Download pdf - Lab Work Servlets and JSP


Labs work: Servlet & JSP Excercise 1 Purpose : hello world applictions Hello World Servlet Servlet that produce nice Html Hello World JSP :printing current date and time Exercise-2 Purpose: form processing Collecting three parameters Job entry form Show request header Exercise-3 Purpose :form processing Customer Registration Vote application Exercise-4 Purpose: Connection pooling jdbc programming Purpose: Connection pooling jdbc programming using Listner for loading driver and stroing connection Step1: create an mysql database exp121 CREATE TABLE BOOKS( ISBN VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , TITLE VARCHAR(70) NULL , AUTHOR VARCHAR(50) NULL , PRICE FLOAT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (ISBN)); INSERT INTO books VALUES ('123', 'JAVA', 'foo', 2500.00); INSERT INTO books VALUES ('456', 'SOA', 'bar ', 3000.00) ; Step2: create an html form Step3: Put connection pooling information in context.xml Mention connection pooling infromation in web.xml of project Step 4:create servlet Note: Dont forget to put mysql connector jar in lib of tomcat Exercise-5 Purpose: Understanding Session Mgt HttpSession Object Cookies UrlRewriting Simplest shopping cart Cookies approach Url ReWriting approach Excercise 6 Purpose: Understanding MVC Add two no program using mvc Book Advice Application Using MVC Example 3: Simple bank application Exercise 7 Purpose : Understanding Filters Filter for basic security Exercise 8 Purpose : understanding scriptlet, expression and decleration tag Simple login application Exercise 9 Purpose : understanding useBean tags Excercise 10 Purpose : Understanding EL and JSTL Forcing scriptless jsp pages Demo EL Using database JSTL Excercise 12 Simple Book Shopping cart application Exercise 13 Simple bank application Excercise 11 Purpose : Understanding Custom tag What if I want to print I love india ten times? What about this approach:- We need custom tag. Steps: 1.Create tag class NameTagHandler ie extends SimpleTagSupport 2.Override doTag method accordingly 3.Create tld file . Case study: Create an dynamic web application using servlet jsp such as book management system or employee mgt system etc. Application must use: 1.MVC 2 model 2.Connection pooling3.Filter for security Scriptlet should not to be used at any cost,use JSTL and EL