Page 1: Laboratory Redesign Committee Notesjocat/TLD/LabNotes.pdf · 2008-06-23 · Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes January 25, 2008 To Do List: - Alfredo will provide a "wish list" of

Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

January 25, 2008

Proposed lab schedule:

YEAR 1 FALL WINTER SERVICEPhys 211 (Classical -F)

Phys 227 Phys 255 4hr lec, 2hr labatorial/wk Classical E&M I Phys 221 (Classical -F)[2hr labatorial/wk] [3 hours/week] 3 hr lec, 2hr labatorial/wk) Phys 223 (E&M - W)

3 hr lec, 3 hour lab/wkPhys 259 E&M (Engineers)

YEAR 2Phys 323

Phys 397 Phys 325 E&M, Waves, Exp. Phys. I Modern Physics Optics [4 hours/week = [1x3 hours/week] (Chem & Geo)3 hr lab +1 hr labatorial] Phys 369

Waves, Optics, Accoustics (Eng.)


Phys 497 Exp. Phys. II[2x3 hours/week]


Phys 597 Phys 575 Exp. Phys. III Optics(3 labs per year? [3 hours/week] or 2 labs + completion of397/497??)

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

January 25, 2008

To Do List: - Alfredo will provide a "wish list" of labs for Phys 255. - Mike will provide a "wish list" for Phys 325. - Alex will provide a "wish list" for Phys 571.

- We need to determine the lab content of all courses.

The following is an initial brainstorming list of possible content for the397/497/597 labs.

1. Electronics (high voltage, small signals…)2. Radiation (Geiger counters, scintilators … )3. Vaccuum physics (and high pressure gasses)4. Data handeling (collection and analysis)5. Fourier Transforms and analysis (597?)6. Control7. Lab Ethics and Techniques8. Optics9. Sensors10. Modern physics techniques11. Image processing

Comments regarding the reformating of the labs and the acquisition ofappropriate funds included:

** Labs must be relevant to the "real world" and/or to graduate school.** The labs should "enhance the undergraduate experience".** The labs and/or laboratory experience could be 'unique' in Canada.

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

February 1, 2008

The following outlines the suggested labs for various courses as discussedon February 1, 2008.

PHYSICS 255Currently LAB: Proposed ManditoryManditory: or "move to"M 0. Error Analysis ?M 1. Electric field mapping MM 2. Resistance MM 3. E/M measurement MM 4. Magnetic fields MM 5. Current Balance M

6. Oscilloscope & multimeter M

Possible labs that are not currently available include:7. Capacitance8. Electrical Conductivity9. RC/LC/RLC circuits10. Millikan Oil Drop

PHYSICS 325 (Modern Physics)Currently LAB: Proposed ManditoryManditory: or "move to"M 0. Thermister move to 397M 1. Balmer Series MM 2. Electron Diffraction MM 3. Bragg X-Ray Diffraction MM 4. Nuclear Decay MM 5. Compton Scattering -- 5 or 6 MM 6. Rutherford Scattering --

7. Photoelectric Effect -- 7 or 8 M8. Blackbody Radiation --9. Elecron Gas in Metals move to 397

M 10. Critical Potentials of Helium M11 or 12 M-- 11. Quantum Defects in Na -- 11 or 12 M -- 12. Quantum Defects in He --

13. Radioactive Decay of 116In move to 39714. Absorption and Dosage of Radiation move to 397

Possible labs that are not currently available include:15. Annihilation Radiation and positron emission M16. Beta Spectroscopy17. Moseley' Law18. Natural Radioactivity of K19. Neutron Activaiton20 Neutron Detection

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

February 1, 2008


Currently LAB: Proposed ManditoryManditory: or "move to"M 1. Reflection and refraction move to 397M 2. Thin lenses & Optical instruments move to 397M 3. Fresnel equations & Brewster's Law MM 4. Polarization Engineering MM 5. Michaelson Interferometer MM 6. Fizeau bnads MM 7. Fraunhofer diffraction MM 8. Faraday Effect

EXISTING LABS NOT USED:9. Concave mirros move to 39710. Fresnel biprism11. Hydrogen Spectrum12. Photometry

DESIRED LABS:13. Frustrated Total Internal Reflection14. Fabry-Perot Interferometer M15. Microscope Resolution M16. Diffraction of light on ultrasonic waves17. Spectroscopy M18. Diffraction of X-rays19. Second harmonic generation20. Fiber Optics


SUGGESTED LABS: LABS MOVED FROM ELSEWHERE:1. Geiger counters 8. Electron Gas in Metals2. Colour Temperature 9. Radioactive Decay of 116In3. Planck's Constant from LEDs 10. Absorption/Dosage Radiation4. PN Junctions 11. Reflection and refraction5. Pulse Height Analysis 12. Thin lenses & Optical Instruments6. Scintillation Counters 13. Concave Mirrors7. Radiation Counting Statistics 14. Thermister

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

February 1, 2008

Proposed outline of lab distribution:

397 497 597

ExperimentalMethods & Electronics

MONTH 1:Analysis PROJECT 1


Digital ElectronicsElectronics & Control- scope

MONTH 2: - AC signal PROJECT 2- Voltage dividers Controls- transducers- switches & digital signals

Vaccuum Physics Electro Optics &

MONTH 3: Optics - Faraday/Kerr PROJECT 3- Signal Process.- Hall effect- Piezo electric

To Do List:

- Further revise Lab distribution- Rob: to send around pdf of undergraduate schedule- include possible labatorials for some courses? Ex. 455/457?

Additonal Notes:

- Pat noted the problem of math course co-requisites with physics course.This is likely an "undergraduate affairs" issue rather than a lab issue.

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

Febraury 11, 2008

The discussion this week centered around the redesign of P397.

NOTES:- Since the P397 labs are currently designed to be 3 hours in length, the four lab hours assigned to the course have been allocated as a 3 hour lab,plus a 1 hour "labatorial" where an experiment will be demonstrated, andthe students will observer, rather than participate directly.

- The course will have 2 hours of lectures per week. Therefore, the labatorialcan fall within the nominal 3rd hour time slot in terms of the the students' schedule. For example, if the lectures are M,W from 1-2, the labatorial wouldbe F from 1-2.

- There is a dedicated P397 lab room. Implementing the proposed scheduledescribed above should be straight forward.

- The introduction of any new lab structure will be tested on the spring/summerstudents to work out potential "bugs". The enrollment in these classes issmaller, yet the student profile is very diverse. Consequently, we should beable to determine and rectify problems before implementation with the largefall/winter classes begins.

To Do List:

- Over the next two weeks, Hugo, Mike and Rob will develop a proposal fora week-by-week schedule of lectures and labs for P397.

- Discussion of lab content for other first and second year labs will be the topic of the next meeting.

Follow up:

- Attached are the program sequences for Physics and Astrophysics fromthe 2007/2008 calendar.

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes


the correlation of B to I, n, and orientation of the probe. Another lab uses anaccelerometer to record the magnitude and direction (on three axes) of "a". Theaccelerometer is strapped to a spinning bike wheel, which allows direct measurementof the "centripetal" acceleration. Both of these labs allow students to observethe physical concepts quickly, rather than being burdened with tedious measurements and plotting algorithms.

After having seen what is available, the committee should be able to make betterdecisions regarding laboratory content.

To Do List:

1. Hugo, Mike and Rob will have a proposal for a week-by-week schedule oflectures and labs for P397 ready for the next meeting to be held in 2 weeks time.

2. We need to develop a budget for the labs, in terms of operation, maintenanceand development. Since few of us on the committee have any framework in whichto judge such expenditures, Pat and Hugo have agreed to put together a rough proposal addressing these areas, based on their experience and knowledge of the various labs. We will begin reviewing the proposal and drafting a formal budget planin 3 weeks time.

3. Content for the remaining first and second year labs still needs to be discussed.Our first priority in this category is to to establish the content of the labatorialsfor P211/221/227, which consists of 3 lecture hours per week and one 2 hourlabatorial per week. In one term there are 12 labatorials. One possible distribution of these labatorials is as follows:4 - minilabs: would involve taking data and a brief write-up.4 - computation/simulation exercises: would utilize canned software tools.4 - Demos: might include the solenoid or accelerometer experiments discussed above.

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes


the correlation of B to I, n, and orientation of the probe. Another lab uses anaccelerometer to record the magnitude and direction (on three axes) of "a". Theaccelerometer is strapped to a spinning bike wheel, which allows direct measurementof the "centripetal" acceleration. Both of these labs allow students to observethe physical concepts quickly, rather than being burdened with tedious measurements and plotting algorithms.

After having seen what is available, the committee should be able to make betterdecisions regarding laboratory content.

To Do List:

1. Hugo, Mike and Rob will have a proposal for a week-by-week schedule oflectures and labs for P397 ready for the next meeting to be held in 2 weeks time.

2. We need to develop a budget for the labs, in terms of operation, maintenanceand development. Since few of us on the committee have any framework in whichto judge such expenditures, Pat and Hugo have agreed to put together a rough proposal addressing these areas, based on their experience and knowledge of the various labs. We will begin reviewing the proposal and drafting a formal budget planin 3 weeks time.

3. Content for the remaining first and second year labs still needs to be discussed.Our first priority in this category is to to establish the content of the labatorialsfor P211/221/227, which consists of 3 lecture hours per week and one 2 hourlabatorial per week. In one term there are 12 labatorials. One possible distribution of these labatorials is as follows:4 - minilabs: would involve taking data and a brief write-up.4 - computation/simulation exercises: would utilize canned software tools.4 - Demos: might include the solenoid or accelerometer experiments discussed above.

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

Febraury 15, 2008


Today's meeting was a "show and tell" of various labs and demonstrations inPaul's area. Of particular interest were the "portable computers" designed byHugo, made from cast-off computers from downtown, that will be used with thedifferent labs. They are much less expensive than purchasing new laptops.

One of the purposes of the "show-and-tell" was to highlight some of the "canned" equipment and software that has recently been purchased. For example, thereis a magnetometer lab that compares the measured values to predicted valuesfor a magnetic field in a solenoid (as constructed from a slinky). Measurementsare plotted practically instantaneously on the computer, allowing students to explorethe correlation of B to I, n, and orientation of the probe. Another lab uses anaccelerometer to record the magnitude and direction (on three axes) of "a". Theaccelerometer is strapped to a spinning bike wheel, which allows direct measurementof the "centripetal" acceleration. Both of these labs allow students to observethe physical concepts quickly, rather than being burdened with tedious measurements and plotting algorithms.

After having seen what is available, the committee should be able to make betterdecisions regarding laboratory content.

To Do List:

1. Hugo, Mike and Rob will have a proposal for a week-by-week schedule oflectures and labs for P397 ready for the next meeting to be held in 2 weeks time.

2. We need to develop a budget for the labs, in terms of operation, maintenanceand development. Since few of us on the committee have any framework in whichto judge such expenditures, Pat and Hugo have agreed to put together a rough proposal addressing these areas, based on their experience and knowledge of the various labs. We will begin reviewing the proposal and drafting a formal budget planin 3 weeks time.

3. Content for the remaining first and second year labs still needs to be discussed.Our first priority in this category is to to establish the content of the labatorialsfor P211/221/227, which consists of 3 lecture hours per week and one 2 hourlabatorial per week. In one term there are 12 labatorials. One possible distribution of these labatorials is as follows:4 - minilabs: would involve taking data and a brief write-up.4 - computation/simulation exercises: would utilize canned software tools.4 - Demos: might include the solenoid or accelerometer experiments discussed above.

3a. In order to determine/identify which labs/simulations/demos will be used, we need to understand the week-by-week content of the course.

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

Febraury 15, 2008

3b. We can then identify what we have in terms of labs/simulations/demos that would suit the course.3c. With the identified labs/simulations/demos, we can lay out a plan for the course. The plan will reflect available equipment and may not necessarily follow the 4/4/4 breakdown as described above. The resultant plan will be "tested" on the spring/summer students in 2008, before the mass implementation in Fall 2008.

An old handout from 2005 has the following experiments listed as "operational"for Mechanics:

1. Centripetal acceleration (16 sets)2. Coefficient of restitution (24 sets)3. Collisions and conserved quantities (24 sets)4. Compound pendulum (16 sets)5. Conservation of energy (24 sets)6. Coupled harmonic oscillator (6 sets)7. Damped mechanical oscillator (6 sets)8. Free fall (16 sets)9. Hanging chain (16 sets)10. Hooke's law (16 sets)11. Impact craters (24 sets)12. Inclined Atwoods machine (24 sets)13. Moment of Inertia (24 sets)14. Newton's second law (24 sets)15. Planar pendulum (18 sets)16. Projectile motion (18 sets)17. Simple harmonic motion and the pendulum (18 sets)18. Static equilibrium and the addition of forces (16 sets)19. Torque and the beam balance (16 sets)20. Torsional oscillations (18 sets)

March 3, 2008

Today we reviewed and discussed a proposal by Mike for the labs of 397. A final versionwill be pasted into this document at a later date.

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

Page reserved for P397 lab summary.

6 or 77 or 89 or 1012 or 13

With the proposed schedule (assuming priority items 1 or 2), labatorials would be relatively evenly spaced.

Priority 1 items will be the first to be commisioned, with priority 2 and 3 to follow.

The "Force Plates Demo" will be offered to instructors for possible inclusion in the lecture time (most likely week 5 or 6). This demo is currently available.

The Atwoods labatorial was identified as another desired experiment. Currentlythere is no hardware available, but we agreed that hardware purchase for this experiment would be next on the priority list.

Hugo also provided a detailed explanation of all available equipment/labs forthe junior labs. His email (20+pages) is stored as a separate document.

Today we discussed the lab content for Physics 223.

Previously, the lab content of 223 contained mechanics labs, which did not fit in with the E&M/Thermo theme of the course. These have been removed.

The basic format is Tutorials alternating with labs. In addition, demos will be done in the tutorial.

The concept of a "super TA" or preceptor was proposed as a way of improving the effectivenessof the TA's.

The following is the first iteration of the lab/course content that will be tested this summer.

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

6 or 77 or 89 or 1012 or 13

With the proposed schedule (assuming priority items 1 or 2), labatorials would be relatively evenly spaced.

Priority 1 items will be the first to be commisioned, with priority 2 and 3 to follow.

The "Force Plates Demo" will be offered to instructors for possible inclusion in the lecture time (most likely week 5 or 6). This demo is currently available.

The Atwoods labatorial was identified as another desired experiment. Currentlythere is no hardware available, but we agreed that hardware purchase for this experiment would be next on the priority list.

Hugo also provided a detailed explanation of all available equipment/labs forthe junior labs. His email (20+pages) is stored as a separate document.

Today we discussed the lab content for Physics 223.

Previously, the lab content of 223 contained mechanics labs, which did not fit in with the E&M/Thermo theme of the course. These have been removed.

The basic format is Tutorials alternating with labs. In addition, demos will be done in the tutorial.

The concept of a "super TA" or preceptor was proposed as a way of improving the effectivenessof the TA's.

The following is the first iteration of the lab/course content that will be tested this summer.

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

6 or 77 or 89 or 1012 or 13

With the proposed schedule (assuming priority items 1 or 2), labatorials would be relatively evenly spaced.

Priority 1 items will be the first to be commisioned, with priority 2 and 3 to follow.

The "Force Plates Demo" will be offered to instructors for possible inclusion in the lecture time (most likely week 5 or 6). This demo is currently available.

The Atwoods labatorial was identified as another desired experiment. Currentlythere is no hardware available, but we agreed that hardware purchase for this experiment would be next on the priority list.

Hugo also provided a detailed explanation of all available equipment/labs forthe junior labs. His email (20+pages) is stored as a separate document.

Today we discussed the lab content for Physics 223.

Previously, the lab content of 223 contained mechanics labs, which did not fit in with the E&M/Thermo theme of the course. These have been removed.

The basic format is Tutorials alternating with labs. In addition, demos will be done in the tutorial.

The concept of a "super TA" or preceptor was proposed as a way of improving the effectivenessof the TA's.

The following is the first iteration of the lab/course content that will be tested this summer.

Page 20: Laboratory Redesign Committee Notesjocat/TLD/LabNotes.pdf · 2008-06-23 · Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes January 25, 2008 To Do List: - Alfredo will provide a "wish list" of

Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes

March 17, 2008

Today we discussed the labatorials for P211/221. The previous two pages outline the week-by-week curriculum for P211/221.

Currently, all labatorial time is dedicated to tutorials. Over the next 3 years(or so), the goal is to include a variety of minilabs, demos and simulations in placeof tutorials.

For the summer session, we propose the following labatorials:

WEEK NAME Priority2 or 3 Motion Sensor exercise 15 or 6 Blue tooth accelerometer/Air Track 16 or 7 coefficient of friction/inclined plane 37 or 8 wheel demo (circular motion and acceration)available9 or 10 video analysis for interacting systems212 or 13 Blue tooth accelerometer/Air Track 1

With the proposed schedule (assuming priority items 1 or 2), labatorials would be relatively evenly spaced.

Priority 1 items will be the first to be commisioned, with priority 2 and 3 to follow.

The "Force Plates Demo" will be offered to instructors for possible inclusion in the lecture time (most likely week 5 or 6). This demo is currently available.

The Atwoods labatorial was identified as another desired experiment. Currentlythere is no hardware available, but we agreed that hardware purchase for this experiment would be next on the priority list.

Hugo also provided a detailed explanation of all available equipment/labs forthe junior labs. His email (20+pages) is stored as a separate document.

April 21, 2008

Today we discussed the lab content for Physics 223.

Previously, the lab content of 223 contained mechanics labs, which did not fit in with the E&M/Thermo theme of the course. These have been removed.

The basic format is Tutorials alternating with labs. In addition, demos will be done in the tutorial.

The concept of a "super TA" or preceptor was proposed as a way of improving the effectivenessof the TA's.

The following is the first iteration of the lab/course content that will be tested this summer.

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Laboratory Redesign Committee Notes
