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In reply please refer to: WCO/INO/WHE/ITB 067-2021 Originator: Procurement Unit

Jakarta, 14 April 2021

Subject: Invitation to Bid: Procurement of Rodent Surveillance with Logistic Support



CLOSING DATE: (WEDNESDAY 5 MAY 2021, 10:00 hrs, Local time)


SUBMISSION OF OFFER MUST BE SENT ELECTRONICALLY TO [email protected] BY INDICATING IN THE SUBJECT LINE WCO/INO/WHE/ITB/067-2021 PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY OTHER WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION EMAIL ADDRESS DURING THE SUBMISSION OF BID OTHERWISE BID SUBMITTED WILL BE DISQUALIFIED AUTOMATICALLY. UALL BID DOCUMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN PDF FORMAT. KINDLY QUOTE IN IDR (RUPIAH) CURRENCY ONLY. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Any order resulting from this invitation shall contain WHO general terms & conditions (Annex IV) and other specific terms and conditions detailed within this invitation. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Any information which the vendor may consider necessary to guarantee or clarify technical details or compliance with standards may be included, provided reference is made in the offer and clearly indicated.

Please provide detailed specifications of the products offered. Also please provide catalogue of the items offered together with pictures etc.

Laboratory Supply Vendors Jakarta Indonesia Attn: Sales Representative

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RIGHTS OF WHO In case of failure by the vendor to perform under the terms and conditions of the purchase order, including but not limited to failure to obtain necessary export licenses, or to make delivery of all or part of the goods by the agreed delivery date or dates, WHO may, after giving the vendor reasonable notice to perform and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies, exercise one or more of the following rights:

1. Procure all or part of the goods from other sources, in which event WHO may hold the vendor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby.

2. Refuse to accept delivery of all or part of the goods. 3. Terminate the purchase order.

AWARD/ADJUDICATION OF OFFERS WHO reserves the right to make multiple arrangements for any item or items where, in the opinion of WHO, the lowest bid/offer cannot fully meet the requirements, or if it is deemed to be in WHO'S interest to do so. Any arrangement under this condition will be made on the basis of quoted price in lowest, second lowest and third lowest acceptable offer which is fully responsive and meeting all requirements. WHO reserves the right also to accept only part of the items and/or quantities quoted for. Tender evaluation terms; - The tenders will be evaluated in terms of:- 1. Conformance with the product specifications as mentioned in Bid Data Sheet. 2. Compliance with delivery requirements and terms; Quality certification

1. The Vendor will list its quality certification (for e.g. ISO 9001 and/or 9002). 2. Guarantee will be dealt directly with the manufacturer who will mandate a single focal point for the

order. 3. Defective or non-compliant items will be returned and exchanged at the Vendor expense

Documents to be submitted by the vendors 1. Annex I (Bid Data Sheet) 2. Annex II (Bid Submission Form) 3. Annex III. Vendor Information IMPORTANT Should you require any additional information on this request, please send your queries to [email protected] with copy to [email protected]

For WHO Representative, Indonesia

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ANNEX 1: Bid Data Sheet




# Item Description

QTY Unit Country of Origin

Brand & Catalogue

Price per Unit


Total Price (IDR)

Delivery timeline after PO received (weeks)

I. Reagents  

1 D Neasy Blood & Tissue Kit (50) Qiagen, Cat#69504  10  Packs       

   2 Spin Column for 50 sampel  10  Packs           3 Buffer ATL 10 ml  10  Packs             4 Buffer Al 12 Ml  10  Packs           5 Buffer AW1 19 ml  10  Packs           6 Buffer AW2 13 ml  10  Packs             7 Buffer AE 22 ml  10  Packs           8 Proteinae K 1.25 ml  10  Packs           

9 Primer Forward LipL 32‐45F (25 Nmole,20 bp) 5'‐AAG CAT TAC CGC TTG TGG TG‐3'  10  Packs       


10 primer reverse LipL 32‐286R (25 Nmole,20 bp) 5'‐GAA CTC CCA TTT CAG CGA TT‐3'   10  Packs       


11 Primer Probe LipL32‐189) (Probe) 100 nmol, double probe FAM‐BHQ1 (5'‐/56‐FAM/AAA GCC AGG ACA AGC GCC g/3BHQ_1/‐3') 

10  Packs      

     12 Positive control LipL untuk Leptospirosis  5  Packs           

13 QuantiNova Probe PCR Kit (100) Qiagen, Cat#208252. Remarks: 1 ml 2x QuantiNova Probe PCR Master Mix, 250 μl QN ROX 

10  Packs      


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Reference Dye, 500 μl, QuantiNova Yellow Template Dilution Buffer, and 1.9 ml Water for 100 x 20 μl reactions 

14 Ethanol 96% (1.00983.2500 merck)  5  bottles            Delivery cost as per distribution list  5  destinations       

II. Laboratory Supply 


Bag for rat storage (Kantong Tikus), Kantong Tikus Serut Bahan blacu polos Ukuran 40 x 50 m) 

500  Set 




Surgical forceps (Gunting Bedah)  Gunting Bedah Set Ujung Lurus Ukura 10/12. 5/14, 15/18/20 cm 


5  Set 



3 Scalpel (Pisau Bedah) JIGONG Pisau Bedah Scalpel Surgical Blades 10 PCS Number 11 ‐ TF0003 ‐ Gray 

5  Set      


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Point tip tweezer (Pinset Lancip) 


5  Set 




Blunt tip tweezer (Pinset Tumpul) 


5  Set 


   6 Xylazine  5  Bottle           

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Ketamine 50 ml /botol untuk injeksi hewan mengandung 100 mg/100 ml xetamin warna botol gelap 


5  Bottle 



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Chloroform @ 2.5 Liter


5  Bottle 




Spuit and needle 3cc


1250  pcs 




Vaccutainer non EDTA (Plain)  Tabung Darah Edta K3 untuk pemeriksaan Hematology dengan isi 100 buah per box. Tabung darah Edta K3 dengan dimensi 13x75mm, tutup ungu ukuran 5ml 

1250  pcs 



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Cryo Tube 100% Brand new and high quality, Material: Polyethylene plastic (PE), Color: translucent, Height: approx.53mm, Internal diameter: approx.13.3mm, 


1250  pcs 



12 Parafilm  5  pcs          

13 Alcohol 70%  5  Liter          

14 Tray ‐ white (Nampan Putih), melamin putih polos ukuran 36 x 42 cm  5  pcs       


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Measuring mat ‐ white (Perlak Putih (Alas Ukur) Perlak /perlak bayi / perlak ompol / kalep / bahan kursi / bahan jok / ac helen/Tahan air  5 meter 


10  pcs 




Lice comb (Serit/ Sikat Pinjal)@ 12pcs/set 


10  pcs 


   17 Glass bottle with screw cap (Botol Kaca Ulir)  500  pcs           

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Caliper, RS PRO 150mm Digital Caliper 0.0005 in, 0.01 mm, ,Metric & Imperial 

5  pcs 




Infectious waste plastic bag (Plastik Limbah Infeksius) 


5  pack 



20 Waste plastic bag ‐ black (Plastik Hitam Limbah)  5  pack       


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Infectious waste bin (Box Limbah Infeksius) Safety Box / Tempat Sampah / Tempat Limbah / Medis Onemed 12,5L Safety box berfungsi sebagai penampung sementara medis seperti needle sebelum 


5  pack 




Label / Pita Bahan Katun Lebar 2 Inchi ukuran 500 x 500 cm water proff 


5  pack 




Ice Pack, Setiap lembar berisi 12pcs dan dapat dipotong menjadi 12 bagian kecil. Ukuran per lembar 39 x 28cm, ukuran masing‐masing setelah dipotong berukuran 13.5 x 6.5 cm 

25  pcs 



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Cool Box  Marina 6 S Lion Star 5 5 Liter 


5  pcs 




Ziplock (Plastik Klip) Plastik Klip Putih 30x40 cm BAHAN TEBAL , TERBAIK & TERMURAH Depan Transparant , Belakang Putih. PLASTIK PACKINGAN SERBA GUNA 


5  pack 



26 Nitrile gloves size S (Sarung Tangan  Nitril Ukuran S)  5  pack       


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Nitrile gloves size L  (Sarung Tangan Nitril  Ukuran L)  


5  pack 




Mask ‐ (Masker earloop)


10  pack 



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Disposable lab gown @ 10 pcs (Jas Lab Disposible isi@10 buah), Apron medis lengan panjang dapat di pakai bagian depan dari APD Warna putih.  1 pack isi 10 pcs, dengan bahan terbuat dari virgin PE 40 mic, super glossy, lengan panjang size P 130 Cm, lebar 90 cm

15  Set 




Hair cap 


60  pack 



31 Micropippete 1000 ul (Mikropipet @1000 Mikron) 100‐1000L onemed  30  pcs 


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Micropipette tips (Mikro tip) Tip Mikropipet or Micropipettes Tips 100‐1000 uL utk mikro pipet or Micro Pipette ‐ 1000pcs per Bag – KARTEL 


1250  pcs 




Bucket  Lion Star Ember Gagang VNK+Tutup PC‐11 Assorted Color 8Gallon Dimensions (mm)Ø 390xH 400 Volume (m3) 0.142, colour red 


5  pieces 



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Sataki gloves Dot BL 1 Dozen @12 pasang/pack sarung tangan Benang Bintik Serbaguna untuk Tukang maupun industri  


5  pieces 




Spray bottle 


5  pieces 


    Delivery cost as per distribution list  5  destinations       

III. Rodent surveillance 


Perangkap Tikus bentuk Gabus (Rats Trapper) Size: 34 x 18 x 14 cm, Color: Green (Hijau), Material (Bahan) : Wire (Kawat) 


750  pcs 



2 Rat Baits / Umpan Tikus (Kelapa Bakar (roasted coconout) and Ikan Kering  (Dry fish)  10  packages       


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Delivery cost as per distribution list  5   destinations        Grand Total        

*Goods are expected to be received latest by 30 June 2021. B. Please complete the following:

1. Bid Validity : _____________days (Please fill in Annex II)

2. *Period of Delivery : _____________days (after the Purchase Order is issued to Supplier)

Note: In the event that the goods delivery and completion of work is delayed beyond the period quoted by the supplier on section B-2, WHO reserves the right to apply a penalty of 2% of the order value for every 30 days of delayed of delivery and / or cancel the Purchase Order (WHO Terms and Condition Article 10). Supplier should inform WHO in written in case working period is to be extended. Prior approval from WHO must be obtained at least 10 working days before the end date of completion of work

C. Instruction to Bidders

- Please complete Annex I (Bid Data Sheet), Annex II (Bids Submission Form), Annex III (Vendor Information), Self-Declaration Form. - Please fill in Section A and B in Annex I - Kindly quote all items in IDR (Rupiah) ONLY. - DAP: As per attached Distribution List - Bids submission should be submitted no later than WEDNESDAY 5 May 2021, at 10:00 AM to [email protected] - Payment will be processed upon delivery of goods, within 30 days upon submission of Invoice and complete signed of Delivery Note.

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WCO/INO/WHE/ITB 067-2021 Dear Sir / Madam, Having examined the Bidding Documents, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to supply as per provided WHO Specification for “Procurement of Rodent Surveillance with Logistic Support ” to WHO Indonesia office in conformity with the said bidding documents for the sum of: [ ] [ ] Total bid amount in figures Total bid amount in word

as may be ascertained in accordance with the Bid data Sheet attached herewith and made part of this Bid. We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to deliver the items in accordance with WHO General Terms and Conditions, Specifications/Requirements and as per the delivery information and packaging instructions specified in the Bid data Sheet. We agree to abide by this Bid for a period of … days as stated in Annex I, section B.1, from the date fixed for opening of Bids in the Invitation to Bid, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. We understand that you are not bound to accept any Bid you may receive. Signature :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name : ……………………….. Title / Position : Date : Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of (Please state name of company with stamp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Annex III. Vendor Information In compliance with the Invitation to Bid requirements and subject to all terms and conditions thereof, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the bid upon which prices are quoted and delivered at the point as specified after the receipt of WHO Purchase Order.

Company Information Requirements:

Company Name:

Company Address:

Contact Person:

Phone Number: Fax


Bank Name & Address:

Bank Account Name:

Account Number / Currency:


Email address:

Signature of Company’s Authorized Representative:


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Applicable to private and public companies

<COMPANY> ______________________________ (the “Company”) hereby declares to the World

Health Organization (WHO) that:

a. it is not bankrupt or being wound up, having its affairs administered by the courts, has not

entered into an arrangement with creditors, has not suspended business activities, is not the

subject of proceedings concerning the foregoing matters, and is not in any analogous

situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

b. it is solvent and in a position to continue doing business for the period stipulated in the

contract after contract signature, if awarded a contract by WHO;

c. it or persons having powers of representation, decision making or control over the Company

have not been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a final


d. it or persons having powers of representation, decision making or control over the Company

have not been the subject of a final judgment or of a final administrative decision for fraud,

corruption, involvement in a criminal organization, money laundering, terrorist-related

offences, child labour, human trafficking or any other illegal activity;

e. it is in compliance with all its obligations relating to the payment of social security

contributions and the payment of taxes in accordance with the national legislation or

regulations of the country in which the Company is established;

f. it is not subject to an administrative penalty for misrepresenting any information required as

a condition of participation in a procurement procedure or failing to supply such


g. it has declared to WHO any circumstances that could give rise to a conflict of interest or

potential conflict of interest in relation to the current procurement action;

h. it has not granted and will not grant, has not sought and will not seek, has not attempted

and will not attempt to obtain, and has not accepted and will not accept any direct or

indirect benefit (finanical or otherwise) arising from a procurement contract or the award


i. it adheres to the UN Supplier Code of Conduct; and

j. it has zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse and has appropriate procedures in

place to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse.

The Company understands that a false statement or failure to disclose any relevant information

which may impact upon WHO's decision to award a contract may result in the disqualification of the

Company from the bidding exercise and/or the withdrawal of any offer of a contract with WHO.

Furthermore, in case a contract has already been awarded, WHO shall be entitled to rescind the

contract with immediate effect, in addition to any other remedies which WHO may have by contract

or by law.

Entity Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Mailing Address:




Name and Title of duly authorized representative: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Date: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Signature: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

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World Health Organization, New Delhi Procurement Services


General Terms and Conditions 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT COPY Acceptance of a Purchase Order shall form a binding contract with the Vendor signing and returning the acknowledgement copy or by the timely delivery of the goods specified. The contract between the parties is subject only to the terms and conditions detailed here below. Any contractual terms and conditions of the contractor, whether included in the offer, invoices or any other document, are hereby excluded. In the event this purchase order contains any provisions, which are contrary to the provisions of the contractor's offer, the provisions of this purchase order shall take precedence. 2. DELIVERY DATE Delivery Date to be understood as the time the goods have to be available at the location indicated under Delivery Terms. 3. PAYMENT TERMS (a) World Health Organisation further referred to as

WHO shall, on fulfilment of the Delivery Terms, unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order, make payment within 30 days of receipt of the Vendor's invoice for the goods and copies of the customary Shipping documents specified in the contract.

(b) Payment against the invoice referred to above will

reflect any discount shown under the payment terms provided payment is made within the period shown in the payment terms of the contract.

(c) Unless authorized by WHO, a separate invoice

must be submitted in respect of each Purchase Order. Each invoice shall indicate the identification number of the corresponding Purchase Order.

(d) The prices shown in the Purchase Order may not

be increased except by express written agreement of WHO.

(e) Inspection prior to shipment does not relieve the

Vendor from his contractual obligations. (f) WHO shall have a reasonable time after delivery of

the goods to inspect them and to reject and refuse acceptance of goods not conforming to the Purchase order; payment for goods pursuant to the Purchase Order shall not be deemed an acceptance of the goods.

(g) In case of goods which require installation 90% payments will be made initially as per WHO standard term and the balance 10% will be paid on receipt of satisfactory installation/commissioning/ delivery receipt from the end-user.

(h) WHO does not make “advance payment”, nor does

it establish a letter of credit. 4. TAX EXEMPTION (a) Section 7 of the Convention on the Privileges and

Immunities of the United Nations provides, inter alia, that the UN, including its Subsidiary organs, as well as specialized agencies, is exempt from all direct taxes and is exempt from customs duties in respect of articles imported or exported for its official use. Accordingly, the Vendor authorizes

WHO to deduct from the Vendor's invoice any amount representing such taxes or duties charged by the Vendor to WHO. Payment of such corrected invoiced amount shall constitute full payment by WHO. In the event any taxing authority refuses to recognize the exemption status from such taxes, the Vendor shall immediately consult with WHO to determine a mutually acceptable procedure.

(b) Items listed in the Schedule to the Central Excise

Tariff Act, 1995 (5 of 1986), when supplied to the United Nations or an International Organization for their official use, or supplied to the projects financed by the said United Nations or an International Organization shall be exempt from payment of excise duty in pursuance to Ministry of Finance Notification No. 108/95-CENTRAL EXCISE of August 28 1995. Accordingly, the prices quoted should be exclusive of excise duty. Similar exemptions are applicable for sales tax and octroi also. Necessary exemption certificates to this effect shall be provided at appropriate time.

5. EXPORT LICENCE The contract is subject to the obtaining of any export licence or other governmental authorization which may be necessary. It will be the responsibility of the firm to obtain such licence or authorization, but the World Health Organization will do everything in its power to assist. In the event of refusal thereof, the contract will be annulled and all claims between the parties automatically waived. For export licence application and Exchange Control purposes, the source of funds or ty pe of account from which payment for this order will be made is named overleaf. 6. RISK OF LOSS Risk of loss, injury or destruction to the goods shall be borne by the Vendor until physical delivery of the goods has been completed in accordance with the Purchase Order. 7. FITNESS OF GOODS/PACKING Vendor warrants that the goods, including adequate packaging, conform to the specifications and are fit for the purposes for which such goods are ordinarily used and for purposes expressly made known to the Vendor by WHO and are free from defects in workmanship and materials. The Vendor also warrants that the goods are contained or packaged adequately to protect the goods. 8. WARRANTY CLAUSE The Vendor warrants that the use or supply by WHO of the goods offered for sale under the Purchase Order do not infringe any patent, trade-name, or trade-mark. In addition, the Vendor shall pursuant to this warranty indemnify, defend and hold harmless WHO and the United Nations from any actions or claims brought against WHO or the United Nations pertaining to the alleged infringement of a patent, design, trade-name or trade-mark arising from the Purchase Order. 9. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party to the contract shall be held responsible for delay in the fulfilment thereof due to force majeure, strikes, lock-out, war, civil unrest, or other factors outside its control.

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10. RIGHTS OF WHO In case of failure by the Vendor to perform under the terms and Conditions of the Purchase Order, including but not limited to failure to obtain necessary export licences, or to make delivery of all or part of the goods by the agreed delivery date or dates, WHO may, after giving the Vendor reasonable notice to perform and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies, exercise one or more of the following rights: (a) Procure all or part of the goods from other sources, in which event WHO may hold the Vendor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. (b) Refuse to accept delivery of all or part of the goods. (c) Terminate the Purchase Order. (d) In the event the delivery is delayed beyond the period quoted by the supplier, WHO reserves the right to apply a penalty of 2% of the order value for every 30 days of delayed delivery and / or cancel the order. 11. INDEMNIFICATION The Vendor shall indemnify and save harmless WHO and the Government who receives the items referred to herein from and against all claims, damages, losses, costs and expenses arising out of any injury, sickness or death to persons or any loss of or damage to property , caused by the fault or negligence of the Vendor. WHO shall promptly give notice to the Vendor of any claims, damages, losses, costs and expenses and shall cooperate in a reasonable manner with the Vendor. 12. ASSIGNMENT AND INSOLVENCY (a) The Vendor shall not assign, transfer, pledge or make other disposition of this Contract or any part thereof, or any of the Vendor's rights, claims or obligations under this Contract except with the prior written consent of the WHO. (b) Should the Vendor be adjudged bankrupt, or be liquidated or become insolvent, or should the Vendor make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or should a Receiver be appointed on account of the insolvency of the Vendor, the WHO may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have under the terms of these conditions, terminate this Contract forthwith. The Vendor shall immediately inform the WHO of the occurrence of any of the above events. 13. USE OF NAME, EMBLEM OR OFFICIAL SEAL OF THE WHO The Vendor shall not advertise or otherwise make public the fact that it is a Vendor with the WHO, nor shall the Vendor, in any manner whatsoever use the name, emblem or official seal of the WHO, or any abbreviation of the name of the WHO in connection with its business or otherwis e. 14. ARBITRATION Any controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with the Purchase Order or any breach thereof, shall, unless it is settled by Direct negotiation, be settled by the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as at present in force. The parties to the Contract shall be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of such controversy or claim. 15. PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES Nothing in or relating to this Contract shall be deemed a waiver, express or implied, of any of the privileges and

immunities of the United Nations, including its subsidiary organs. 16. GENERAL (a) WHO reserves the right to accept or reject any

quotation in part or in full without assigning any reason thereof and no correspondence/inquiry is entertained in this respect.

(b) Normally all bids under <$70,000 are not opened publicly. Only in the case of large or complex tenders, WHO in its own discretion invites vendors for a public opening at a place/time specified in the solicitation documents.

17. PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS For pharmaceutical formulations, the standards conformed to IP, BP, USP etc., and the shelf-life at the time of delivery must be specified. As a matter of principle, the World Health Organization (WHO) applies the WHO Certification Scheme on the quality of products moving in international trade. Therefore, suppliers are requested to provide product certificates issued by the competent drug regulatory authority in the supplier’s country (e.g. Drug Controller in the case of Indian suppliers). The certificate(s) should state the (i) the supplier manufacturers in conformity with requirements for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in regularly inspected manfucturing plants, and (ii) the product(s) offered are authoriz ed to be placed on the domestic and/or export market. 18. Quotations must be valid for at least three months and if an order is placed, the price must remain firm until satisfactorily executed. 19. The supplier should provide full description of proposed items and submit product brochures. Vendors may be requested to provide samples of the products.

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