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“Languages Work” Pupils’ Conferences at RGU

Murray HillAberdeen Business School

The Robert Gordon University

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• Background• Conference model• “Resource synergy” • Example speakers/pupil interaction• Media coverage• Internal impact• 8m video clip > Questions

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“Languages Work” Pupils’ Conferences

• 2 major senior secondary school events hosted by RGU

• Jan 2004 (LWI), Jan 2005 (LWII)• LWI: 17 Aberdeenshire schools• LWII: 12 Aberdeen City Council

schools• LWI: 300 S5 & S6 senior pupils• LWII: 250 S4, S5 & S6 pupils

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• RGU track-record of collaboration in schools’ European Awareness days

• The Gordon Schools, Huntly• (S)CILT Marketing seminars on

promoting languages• Brian called Murray…• Little did I know what I was getting

myself in for…

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• Steering group formed• Conference aims agreed• Resource analysis• Regular planning meetings (8)• Event management…

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LWI Conference Aims

• “To underline the value of the place of Modern Foreign Languages in the school curriculum and the success gained by pupils in Aberdeenshire”

• “To highlight the wide range of employment opportunities available to people with language skills”

• “To celebrate the enjoyment to be gained from learning other languages”

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LWII Conference Aims

• “To take Modern Foreign Languages out of the classroom into the real world”

• “To demonstrate that learning and using MFLs are life enhancing experiences which lead to employment opportunities

• “To explode the myth that you have to know the whole language to be able to use some of it”

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Other Conference Aims

• To achieve maximum event publicity and exposure within the University and beyond

• To sustain initial event impact• To produce marketing materials for

dissemination in schools > CD-rom• To inspire!

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Resource synergy

• What are the collaboration gains from

the perspective of- The schools?- The University?- The exhibitors/sponsors?- The National Agencies

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University provides…

• Access to high quality award-winning campus venue (atrium, lecture theatres, break-out rooms, hospitality base room)

• IT support facilities & recording studios > CD-rom production

• (Linguists), Graphics & Publishing, press officer, photographer, administrators, caterers, janitors, reception staff, car park attendants (event managers)

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University provides…

• Links with business/industry/community > guest speakers

• Graduates > guest interviewees• Ideas• Trusted partners• Consultancy services (LWI > free) (LWII > fee)

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Schools provide…

• Access to potential applicants• Logistical/Transport know-how• Curriculum support group project

funds• Council support staff: administrators,

Graphics & Publishing, press officer• Video recording equipment

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Schools provide

• Links with business/industry/community

• Links with primary feeder schools > Poster display

• Steering group members• Ideas (interactive tasks!)• Pupil talent (LW signature tune >


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Exhibitors/Info Providers

• French, German, Italian & Spanish national agencies

• British Council• Socrates/Erasmus • Local companies & sponsors, e.g.

TOTAL (remember Aberdeen is the Oil Capital of Europe) > use of logos!

• CILT, National Centre for Languages

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“Cast of 1000s”

• Pupils, Teachers, VIPs• Guest speakers (& minders)• Exhibitors• University Staff• Student volunteers• Other University users…• Event management!

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Now what do we do?

“All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you”

(Gandalf in The Return of the King)

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Conference Model

• Careful balance / audience pitch• Morning presentations > Euro lunch• Afternoon interactive sessions• Plenary• Link between languages & technology• Video camera recording of event by

RGU and all school teams• Customised record of events • Official RGU CD-rom

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Conference Model

• Short formal presentations from personalities, experienced reps of business & education communities (LWI & II)

• Graduate presentations (LWI) >• University graduate “Question Time”

panel interviews (LWII)• Interactive sessions

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Example speakers (high media profile)

• Aim high!• Berti Vogts, former German national

team footballer/manager of Scotland national football team

• Cameron Stout, “Big brother” personality

• Claudia Schiffer (well, almost…)• Messages of support...

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Example speakers (business community, RGU graduates)

• Experienced & not-so experienced speakers, e.g.

- owner of New Marcliffe Hotel - Director of ACC Education Services• Recent RGU graduates, e.g. - (Euro Accounts

manager) - Nokia (User interface designer)

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Interactive Session: New Language Challenge”

• Resource: RGU international student volunteers & local community foreign nationals, c. 20 languages

• “global conference community”• Farsi > Arabic > Japanese> Swahili• Native speaker coached small groups• On stage pupil NLC


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Interactive Session: Other examples

• Pupils interview & record guest speakers/graduates (TL)

• Questionnaire: pupils quiz exhibitors (TL)

• Pupils’ buzz groups create new marketing statements promoting languages (TL)

• Buzz par excellence!

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Media Coverage

• Pre-event/post-event• External (local, national)• Internal (University, schools)• Short-term/long-term

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• Extensive press releases, radio & TV features

• PP messages of support from high profile personalities unable to attend

• “Berti Vogts helps promote languages message at RGU” (RGU-News leader)

• LWI CD-rom (“Oh Dear, she didn’t do a language”)

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• Herald newspaper, locals*• NE radio station• CILT Newsletter & Journal• RGU Newsletter:“Big Brother’s Cameron Shares

Language Skills”• RGU Alumni Magazine• ACC Enterprise in Education Magazine• TOTAL Courier (front page & feature)

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Internal impact (RGU)

• LW timing generated awareness within University population (staff/students)

• Euro Award > increased prestige • RGU corporate marketing; department

web feature• RGU committee minutes• Increased language module take-up by

course designers

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Internal impact (RGU)

• Follow-up Aberdeenshire schools event hosted by RGU Economics & Law Dept

• Conference pack VIP/participants lists > RGU Industrial Liaison group membership

• Questionnaires/recruitment analysis• Graduates rub shoulders with


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Internal impact (schools)

• Euro Award > increased prestige• Follow-up Euro Awareness events > healthy language options uptake• LWI CD-rom > younger pupils• Increased take-up of languages• Interest in taster days at RGU

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Other spin-offs

• Primary school involvement• Long-term interest in languages?• Posters as resource > potential for

display in Aberdeen Art Gallery (2 year lead-in time!), Shopping Mall, Tourist Board etc

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Room for improvement

• *Local “Press & Journal” featured picture of pupil holding “EFL” book

• Title clearly visible – and sending the wrong message…

• RGU press releases ref “serious FL decline in recent years” unhelpful

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Room for improvement

• Increased demand for RGU presence at school European Awareness days but

• Inadequate University schools liaison support

• University prospectus/information booklets > scant reference to languages, subject not indexed

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Would I do it again?

• Gandalf…• Buzz factor• SCHML website•

• Video clip (8m)

• Questions?