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1Bionic Eye

Gene Therapy

Stem Cell

Poison As Medicine

Robotic-surgery Bionic eyeLatest research in biotech, where blind person can have limited vision

The entire system runs on a battery pack that's housed with the video processing unit.

4Gene therapyGene therapy is used to treat genetic disordersIn this technique defective genes responsible for disease development is corrected gene therapy

Stem cells Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cells.

Bone Marrow Transplantation is now being done in many centres across IndiaPresent research into stem cells will soon be able to treat diseases like CancerType I Diabetes Mellitus Parkinsons Disease Huntingtons Disease Cardiac FailureMuscle damage neurological disorders

Poison as medicine Some venoms can be beneficial to human health.

Venoms contain hundreds of different ingredients, some of which are not the harmful toxins and they can be developed into drugs.

Here's a look at five recent examples of venom as medicine.Death-stalker Scorpion Venom is used for Brain CancerBee Venom in Cancer TreatmentTarantula Venom for Muscle DystrophyScorpion Venom is used for Studying PancreatitisCobra Venom for Arthritis

Robotic surgery Robots have enabled us to see places that humans are not yet able to visit, such as other planets and the depths of the ocean. Doctors around the world are using sophisticated robots to perform surgical procedures on patients.

There are three different kinds of robotic surgery systems: supervisory-controlled systems, Tele-surgical systems shared-control systems. The main difference between each system is how human surgeon is involved while performing a surgical procedure. Thank-you
