inhumane treatment, willfully causing great suffering or

    serious injury to body or health, arbitrary arrest and detention, restriction of the

    freedom of expression, confiscation of personal belongings. The case is unusual

    because it includes witness testimony of international witnesses and is

    prosecuted against nationals of another country, namely Israel, in a national

    court in Turkey thus internationalising domestic legal processes.

    The Israeli defendants

    The four men indicted are Chief of General Staff Rau Gavriel Ashkenazi, Naval

    Forces Commander Eliezer Alfred Maron, Air Forces Intelligence Director

    Avishay Levi and Chief of Israeli Military Intelligence Amos Yadlin. The

    prosecution is currently limited to the Israeli military unit that prepared and

    carried out the operation plan with Ashkenazi as the leading figure. Other

    civilian and military figures involved in the attack may be added to the case as

    the investigation continues. The individuals were formally summonsed and

    invited to defend themselves in Court in Turkey however they did not sign the

    summons that were delivered and have not appeared at the hearing. In their

    absence Turkish law appoints lawyers in their defence and these were also

    present in Court in Istanbul during the opening of the case.

    Political or legal prosecution?

    The opening of the case is a legal decision and appears to be separate to political

    negotiations. Indeed it came as a surprise to IHH lawyers who have been

    working with scores of other lawyers representing the victims that the Court

    decided to open the case in Turkey because all parties are aware that there have

    been ongoing political negotiations. There has been no public comment from the

    Turkish government about the case.

  • 7/30/2019 Legal Processes in Justice for Freedom Flotilla 2010


    Does anyone in Israel care?

    Although public commentary from Tel Aviv has dismissed the proceedings as a

    show trial significant activity occurring prior to the case in the form of Israeliattempts at out of court settlement, in particular to offer cash compensation

    directly with the victims families, suggests otherwise. There is a real possibilityin future of the arrest of the individuals; Turkey and Israel are both signatories

    to the European Convention on Extradition so a red notice could be issued fortheir arrest through Interpol.

    Other legal remedies

    There are several legal processes aiming to achieve justice in the case of the

    Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla. The case in Turkish court is just one of the

    three main types of legal route being followed.

    The first route, which effectively failed, was through the international human

    rights and humanitarian law processes of UN bodies and agencies. Immediately

    after the incident, on the 1stJune 2010, the President of the Security Council

    made a statementcalling for a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent

    investigation, see

    8CD3-CF6E4FF96FF9%7D/IP%20SPRST%202010%209.pdf. On the 2nd June

    the Human Rights Council passed a resolution which condemned the

    outrageous attack by the Israeli forces against the humanitarian flotilla of shipsand decided to commission a fact-finding investigation into the incident, see

    Israel immediately refused to co-operate with the UN Human Rights Council and

    as a result on 3rd August 2010 the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon established

    a new Panel of Inquiry, which both Turkey and Israel agreed to co-operate with,


    8CD3-CF6E4FF96FF9%7D/IP%20S2010%20414.pdf. This Panel was tasked

    with reading reports produced by Israel, Turkey and the Human Rights Council

    with a mandate of completing an inquiry of the nature requested by the

    President of the Security Council and to make recommendations on the

    prevention of future incidents of its nature.

    The only part of the mandate to be upheld by the final report (the Palmer

    Report) was its promptness. The outcome of the Panel of Inquiry was a

    document that failed to resolve the dispute and failed to meet its mandate of

    impartiality, credibility and transparency. The Palmer Report concluded

    (beyond its ability and mandate) that the blockade of Gaza was legal under

    international law (in contrast to the conclusions of the panel of international

    judges appointed by the Human Rights Council) and that the attack had been

    disproportionately violent, for which it requested that Israel apologise. Turkey

    would not accept that the blockade was legal and Israel would not apologise.
  • 7/30/2019 Legal Processes in Justice for Freedom Flotilla 2010


    The second potential route to legal remedy is at the International Criminal Court

    (ICC). The ICC is an international court that holds individuals to account for war

    crimes however it only has jurisdiction to investigate a case if either the

    referring state or the state to which the individuals accused of the crime is a

    signatory to the Rome Statute. The Court can accept complaints from

    individuals and organisations rather than states and some individual victimshave lodged a formal complaint and evidence at the ICC. However neither Israel

    nor Turkey are signatories to the Rome Statute, which is the international treaty

    that states sign in order to agree to the jurisdiction of the ICC. The case has not

    been opened for investigation at the ICC but the information remains lodged

    with the Prosecutor and may be opened for investigation in future if the

    circumstances of the case change in order for jurisdiction to be available, for

    example should a state which is signatory to the Rome Statute make a complaint.

    The third legal route is that of national courts and the Turkish case is the first

    example of this. Other national cases are potentially in Belgium, Spain, South

    Africa and Greece.

    Political negotiations

    Turkey and Israel have been negotiating over ways to resolve the dispute.

    Turkeys position named three conditions, firstly an official apology from Israel,secondly the easing of the blockade of Gaza and thirdly compensation to be paid

    to the victims. However on conditions one and two the Israelis appear unwilling

    to compromise.

    Onward path

    The families of the victims are working together and have established conditions

    that they want to see before resolving this dispute. They say that those

    responsible must be legally accountable for their actions, there must be a formal

    apology, the issue of the ending of the blockade must be discussed and

    compensation must be paid, the Turkish court case is part of the call for legal

    accountability. In terms of the length of the case the proceedings are likely to

    continue intermittently for some years. It remains to be seen what the specific

    outcome of this hearing will be and the next legal steps. On Monday 5th

    November the group of international lawyer and lawyers from Turkish firms

    Yildirim and Elmadog Hukuk Buroso (whose lawyers are working pro bono) met

    and agreed to establish a committee to address future legal issues in relation to

    the case.
