  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    Derivatives & Risk

    ManagementLecture 1: Introduction

    Prof. Maneesh


  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    About this course


    Futures and Forwards

    FRA, IRFs and Swaps

    Mechanics and properties of Options

    Option Strategies

    Option Pricing Models

    Option Greeks Option Volatility Models

    Value at Risk

    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 2

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk



    Probability Theory

    Basic Statistics

    Time Value of Money

    Bond Mathematics

    Currency Mathematics

    Excel proficiency

    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 3

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk



    1. Final Exam (written) 60 marks

    2. Internals

    a. Mid Term exam (written) 15 marks

    b.Attendance 10 marksc. Project (Report + Presentation) 05 marks

    d.Case let / Assignment / Class Test 10 marks

    100 marks

    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 4

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk



    Group 1: 01, 04, 09, 16, 25, 36, 49, 58

    Group 2: 02, 05, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50

    Group 3: 03, 06, 11, 18, 27, 33, 38, 51

    Group 4: 07, 12, 19, 28, 39, 52, 57 Group 5: 08, 13, 20, 29, 40, 44, 48, 53

    Group 6: 14, 21, 24, 30, 41, 54, 59

    Group 7: 15, 22, 31, 34, 42, 46, 55, 60 Group 8: 23, 32, 35, 43, 45, 47,56

    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 5

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    Format for Assignment

    Covering page

    Bibliography and Websites

    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 6

    Name of Institute

    Name of subject

    Topic :Assignment no. :

    Submitted to : Prof. Maneesh Gupta

    Name :

    Roll no. :Class :

    Date :

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    Course Readings

    Options, Futures and OtherDerivatives John C. Hull

    Option Volatility & Pricing Sheldon

    NatenBerg Understanding Options Robert Kolb

    Derivatives: The theory and practice of

    financial engineering Paul Wilmott

    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 7

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    Few more books (Not to be

    readYou wont have so much

    time) The complete guide to option pricingformulas Huag

    Fooled by Randomness Taleb

    The Black Swan Taleb

    Derivatives: The wild beast of Finance


    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 8

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    Basic Functions of Finance

    Making Payments

    Providing Resources

    Transferring Resources

    Managing Risk

    Providing Price Information

    Creating Incentives

    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 9

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    Steps towards managing Financial

    Risk Diversification & Collateral

    Limited Liability, Seniority Rules,

    Balance Sheet Structure

    Creating tradable instruments & liquidityin organized markets

    Derivatives & Financial Engineering

    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 10

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    The Economic Rationale


    Technological advances

    A ripple in one part of the world may

    cause an earthquake in the other part Hand in hand with better Risk


    Innovations in Derivative instrumentshave been the driving force

    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 11

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    Is Derivatives the Wild

    Beast? Nascent Stage

    Cost of Untradeable Risks

    Derivatives reduce Risk or CAN IT?

    Is Risk Management a fundamental

    Corporate objective?

    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 12

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    Why you should learn

    Derivatives This course within finance

    Corporate Finance

    Investment Analysis & Portfolio

    Management Market Microstructure

    Where pieces of the puzzle fit in?

    Pricing Microstructure & Investments

    Hedging Corporate, Banking &


    All-in-one Cost of Capital CorporateProf. Maneesh Gupta 13

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    Markets & Instruments

    Types of Market OTC

    Exchange Traded

    Our Focus Derivatives on Interest rates Money Market

    Fixed income capital markets

    Equities Currency


    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 14

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    What is Risk ?

    Risk is the key concept of modernfinance

    Absence of Risk i.e. a riskless asset

    A risky asset is one with uncertainfuture value

    Concept of Market Efficiency

    Sticky concept

    Insider trading

    15Prof. Maneesh Gupta

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    What are the types of Risk ?

    Market risk

    Currency risk

    Credit risk

    Liquidity risk

    Operational risk

    Political risk

    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 16

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    Why is Risk Management

    important ? For a/an

    Individual investor

    Entrepreneur What risk they face

    Bank How do they managethem

    Insurance company

    Investment firm

    Multinational company


    Hand-written assignment to be submitted to C.R. before

    next Monday

    Prof. Maneesh Gupta 17

  • 7/29/2019 l1 Drm Mms 12 - What is Risk


    Some refresher questions

    (part of assignment) Find the mean and s.d. for a normally distributed

    variable if values below 25% have average of 44

    and values above 90% have average of 10 of the


    Ram borrows Rs. 20 lacs for 15 years @ 12%annual compounding. What will be the monthly


    What is the price of a bond paying 7.5% coupons

    semiannually and a yield of 9% maturing after 7years? If the same bond is trading at par, then what

    is the yield?

    Calculate three point arbitrage profit for an

    exposure of one million USD given that two banksin N Y quoted USD/JPY=110 25/110 10 andProf. Maneesh Gupta 18
