
l1ultlifll,l'lI in tl,r Jjntrrl'flt nf tl,l' Brut ]lirgiuin Qtll1urrll Jjnutitlltr

According to the report for the monthclldil1~ jnuunry 31, the following cadetsII<\\"e 110t received :lIIy demer-its duringthe school year:j nmes Al13111S,Herbert Bank!', Cnlvin

Bowling. Clarence Hooker, Bnsit Braxton,llu.l:"hl'StOll Hrowu. Roscoe Clarkson, S.W. Dix011, "'m. Eggleston, A~oll7.oEllis,C. V. Green, Alexander Greg orv, ClnrkT. Harris, Charles y, Hnrris. Ben. H.jnckson , Dabney jnckson, Quilion Jones,Boyer Lee, C. C. Lewis, F.I1. Mnrshnfl.Roy Me. Cohee, H, C. Meadows. \V~ J.Napper, Orester l'{crce. Delbert I'riflcr-11I"11.Cl>Ot~e I'ryor-, j ohu Riddle. H. II.

The Kiueti-scopc picture •• of 111(' •. I';IS- The pic-lures ill rho umiu wer- Inir , RO!"e, Emmet Snuuders, J. Q. Saunders.siou 1'1n~ " :Ie; Ine;l represented nt Obcr- rnnl Ihe g'cntlerueu were Ior tuunte in 1'h011l:l5 Tnvlor , R. (~. Thurston, Elmernnuuergnu in Itavnrin. wns 1-!i,'{'u in having modern nppnrntus for their pre- "-illiallls, jncoh White, Kenton Williams.l lnzel wood nsu, the 2nd iuet . to the scntntion. 'f'he mnuotouv wns relieved Oscar Wiflinms and CI:1n;"I1l'e Wilson.student body. r.'lC'lIlt~ :1IHI Iricuds. It hy Lilllt'ly HlIII m'{'c,,!'nry ~xpl:lI1:1tioll~ of 'l'he following c.ulets hnvc not receivedwn •• umlt-r the mnnnjrerueut or the pro-I the St'CII(..•• Iluring the show. demerits for the month of jnunarj-, viz:prietors. Messrs J lnw kius, nlll g{'c;s :11111 'l'hc imprr-ssi veuesv of the pictures W:1S jruues Adruus, J Icrbert Banks. Cnl, illI,n{'y, h~ whom it "as presented. While hf'ightC'ned I,y the sillgingof "The l lolj Bo"lill~, Hugheston Brown. Georgewe luul seen the pictures scverul times, Ci1~" nnrl "I';IIII1e;" hy 1\f1'. I.n('y. Burrls, Chrrcuce Booker. n.,~il so closclv ar-: the incidents pro"'rI~l'(I- )fr. Lncy is till' possessor of n robust Chnrles J1roWl1, Roscoe Clarkson, Hurry~ioilled to refizious cnuvictious. tlley tenor voice that hns grent CArrying force. Davis, S. W. Dixon, Wm , Eggleston,uev e-r f.lil to .1I3! c \I~~ iutro-p r'j, c .:::.! :on~l ph::ri:::; 'i':'!!:!: .:":. ~ii1.'t· in.rovn .A.l');17.C E1E-, C!::lt f'ri~::r1 .. '2. Y. Ceec»,svmpatbctic with the suffcrirurs of the tious of this kiml seldom visit us, it \\:le; Elv iu Howard, Heu . lI.jn('k!'oll, Dabneymnn-Chr-i ••t . \\'('11 received al1(1 !-.'Tcl!tl~· nppreeiatcd. jnck sou, Robert johnson. jnnres Jones,

- - -- --- Hover Lee .. Quilion Jones, C. C. Lewis."ABIDE WITH ME" F. II. Ma",hall, Roy Me.!:hee, n-wru

Meadows, \\'. j. Napper. Arthur Noel.1J{,l1r~ Patterson. Orestcr Pierr-e. DelbertPrilletumu , Oeorgc Pryor. John Riddle.\\'111. Robinson, II. B. Rose, EmmetSnunrlers. J. Q. Saunders. Arnold Spur-

1.0::\1l0N, FEU. '.'\.-111 order to gl1~'ge lock , limn' Spurlock , joseph Spurlock.~h(' popul:"il., of tlu- varions II.' I1II1"lIsed. n. t;. 'j'hl1·rstoll. Flo.'41 \\';1I141y, J:lIl1eS111{'h,lfl'h :lIId vhnpel. n religious paper I \\':u1e. j:,coh Whitt,. Kenton Wiltinms ,

follo\\illg' p:(lJ.!r~1I11 "'IS has h(,-{,:I:I~kill}.: t~1t~Opilliol1 of its rt';lIkrs ElIll{'r Wilfinrus , Os,,'nr \\'illinll1~, Cfnr-011 the subject , with thr- result that 1111('11('(' Wilson nl1l1 T. j. Woodl y.

"IIYl'lht'I)(':lric-" fewer thOlIl5291'\IIlIlS!{'cei,cd voles. I~c:llul ltir st j-luce h:l'; hceu g'in"n to till' ,\t'II. --

kllcl\\I1·'.\hidl.'\\·ith 1\Jt: .': whit-h "enllt'd I Cadet Officers Commission.\·";\~;::LI'll,I..·I~:":~;:I'~H99 votcs "Rock of .\g{'S"t':Il11l' secnml '1'11('nuuunl iustnllntion of the Cotus

Juhll Rillil\(> wst.h ,29 ,ot("~. while "I.t'ad. Killlily 1:IIHIIIOII'~OIll" of the. hattnlion was held.•.l-e 1I\:"1\l;."lIlith·... :-'I",y I.i~hl." "a'" thilll ,,;lIh 697. SlIIul;!y Ing-hl the 2,\ 'llst.

Minnil' 1111...11 The 11("-\ "("Tn were: This is nil cn~lIt ill 10(':1\ military dr.)~1II~.I~h\,~~I;;;It.ll(t.llf"II. 1'lnJ! "JI'''It''.l.n\'l'rllr)l~ NlU'" \'oJt~~~ des looket! for\\':lnl (n with IIll1eh prid!?

~Io ··~ih('I~ \\':I\t· •.·· ::~~~~rH~:~~~!~~';.t';:~:I.'c!.'.t.Agi'" 1':"I...t·· ~~: It "'('ans IlIIlll'll to\\al'"lls (,lIc:ulrn~Cl1lle'~t','11:1 11II1t" I,imol I ·:'~7.~.rc~:,,~:11~;c,~~(.It. ;~',I:'~~I~on" .'9l ill thc sc It)()1 life of th{' la, e1. t I~

"Ju~t n~ I Am" ~~ the ('T{l\\uinJ{ point of a ~('nr or y~ars ofL'moln ':01111 of :'\1\ Semi" \14 fnilhful ~en ice ill the cnl!et life of the

No Oll~ \\ill h(·~t'rpri~l?llto filul':\hi;!c st,ulcnt. It pnrtl." ~tnn(!s for n n'rtnin"ith 1\Ic' in the prelllier rositioll," COlli- al1101111tof proficien{')' in tile kllowl(·c1~e1I1('lIt..• lhl' t'hurdl F:llI1il} N'ew"p:l)lt'r. of that galile Kings pby nt:l stroll,l!t'r II" e"hich ()r~nni7(",1 1hl' {'omp('titioll. for the n"g, Rnd the po~f's!'ioll of ahiWy

Thre(' competitore; ,ote-I! for RlId~ nnl to gO\'crn self nnd others.Kipling's ";";ollal," \\'hile a ~illlilnr 'rile nc;!'iemhly roulII 011111~lage Wi\!'dIOse th(' natiollal tllltlh'l11. bellutifu\ly decornted with hunting, an'!

'1'111'I'itllt A {'lllt,ch uf Englallt! (')crgymnn, ,,110 the military ell\'irol1mellt~ uf the I:lller) I:. l'nt1(>r"~~~,ItC:lllt )Injor" W,I5 askf'l! fOT the r('asoll or the nllt:17ing were 1II:1.(le more pronouncell by sc\'eml

In~tillltc= Or('h(.~tln popularity of ·'.\hide witel Me," s<'li,l: "I stnl-ks of rifle" draped with ~ille nrm~..\s IlIn\' hc oh!'ier\ed, the' pn)ll'l's nwl ~hollll1 :tttl"ilol1h" it •• populnr;ty ~t) ite; COllllllnntlant W. II. 1/0,\ry, ~poke tn

dcc1:lIl1ntions r('lnteli to 50111(;' ph1l"c of chilcllike "illlpljl'it.~ :111,1~{'t wOllderful tht' stullent ho(h', his remark ..•WeTe ('011-Lincoln"s life. 'rhey ",f're creditahly pre-I pO\\'('r ()f {,(lIlIfortlll,L: tll(' s:l(l nllt! dc, filletl to t1H' Iif{: :\lId rhnr:H:ter of 'Vnsh-scnt~ll nlHl pl\!l1seti the lnrKe 11<;se1llbly. pressed. iug-toll.

The recitation of Mr, F.hlrit1~c wns "The hymn wne; writtell hy:l cll"rglll:l1l For thirty 1IIinutes, he re\·ic\\,ell thech:1f;! In' that force nlld feeliuR' who h:l,1 nn extT:;on1illnr~ ~.rlllpalhy \\ ilh chief incidents ill the ci"il, lIIilitnr~', n!Hlth:"!t is !'ch1om ~11lnnifeslctl ill nil t11lIl('r- with his fello" IIICII. It nppcals to c"cry puhlic life of the g-re~l Virginian, :llIdgflHlullte, b~)(ly-\,or~'l1al1 a~lfl p('('r both {'OUllt it drew IeSSOIl!' frolll thelll, tIJnt should

The pln.rill1-{ of the ord,estra, Ullller llmollg their fayonle hymns. SI!f\'e rI" sources of inspirnlioll to the mostthe lendership of Mnclam F.. M. Jones "TherenrcllIRny people of course. who ill-starred in this Innd.w"s well recei\·ed. like hymlls with 11 lesollll(lillg chorn~, H(" was followe41 hy PresidelltJones,The Committee, of which Prof. C. E, but the "R!'t majority pref{"r the CJ"iet, who bricf1~' nnd npprnpriate1y clelh'erec1Jone!' was chnilll1an tlescn'es pr~i~e for unoslentatious hyl1l II, such :IS 'Ahif1e the COlllmissions nutl warrnnts to thethe illteresting- progarrn. with Me' or 'Ilcacl, Kindly 1.ight ... " ClldC't officeT~.

Thl' 1I11111\('r<;.;\r."of the nnta l da.\ ofthe i1111110rtal r.mnuc pntor wus ol.scrvcdhr-re \\ ith npproprintc ('('rf'1I10lljt·S. :\half holidnv was Rr:llltl"'d till' studentsill the nrterlllltllV,,, hir-h \\:lS ('111i, (·IIl·d II.'

a public reccpfiou ill the pnrioJr"ill i'\'fIIthuon.

.\t night tlrcrendered:


~-" .r (It:6 v- ft4d' I - ..' - I/U ,A VI ERA ._ •....-~..'


III" !>IR. II I 1.l.l


•. ",' ~;J:he most iurpcrtnut step towrm!s es-t:lhlishill~ the fact that the West '-irg'iniaColored Institute is 111)\\', nml II1n~t con-tiline to he the Stntc'w educatiounl centerfor the black bovs ruul g'irl~ of the COIl1-men wealth. was made history when thegovernor sig'lIefl Senate nru No. -'7.

For the benefit of our many readers.who IIIn,· not kuow the text of the men-sure. w~ insert here the complete hill-


A HII4L to amend nnd re-enactsub-section II J of section 93b ofchapter 4S of the Code of 19U6 re-lating' to the West Virginin ColoredIusfiturc.

[Eebruarv 11. IY(J~-By .I'IIr. IIilLReferred to the conunittee 011 EII-ucntiou. Februnrv 15, reported bnckwittt the recOlIIlIlt:-II.latioll it do pns~.February 1M, taken IIp in regular or-der for consirlerntiou <11111rend a firsttime; constitutional rule dispensedwith, read n second time ..:11111orderedpr-intcel , l\'nde special order forWednesdnv. Februnrv lS, nt II :30" :'<1.Be it enacied hv tIll: Leuisiature ofwesi Yirgillin.:

That sub-section I I I of section 9Rhof cltnpter -15 of the Lode of 1906 he-ouemlr-rl nud re-euncteq so as to rendas Iotlows: 9X-h, II I. The board ofregents shall trom time to time cs-tnblish such departments of cducutonill Iiternture, science, nrt <"111(11I~l'i-culture, not incousisteu t with the

~~;!~~\~l;;~fl~lr~~~f::':\~,;I~~\~~l~~~I~~::l~expedient, awl a •• the fumls undertheir control "ill wm rnnt , nud pur-chnse sucb materinls, implements mulapparatus ns may he requisite to tileproper instruction of said colored stu-de-nts ill nil said brunches of lenrning:IS to cnr-rv out the intent lIud pur-poses of s'"ai,1 nets of ~n"gre~~.

The stnte supcriuteudeut of Irccschools shnll prepare suitable diplo-runs to he g+nuted to the students ofthe noruml depat trucut in snid insti-tute ",110 huve completed the 1101'111111course of stlld." prescrihed hy said ~c-J,.:t'll1s, w hi ch Illplomn,I,t'rc:lft('r Is-:-onefl shall eutitle the holder uj-ounpplicntion ill due form to the statesuperiutemlent to n first g'fllIle ccrttf-kale in duplicate. [\)r a period offin' ~cars.Th{' l'l'"('siI1l'lIt, FnclIlty ..Stutlellt-llo4Iy.

.\lUllllli, nlltl friellds of thi •• institutionfcel thllt the~' hn,·(· grl"nt l':lUe;(" for r('joic-illg O,'er the sllcce~sful p:l~"agc of Iheaho\'e.

"'e know uf hut few 1I!{'a!'UTes tlwtcnuld rend more for the futllre de\'clor-lIIeltt of nul' school lh:111 thi<:.. It g;"estl) the Prt'siflt:llt 3nd teachers 1I10reillcell-ti"e to labor l\1l11toil for good, 311<1to the~tu"ellts lo pHt forth g-re.nter efforts lolIIa~ter the work assigne(1 thelll.

It offers inliisplltable reasons for the~pc{'tly mljl1stlllellt of sOllie cOlHlitiollSthnt hn"e not Rlwnys st~1 for thehest thnl coulll he flolle.

There are "ery III(\II\, cx-stmtt'nts, allt!te<'lchers who ha'\,l' hut'a rtlllil1lelltury e(luMcation thnt this lIew prO\ h:ioll will lendto OUT Institution, and since the course(If ~tudy for the recoglli7,ell NOTmslSchool~ of the !)tate is the S:iIll~, there isevcry ilHill{'ell1ellt ofTert't\ to the 1II0stclesilolls.

]11 spite. of detractors "1Il1 colt! water1l0urcrs.-aIH1 their number has been 1e-giot1s-the 'V. Y. C. J. is hig~er nnc1



I,,~t, 11111('111:11





fContlll1lc=ti on F('Illrth I'ngc-. FOllrlh Colmun)

Institute, W. Va., February 1908


LINCOLN DAYIs Most Popular Hymn, "Ro:k of

Agts" is Second; "Lead, Kind-ly Light" is Third.


G. W. Eldridge1'1'(>I'CRlll or Ahr hll1l1 Uncollll.'lIinl1 lIin<:hnw

"':1117.' lIu" Whilc"III'<titlltc= Ord" ..'<lrtl

Jillf'",'lIlmlllOllni)es .•il· Fh 1(\.,

'1he lIor ...(' Rnt'(" Fift~ \'t':ll'" r\~oMnr~ Ilc:,nc



IDI!l' 1I11!ltitutl' 1Ji1tl1l1t1!ly ill lil,>,\"\,, .,i1i".~ \1,,· [,,11 "o"",,1 r-nursr HOW A RAILROAD \" c-luuure c"~i"c, hns 10 he made, at111(' ri,l!ht \\'1H'11 Tl'cogllil.t'd I" tlu- R U!'J 2:,')5 p. 111. 1\ pin i~ dr-iven into the

--l!lI1LT-- Stnte 1\0;,rr1 of ('''{01 III 1II ors , to tho NING CARD IS c-hart nt thc inter sectiou of the Ciuciu-Entered »t lht' 1'0'" nrncc ut I 11>:1i1II\(' five yenr!' r-ertifie-rte cluusc. 'I'll;" is;,~,il COMPILED unt i line nnd the 12:0;')liue ;11111nuother

seccuc-ctes» r.lnil vtnite r. should be, nud will rnisc L1;(' \l"l1l'livrs at the intersection of the Chillicothe line_ :aaW&WJil ••• za= J'" ••••;o;::&a•••>Ui••• \\011.. ton 'Jl(Jf~c"1("l1 I',tl till' P 1\ of tlH'~I' f -- nn.l the 2:55 llw'. Another pin is driven

Devote I IQ the ", of I III \\ \ I l.,1 "l I whn I ,I.t, Ill(' 111111;'nl]r\ ""PI t1~•.• 10) 11 c- 'I' n' I \\ 1)( oph~, ll\l II ,lI110l1g thusc inIlll)1I)\,! nlldIHll,)" hl\II1I"II1' Idll

In<;IIII1'e J M( lie uv 1011"-" \ \1 1'1( 1·1tII! P 11(' 1'1 it'lt 111111'111)to II I'll,' ,Ill) lid I'f' I "-=---= r- ~ _ __ \\ll1h It{ lit ( -,,·,';dh I'll,., I Ii 1'111\\' ,,( IHl\\ 111'11" lid 10.;111111\' 1lIIlIlj.(tI, ,,'Il "f 111\ 01)1' I d. nf Ill( 1:.!ltl1t1l1ll IlIrI

1'111011••11 ,\ l\'I) 11I,,"\11.1111111'lit ""'1'11""'11'('1'11111111..:101111'1111'\11 \1' lIt 11',11111-\cuh\llcfH:'11\\ 1111,ttlhl1l-"rtll~\\.~t 10\\ CIIOlI,l.!h to loose 11I:11(,[ 1'1 OliHI ()IlItl'~'lltll\\~"'ltnl I ftll tll.,.I~C1 lit'

\ uarmn Colotc I tnstnutc pnl,llt rpH'sllOIl<; "'1'1,(. 1,,11 I{,~HI II111t..;\. I" st 1',dllli.! I I fl,)'lt of n I Ir;..:"c111Ip

- _ _ th tn-: levies 111 CII\ll1\I<<; "Iu'h 1'1<': 11,0111 fi,t fl.:d h'l.!li 11) ught"Lde [I2,::; CEKrS "III: S('ll{II.\Sl'll' \J,\I~ 111'11111\responsible for tl.c <';1(,(1,11••e••- "IS'] !I_'{IlILll Illlp.I'lllIg(t)It:r"li with

') CE;..JTS Pl~R SI"'{~I.P. ('(II'Y Isloll POl"SI'ti uul Is 1101\ I 1\\, Till' h,11 otuutu-rjcss p.rrnllcl hilt .. IIHI ove-r the .•.t'. I I 1 I ! ,11th If lit { 010 (,I <trtmr- '\lIt' bcinv 11111------ ,-- 1('''':11 IIIII!.! I 1(>"<I ,111l" of t '11111\(ln,t 1II' .....

(,{,III;",ll')1illlllt'Il~'t"'l" 1I11'lId,d rOIl 1111, 1-0,11<;0,111\\ i\l.tll' otlu-r ru.ntcr s ot '1- I. IllS (I'lh 1"\\ ptllpll \\110 \\(1111.)lic:llillll sluurld lIe kit \\;th tll(.· ,·:,I;tol" itll..:lih·r.ll 1 . t t tl t I I <.;I I It \lOt"" 11:1\(' ;111\ Idl'a (lr Its 11"("or tilt" Mnnngil1;! Editor. :, 1I.lIpOf jIlH'I'~) It' ~ 1.11t' 1:1\1.' ,~:ell .111:1 \'('i. ("l·I',· rnilton·d ill the couutrv

Special OJ' :t<;~i~I,.:d Hew.; \\ il1 fe,,'1t Ih('''(" I COII~Hh:r(".1. nnd If they fnlled lu r~'l'el\ t: P1:-:<;C·SSon e of these 111:1's 011111from tlll";Icohunus "oo"g" the ",IT «IH", , the "'''''\'011 of the solons. ,c"I""",,1 . . I ....=..; __.--:;:;.;....;.---:;:_--'-_~:..::..-__~ .::;-110)<;lwcu n:c;,lcll for them ;l\1d . nt some ~','~~',II~~tl~~11~I~t~I:',I.I'"mudc. I he)" :11'('cnllc.I

Efl'Tm:·,..:·l;IIII:I'. I Iuture se~"'1011these measure s \\111 "(' eu- \\·It~,thcr tilt' ron.I isnld or new whet h-J xtcttesnv )0;0;:,.,.1\. M. t"{E"IIH...:T ccut-Iu-d 11ItO the stntutes of the state. cr the lillie card to he arrang('li i<: n.e

~t.\~ \n 1l'«; E:~I<;:I,l:"1\,~I_::~I': n,:~:'.I,'.~'I"I'~' ',",',' 1 r It/;.:";,~:':;,'£:;~:;::~~~\;.1::"'0'; ';;'.: :c:II;~I,',: ;':: 'i';'~:I':'.~·:I~I!:C1~:.:::,II'ill:·~·.;~~~1111~~..te S,~,\I,:,.1::~:~Bn{I' T'IUI.I.I:RMIN J ~ .... 'I . f I

',',': ' .. 1 a 1"11B:d::t.rin·thCN'alio1!ainptlll lilt., l.Hc ~.(l'~('npt!(jllo oue wil :I.I1J"~\Trfl1r :Il~.nt·"'.'il~';"l MA;o.',\,;rt{, - J \~II."l ..1 t_I"':" 'Llfllit' 1ll~!.!IO ill till' Nur-th. \\·hik lit' ;1. I lu- one !';vi, r~('d fllr d~Sl'lllj\lnli here IS

~~u= __I,>!;=cr.;:',-::;r.e~_!;.u;:;ii:;:::.r.-ro-~';';IJ,:I·('('I" 1;1:111.'l;Jrli'I'I:II~~ v itlr :011:(' of till! whirlr ~!'')\'l'~'''' ~h(·()hiodi\i<:'~~ll1.of

! the f1ndill~!!" of :'\11', n·,1:n ill his uttr-tu -t the B. :1;\11 O. S. \\. h!'lW('I"1 Cuu-tn-"J)~~. ~). \\·I?IS1T·~.1l,\rls.IlFRH·!I'IO';'J.: to g:111:c-;· Inc ts nhout t ln- pcglO. ,:t> nnt i al111J';\I'k(·r~,1Jllr;~ .. hilt. wil.1t a ('hOillge

\ lrglllHI \\i11 dcliv r-r the lOllllllC'I".'C.1 n'lt"illh d(l not ;',"f{'(' l"lt till' r-uuinu onl.\· of Ibe local d:! Ill", It \\III-:Ippl~' If)111cu l flilrln'" •.• thi •.• vcnr. 'rhf)~t· ,I 11., ~,r tlu ,;{A.",n \101111"i''; 101 ','H' rlj,., 111',1:''',\ \:.Y t ' 'I'liE Ull :-;:1'1,,-.

];1\OW III. IJl1'.i-: louk ftl1\\':trrl 10 ltiSI\,.h"II\\('~~:!\ 1111,111\,1'''(1''111'''\ ';111 Ii;.:! (01111''; Ill<' li!1:,·\:"d II!(·t'lill.!..!.

('ollt;n'! \',ilh t'''lwd:tliflll:; o(·:l'>"II' !i"u'i1I.11 t» lho •." ';I1\t,.~ \\1\1'1(' di .•.(t01l1.. \11 <If tlu- "Ilil'i rl-. of Ihl' :r:llI"IH,,(;tlil111

nurl profit. (hi'f.:ll1~l1t nml :t11 of it., ;lIkllrl'llI! (.\il" rlcl',IrI1l1t'1I1, tngd1Jn with thc g-qlt'r;t\

dr, 110t cxist , \\"{' (l:r!l!ill!.":I~II·(' 111.1'111 "ni"i'lb, are ]llv •.•eu t . 'I'lw,\ dl'{'irlt' 110\,·'1'" \('III':!:S J:E\'Il:\\" COlTS!>' \T r>1·!{ (rll\·.d III tlu' '~Tt::lt (';Iil'<': :,Ild Ii, I' ill ttu- 111:171.\'p:I··~{:l!g{·r uaius an In I'l' nil! d·d·

school h('gill~; April l vt. nnrl will r-ontinut- I t'<l'I\~(s\('d lli~(,:,l·t:-hr\':II·tllln"pllt 1" ("._ l v, pnrl "",.,- 1n;'Il~· of 111f'111 will 111'

lAi,l~llt "Cl.t:.... 'l'I':W;;PI'<': Ilesirillg' tn :ll.j i ...l ill:.! tlicrr-, whilc the \\ I·<';!. 0(1 I'I'~ fl'·(' I h,l1l1g'1 trnin-. ;111111111',·m:lll\ nrcouunu-I('IHI will pk:1st' 1I'1li(\· \1<:' :I!' ,'nrl.,· :'<':I ,i,' :"'<I:r hir 111,111,,· i" !'ill'r'r 1)('•.1 r," (hI iou-: ':( ,t il j...: d"l j,lt·" 1,11:11 til'll'

pn<;,~:dI'l(' <;n 'h:11 h(1111:;;alld I1lll1'r LIl·n· •.· IIq~r(} (If' tltt, I'jl;(<;. 10'11·.If' :'.l'" (' 'I I11111,l' llil' II·till''; "It·dl kal(' l'nlicr ...I'll1!T. ~'1til

""1'.1 ~\IPJl\j('<; 1!I;1.\ hr' purth:l<;.{'d. i'H'I'\!lin'"li'lli hlill;':~; tltv lit;..:!" :1\\·!lY lit"IIII{' :III.J l'ill,j:II1=,li. ;1'1'] :d :I11'1It!fll'll! the !'Ollti1. \1"'\1 fat" of "I\("'d t1n'y II ill 11('c'''1 c('lt-d

\\'f' n"'l1it tltnt 0I'P(>I\lIl1i1l' r•.r Iln':I,J II) nlH. 1":(''\' tIlt:' (rt'il!ltl tr:,itls 1,111

\\ill1lill~ :Irt· loltte'l ill ""!ill' : (·'·li"lIs of 1"nIH,' TlJl for \·oll"idt·' ,lillll. :llJd il nill ht1!(. ~rll11lthpd Iltlll1 in snHI/' ""t'li,'\I<: o( dc" idl'.j h'l\\ l11all: lliropgh fl"!'i~:hlo: :llldtlle' I,(\rt" ;11111\\('<;t. hI1111l!l1l ':lltl!ll! lil(' 110.•.• 11);11\,\J,:{:II !!t'i!~"": \·.ill he )1111nil

IlIi'II,\.1 jll<J!U': he ,,\:mts (\JIP'lllll1:iti{~ :If,.,,\11-''_ ill III(' (':1"1' 'f Ill· P.:l1rd II

t /) Ii, \' :III ,J _~~I ,1\\: "1'1 !' ,!II Ii I i I i \:; I" !' I !'. \ \ '. 111" 11• 1,r Ill' .;.. ", ';, i I" l!'1•..(. 1.,' \1

",;1 "f lift. lill' hr·;I 111:'1i";l1 it fi'l 11;11:. 1""\ illl1~l\ d ei,!;,1 1'1",11:11lit' .i"illl iillH'

,-(,If:1 fu.lil1!-! nCltnl'(' It!'ri s'TI1:ih r"r hi" l"n1 \1,":.'lil1<.:' <If 1111' ofli"iol~ of ';·c· I:

Ihls1rt'l1. Th('~f' ;;1"\1 .. 11'1I"i\'''~ •..•r Ill" 1I1It! f). ;1\1.1 t:. :I\rd II. ~~. \\. h'!,] at

hl1l\~"1 .·,)!'I hill!';; hi'l! :1\'-.1', fn'll1 l,i •• J~''!lilll(lr(·. f,,! 111(' 111'''I",lr fl ·i:"11 :111,]

1l,din-. II:ol'i!:tl. Ilt'j'qpT"<:' lil/. Ih., ,'p'. In'· •.•{,III:tl Itnill"; :lll' nlll II'; l1't''-'t'thl'

;1'<11"":1111(' In '\:, \\ '·~!!"1'1"'1. iil ., :'1(1, ••( ,·u,!ti<:. :I" IIlldlph IIH'" \,,'n' (1111'.

1'1,:,,11 '1'1'1'\ \11'1'-'Ii,··.! ,of I'·" I ",01 In" 'I'" 1111" ''':ri 0\: "I ,''' nIl;" ,,;, i· i H

ii" I"( t" r ,,, •• i\.'.. I.!"'.... :1I" I ], I' ~: I 111 :-'" {"II ~!',I '1\ l. t· I (.' II iII ii' ,111,'. '\II d 1\ III1'1\ i"tlwir (hibhl·II. \\!I'oIl'\( r lit· ,':\ ••1. ill i'dnl'.1f'd lite Il,.l ':I('p, ., l!:(''drjl":il!~:

I,r:l"i! 1'I:ii!1 .o;"}'·II+'1' ill '1 In'·,] "r 1,.,'/- n(th" 'I'llI' d:lr1:' ',0.: il i" l'all\'1!

rJlll11. II'nro\n( d'~~(lilltl(\ll,d·t1ti<'. :111illljlnlt:l'lt

~id·1J('~<': :111'1d('ll1t ")111,1 11<>1di",I'(JI'1'- ('11011t i·; lI'il\ 1Il"('t's',lI'y. ,\ Inll,!~ I hI' tliP

:11,(·11'('111:lhe !.'ho~1(,f Ih.· "IiiI(' pLl':lw und "(lltOI1I o( tIll' 1I<I.lrd. lit ('/PI:,! di,:t

h'HllIll,d Iltlir (':thill<:, l11rkiJI~: IIIr}i·II''' :till "P:l1t, arc' 1.1 lJfllllh('l" n'Jln-"""till~":

.In!!.!.!'',J 111('11'....h'p". fin· :I!Hllnlwtin\\ k oil', IIII(' .!, hOIl!" <I( IIII' d:\\·. 'l'h-.' I,I ::ill

ph'II·t! Iltl'il' 1II1111"lr. hlllll"'H' "111,, ,. \\;111 12 IIliollli,:1tI, 11111;111 111 l' 11";'"'

thiljg<.: wltil'11 w01lld l!'1\{' di~,lH':!I'\I'I1t·d a :tlld thl'lI to 1/ Illidllil!·1t1 lI·..::lill, )/"11111

It',,<: <:ll1rdy JWIIJlI(, 111'11''] 111"'''': lIa' lOp 1'Ij,llltom nf tlt,'hn,In'.h(·I\\I'C'"'1!c',,

(';lll1t' IIllt intl'i tll(, "ildl"·I1(,"'·: r'lI· lil"'!i~ lIullI!rrr!';. 11('.I1('lId;,'III.I1' li"t'~ :11'('tll:I\\,I'.

:t11,1Ihi~. ni<JlIl' ~n\'t'lht'''llh(' f:tilh \\hich '!'ltl' :-:IY1\'I'l'd'I(,(,1I tlt( LlH1HI'~'lS is 1111'11

buill n I1nl;"11 nf fn'{'lIl~lll. diddcf! intn I~ {'lJual part .•., ,!illl Jll'rpt'l1-

So tli,''''{~ lI('gro('<: ('omi",I: north nil,] dil'l1!lIr liIH":tIt' d':t\lIlI·"lIlll'din.!r 11]1'l!1

\\'('<:.1:IH' Sl'!'kill'~ Iihl'1"!~ Th('~ ;!rt' fh't'- l'>'t'h of I he,.;\, It;lt·s tl'Pll''';''"I'' lil'(' Illi11

illt! froll! oppn'""in' alld r{·II!(·""i,('I:I\\<;. lilt·". :11111 "h,·" t1t~"'l' lill{'~ :IIL' dr;\\III

alHI wading tluo\lg\t tiH·. if l1t'tAd•• "t·, .ll\{·re :Irt' tllt'n'foll' 1.SHI,f thvst· i)l'rjWIl-

Ihl'.\· nre t'11,1(>:\\'oril1,r! tn (illd il fur lill~111- di('ul:tr l';1fnlld limos rtll1 IIi I!.l!" nno!-'<.: titt'

s('I,,('" al1rl their poslc-rity. ho:ml fr01l\ top. 10 holtolll. Oil {,1\chsidc

It j~ trlle tIt;,1 th('~· nre h~al'illg h('lt('f of tlie hoarrl Ht the top. :llld 011 :t line

placl'~ ;It 110111(",t]"II IlIt·\· arC' /l('eill,-! with tlte Iltllllh('r", tlll.:'word "Cincinnati"

fnlll1 the phy~it';ll ('0111fort!" of tlte npe;1 is writtell, At the hottom of Ih~ hO:lnl,

coul1tr)", to the 1)('<;tprc\'aling precinct" 011 l'<ll'h sidl'. aIII 1 nil "lim" wilh, thc

of the dty, hut with it the." :Ire t'OI11· 11umbers then', is placell the wont

ing lo II hroader opportu11ily, a lanel "Pnrkersburg." TIH'~e nre lile ll·rtllilli

where persoTlOII pencealltl protct:tioll, atilt of the (lid~:iol1 :lIul are 195.•l miles npart

please God some tla)" hetter opportunity Then along each side of the boarc1 all

will follow, It is y;tin to reduce the the stations on the line arc place(l, the

hlack citi1..en to the ('onrlitioll of a par· distallces between tlteJ.1l and the termini

jah ill a~ land of sel f go,·erument, and being carefully fignreo out so th:1t the

hope by filling his helly to sntisf.r his distances on the honnl will he exactly

henrt. proportionntc to tlte renl dislnnces,

"'e cOl1dllde as we lIeglll!, 1lU)" {'allnot Hori:wlltnl lilIes !Ire then (irawh Across

th·c 011brend nlone, anrlthere nre some the hOOint hetwcl'1l the namcsofthesa1l1c

things !<oO valuahle that mOllcy Call110t hu:r statiol1l'l, nnd the time dtarl is completed.

them. Now comes the work of stringing the

'Vhnt men wnnlmore than 1111)"thing chnrt. It has been flecifl~d thott aile of

el~e in Ihifl worM is liberty, the first and the through possenger trains shall lenve

most import;1nt ~tep toward higher ch·ili· tincilll1l1ti ut 12:05 p. 111. flHd nrri\"e at

7':ltioll, Chillicothe, where:l stop of (ive minntes

T[II~': 1" 1'1'1: \\"('\"1." l.ll~ F '\'11 llFe!·.; "'1T1t

'I~ Ii!· ..•t i<.:<:t1e01"nil'S of ('III:; rof the I.:'fll,]'

I1nlt' .•.t,f lllt ~t'h(lol. \\'c ·\"k t';lI'h l1i1'lI1'

lIl'!" "r the dil!-s of U''''G. tf) ~t'llll II •..•a !J::I~'l'l;.!raph 1111,1hr·(·f l'il1."fapl!.\' IIf \\'<of,l;

<l'III{' !'-<ilJl't·gr;',]lt:1ii',II. \\'{' ",(lld,1 lil<

1111('\ Iht.: \'.{lrl,J l~I!I1\·, ",\lP) j.; "h·)" ;nUw 1"I11l"ltif)1J:l\ \lt1;-III. \\'t' {In' !",ill.~~ ("

11l:lkt· <.;:111;'Ih:r1 ,l!i~;i~8lll' of till' 1\10· 'I J!

1.\ i<: III lill'l j" l'\i·I·,· li,i'I!!, 111"I1:1I,'r ,.ftIll 11!~s of "'(,. if .,'~. 1'1',11 h:·q fi :1

•\lI!!, it \ ;11 1I·,t 1l1,' ',:11 ! '1111 111;,1.' I':' '"

lint '1;t1l~:'; '; 0:11' pi I::! ' "'11I1 I~·. \\ I :11(

pro,,""( .\1)11,hut 1 1!l1I,,1 11:11\~~\1.1'1 Ili·-

I !Ire 011 1111'\'.:111 \1 :tl~ ;:''; ,\ I' '..",I H.

'1'111£SI'F",I, SF~<;ln·, III TIlF I.lf:I·:

!at 11ft' ;!' 1'1,,<:\:11:111,1 1,:·f",.C' ll1j" 1',1P( r

rt'a('lw~ il~; n',,"!·"". It-- "flil1'.'~; \·.ill1,(

";tlldC'IIl" histr.fY. 'j'll'· ,,("~·,i,111 It:I'

\)(>el1 inlt'H'"lill!! 10:111goo" ('iti/"Il!-'tllI 011'-

e"\1l1t of Ih~ Iltlln!l?r nf fjllt,,,tinll<: ('If i'"'

porl:ll1l'l' to IIH' :-:l:lt{' 1\hii'll 1):',,(, J,('("I

(,()ll!-oi,krt'll. 1\I'\I1Y :llrwIIIIIIJelll'; t'l tILt'

('o:l"'.iUtli'JI! h 1\'" h "~I p\'llp'I'~-' I '1'1,1

11101'1' fir l('~ •• \'I'IIt'111.(,111Iy di'w!I<;<;l''],

Imt f(·w if :Iuy h:I\"(' fj·('(,h (,,1 till' "\llllO\'-

:\1 of holh hml"t'<:' :~t1tl S('lIl In 1111.:(~lIn'r-

unt". to he sll!J1I1ittt·d to the IH.'opit' ror fi-

11;11('ol1!'=irl('rnli011 at Ill<' pnll~, TIle pn-

hihit;oll Ullll11t'llfllllCllt P;ls~t.!11the lIollst-.'

II)' an O\'er-w11t'-11111n.l!·Yote, hut met its

ddent il1 the flcllllte. \;1l·.kln,l!' howc\·er

01lly one yoleof the lIeC'es!'ary two-thirrl~.

Sneral hills for the hetterment or ollr

l'dllcnti0l1:11 sy!'telll wen' considered nl1rlpassell. The ,·ahtt,,1 certificate hill. g-it--

ing- to the graduHte of the normal schools

n fi\"e-year~' certificate UpOI1 grnduatioll

was passed; this bill applied to normal

schools for. white tcnchers only, nfter-

ward the l.egislature pOissed u separate

"iB gil'iug to the gradnntes of the "test

Virg-inin Colored Institute, a certificate

of the !'lame dnrntioll on grnduntion (rom

the fult nor1llal course. The g-enern\ ('11..

ucation hill with it~ numerous f\11Jenrt-111e11ts which redses and reenacts thewholt: of chapter forty-fi,-e of the co(lc,

passed the house nnd the Sennte, dn(~ hilS

been signed hy the go,·erllor. '1'hi1'>hill

g-ive1'> to the (liplo11l0ls of every flchool

(If 111t'l'liil1i("otlit, linc nud the ,"\o'clocklim- ;11It! a Iourth pill at Lhc- intcsectiou«f tlre Parkershurg line and I he 5:-15 liueIornt Llurt time tbe tr.rln i" 10 arrive nt thatplace. Between the •.•c four pins n "tr;II.~

is st retched. awl that ~lrill.l!, as it stretches

:U·Ot!';S Ihe bonrd , indicntc the exact timetlu- 1r:t;11 "ill p:l."se\'('ry point. al011(, tltcrO:I(1. I·'or iustauce. -tlu- slrill~ (TOS."e~

(~rt'(,Ilf1{'llllille 01short distnuce beyondthe l:l.'llille, .rnd will therefore reach

Greenfield at 2:16 p.ur. Rtrings repre-seu ting all the (,11!'lt-hol111(1passenger

t rnins are put 011 the honrd ill the snmeway. All the strings run more os lesspnrnllo! with each other, the faster t rnius

of cour-se inclilling more townrd Ihe per-

pen.Iicular nild the slower trains more

townrd the horizoutnl. To enr-lt strillg is

-tttched n little tag he:lring the numberof the Lruin .

'I'hen till" strirurs inolit'ntillg tilt' W('<;t·

hound P:I<;sl:'!Iger trniu= are put fill. Of

course 11~ thcy nccess.uilv r-un ill the np.posit e direction. Llu-se- ~trillg~ will crossIIIl' ~Llill,-!s rt'prl'~"1I1illg tlu- {>a:-:I-!Jolllld

tt nina, ;\1111each of 11t~,••c ern ..•sillg~ imli-cates II lIIeeting point. l'\tl\\' it wil l be[oum] Ih:lt \,11('11 tIT!.' l'tril1/-!,fl urc firr,tput nil 1111111)"ofthc n<)<:.<.:ilq:!;<;."ill 1,(,he·linen statious. nnd ••.~ it i<; ng-n;lI"t nll

the' rille". of t":liln'atiilll! 10 permit two

tl;liu" g'lill:~ ill "Jlpo~itl' din:dillllS 10

IlIl't'!Il'1 1111'<':1111.'Ir;II'I:, tll(' !'Iolnill.'!

lilll(,' o( Ihe tr:lil1 h:l!" to 11(' aItNt·t! <.;0

th"t tl](' ("tlO"illg'!'l wiJll)(,l'l1r at a ·:tnli01l

or "itpre liT('n' i<:.01 ~iO\il1g. o;n Ih:,t 0111'

11:1111enu JI"n ill nut rf tht' WHy of th •.

lither. I'he· th""'lgli P:'·;<:(,ll.~CI:~ tr.lin'"

:ln~ :rh\n~s !~i\{::tl Ihe pn,ft'II'1!t't:, 1l;](1

11'1\ fll1l11 t'lId 111('wi <lr Ihe rond withou,

l,(llin,.!' <lilt Ilt tI't' \\:1\ fnl 'lI!111lil'lr lIlt

~~f\ " III full.\ :111'Lit,,' lllt'dillg l;l;,n',,·;:rr.ll1.

!!l,1 tlt"t r:t"~('IJ:~t·,-,.; tI'l <III ;\t'(orllllll"l:t-

li"l1 l!flill \\!lllt,lrdly 'lo!in~ thll tilt'lt; is

;111.' dlb).

\ rl~'1 :\11 11Iel ";'''1' T trd;l 1I1\'l' b('C'1}

1];1'",1011 11;(' 1"",,-<\ '111.1 th' 1I1l'('I]I"r

1" il'jo; I'n". i,ll',1 ,,,;', 111(' ,1"·"II.I~h :I"t! \\:1',:

f!, il'l~I>; :In' :'d,{,··1. \lp.'I;II.l! pohl>:: \\ilh

tll(' C,..i.'.!ht Ir.,:1\,: 11;111':>1"01111,(, 01IIn 11-

:!('d. I,ul t hi..; i" l'I)!!Ij::lr:lt;\"I:~'" (·1"\. :IS

lllt'.I' :tIe 1101f'OlllJwlll'o\ to g(:t un'l: lhe

1'0:10\with tl](-' li.!!hln:l1.1.! "l)(,l>d of li1e ex·prl'!-os traill".

\\·h 11("'Iory 11":1;11 1'.1";hU'1I placed tlp-

nil tIlt' h":lrrl :tnd C,ITY IlH'dill/-!, poinl

1'1'I,\j,kd fllr lit(' lilll(' :It \",hicil ('\('fI'

11,Iil1 :In i\TS ;It ;11\111\·:I·,t·" \..'I't'r.\ station·

,\I\d tlH''''(' notes :Ire lurned o\{'r to Ih('

l'ril1lcr, III n (('\'.' fh~'<: the f1r<:.1 Jlrnof~

o( 11lt' 1If'\\" lillll'-card i<; in tht~ h:1ll1l!' of

I!t<' ollici:II<:. '1'lt(' prnnf iflc,'lrefnll\· (,0111-

!l1I!!·,1 1'1tlt lht' ,,11:1\-t 10 hf:' :,h":llolt>"·

(,PI t,till thaI 110 1I1islnkt"!' hn\"(' h{'I:'1I IIlad~

llnr allY lnt'f'ting Iwilll" on·rlonkctl.

Ally ll('c(·ssar." l'h:lllgt"~· OIre made. nw\

the proof is retllf1l(,(\ tn the printer, who

!';OOll lH!S the !'('('o11tl proof n'nd,·. '1'his

g-OI'S through tlte .<;:llTIennleOll, n~HI ~011le

tilllC's tl third .proof is fOlliul IICCeSMrr

hdnre the ti11le-('ard is finnlly prilltl,(l.

The time cartl which is is!';ued lo em·

ployes cOt1si~ts of 10 or 12 large pages,

and shows e\'Cty trnin 011the rond, Aportioll of olle of these pOiges is shown,

gsdllg only the west· uound trnins on

the n, nnd 0, S. ''', hetween Cillcinnntiand. i..oyclnml. There are 21 of these

tmins regular)' every on)', 'Hlft it would

he itllP9s~ible to h;11l{l1e them AS they fire

handled were not for the double


And it must not be forgotten that mall)"

more trains than this nre hnndJed even'

dn)" for it is fotllul frequently necessar;·

to llwke up four or fi,'e or sometimes

(Continued 011Fourth Pagt". 1~ITstColmnn.) .


Luther j('{(ersol1, who has been athome (or R few days all the ser-ious ill-ness of his uncle, hus retureed to school.

Good House-Keeping, Tnble '1':,\1),•. 111-ustruted Milliucr Toilettes and Deline-utcr, nil of which arc found all our newstables, some arc replete with the bestideas of the strongest feminine And mas-culine minds us to the science and ecou-ollly of iutelfigcm house-keeping nudliving.

\Vc are ~tri\'illg to bring the girl'sminds in touch with the muster minds On

the subject.

The following program was given atthe last session:

"Thegirl who makes her own clothes, "Amclia johusou ; "An cnsily-uuule work..(tress," Bessie fJunter; "Makiug- I.•iugerient horne;' Sadie Allen; "),Iending andmaking O\'I:!T." E.lch g-irl is supposed togivc thoughts 011 this parficulur subject.

r~~~~"respectively Ills advice '\'111 not soon, AROUND THE be Iorgottcu by the student •.

iI! INSTITUTE ~'IU nppreciutioa of Pres. jones' efforts~ towards securuig the passage of SCHRte~~~~~~'HSS~-'C 'BIII-17, R copy of wlrtcu is found else-

Mrs. R. L. Brown, has Just recovered ~where 111 this Issue, the students, led hyfrom n siege of Grippe, I boj 5, gnvc him an euthusiustic ovation

Tuesday -utorning, l5, inst. at ChapelWalter J. Napper has returned to exercises. As such dcu.onstrauona on

f,iC!lool nfter some weeks of illness nt rue part of the student body have here-hi!! home. tofore been ruther reserved. th,!! Presi-

Miss Hassie V. Brown has closed dent was non-plussed by the fervor andher school, uud begun her second term length of the student-s expression ofat Boomer. gratitude. Again and again WAS Hazle-

wood Iiall utude to resound with themost hearty School yell that it hus been iJuoJ.'.kCl'j.illgour fortune to hear from the locals. 011deumud, the President responded in R FJRST \VHUl.:,--Specific Laws for Deb-chnrncteristic speech that was tinctured itillg add cuuducting Accounts .with the emotions that the demcustru- SCCOl"U \Vmo.:,-- j onrnul Work uudtions of the students had evoked. ' . Posting.

I 'rn ru.o \VliliK,-The Ledger and itsuse.

FOURTI-I \VIUi.i>:,-littlollce Sheet worknnd closing of Accounts.

FIFTII WUli;K,-Sillgie ElIlry- Chung-illg of Double Entry to Single Entry.

Sixth \VEli;K,-Gclleral Rcvit:w-Voucher uccouutiug ,

System. 1l~-=~~~~'~1~ DOMESTIC SCiENCE . ~

~,~~~:~:':.:~~=::~~JThe department of Domestic Science

and Arts has its Wednesday "LiteraryHome'" fort-nightly. The special objectof which is to euconruge n!HI direct theboir)S ill the reading of the different IlIAg-'naiues of the department, 1IIlIIlhc devet-opmeut of thought relnriv e to the "arkof the severn! divisions.

FUURTII \VEI~K.·-Ner\'ousSpecial st:llses .

.":J'Illtc:flislory.FIFTH WHEK.-PhysiOKntphy. Prehis-

tcric Time. Exploration uud Ear-ly Set-Hers. Events to 1754.

SJl;'rl-f WEI~ •.•.-c Fr ench und liuliuu war.Lord Dunmore's \Var, Period of theRevolution and nftcrwaul s.

SIiVliN'1'U WUHl.:.-Schools, Newspa-pers uud Spread of Leuruing. Wnr of1812. Coustitut-cnal ('htillges to 1~3.

EIGU'I'fl Wt::Eh.-'j'h'! New State. Vn-rious Conveuucua and Conatitutious.Present Aspect.

. Mrs. Z. Tnylor Brown, was called toMoutgourery the isu, inst '011 the uc-cquut of the serious illness of her duu~h-ter, Mrs. II, 11. Railey.

ft1iss Bessie Mnsou of the ConunercinlneparUnel!t, '09 has been unable togive full attendance to her classes, 011

. account of the prevalent epidemic,

Miss Massie Clay, of '09, CommercialDepartment, hus been ubsent frctu herclasses since the 17th just. Miss Clayhas been suffering' with ueurnlgiu.

President J. Mc l+eury jones attendedthe Legislature several days lust 1II0nthwith n view to securing a lnw to gruntour Normal graduates II teachers cert.ifl-cate without examlu rtron.

Notice, Teachers JWe desire to call the attention of

the Teachers of the State, to thefollowing Syllabus of the ReviewCourse, to be held at the West Vir-ginia Colored Institute.

It Will bzgin April the first, andcontinue for Eight Weeks. II youare contemplating taking- the Mayexaminations, you can not affordto miss it.

The following- Subjects will begiven special attention:


Civics,. This subject will be persucd liuJingthe review. •

Art of Teaching: Lectures ou Pedn-g'ogy nud the urt of teaching will receiveruerited uuennou. t~~~~~~~;·.o-1

~ OF MUSIC ~1,!:~l:-~~)",~""""">:>-~""'-!~<'~"<:""""<;.'S....~'<.~""~~~

Rev. 1. Garland Pcun , of Aunnt«, (;:1.,paid the school /I ruost welcome visi t,Feb. 13. Un t hut evening, he spokeJHoSt acceptably to the teachers nndstudents 011 "The Educated Muu in theRenhu of Service."


The religious efforts of the young' lad-ies of l uetitute <Ire worthy of notice.Their usuu l prograllls nud bible classstudies lmve been reg nluily pursued with..rood resuh s. Tilt! l ihrurj- w hich \\ asst.rrtcd st'lIIe tirue ago is indeed II ''IT),plca~ill": nud f:lh'dlll'uging Ic.uui c.

]"IUS'l' \\·Ehl.:.-l~ral'li(JII~: (0111111011,Decimal.

suco -II \\'1~1\•.•..-e-Meneuruticu: Surf.rceThe Senior Class under the man.rg'e- Solids

iuent of 1\11'. \V. U. Lowry, is pcrfccting THnUl, FOllH'I'II, FIFTII, "Nil SIX'I'IIthe lilies of its 1I1111\l.a!pili)', The llnvs \\'1·.h"'.-J'crll·lItdgl.: nud it:.llpplicaliolls.are thrilling, ami the ndjustrueuts ot SI(\'E~TII \VI\I·:•.•..-e-Rut iu nrul I'rcpor-parts has heel! such us to give hope for tiou.a very plea:,inJ:.{ preecntntiou ill the near I EIGIl'.I'Ii \\·~E}\:.-III\'oluti()1Ifuture. l ut ion.

'1'\\0111.:\\ piuuoe have been added tothe music dcpnrtureut and the studentsHOW h:I\C fin: iustruuicnts ut their dis-l'u!I.d .

The two ll'uding IIIIt-.ic journals, Etudeuud )'Iusian, arc to IJC found on the table

Unitc n number of the j;irl~ are rcud- in music room of Ea!'<t 111111for the useand EWJ- iug the be,ohl'i, nud some arc ghiuJ: us of »uuleuts ~iuril1g reaclill~ I~~r~.

Ithe benefit uf lilC thoughts gllillt::tl uud Sc veru l students received a )cur's sub-

1:':Il.t:Ii~1t tli~t.:btt:d, ill carefully prcpure.l )Jnp~r:,. scripuou to the litude LISChj-istmus pres .• On the S IlJb.Hh, Fchsuury 16th, R..:!\'. cuts. Such uifts are of tln, higlle!'<t value

·R.D. W. Meudcws of Hunriugtou , \\'. v«. l:lI~S't \\·1·:1·.x . Letter \\'Iilillg. I ,\t the .uruuu l Dccuruher cutcr tnin- to

pre,ll!hctilill inst ructiv c uud helpful :-.U. SEl:O;~1I \\'1.1':1->.- Tbc :-::Clltl·lh.:~,l'hrn-,c IIH.:lIt tlrcj- pl~~Clllt." l\Ii~!i l Inltie ~2. us they l••»t all the year. •UlOB 011 the lAird'::. 1'1;1)(:1'. ill' hrulIgJ.t HII,'~l'lalthc .. ,'. .. I Hruwn , tho..: IllO:-.t 1I.oicti clocruiouist of \\\.; \'cry 111\ tlrc tl:lllVUI'UIYsome new thoug-hb 011 the subjedt , UILllll.lln,u \-<I-.~~K. J I~: Noun. the Nq.~ro rncr-. l\11h!'<HrU\\lll1ltl'.t pleas- \dthdnthal t.JH;JCt.:UUlIluf ilfiness of Mi:.s.expressed SOIll~ 01,1 ouc sin hih 0\\111.'11.11- l~Ol;I.·111 \\ I I~"'.--I he I'rollOllll_ 1\11.)1iugl)' cllkrlllillcd lu-r nudicuce, ;lIId .in 1 l.or.iuc Cuurpbcfl, uf Tnkull,lIl1U lteaulahncterist ic st) Ie. Arljcctive. I we-re uct nul) satisfied hill ,lclighl(;cl i Sruith, of Fnmuout , '\'cst \'ilg-inia, twuof

. . ' •. , 1<"11'1'11\\'FFI~. 'flte \"t.rb. witl r hvr di -,pl,l~ Loft.deut . \\'..: .u-c 111· vl1J'\'l:I'Y prolllising piano sunlcms.A cOll1l11~lle~ from the 10('••1 1~lIIg S SIXTH "·hl'..... Thc At!,CliJ, l'n:I)U:-.i-· '\,IYS glnd to IIICl:t "olllen of Mll·1t force

Daug~ltt:.1S 11I~'lt~~ '.I,le YUIII1: ,.l~",i~cs. t>Jllil'~I' (Jlduliltiull allllllltcrj~l·ti'}~I. !ur (,Ldcr :I\IIlllr(;:lIlth of illfurlllali"II, I.n t;ripl>chas hillllt:red tile pral'ticc of1IIeet It III. the p.1I1l)I:i.'Jf .ll'c gl.IIs h.dl, ~I~"H:-"'I'lt \VHI';IC-.\1I11i}!.I";, J)lIIg I'd111, IIIlid thll:;t,: wh(J ha\'e been indt.:falignl,ic IlII1:-.ic lessolls of tile follo\\ing students

. MOlllbY.lIIglil, to n:>!'olsllu l.AI~lg ~tl'l';i i Hull l';lr:.illg. Lin the uplill of hUIIIRniilty. thb IIIUlIlh: l\1is~cs :\1. Hackley, 1\1. Bur·to organize II Y. i\1 .C .A. COllshl.!rniJle I EI(;1IT11 "·EEI\: .. \lIIericullllnd Jhili~h I !'Ili:-.~ BIOWII nceds Il~ introduction deth::,~. CoLLL, H. ~IasOI\, I~. 1I01l)~,A.itltcrcst WHSlII[1uih.:sted Ht the lIIcdillJ{, _\lIthurs. but it i:i uften 1:00.1 to l1lillk n lillie 01: 1.0\\1')' and W. \\'lIltoOI,1.and quite a llullll.K!r uf Hames wer~ ell-I (.'t:ognrphy 1\,hnl ~LoIIICp{:~pJe lIa,·c dOlle allli ,\lIat 'Tilt: Etnde .Music Club IIlccts everytercel upon the nalllt-'!>uf.the lie\\' :'OI'H.:t)'. FlIts'I' \\·I~W":. North alhl Soulh Ithcy !It,tllll for. . I Fri,lay afternoon at -. p. Ill. The onicers• Misses \\'ysor \Valsoll, A::H.!li,\ J~owry, AllleJ·iea Aliss BrowlI WIiS horn ill Pittshurg, arc liS follows: Prc.;idcnt, :\liss. lll!ssie

leIla Morgllll, 31111l; •...-,orgi.1 ell,Hlllicr or ~ECO!,,<IJ\:'I~I\l.:..-gll.roIW anJ .~!>ia 1;..:rPdl'l:utS IIIU\L'd to Call.lda Hlill tlicl't; l\faMJlli Vice Pl'c!>it!eul, J~rallc CIIIIlpbd1 ;)911, arc: t.lkillg prllt:ticlil \\,vlk ill el;:· flllHll \\ hl':K.-.\fnl.\1 O.·canll.·a ,Iud I~hc ~I,cllt II P;l1l uf hcr girlhood. ~lit! Su:n.!tary,l\iHryGordulii iU!'otructur, AIrs.Ulentllry IIl-jl'icuitul'c IIIlJ hIJ1'licultttrt: L'llItccl ~tah.:s. , ,,"us gJ',lliuflte<l frolll the Scicutific Calif!.!: 1::. 1\1. Joncs: AJIIOIIg' the feilturc~ allulukr l'roh~:.!'<or (:unis. This is il 1Il!\\ FUURTH \\'JiEh..- L'lIitell SLltcs ,lIId t of \\'ilberfur~c l 'lIiHI'::.ily. S1I..: laught 1ht: plOgnL:1 (Iuriug" the pa:,tllitollih \\ t:re:depctrture fur the young iadils, Lut \\·(:!.t \'irg-iuill. for !.Olllc lilll":: ill l\lis!>isippi und lit Wil- TIlI1.~uu r,lIl1vll.• \\llllIell .

One that hns its uwny dllillls for con:.itl- (,'('J/crllilliston' ; lJl:rfuI'C('. She WilS nl olle time lady ~:::~'i~\,OI')'of 51. Ccnliu, A~~I:~!~f;!'~li:I~:~:~eratioll 10young ladicb looking for wanl l'"ws'J' WI~UK.-.\ Hcicnt Ilistur)' V \1>t-' ]>I'illt.:ipal of '1'uskcc:g!: Institute. FIlI'IlHllio\1of ~llljoJ''IO,_to Lt:coUie 1I1.Odcrn tt::achcrs, or lIIall<l- crll Nutiulls. . ':. I l\Ji~s Hro\\'n is 1II0st"'lillg to liS I)rill in )wonounciugn:lmt'suf uoh:cIMn.ic:iunil.

gers of ple<lsont homes. Sm,:oNIl \VEIO~.-:\IlCicHt Jlistory: !asa platform womun. As tlOL:utiolli3t The fullowing' )'Ollllg Indies vlaycdD. \VcUstcr Davis, poet, orntor, 111111Grc!:ce. I her rauk is high. She studied Elocutioll . I b

U:ucher, of Riclllilond, VII., paycd lllt: 'J'11 I R n W Ii Ii K,-Ancicllt J lislory: I ill AIIIcrica , ullIl took special C(lUrSeS ill 1HOIIOsolos udorc the C II Inst month:lnstitute a visil Satunla)' afternoon. He ROllle Berlin. She rcdtcd l.Jefore her Majesty l\lisses. BroWll, CUlIIpbell, CouL, Banks,

l 'u;I('(( S'Ialt:s liisl'!ry. Queen Victoria, and numbers UlIIOllg her SlIydt::r, Evans, Powell, GonIon, Uarperwas Ilccompaineu from Churlcst91l by friends, Lad)' Henr)' SOl11ersclnml others aud. Watson.his intimate fdelHl, Mr. C, E. Mitc1ltdl, l-"IRS1' \VHHl.:..-Firsl l~poeb: Barly of noble milk. The Institute on'hestrn:hns been ha;-head of the Commercllil Department. Mr. disl:overies and Settlements. Second ep·Di\vis was hnppily impressed wi~h the och: Dt::vclopmeut of tile Colonies. Miss BrowlI, was the olily Negro IIICIIl- illg irregular reheursnls this 1II01lthowi~gmagnitude of our plftut, auo lhe scope SliCOND \Vl£liK.-Thinl Hpoch: Re\'o- Ix:r of the Worlds NHtiollul Conference to inclement weallter aud illness. Theot the ••••.ork. done here: A largc l:rowd lutiollary \Vllr, }1ourth Epoch: Oe\'el- of the W. C, T, V., which met in Cali- members of the orchestra. arc:wey.&..1.0 Charleston at 7 p. m, to hear opment of the States. fornili. Her rank as u lecturer is with Fhl:il Violiu, . .MrlO.U. ~1. JonesMr. Da.via-lecture. THIRDWliltK.-}o'iftb Epoch: The Civil :Miss Frances E, V.'illnrd, Mrs, Eliu~bcth :.:n~'i:~~~i.n, PTo~.w.~~~~,;;: ~. ·War. Sixth Epoch: Reconslruction and Cady Stanton nun! SUSiUl D. Anthony. Flute, Brof. S. U. Guu

Charley Steward, the .oply •. pegro re ... passing Events. Among the many good kernels of Clnriud, Prof. C. E. Jonesporter for lhe Associated Press,. waS R Pllysiology. thought lhat she left with us, this one Cornet,.. Ernest· Chumb:fSdistinguished visitor the 24th inst.. Mr. mprcsses mUll}' of us 11iOSt:diRt, I'The Ne. 'l'rombouf;!, •.. wirt jOlLC"S

~t~wRrd 'VRSenronte, IroUl Un"East to FJRST YVUEK.-The Skcleton. The gro should learn to educate his mouth," DrulIls, J .c. l'liItlcr80Jlpoints in Kentucky; 'He addressed' the Skill. __ ..--__ Piallo, . Ethel SPrig~s.@culty and student bod)'; Rnd, although tiKCONDWIU1~.-:H.espirntion and Voice ~-.~ )his talks Rre very humorous, yet his ad· The Cin:uialiol1, and Effects of Alcohol "Seek not for happiness-tis known "To the small part of ignorance thatd~ss abounded in wholesome auvice and on. To hope ulHlllle1l1ory alollcj ",e can urrange allu dnssify we give th~food fpr s~rjO"4s thought. By request ~frt- .. 'l'HIRO \VlifiK.-Digcstion and Food. At dawn-IIO\\' bright the mOOn will bel nnme Knowledge." .St~wnrd delivered exclusive tnlks to the Relation of Alcoholic Drinks, Narcolics, At-·e,'c how fair il glowed, Ah, me!" uBenevolence is the faUler and moth-boys, lInd girls at 1 p. m. nnd 3p. III ..• H)'pnotics to. --Ambrose Ilil'rre. er of ingrillitude."-("ostllopo(ia/~.


Teachers~ ReviewBegins April 1


ProvidedFor All.

~"tI;~;F;t;~) I ,~~~)

;,~~:n!~:l1:::::lte:;~e~~;:~~e~1 ~:c1;'1~::: J 111as hinuablr ~principles, nnd spirit with the require- ~ · •••f . ~mente of the commonwealth.

The purpose of its feunders is becoru- orl tl1ing more manifest e\'ery (lay, and with rl nJ% ~the new impetus given to its existence, 4J ~ ~ )by this last provision, nothing is expect- ~, ~••

en but R Iull fruition of the possibilities =====~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~"======within the scope of this state nurturedInstitution.

THE MONTHT.V voices the grateful READY-TO-WEAR AND '1'0ORDERsentiments of the school in offering to fthe Hon. James Ellis, our representative - . __ _ _ •from Fayette Coont)', and Senator Hill ~(HIT thanks for their 1118111y efforts ingniuimr special favor lor 'he pAssAge of &Z:.rhwabr ~~ .I1lIt ttit ~the above measure, ~ y;:I "'r ~ If.I[lU:J - ;

---0----- C!lupltnlittrrl C!l~nrlrstnlt.II. lis.. ,

GET IN LlNE OR GET· OUT. ~. ",~~~~~"' ••The man who Is anybody, nnd ~ -~ ~,.-- ~

who doe; anything /i kur.!y going tobe critlc/ud, vll1lfled, and misender-stood, Thb /.. penalty for beinggreat, but It b not prool 01 greatn ess,If you work for ,a man, In Heaven'sname wOlk' for himl He p~ya thewag es thahuppU •• yoU with breadand butter, SO speak well of him,stand by him and the fn!tHutfon h~repreeente, 1£ you must vUUv andcondemn, why, refilgn your position,but, I pray you, [0 long as you are apart of an instlt'utlon do not condemnH. Give undivided eervleecr none,for, toon or fate, you will have to doone or the other. So get in line, orget out.-- EtnnRT HunBARD,

(ConUnUM rrom second Pag'!)



even eight or ten section 01 98, 99 Andthe other t.hrough freight trains, whilematt)' other freight trains are put 011 ev-ert dRY which are known RS j 'extra west"or "extra cnst," according to the direct-ion in which they are going, Thesetrains have, no regular schedules, butrun.from station to station under specialorders Issued b)' the train dispatchers.

To glance into the train dispntcher.soffiice at Chillicothe one would have noidea of the immense respsnaibility whichtest UpOIl the two men who sit


V~t upon-them at every moment of theday rests the lives of hundreds of people,One ban charge of nll trains From Chilli-cothe west to Cincinnati, [\11(1 the otherfrom Chillicothe enst to Parkersburg.There ore six of them, ~1I(t they worktwo at n time in tricks of eight hours,it is the duty of the train dispatcher losee t¥.Rt al1 trains get over the road asnenrt), R't possible 011 time, And that whenthey ate behind time they mnke up AS

much RS possible the lost lime. FretRhttrains must be got over the road as rupi-dly 85 possible, and yet must not inter-fere in All)' way with the pnsseuger trnius.On the tnble before him is a: large sheetof paper on which the names of all the:stations on the division ere printed, nnd \on l1is sheet he notes the time of thearrival end departure of each trnib, eothat he knows at every moment of theday [ust wheae every train on the divisionis. These time sheets are always admit-ted in Court ns indisputable. evidence,

for the}' are always absolutely accurate, I':;~~~~~~~~~~~~;:~ IAs a rend grows older and time-cardafter time-card is made out, the r-unningtime ofthe trains is mode more nnd tnoreperfect, At the present dny, 011 the B,and 0, S:-\V:-; there are tung stretc1IC!H>frood where the engineer dces not hn veto touch his throttle, so exactly does the

running time of the ,rain correspondwith the best thnt the engine cnn do.1.'he snrnething is doubtless true of allt\ie other oIU rends of the country, butthe passenger does 110t think of it or ep-preciritc it as he glances (rom the carwindow nt the swiftly fl~'ing fields or Iwc odlnud.

~=--=..-,===_ ===-~__= I

Gern PharmacyRecommends its "White Pine, Men-thol ~nd I~~~~_~ughs and Colds.They ~cconll~.odate t:'ou With Good Soda.

Where Do You ~uy Your Drugs??




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I L':';;;~z: :;~!.st $3.50 and $4.00 IiLesdhrrs New, Nobby ~fes in a.fl Lt.-fhe"s


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{~~••••••••••••+•••••••••••••••••••• +.+•••••••+••+••

> 1filu~W~§a Wllrrilljllrrullilll i~. 0~¥,~cqp.~~@..,~~~p~~~,tteoI!i~{~··············++····++······++++·++~++·· ••+.+.i Regular Normal, Post Normal and Commercial Courses, AlS~'1. Regular <;o.'mes in. Agric\t~ture. Printing, Carpen!ry .and

. fI,?use Buidiug, Cabinet M~kll)g,. Sm'thwg. Whee\wrlglJ.\!UK.Brick Masonry and Plastering, - Mechanical and ArchitecturalDrawing, Painting and Decorating. and Glazing, Dressmaking,Millinery, Plain Sewing, and Cooking. A Course in Military ITraining' to Cadets. Room, Books. Fuel and Lights Free toStUd.euts, and. in addit iiou, Uniforms for Cadets .. We have a .

. Faculty of twenty-two Teachers. Board, only $8 per month.E++++~+++.+++.+++•••••H ••H ••H+.~+ ••+++++H •••••. ,SEND. FOR CATALOGUE~++++ ••••••••++.++•••••••+.+ ••••• t+++••••+++••+++

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HOlUe Phone 18j Old Phone 597

PEOPLE'S CROCERY, CO. -w. H. PARKER: Ma~~lrer 7.



