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    Late Jurassic rifting along the Australian North West

    Shelf: margin geometry and spreading ridge

    configurationC. Heine a; RD Mllera

    a University of Sydney Institute of Marine Science and School of Geosciences,

    University of Sydney, NSW, Australia

    Online Publication Date: 01 February 2005

    To cite this Article: Heine, C. and Mller, RD (2005) 'Late Jurassic rifting along the

    Australian North West Shelf: margin geometry and spreading ridge configuration', Australian Journal of Earth Sciences,

    52:1, 27 - 39

    To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/08120090500100077



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    Late Jurassic rifting along the Australian North West

    Shelf: margin geometry and spreading ridge



    University of Sydney Institute of Marine Science and School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, NSW 2006,


    The Argo and Gascoyne Abyssal plains in the easternmost Indian Ocean document the last stages of

    eastern Tethys evolution before the breakup of eastern Gondwana. Thus they provide crucial

    information not only for modelling the evolution of the eastern Tethys and Proto-Indian Ocean, but also

    to understand the complex geodynamic history of the North West Shelf. We have revisited the marine

    magnetic anomaly record of the Argo and Gascoyne Abyssal Plains in combination with other

    geological and geophysical data from the North West Shelf and southeast Asia. Based on the

    combined data, we have created a revised plate-tectonic model and a set of palaeogeographic

    reconstructions for the evolution of the North West Shelf for the early stages after the breakup. The main

    difference between this model and previously published models is that we have interpreted acomplete section of anomalies, M25A M22A, in the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain, northwest of the Exmouth

    Plateau. The magnetic anomalies have the same trend as in the Argo Abyssal Plain. Our new plate-

    tectonic reconstructions show that continental breakup in the Argo and northern Gascoyne Abyssal

    Plains, east and northwest of the Exmouth Plateau, respectively, started simultaneously in the Oxfordian

    with M25A identified as the oldest anomaly. In the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain, the oldest anomaly

    sequence, M25A M22A (154.5 150.4 Ma) indicates that the Argo spreading ridge continued around

    the northern margin of Greater India, and was probably linked with the Somali Basin. Sea-floor

    spreading continued until M14, separating the West Burma Block and possibly other smaller continental

    fragments like the Sikuleh Terrane of Western Sumatra from the northern Australian margin. A

    southward-directed ridge jump at M13 (134 Ma) transferred segments of Australian Plate oceanic crust

    to the West Burma Plate. Contemporaneously, an anticlockwise change in spreading direction fixed

    the West Burma Block relative to Greater India until its collision with the southern Eurasian margin.

    KEY WORDS: Argo Abyssal Plain; Gascoyne Abyssal Plain; North West Shelf; plate tectonics; plate



    The Australian North West Shelf is the oldest passive

    margin of the continent and extends over 2400 km from

    the Arafura Sea between northern Australian and Irian

    Jaya in the east, up to the Exmouth Plateau off the

    Northwest Cape in the west (Figure 1). It formed as a

    result of multiple rifting episodes with subsequent

    removal of continental slivers during Palaeozoic

    Mesozoic times (Stagg et al. 1999; AGSO Northwest

    Shelf Study Group 1994). The Argo Abyssal Plain islocated adjacent on the North West Shelf in the

    easternmost corner of the Indian Ocean, and represents

    one of the few remaining patches of Jurassic ocean

    floor. Bound by the Java Trench to the north,

    submerged continental crust of the Scott Plateau,

    Rowley Terrace and Exmouth/Wombat Plateaus limits

    this ocean basin to the east, south and southwest,

    respectively (Figure 1). The volcanic Joey and Roo

    Rises north of the Platypus Spur separate the Argo

    Abyssal Plain from the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain to

    west. Occupying an intermediate position between the

    Argo Abyssal Plain in the east and the Wharton Basin/

    Christmas Island area in the west, the Gascoyne

    Abyssal Plain is bound by the western margin of the

    Exmouth Plateau to the south and the Java Trench to

    the north (Figure 1).

    Early surveys resulted in recognition of the oceanic

    character of both the Argo and Gascoyne Abyssalplains (Veevers et al. 1991; Fullerton et al. 1989; Powell

    & Luyendyk 1982; Cook et al. 1978; Heirtzler et al.

    1978). This was later confirmed by ODP (Ocean

    Drilling Program) drilling partly penetrating oceanic

    basement (Ludden 1992; Mihut & Muller 1998a; Sager

    et al. 1992). Magnetic anomalies in both abyssal plains

    document the last rifting episode and final breakup of

    eastern Gondwana between Australia and India in

    *Corresponding author: [email protected]

    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences(2005) 52, (2739)

    ISSN 0812-0099 print/ISSN 1400-0952 online Geological Society of Australia

    DOI: 10.1080/08120090500100077

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    Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous (Stagg et al . 1999;

    Mihut & Muller 1998b; Sager et al. 1992; Veevers et

    al. 1991; Fullerton et al. 1989). Whereas the opening of

    the Argo Abyssal Plain has been attributed to the

    rifting of a smaller continental sliver off the passivemargin of northeastern Gondwana in the Late Jur-

    assic (presumably the West Burma Block of Metcalfe

    1999), oceanic crust along the western Australian

    margin, including the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain, has

    been related to the India Australia breakup and

    subsequent sea-floor spreading in the Early Cretaceous

    (Stagg et al. 1999; Mihut & Muller 1998b; Fullerton et

    al. 1989).

    Most of the published models for the sea-floor

    spreading history of the Argo Abyssal Plain show a

    similar pattern of isochrons. A northeast southwest

    trend has been observed throughout the abyssal plain,

    starting with the Mesozoic M25 [154.1 Ma, according to

    the Gradstein et al. (1994) timescale] or M26 (155.0 Ma)anomaly in the southernmost corner, with a general

    younging towards the northwest (Powell & Luyendyk

    1982; Fullertonet al. 1989; Sager et al. 1992; Mihut 1997).

    The most problematic areas for correlating magnetic

    anomalies are the north and west of the Argo Abyssal

    Plain because of intraplate volcanic activity partly

    disturbing the magnetic record and preventing unequi-

    vocal correlation of magnetic anomalies.

    Powell and Luyendyk (1982) proposed a complete

    M25 M14 (154.1 135.8 Ma) anomaly sequence in eastern

    parts of the basin and a M25 M5 (154.1 126.7 Ma)

    sequence with a southward ridge jump around M14

    (135.8 Ma) in the western spreading segment, separated

    by a transform fault. They related this ridge jump to the

    formation of a triple junction, because of the north-

    northeast south-southwest-trending M6 M0 (128.2

    120.4 Ma) sequence in the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain that

    intersects obliquely with the older Argo magnetic

    lineations. However, after the acquisition of new

    magnetic data, a revised set of isochrons and a simpler

    model for the Argo and the Gascoyne Abyssal Plains

    was published by Fullerton et al. (1989), in which acontinuous N608E trending M26 M16 (155.0 137.9 Ma)

    sequence was interpreted. It intersects with the N308E-

    trending isochrons of the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain, along

    transform faults north of the Wombat Plateau. This

    model was reviewed by Sageret al. (1992) on the basis of

    results of ODP drilling in the southern Argo Abyssal

    Plain near the continent ocean boundary (COB). In

    order to resolve large discrepancies between initial

    sediment ages (Berriasian Valanginian) and radio-

    metric/magnetic basement dating (Oxfordian, around

    156 Ma: Ludden 1992) a M11 M0 sequence was proposed.

    Although this sequence matches the observed data, it

    does not explain correlatable anomalies northwest of

    anomaly M0, in what should be the Cretaceous NormalSuperchron, so at that time the first model was

    considered to fit best (Sager et al. 1992). Later revised

    ages of the sediments of Site 765 and DSDP-Site 261 as

    Tithonian and Kimmeridgian Early Tithonian, respec-

    tively, decreased the gap between basement age and first

    sediments to 10 and 3 8 million years (J. Mutterlose

    pers. comm. 2000), explained by extremely low deposi-

    tional rates (Sager et al. 1992).

    In the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain and southerly adja-

    cent Cuvier Abyssal Plain, Fullerton et al . (1989)

    interpreted anomalies M10 M0 (130.2 120.4 Ma) strik-

    ing N308E on the basis of new magnetic data. Anomaly

    M10 is observed along western Exmouth Plateau,suggesting a simultaneous onset of sea-floor spreading

    between Australia and India at around 130 Ma, with a

    westward ridge jump around M5, that transfers pieces of

    the Indian Plate onto the Australian Plate (Fullertonet

    al. 1989). Mihut (1997), Mihut and Muller (1998b) and

    Mulleret al. (1998) have analysed the magnetic anomaly

    data together with gravity data from satellite altimetry

    and constructed a revised isochron map for the western

    Australian margin. They identified M11 (132.0 Ma) as the

    oldest anomaly preserved and three major fracture

    zones, as well as two northward ridge propagation

    events, which are also found in the Cuvier Abyssal

    Plain. In the central part of the basin the M11 M0

    sequence is observed with the conjugate Indian M11 M7 (132.0 128.4 Ma) anomalies that were transferred to

    the Australian Plate during a westward ridge jump and

    northward propagation (Muller et al. 1998). The M11

    M5 anomalies show a N458E trend and the anomalies

    younger than M5 trend N358E (Mulleret al. 1998).

    A problem, which has not been addressed fully by

    previous models, is the geodynamic implications of the

    spatial and temporal proximity of the different rifting

    events and the resulting configuration of the active

    spreading ridges north and northwest of Australia at

    that time. Most models assume the northward propagat-

    ing India Australia ridge to have cut off the magnetic

    lineations of the western Argo Abyssal Plain (Mihut

    Figure 1 Combined GTOPO-ETOPO morphology of north-

    western Australia and the adjacent oceanic areas in 5 km

    resolution. Depth in 1000 m contour intervals (thin grey

    lines). Numbers indicate DSDP/ODP well sites, white

    colours indicate that oceanic basement was reached. AAP,

    Argo Abyssal Plain; GAP, Gascoyne Abyssal Plain; CAP,

    Cuvier Abyssal Plain; RR, Roo Rise; JR, Joey Rise; RT,Rowley Terrace; CT, Carnarvon Terrace; ScP, Scott Plateau;

    ExP, Exmouth Plateau; WP, Wombat Plateau; PS, Platypus

    Spur; CRFz, Cape Range fracture zone; NWC, Northwest

    Cape; CI, Christmas Island. Inset shows the location of the

    Wharton Basin area (WB) and the Arafura Sea (AfS) with

    respect to main map.

    28 C. Heine and R. D. Muller28 C. Heine and R. D. Muller

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    1997; Sageret al. 1992; Fullertonet al. 1989) or implicitly

    assume a triple junction or abandoned spreading centre

    in the eastern Tethys (Metcalfe 1999, 1996; Veevers et al.

    1991). Also, the extended continental crust promontory

    of the Exmouth Plateau, representing the northwestern-

    most extent of Australian continental crust, has been

    regarded as the major geological boundary between the

    two different spreading corridors and probably biased

    the magnetic anomaly interpretation in the GascoyneAbyssal Plain. As oceanic crust north of the Argo and

    Gascoyne Abyssal Plains has already been subducted

    along the southern Sundaland margin, only an inte-

    grated approach can help to unravel the plate-tectonic

    history of the northwestern Australian margin for the

    Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous. For our revised model

    we attempted to bridge this gap by combining our

    revised marine magnetic anomaly interpretation with

    available geological and geophysical data from south-

    east Asia and the North West Shelf, embedded in a

    regional, self-consistent set of finite rotations. This also

    allows us to reconstruct subducted oceanic lithosphere

    of the eastern Tethys, modelling the convergence

    history of the Sundaland margin since the Late Jurassic(Heine et al. 2004).


    Magnetic anomalies in the Argo Abyssal Plain and

    eastern Gascoyne Abyssal Plain have been correlated by

    visual comparison of a computed synthetic magnetic

    sequence, using the parameters listed in Table 1. It was

    assumed that the average sea-floor spreading rate for

    the M25 M10 interval was constant around 40 mm/year

    (half-spreading rate). Magnetic data were obtained from

    the GEODAS archive and interpreted jointly withsatellite-derived gravity (Sandwell & Smith 1997) in

    order to identify structural trends like fracture zones

    and continental margin offsets. Figure 2 shows the ship

    tracks that have been used for the interpretation. For

    the correlation of magnetic anomalies the Gradstein et

    al. (1994) geomagnetic time-scale was used.

    Argo Abyssal Plain

    We correlated an M25A M10N (154.5 130.8 Ma) se-

    quence in both the Argo Abyssal Plain and Gascoyne

    Abyssal Plain (Figures 3, 4). The best correlation of

    synthetic and observed anomalies in the Argo Abyssal

    Plain were found on the a9314 and um63 tracks (Figure

    2), extending from ODP Site 765 (Figure 1) in the south,

    across the central part of the basin to the northwest(Figure 3). Ages determined at ODP Site 765 acted as a

    tiepoint for the interpretation. By following track a9314

    to the northwest (Figure 3), the synthetic profile was

    matched, and afterwards the interpretation was ex-

    tended to the adjacent wiggles, covering the complete

    Argo Abyssal Plain and the northwest of the Exmouth

    Plateau in the eastern Gascoyne Abyssal Plain (Figure

    5). M26 (155.0 Ma) was the oldest anomaly identified in

    the southern Argo Abyssal Plain south of ODP Site 765,

    limited to the a9314 track. This confirms the dating and

    interpretation by Sager et al. (1992). The anomalies

    M26 M24A (155.0 153.1 Ma) are limited to the east and

    to the southwest by the COB of the Exmouth Plateau

    Rowley Terrace Scott Plateau margin. In the northeastthe M24 M22A (152.1 150.4 Ma) anomalies are bound

    by the Scott Plateau/Java Trench. The magnetic linea-

    tions at DSDP Site 261 are M24 M23 (152.1 150.7 Ma)

    result in a basement age of late Kimmeridgian [accord-

    ing to the Gradstein et al. (1994) time-scale], matching

    the ages of the oldest dated sedimentary rocks well. A

    continuous sequence is identified until M22A (150.4 Ma)

    where a high-amplitude negative anomaly of about

    7 500 nT is observed in the recorded profiles (Figure

    3). This negative anomaly is likely related to an

    interpreted southward ridge jump at M14 (135.8 Ma), as

    the correlation with the normal sequence (M22 and

    younger) north of this anomaly is lost. Instead, theM13 M10N (135.5 130.8 Ma) sequence shows a good fit

    to the recorded profiles (Figure 3) with a slight

    successive anticlockwise rotation of the spreading

    direction from *N608E in the southern parts of the

    Argo Abyssal Plain to N458E in the northern part

    Table 1 Parameters used to generate synthetic magnetic

    anomalies for the Argo and Gascoyne Abyssal plains.

    Parameter Value

    Present fieldLocation 148S, 1168E

    Inclination 7468

    Declination 18

    Strike of ridge N608E

    Phase shift 322.588

    Top of layer 6 km

    Base of layer 6.5 km

    Remanent field

    Inclination 1238

    Declination 1348

    Strike of ridge N308E

    Half-spreading rate 40 mm/y

    Palaeopole position 708S, 1408E

    Figure 2 Ship-track database used for this study. Bold black

    lines indicate ship-tracks used for correlating synthetic

    magnetic sequence. White lines represent bathymetric

    contours in 1000 m intervals.

    Jurassic North West Shelf rifting 29

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    volcanic activity (Jablonski 1997). The Valanginian

    transgressive surface represents the beginning of the

    post-rift sequence and subsequent sea-floor spreading

    (M14, 135.8Ma) in the Cuvier Abyssal Plain. A north-

    ward ridge propagation event in the Gascoyne Abyssal

    Plain during the mid-Valanginian (Mihut & Muller

    1998b) and subsequent sea-floor spreading was followed

    by thermal subsidence of the western, northwestern andnorthern Australian margins.

    The stratigraphic data supports the separation of the

    West Burma continental block and the start of sea-floor

    spreading in the Oxfordian, at around 155 Ma.


    The backstripping technique allows modelling of the

    tectonic basement subsidence and uplift as a function of

    time, if palaeo-water depths are sufficiently well con-

    strained. Phases of lithospheric extension reveal

    periods of rifting. In this study, stratigraphic data from

    Hadrian 1, Longleat 1, Taltarni 1 and Yampi 1 wells were

    selected for backstripping to further constrain the

    breakup age and sea-floor spreading in the Argo Abyssal

    Plain (Figure 8). All wells are located on the outer North

    West Shelf in the Bonaparte and Browse Basins south of

    the Timor Trough.

    Figure 8 shows the tectonic subsidence curves of the

    four wells. Hadrian 1 shows a rifting event between 150

    and 130 Ma followed by thermal subsidence until 70 Ma.The Yampi 1 well indicates a rifting event at around

    150 130 Ma, also followed by thermal subsidence. Both,

    Longleat 1 and Taltarni 1 show a phase of rifting

    between 170 and 155 Ma followed by thermal subsidence.

    All data show the onset of significant extension and

    accelerated subsidence at a time that correlates well

    with a Late Jurassic breakup and onset of sea-floor

    spreading in the Argo Abyssal Plain. Whereas the

    duration of fast syn-rift subsidence at the Longleat and

    Taltarni sites matches well with the onset of sea-floor

    spreading determined from magnetic anomaly data, the

    transition from rifting to thermal subsidence implied by

    the data from Yampi 1 and Hadrian 1 is slightly younger.

    Figure 5 Magnetic wiggle map for the northwest Australian shelf and adjacent abyssal plains. Wiggle azimuth is 408. Solid

    lines represent isochrons: M25, orange; M24, blue; M22A, magenta; M13, light blue; M11A, grey; M10N, lilac; M6, apricot; M4,

    yellow; M2, green; M0, black. Fracture zones are shown as solid red lines, interpreted transition from continental to oceanic

    crust as dashed black line, pseudofaults as dashed dark-green lines, and extinct ridges as short-dashed red lines. DSDP/ODP

    sites annotated with their respective site number. Abbreviations as in Figure 1. Map extent is shown in Figure 6.

    32 C. Heine and R. D. Muller32 C. Heine and R. D. Muller

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    Given the errors in dating, these differences are not


    Generally, an Oxfordian Kimmeridgian age of sea-

    floor spreading in the Argo Abyssal Plain and along the

    northern Australian margin, followed by thermal sub-

    sidence is supported by the well data, as opposed to a

    later onset of sea-floor spreading (e.g. in Tithonian

    Berriasian times) suggested by previous interpreta-




    The last major period of rifting on the southern Tethyan

    margin of northeastern Gondwana started in the

    Triassic and ended with the final breakup between

    Australia and India in the Valanginian.

    Margin geometry

    Post-Rhaetian tectonic activity along the western

    margin of Australian Gondwana (von Rad et al. 1992;

    Veevers & Tewari 1995) had probably created a zone of

    weakness extending from the Carnarvon Terrace area

    in the north, down to the Perth Basin in the south,

    which acted as a preferred major tectonic boundary

    between Indian and Australian Gondwana from the

    Late Triassic to the Cretaceous (Veevers & Tewari

    1995). Along the northern Australian Gondwana mar-

    gin, the present-day Argo embayment represents a

    globally unique feature in terms of its geometry. A

    triangular-shaped block of continental crust was rifted

    out of the coherent northern Australian margin,

    between the Exmouth Plateau in the west and the

    Scott Plateau/North West Shelf proper in the east.

    Additionally, a set of basins (the Carnarvon Basin/

    Rankin Trend and the Browse/Bonaparte Basins),

    converge towards the southern tip of the Argo AbyssalPlain, indicating that breakup in the southern Argo

    Abyssal Plain was probably triggered by a localised

    lithospheric weakness.

    Recent extensional modelling of lithospheric rheol-

    ogy of the Northern Carnarvon Basin assumes a

    symmetric wide rift (Westralian Superbasin) caused by

    a Permo-Carboniferous extension. This extension was

    followed by a Late Permian Late Triassic sag phase and

    asymmetric breakup with deformation localised in

    marginal narrow rift basins in the Late Jurassic

    (Gartrell 2000). It is likely that the breakup of the

    Sibumasu continental sliver off the northeastern Gond-

    wana margin in the early Late Permian (Metcalfe 1999)

    Figure 6Interpreted isochrons superimposed on satellite-derived gravity map. Solid lines represent isochrons: M25, orange;

    M24, blue; M22A, magenta; M13, light blue; M11A, grey; M10N, lilac; M6, apricot; M4, yellow; M2, green; M0, black. Fracture

    zones as solid red lines, interpreted transition from continental to oceanic crust as dashed black line, pseudofaults as long-

    dashed red lines and extinct ridges as short-dashed red lines. DSDP/ODP sites annotated with their respective site number.

    Abbreviations as in Figure 1; T, Trough. White rectangle shows extent of Figure 5.

    Jurassic North West Shelf rifting 33

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    caused the development of a uniformly extended/

    thinned wide continental margin, representing the wide

    side of a rift basin. The Late Jurassic Argo rifting

    episode affecting the northern margin has then resulted

    in another localised deformation, reactivating older

    extensional structures and pre-existing lithospheric

    weaknesses. On the North West Shelf this scenario is

    supported by the present-day COB and a southern line of

    abandoned rift basins (Figures 9, 10c, d the Carnarvon,

    Browse and Bonaparte Basins. As Gartrell (2000)pointed out, one side of the rift system is likely to be

    weaker than the other, leading to asymmetric breakup.

    One possible explanation of this localised weakness

    causing the unusual margin geometry around the Argo

    Abyssal Plain is a proposed Permo-Triassic extraterres-

    trial event at the Bedout High Structure (Becker et al.


    Plate-tectonic evolution

    In Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous times, the northern

    margin of Australian Gondwana was likely a wide

    continental shelf underlain by extended continental

    crust. Following previous work by Metcalfe (1994, 1996,1999) and including further evidence from geological

    data compiled from southeast Asia, we regard the

    West Burma Block as a conjugate part to the Argo

    Abyssal Plain embayment prior to the rifting (Figure

    10a). Lithological and facies architectural affinities

    between Triassic sequences containing Halobia bi-

    valves found in both Timor and the Indo-Burman

    Ranges represent constraints for a pre-rift position of

    the West Burma Block adjacent to the North West

    Shelf (UNESCAP 2002; Socquet et al. 2002; Gramann

    1974). In the vicinity of the future line of breakup,

    uplift was dominant (von Rad et al. 1992), causing

    erosion of the Jurassic sedimentary section on con-

    Figure 7Sketch illustrating the southward ridge jump in the

    northern Argo Abyssal Plain. (a) Normal spreading between

    Australian Plate (grey) and the West Burma microplate

    (white). (b) Initiation of the Argo Plate that is later attached

    to the West Burma Plate. (c) Southward ridge jump at M15

    M14 (136.7 135.8 Ma) abandoning the northern spreading

    centre and continued spreading in the south between M22A

    and M22/21 of the Australian Plate. This detaches the

    conjugate M21 M15 anomalies of the Australian Plate and

    attaches them to the West Burma Plate. Only isochrons used

    in the reconstruction are shown. AUS, Australia; ARGO,

    Argo Plate; BUR, West Burma Plate; ASR, abandonedspreading ridge; SR, spreading ridge.

    Figure 8 Calculated tectonic subsidence curves of four wells

    located on the outer North West Shelf in the Browse and

    Bonaparte Basins. All wells show the end of significant

    accelerated tectonic subsidence in an interval between 155

    and 145 Ma, indicating that most of the younger extension

    was taken up by the sea-floor spreading ridge. The Yampi 1

    well is located close to the line of abandoned Late Jurassic

    rift basins on the inner North West Shelf, where extension

    was likely to have lasted longer. Vertical error bars indicate

    uncertainties in water depth.

    34 C. Heine and R. D. Muller34 C. Heine and R. D. Muller

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    jugate rift shoulders. This erosional unconformity is

    also found in the Indo-Burman Ranges of the West

    Burma Block (Bender 1983; Mitchell 1993), the Wombat

    Plateau and on the outer North West Shelf (Gradstein

    1992; von Rad et al

    . 1992). In reconstructing the pre-collision outline and size of the West Burma Block, a

    rough estimate of 150% of the present-day length and

    width was used. It is assumed that the southern COB

    of the present-day West Burma Block was conjugate to

    the North West Shelf (Figure 10a) and that the part

    rifted from the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain margin was

    subducted beneath the eastern Himalayas when the

    Indian Plate collided with the southern Eurasian


    The Sikuleh and the Meratus Blocks, now located in

    western Sumatra and southeastern Kalimantan, respec-

    tively, are potential candidates for a northern Gondwana

    origin (Gorur & Sengor 1992; Metcalfe 1996), separated

    together with the West Burma Block by the Argospreading ridge. Although Barber (2000) doubted the

    allochthonous character of the Woyla Blocks in South-

    west Sumatra, a pre-rift position of the Sikuleh fragment

    east of the West Burma Block (approximately between

    Timor and the present-day Birds Head region) is

    supported by thedrift path in our reconstructions (Heine

    etal. 2004). In our palaeogeographic reconstruction of the

    pre-rift configuration of the northern Australian margin,

    the Sikuleh and Meratus Blocks occupy a position east of

    the West Burma Block (Figure 10a).

    Regional uplift and extensive volcanic activity on the

    Wombat/Exmouth Plateau, Rowley Terrace and Scott

    Plateau during the Callovian Oxfordian (von Radet al.

    1992; Crawford & von Rad 1994) initiated the separation

    of the West Burma Block from the northwest Australian

    Tethys margin. Interpreted magnetic anomaly data from

    the eastern Gascoyne Abyssal Plain also indicates

    rifting and subsequent sea-floor spreading west of the

    Exmouth Plateau (Figure 10b). Tilting and uplift in the

    Wombat Plateau area may indicate that the ridge tried

    unsuccessfully to propagate a rift to the continental

    promontory of the Platypus Spur/Wombat Plateau,starting from both sidesfrom the Argo Abyssal Plain

    to the west, and from the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain to the

    east, respectively.

    Because the Oxfordian transgression is documented

    in the stratigraphic record from the North West Shelf

    to Irian Jaya (Pigram & Symonds 1991; M. Norvick

    pers. comm. 2000) sea-floor spreading is considered to

    have continued all along the northern margin. It is

    likely that the rift graben and later sea-floor spreading

    developed in either highly extended continental crust

    or small compartments, which followed pre-existing

    structural weaknesses. The present-day Weber Deep in

    which the subduction zone of the eastern Banda Arc

    migrated, could have also represented such an embay-ment, similar to the Argo Abyssal Plain. Therefore,

    isochrons have been constructed from the Gascoyne

    and Argo Abyssal Plains up to the Birds Head area of

    Irian Jaya. Recent analysis of basalts from the

    Mesozoic Central Ophiolite Belt of Papua New Guinea

    show a geochemical signature that reveal a backarc

    origin in a subduction regime (Monnier et al. 2000). A

    subduction zone extending along the eastern margin of

    Australia up to Papua New Guinea is also supported by

    the existence of Tasmanide basement in Irian Jaya (M.

    Norvick pers. comm. 2000). This does not allow a

    continuation of the Argo-trend sea-floor spreading all

    around Irian Jaya into the Coral Sea, although base-ment subsidence curves from the Papuan Basin show

    accelerated subsidence synchronous to the breakup in

    the Argo Abyssal Plain (Pigram & Symonds 1991).

    Large uncertainties in the reconstruction of the

    Tethyan Pacific transitional zone have been another

    argument to limit the isochrons to the east in the

    Birds Head region.

    Formation of oceanic crust on the northwest

    margin started in the Oxfordian, documented by the

    anomalies M26 M24A (154.8 153.1Ma) in the Gas-

    coyne and Argo Abyssal Plains (Figure 10b). They

    are bound by the continental crust of the Platypus

    Spur, northern margin of the Exmouth/Wombat

    Plateau and Scott Plateau area, implying sea-floorspreading in isolated compartments.

    Mapped Jurassic sedimentary basins on the North

    West Shelf south of Timor are parallel to the Argo

    spreading direction and fracture zone trend. They may

    indicate that extension was probably focused in a

    northern and southern zone of rifting, supporting the

    model of Gartrell (2000) for large parts of the northern

    Australian margin at that time. The northern rift

    succeeded whereas the southern rift zone was aban-


    In our reconstructions, the M24 (152.1Ma) isochron

    corresponds to the oldest continuous magnetic anom-

    aly along the northern margin, seaward of the

    Figure 9 Geometry and possible rift width of the northernAustralian Gondwana margin at 130 Ma after the West

    Burma Block breakup. Australia fixed in present-day

    coordinates. ExP, Exmouth Plateau; ScP, Scott Plateau;

    CT, Carnarvon Terrace; BE, Banda Embayment; BH, Birds

    Head; CRFz, Cape Range Fracture Zone; RR, Roo Rise; JR,

    Joey Rise.

    Jurassic North West Shelf rifting 35

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    Figure 10Palaeogeographic reconstructions of the North West Shelf at (a) 156 Ma, (b) 150.0 Ma, (c) 136.0 Ma and (d) 130.0 Ma.

    Australia fixed in present-day coordinates. ExP, Exmouth Plateau; ScP, Scott Plateau; CT, Carnarvon Terrace; BE, Banda

    Embayment; BH, Birds Head; Sik, Sikuleh allochthonous terrane; Mer, Meratus Block; MBT, Main Boundary Thrust; SB,

    Shan Boundary fault; SDRS, seaward-dipping reflectors; CRFz, Cape Range Fracture Zone; WZFz, Wallaby Zenith Fracture

    Zone; JR, Joey Rise; PF, Pseudofault; ASC, abandoned spreading centre.

    Table 2Finite rotation poles calculated for motions of the West Burma Plate relative to the Australian Plate (except where otherwise


    Chron Time (Ma) Latitude (8N) Longitude (8E) Angle (8 + = clockwise)

    Fit reconstruction 155.9 10.36 115.73 125.28

    M25 154.1 11.10 115.23 123.31

    M24 152.1 11.93 114.66 121.16

    M22A 150.4 12.58 114.21 119.54

    M21 146.7 14.11 113.15 115.81

    M16 137.9 18.04 110.32 107.06

    Ridge jump 135.8 19.01 109.61 105.11

    M13 135.3 19.09 109.40 104.39

    M11A 133.3 19.65 107.67 102.45

    M10N 130.9 20.40 106.86 99.67

    M10N relative to India 130.9 43.77 68.70 97.41

    36 C. Heine and R. D. Muller36 C. Heine and R. D. Muller

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    undulating COB of the Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous

    margin up to the Banda embayment and half-way

    around the Birds Head, joining the different compart-

    ments. North of the Platypus Spur M24 is the oldest

    anomaly identified, joining the spreading centres of the

    Gascoyne and Argo Abyssal Plains. In the northeastern

    corner of the Argo Abyssal Plain, M24 links up directly

    with the Java Trench and is the oldest anomaly off the

    COB.The role of the Banda embayment is not yet

    resolved and remains problematic, Charlton (2001)

    proposed that exhumed basement and the West Burma

    block originated here, later rifted by sea-floor spread-

    ing, although this is difficult to reconcile with the

    required spreading geometries. However, according to

    our reconstructions, it may represent an embayment

    like the Argo Abyssal Plain, formed by isolated sea-

    floor spreading earlier in the Kimmeridgian/Oxfor-

    dian with M24 as the first continuous isochron around

    the northern margin. Alternatively, highly extended

    continental crust could also make up basement of

    the Banda embayment. As this still remains

    speculative, isochrons for this area were not recon-structed.

    The M24 isochron for the Argo Abyssal Plain was

    extended along the northern margin up to the Birds

    Head, using the derived stage and finite rotation poles

    (Figure 10b; Table 2). A major transform fault is likely to

    have set off the isochron around the Birds Head

    promontory. Because of the southward ridge jump at

    135.8Ma (M14), incorporating the anomalies M22/M21

    (148.1/146.7 Ma) M15 (136.6 Ma) onto the Burma micro-

    plate, a transitional Argo Plate has been invoked for

    the model. All isochrons located on this transitional

    plate, now completely lost by subduction, were recon-

    structed on the base of symmetrical spreading and withthe same stage rotation poles until M15, prior to the

    ridge jump (Figure 10c).

    Following the southward ridge jump in the Argo

    Abyssal Plain, a successive 158 anticlockwise change in

    spreading direction occurred (Figure 10d). The rotation

    in the spreading direction is documented by fan-shaped

    magnetic lineations north of the pseudofault in the Argo

    Abyssal Plain (Figures 6, 10d). The volcanic Joey Rise

    area (von Rad et al. 1992) is probably related to this

    event. Regional uplift and termination of the Barrow

    Delta on the Exmouth Plateau indicates the onset of the

    India Australia breakup. By the time of chron M10N

    (130.8 Ma) the former Argo spreading direction was

    parallel to the opening between India and Australia,most likely with a transform offset along the Cape Range

    Fracture Zone and continued production of oceanic

    crust in the Cuvier Abyssal Plain.

    A northward propagating ridge event captured

    Indian ocean crust in the Cuvier Abyssal Plain (Mihut

    1997; Mihut & Muller, 1998b). North of the Cape Range

    Fracture Zone a small eastward ridge jump trans-

    ferred pieces of recently produced Australian Plate

    ocean crust onto the Indian Plate, breaking down the

    long offset of the Cape Range Fracture Zone into

    smaller, energetically economic, staircase-shaped seg-

    ments and producing a northsouth-trending

    pseudofault in the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain. Sedimen-

    tation in the Jurassic basins stopped synchronously

    when the whole western and northern margin ther-

    mally subsided in the mid-Valanginian. The West

    Burma Block reached the southern Sundaland margin

    in the vicinity of present-day western Thailand at ca

    80 Ma (Heine et al. 2004).


    Our revised interpretation for the magnetic anomaly

    record clearly indicates spreading in the Argo and

    Gascoyne ocean basins started in Oxfordian times with

    the separation of the West Burma Block from the Argo

    embayment. The initiation of the boundary between

    continental and oceanic crust can be dated to 155.9 Ma,

    based on interpolation of the oldest isochrons and

    calculated spreading velocities. Spreading started east

    and west of the Exmouth Plateau with M25 (154.1 Ma)

    as the first correlatable magnetic anomaly, and M26

    (155.0 Ma) as the oldest identifiable anomaly in the

    southern Argo Abyssal Plain. By M24 (152.1 Ma) the

    two different spreading compartments were joined in asingle spreading ridge which extended from the Birds

    Head region of Irian Jaya along the northeastern

    margin of Gondwana.

    This model for sea-floor spreading at the north-

    western margin of the Australian Plate solves the

    problematic intersection of Argo- and India Australia-

    related M anomalies north of the Platypus Spur.

    According to our interpretation the Argo spreading

    ridge continued around northern Greater India and was

    likely connected to the Somali Basin spreading ridge.

    After an anticlockwise rotation of the spreading ridge

    axis between the West Burma Block and Australia the

    spreading ridge north of Greater India was abandoned,fixing the Burma microplate to the plate motions of the

    Greater India Plate until the collision of the West Burma

    Block with the southern Eurasian margin. The model

    further confirms the identification of the West Burma

    Block as the continental terrane rifting off the Austra-

    lian North West Shelf in Late Jurassic as proposed by

    the work of Metcalfe (1991, 1994, 1996, 1999). Other

    allochthonous terrane fragments along the Sundaland

    margin of Eurasia, like the Sikuleh Block of Western

    Sumatra could have been part of the West Burma sliver.

    We relate the unusual margin geometry around the

    Argo Abyssal Plain to a localised zone of lithospheric

    weakness, which may have been caused by a possible

    Permo-Triassic impact at the Bedout Structure. Themodel simplifies the geological evolution of this area,

    and integrates most of the available structural, se-

    quence stratigraphical and geophysical data. It has

    important implications for the evolution of the eastern

    Tethys, the convergence history of the southeast Asian

    continental margin and the initial opening of the Indian



    We would like to thank Myra Keep and Robert Iasky for

    their constructive reviews which helped to vastly

    Jurassic North West Shelf rifting 37

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    improve the initial manuscript of this paper. Christian

    Heine holds a PhD scholarship of the German Academic

    Exchange Service (DAAD). We are grateful to Martin

    Norvick for sharing his knowledge of the northwestern

    Australian margin and southeast Asia. Tara Deen is

    acknowledged for supplying the backstripping data.

    Maps have been created using free GMT software

    (Wessel & Smith 1991).


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