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Laws and Limits of Data Science: The Next Decade

Michael L. Brodie

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Big Data is Opening the door to …

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Grand Opportunities:Accelerating Scientific Discovery …

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Grand Challenges:Many – efficacy, efficiency, …

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What is Big Data?

•  Defining Big Data constrains this emerging phenomena •  Since Big Data is not

—  About data, but a problem solving ecosystem —  A discipline, but a multidisciplinary sub-domain of most disciplines*

•  What matters is what we will do with Big Data •  Big Data is opening the door to profound change in

—  Processing —  Thinking

•  Let’s use the potential of profound change to understand Big Data


*  “transforma,ve  …  changing  academia  (…  emerged  ..  on  the  cri,cal  path  for  their  sub-­‐discipline)”  and  is  changing  society”  Michael  Jordan.  

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Starting to Understand Big Data

•  Listen to Data —  Hypothesis generation ! overcome limits of human cognition*

•  Multiple, Simultaneous Perspectives —  Ensemble models ! Accelerating Scientific Discovery*

•  And many more …


* Necessary condition: human-guidance

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Big Data is in its infancyWith at least decade-long challenges

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Outline •  Big Picture: Why and What •  Grand Opportunities •  Grand Challenges

—  Efficacy, amongst many •  Laws and Limits of Data Science

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Big Picture Scientific Method


Experiment Model

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Big Picture: Why & What

Experiment Model What

(Big Data) Why


Correlation: What might occur

Causation: Why it occurs


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Why: Scientific Method and the Search for Causation History of Science and the Scientific Method Mature Disciplines: Empiricism, Clinical Studies, Drug Discovery

The Holy Grail of science is to identify accurate causality.

Empirical, clinical trial, and drug discovery methods take time +100 years

Three Ages of Medicine [The Remedy: Goetz] Free-for-All: 1850s–1940s Rise of Trials: 1940s–2010s Beyond the Lab: Post-2010

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What: Models and the Search for Meaningful Correlations

•  History of Modelling: mathematics, sciences, computing, …

•  Disciplines "  Mature (theory-driven): math, physics, statistics, … "  Emerging (data-driven): data mining, machine learning, neural networks, support

vector machines, …

The Holy Grail of data-intensive discovery is correlations that are meaningful.

Correlation does not imply causation

•  Methodologies "  Mature: 100s of years "  Emerging: at least a decade

The Holy Grail of data-intensive discovery is correlations that are meaningful. The Holy Grail of data-intensive discovery is correlations that are accurate and reliable.

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Accelerating Scientific Discovery

Experiment Model



Why: Causation

What: Correlation

Data D

riven Theory D


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Accelerating Scientific Discovery

Experiment Model



Why: Causation

What: Correlation

Data D

riven Theory D





Wonderful Use Case

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Grand Challenges •  Big Data is in its infancy: 10+ year evolution

"  Efficiency: expression/language ! execution (stack) "  Open Data: data use/reuse / sharing "  Efficacy

“major engineering and mathematical challenge, one that will not be solved by just gluing together a few

existing ideas from statistics, optimization, databases and computer systems.” Michael Jordan

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“wrt to Big Data we’re now at the what are the principles? point in time”. Michael Jordan

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What is Data Science @ Scale? Data Science @ scale is to data-intensive discovery as The Scientific Method is to scientific discovery

Reframe Empiricism* "  Data Science is the data component of the Scientific Method for data "  Concepts, tools, and techniques for data-intensive discovery

•  Data-intensive discovery = virtual experiment

"  Laws and Limits of Data Science

* With Dr. Jennie Duggan, MIT & Northwestern University

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First Law of Data Science

Meaning of a correlation requires empirical verification

What is seldom enough Why is not always necessary

Best Practice #1: Efficacy-driven data discovery

(Efficacy before efficiency)

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Second Law of Data Science*

Causality can be determined from correlations only by community accepted mechanisms and metrics**, e.g.,


* With Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, KDNuggets

** for What and Why

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Limits of Data Science

We do not know where our concepts, tools, and techniques break on massive data sets!

Caution: Big Data Winter Potential (Michael Jordan) Best Practice #2: Experiment + Error bars everywhere

"  Common Practice: not so much

Best Practice #3: Machine-driven, human guided "  Common Practice: not so much

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Best Practice Not So Common* •  BP1: Efficacy-driven data discovery

"  Best eScience, Journalism, Economics, Computational X, … "  Big Data not so much (<5%)

•  BP2: Experiment + Error bars everywhere "  Above + Best Data Scientists (~5%, w/scientific, ML, … training) "  Big Data (<5%): Customers don’t ask; data scientists don’t practice

•  BP3: Machine-driven, human guided "  ~5% strict;95% not so much, e.g., ~60 Data Curation products "  50% partial: supervised / trained

•  Example: based on the above Laws and Best Practices

*Personal un-scientific study, limited data, yet so unbiased and oh so true

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Laws of Data Science Less So … 1st Correlations ≠ Causation

Common confusion in science*, more in Data Science, even more in business

2nd Causality (meaning) requires verification by community-accepted norms

Cornerstone of Science, hopefully emerging in Data Science**

*Richard Feynman, 1974 ** If #1 is rare, #2 is more so

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Conclusions •  Big Data is in its infancy and is opening the door to … •  Grand Opportunities •  Grand Challenges •  10+ year evolution •  Data Science ~= Scientific Method For Data •  Laws of Data Science

1  Correlations must be verified 2  Verification relative to community-accepted norms

•  Data Science Best Practices 1  Efficacy-driven discovery 2  Experiment + Error Bars everywhere 3  Machine-Driven – Human Guided

•  Limit of Data Science: we do not know where our tools break

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