Page 1: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

LadderLeakBreaking ECDSA with Less than One Bit of Nonce Leakage

Real World Crypto 2021 (ePrint 2020/615, appeared at CCS ’20)

Diego F. Aranha1 Felipe R. Novaes2 Akira Takahashi1 Mehdi Tibouchi3 Yuval Yarom4

1DIGIT, Aarhus University, Denmark

2University of Campinas, Brazil

3NTT Corporation, Japan

4University of Adelaide and Data61, Australia

Page 2: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Nonce = Number used only once


Page 3: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

“Nonce” in ECDSA/Schnorr-type Schemes

Alice Bob

Message Alice’s Secret key


Alice’s Public key


Signed Message101101 ・・・

• k is a uniformly random value satisfying

k ≡ z︸︷︷︸public

+ h︸︷︷︸public

·x mod q.

• k should NEVER be reused/exposed as x = (z− z′)/(h′ − h) mod q1

Page 4: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Risk of Biased/Leaky Nonces

Alice Bob

Message Alice’s Secret key


Alice’s Public key


Signed Message101101 ・・・


• What if k is slightly biased ?• Secret key x is recovered by solving the hidden number problem (HNP)


Page 5: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Risk of Biased/Leaky Nonces

Alice Bob

Message Alice’s Secret key


Alice’s Public key


Signed Message101101 ・・・


• What if k is slightly biased or partially leaked?• Secret key x is recovered by solving the hidden number problem (HNP)


Page 6: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Risk of Biased/Leaky Nonces


Message Alice’s Secret key


Signed Message101101 ・・・


• What if k is slightly biased or partially leaked? ; Attack!• Secret key x is recovered by solving the hidden number problem (HNP)


Page 7: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Risk of Biased/Leaky Nonces


Message Alice’s Secret key


Signed Message101101 ・・・


• What if k is slightly biased or partially leaked? ; Attack!• Secret key x is recovered by solving the hidden number problem (HNP)


Page 8: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Randomness Failure in the Real World

• Poorly designed/implemented RNGs• Predictable seed (srand(time(0))• VM resets ; same snapshot will end upwith the same seed

• Side-channel leakage• and many more. . .

BBC news. 2011.


Page 9: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Randomness Failure in the Real World

• Poorly designed/implemented RNGs• Predictable seed (srand(time(0))• VM resets ; same snapshot will end upwith the same seed

• Side-channel leakage• and many more. . .

BBC news. 2011.


Page 10: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Chronology of HNP: a 25-year retrospective

1996 Boneh–Venkatesan defined the HNP

1999 Howgrave-Graham–Smart proposed the lattice attack against HNP

2000 Bleichenbacher announced the Fourier analysis attack...

2018 CacheQuote on SGX EPID; PortSmash on SMT/Hyper-Threading; ROHNP

2019 TPM-FAIL; Minerva

2020 Dé jà Vu attack on Mozilla’s NSS; Raccoon attack on TLS 1.2

Still at the heart of many recent real-world vulnerabilities inECDSA/Diffie–Hellman key exchange implementations!


Page 11: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Chronology of HNP: a 25-year retrospective

1996 Boneh–Venkatesan defined the HNP

1999 Howgrave-Graham–Smart proposed the lattice attack against HNP

2000 Bleichenbacher announced the Fourier analysis attack...

2018 CacheQuote on SGX EPID; PortSmash on SMT/Hyper-Threading; ROHNP

2019 TPM-FAIL; Minerva

2020 Dé jà Vu attack on Mozilla’s NSS; Raccoon attack on TLS 1.2

Still at the heart of many recent real-world vulnerabilities inECDSA/Diffie–Hellman key exchange implementations!


Page 12: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Chronology of HNP: a 25-year retrospective

1996 Boneh–Venkatesan defined the HNP

1999 Howgrave-Graham–Smart proposed the lattice attack against HNP

2000 Bleichenbacher announced the Fourier analysis attack...

2018 CacheQuote on SGX EPID; PortSmash on SMT/Hyper-Threading; ROHNP

2019 TPM-FAIL; Minerva

2020 Dé jà Vu attack on Mozilla’s NSS; Raccoon attack on TLS 1.2

Still at the heart of many recent real-world vulnerabilities inECDSA/Diffie–Hellman key exchange implementations!


Page 13: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Chronology of HNP: a 25-year retrospective

1996 Boneh–Venkatesan defined the HNP

1999 Howgrave-Graham–Smart proposed the lattice attack against HNP

2000 Bleichenbacher announced the Fourier analysis attack...

2018 CacheQuote on SGX EPID; PortSmash on SMT/Hyper-Threading; ROHNP

2019 TPM-FAIL; Minerva

2020 Dé jà Vu attack on Mozilla’s NSS; Raccoon attack on TLS 1.2

Still at the heart of many recent real-world vulnerabilities inECDSA/Diffie–Hellman key exchange implementations!


Page 14: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Chronology of HNP: a 25-year retrospective

1996 Boneh–Venkatesan defined the HNP

1999 Howgrave-Graham–Smart proposed the lattice attack against HNP

2000 Bleichenbacher announced the Fourier analysis attack...

2018 CacheQuote on SGX EPID; PortSmash on SMT/Hyper-Threading; ROHNP

2019 TPM-FAIL; Minerva

2020 Dé jà Vu attack on Mozilla’s NSS; Raccoon attack on TLS 1.2

Still at the heart of many recent real-world vulnerabilities inECDSA/Diffie–Hellman key exchange implementations!


Page 15: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Chronology of HNP: a 25-year retrospective

1996 Boneh–Venkatesan defined the HNP

1999 Howgrave-Graham–Smart proposed the lattice attack against HNP

2000 Bleichenbacher announced the Fourier analysis attack...

2018 CacheQuote on SGX EPID; PortSmash on SMT/Hyper-Threading; ROHNP

2019 TPM-FAIL; Minerva

2020 Dé jà Vu attack on Mozilla’s NSS; Raccoon attack on TLS 1.2

Still at the heart of many recent real-world vulnerabilities inECDSA/Diffie–Hellman key exchange implementations!


Page 16: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Chronology of HNP: a 25-year retrospective

1996 Boneh–Venkatesan defined the HNP

1999 Howgrave-Graham–Smart proposed the lattice attack against HNP

2000 Bleichenbacher announced the Fourier analysis attack...

2018 CacheQuote on SGX EPID; PortSmash on SMT/Hyper-Threading; ROHNP

2019 TPM-FAIL; Minerva

2020 Dé jà Vu attack on Mozilla’s NSS; Raccoon attack on TLS 1.2

Still at the heart of many recent real-world vulnerabilities inECDSA/Diffie–Hellman key exchange implementations!


Page 17: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Chronology of HNP: a 25-year retrospective

1996 Boneh–Venkatesan defined the HNP

1999 Howgrave-Graham–Smart proposed the lattice attack against HNP

2000 Bleichenbacher announced the Fourier analysis attack...

2018 CacheQuote on SGX EPID; PortSmash on SMT/Hyper-Threading; ROHNP

2019 TPM-FAIL; Minerva

2020 Dé jà Vu attack on Mozilla’s NSS; Raccoon attack on TLS 1.2

Still at the heart of many recent real-world vulnerabilities inECDSA/Diffie–Hellman key exchange implementations!


Page 18: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

This work

1. Improved analysis of Fourier analysis-based attack (Bleichenbacher ’00) tosolve the HNP

• Allows us to exploit tiny amount of nonce leakage per signature

2. Novel class of cache timing attacks against the Montgomery ladder scalarmultiplication in OpenSSL 1.0.2u and 1.1.0l, and RELIC 0.4.0.

3. Implemented a full secret key recovery attack against OpenSSL ECDSA oversect163r1 and NIST P-192.


Page 19: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

This work

1. Improved analysis of Fourier analysis-based attack (Bleichenbacher ’00) tosolve the HNP

• Allows us to exploit tiny amount of nonce leakage per signature

2. Novel class of cache timing attacks against the Montgomery ladder scalarmultiplication in OpenSSL 1.0.2u and 1.1.0l, and RELIC 0.4.0.

3. Implemented a full secret key recovery attack against OpenSSL ECDSA oversect163r1 and NIST P-192.


Page 20: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

This work

1. Improved analysis of Fourier analysis-based attack (Bleichenbacher ’00) tosolve the HNP

• Allows us to exploit tiny amount of nonce leakage per signature

2. Novel class of cache timing attacks against the Montgomery ladder scalarmultiplication in OpenSSL 1.0.2u and 1.1.0l, and RELIC 0.4.0.

3. Implemented a full secret key recovery attack against OpenSSL ECDSA oversect163r1 and NIST P-192.


Page 21: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

How to Exploit Nonce Leakage

Page 22: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

How to solve the HNP: Lattice vs Fourier analysis

More bias/leakage&

Fewer signatures

Less bias/leakage &

More signatures




Page 23: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

How to solve the HNP: Lattice vs Fourier analysis

More bias/leakage&

Fewer signatures

Less bias/leakage &

More signatures



Large dimension for small bias !


Page 24: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

How to solve the HNP: Lattice vs Fourier analysis

More bias/leakage&

Fewer signatures

Less bias/leakage &

More signatures



Large dimension for small bias !

Large data complexity !


Page 25: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2


• Can we reduce #signatures for Fourier analysis-based attack?

• Can we attack even less than 1-bit of nonce leakage (= MSB is only leakedwith prob. < 1)?



Page 26: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2


• Can we reduce #signatures for Fourier analysis-based attack?

• Can we attack even less than 1-bit of nonce leakage (= MSB is only leakedwith prob. < 1)?



Page 27: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2


• Can we reduce #signatures for Fourier analysis-based attack?

• Can we attack even less than 1-bit of nonce leakage (= MSB is only leakedwith prob. < 1)?



Page 28: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Bleichenbacher’s Attack: High-level Overview

• Step 1. Quantify the bias of nonce K = {ki}i∈{1,...,M}• Biasq(K) ≈ 0 if k is uniform in Zq• Biasq(K) ≈ 1 if k is biased in Zq• Contribution 1: Analyzed the behavior Biasq(K) when k’s MSB is biased withprobability < 1!

• Step 2. Find a candidate secret key which leads to the peak of Biasq(K) (bycomputing FFT)

• Critical intermediate step: find many small linear combinations of integers h• Detect the bias peak correctly and efficiently• Contribution 2: Established time-data tradeoffs by applying algorithms for thegeneralized birthday problem (GBP)!


Page 29: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Bleichenbacher’s Attack: High-level Overview

• Step 1. Quantify the bias of nonce K = {ki}i∈{1,...,M}• Biasq(K) ≈ 0 if k is uniform in Zq• Biasq(K) ≈ 1 if k is biased in Zq• Contribution 1: Analyzed the behavior Biasq(K) when k’s MSB is biased withprobability < 1!

• Step 2. Find a candidate secret key which leads to the peak of Biasq(K) (bycomputing FFT)

• Critical intermediate step: find many small linear combinations of integers h• Detect the bias peak correctly and efficiently• Contribution 2: Established time-data tradeoffs by applying algorithms for thegeneralized birthday problem (GBP)!


Page 30: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Bleichenbacher’s Attack: High-level Overview

• Step 1. Quantify the bias of nonce K = {ki}i∈{1,...,M}• Biasq(K) ≈ 0 if k is uniform in Zq• Biasq(K) ≈ 1 if k is biased in Zq• Contribution 1: Analyzed the behavior Biasq(K) when k’s MSB is biased withprobability < 1!

• Step 2. Find a candidate secret key which leads to the peak of Biasq(K) (bycomputing FFT)

• Critical intermediate step: find many small linear combinations of integers h• Detect the bias peak correctly and efficiently• Contribution 2: Established time-data tradeoffs by applying algorithms for thegeneralized birthday problem (GBP)!


Page 31: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

K-list Sum for GBP (e.g., K = 4)



Page 32: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

K-list Sum for GBP (e.g., K = 4)


101110000101.. = = 101111101101..


Page 33: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

K-list Sum for GBP (e.g., K = 4)

Find small


101110000101.. = = 101111101101..


Page 34: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Time–Data tradeoffs for 1-bit leakage

20 25 30 35 40 45 50Data25

3035404550556065Time sect163r1

`FFT =35`FFT =40`FFT =45

25 30 35 40 45 50 55Data25

3035404550556065Time P-192

`FFT =35`FFT =40`FFT =45

30 35 40 45 50 55 60Data25

3035404550556065Time P-224

`FFT =35`FFT =40`FFT =45

40 45 50 55 60 65 70Data25

3035404550556065Time P-256

`FFT =35`FFT =40`FFT =45

Figure 1: Time–Data tradeoff graphs (in a log2 scale) when memory is fixed to 235

* Optimized data complexity by solving the linear programming problem* Further optimization is feasible if > 1-bit leakage is available!

• Sample amplification via exhaustive K-sum search


Page 35: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

ECDSA key recovery attack: experimental records

Target Bias Facility Error rate Input Thread Time RAM Recovered(Collision) (Collision) (Collision) MSBs

NIST P-192 1-bit AWS EC2 0 229 96 × 24 113h 492GB 39NIST P-192 1-bit AWS EC2 1% 235 96 × 24 52h 492GB 39sect163r1 1-bit Cluster 0 223 16 × 16 7h 80GB 36sect163r1 1-bit Workstation 2.7% 224 48 42h 250GB 35

sect163r1 2-bit Cluster 0 1024 16 2h 96GB 32

Table 1: Computational results for the first round of Bleichenbacher

• Attack on P-192 is made possible by our highly optimized parallelimplementation.

• Attack on sect163r1 is even feasible with a laptop.• Recovering remaining bits is much cheaper in Bleichenbacher’s framework. 11

Page 36: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

ECDSA key recovery attack: experimental records

Target Bias Facility Error rate Input Thread Time RAM Recovered(Collision) (Collision) (Collision) MSBs

NIST P-192 1-bit AWS EC2 0 229 96 × 24 113h 492GB 39NIST P-192 1-bit AWS EC2 1% 235 96 × 24 52h 492GB 39sect163r1 1-bit Cluster 0 223 16 × 16 7h 80GB 36sect163r1 1-bit Workstation 2.7% 224 48 42h 250GB 35

sect163r1 2-bit Cluster 0 1024 16 2h 96GB 32

Table 1: Computational results for the first round of Bleichenbacher

• Attack on P-192 is made possible by our highly optimized parallelimplementation.

• Attack on sect163r1 is even feasible with a laptop.• Recovering remaining bits is much cheaper in Bleichenbacher’s framework. 11

Page 37: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

ECDSA key recovery attack: experimental records

Target Bias Facility Error rate Input Thread Time RAM Recovered(Collision) (Collision) (Collision) MSBs

NIST P-192 1-bit AWS EC2 0 229 96 × 24 113h 492GB 39NIST P-192 1-bit AWS EC2 1% 235 96 × 24 52h 492GB 39sect163r1 1-bit Cluster 0 223 16 × 16 7h 80GB 36sect163r1 1-bit Workstation 2.7% 224 48 42h 250GB 35

sect163r1 2-bit Cluster 0 1024 16 2h 96GB 32

Table 1: Computational results for the first round of Bleichenbacher

• Attack on P-192 is made possible by our highly optimized parallelimplementation.

• Attack on sect163r1 is even feasible with a laptop.• Recovering remaining bits is much cheaper in Bleichenbacher’s framework. 11

Page 38: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

How to Acquire Nonce Leakage

Page 39: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

LadderLeak: Tiny timing leakage from the Montgomery ladder

Algorithm 1 Montgomery ladderInput: P = (x, y), k = (1, kt−2, . . . , k1, k0)

Output: Q = [k]P1: k′ ← Select (k + q, k + 2q)2: R0 ← P, R1 ← [2]P3: for i← lg(q)− 1 downto 0 do4: Swap (R0, R1) if k′i = 05: R0 ← R0 ⊕ R1; R1 ← 2R16: Swap (R0, R1) if k′i = 07: end for8: return Q = R0

Conditions for the attack to work:

• Accumulators (R0,R1) are inprojective coordinates, butinitialized with the base point inaffine coordinates.

• Group order is 2n − δ

• Group law is non-constant timewrt handling Z coordinates ;Weierstrass model

Experiments were carried out withFlush+Reload cache attack technique

; MSB of k was detected with > 99 %accuracy. 12

Page 40: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Software countermeasures & coordinated disclosure

• Coordinated disclosure: reported in December 2019 (before EOL of OpenSSL1.0.2)

• Fixed in April 2020 with randomized Z coordinates of the base point


Page 41: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Main takeaways

• ECDSA nonce is extremely sensitive!• Even < 1-bit leakage/signature is exploitable, albeit with quite a few signaturesas input

• HNP is still relevant nowadays

• Interesting connection between the HNP and GBP• Open question: Could #signatures for Bleichenbacher be as low as lattice?

Thank you! & Questions?More details at


Page 42: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Main takeaways

• ECDSA nonce is extremely sensitive!• Even < 1-bit leakage/signature is exploitable, albeit with quite a few signaturesas input

• HNP is still relevant nowadays

• Interesting connection between the HNP and GBP• Open question: Could #signatures for Bleichenbacher be as low as lattice?

Thank you! & Questions?More details at


Page 43: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Main takeaways

• ECDSA nonce is extremely sensitive!• Even < 1-bit leakage/signature is exploitable, albeit with quite a few signaturesas input

• HNP is still relevant nowadays

• Interesting connection between the HNP and GBP• Open question: Could #signatures for Bleichenbacher be as low as lattice?

Thank you! & Questions?More details at


Page 44: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

Main takeaways

• ECDSA nonce is extremely sensitive!• Even < 1-bit leakage/signature is exploitable, albeit with quite a few signaturesas input

• HNP is still relevant nowadays

• Interesting connection between the HNP and GBP• Open question: Could #signatures for Bleichenbacher be as low as lattice?

Thank you! & Questions?More details at


Page 45: LadderLeak - IACR · 2021. 1. 12. · LadderLeak BreakingECDSAwithLessthanOneBitofNonceLeakage RealWorldCrypto2021(ePrint2020/615,appearedatCCS’20) DiegoF.Aranha1 FelipeR.Novaes2

References i

Daniel Bleichenbacher.On the generation of one-time keys in DL signature schemes.Presentation at IEEE P1363 working group meeting, 2000.

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