
Dr. Sara Fascendini Centro Alzheimer, Fondazione Europea di Ricerca Biomedica,

Ospedale “Briolini”, Gazzaniga (BG)

La gestione del paziente nelle fasi “critiche” e la relazione ospedale-territorio



Introduction to BPSD. Sanford FinkelInt. J. Geriat. Psychiatry 15, S2-S4 (2000)

Dementia Care:

Several principles deserve consideration when delivering care, developing programs or conducting research

Dementia is a public health imperative

Dementia care and support is about knowing the person

Dementia is a family matter

Dementia requires diligent clinical care

Dementia: friendly environments improve quality of life and care

The workforce required for dementia: specific competencies

Dementia Care:

Several principles deserve consideration when delivering care, developing programs or conducting research

Dementia is a public health imperative

Dementia care and support is about knowing the person

Dementia is a family matter

Dementia requires diligent clinical care

Dementia: friendly environments improve quality of life and care

The workforce require dementia: specific competencies

The report “Dementia: a public health priority” has been jointly developed by WHO and Alzheimer's Disease International in 2012.

The purpose of this report is to raise awareness of dementia as a public health priority, to articulate a public health approach and to advocate for action at international and national levels.

Dementia Care:

Several principles deserve consideration when delivering care, developing programs or conducting research

Dementia is a public health imperative

Dementia care and support is about knowing the person

Dementia is a family matter

Dementia requires diligent clinical care

Dementia: friendly environments improve quality of life and care

The workforce require dementia: specific competencies

I principi della Cura Centrata sulla Persona di Tom Kitwood

Valorizzare la persona Individualizzare la cura Assumere la prospettiva della persona Fornire un ambiente sociale supportivo


Dementia Care:

Several principles deserve consideration when delivering care, developing programs or conducting research

Dementia is a public health imperative

Dementia care and support is about knowing the person

Dementia is a family matter

Dementia requires diligent clinical care

Dementia: friendly environments improve quality of life and care

The workforce require dementia: specific competencies

Quotidiano Sanità; 24/02/2016

Quotidiano Sanità; 21/04/2016

Dementia Care:

Several principles deserve consideration when delivering care, developing programs or conducting research

Dementia is a public health imperative

Dementia care and support is about knowing the person

Dementia is a family matter

Dementia requires diligent clinical care

Dementia: friendly environments improve quality of life and care

The workforce require dementia: specific competencies


Stabilizzazione della situazione somaticaRevisione terapia farmacologica Riattivazione cognitivaRiattivazione/mantenimento delle abilità funzionaliStimolazione elettrica transcranica TDCSTerapie non farmacologiche

Doll TherapyStanza multisensorialeTreno terapeutico/terapia del viaggioMusicoterapia recettiva ambientale/individuale

Attività ludico/ricreazionali individuali e di gruppoAttività proposte al Centro di eccellenza Alzheimer FERB

Dementia Care:

Several principles deserve consideration when delivering care, developing programs or conducting research

Dementia is a public health imperative

Dementia care and support is about knowing the person

Dementia is a family matter

Dementia requires diligent clinical care

Dementia: friendly environments improve quality of life and care

The workforce require dementia: specific competencies

We would like people living with Dementia to be able to say that they know what they can do to help themselves and who else can help them , and that their community is working to help them to living well with Dementia The UK Prime Minister's Challenge e on



Dementia Care:

Several principles deserve consideration when delivering care, developing programs or conducting research

Dementia is a public health imperative

Dementia care and support is about knowing the person

Dementia is a family matter

Dementia requires diligent clinical care

Dementia: friendly environments improve quality of life and care

The workforce required for dementia: specific competencies

Abbiamo tutti il dovere di migliorare l'assistenza socio-sanitaria e di eliminare lo stigma che circonda le Persone affette da demenza, di fare in modo che continuino ad essere incluse nella società e che vengano riconosciuti e rispettati i loro diritti

Siamo chiamati a garantire prevenzione, cura e inclusione OGGI, in attesa che una terapia farmacologica sia disponibile domani