Page 1: L Evening World Daily Magazine Thursday August · 2017. 12. 22. · d L The Evening World Daily Magazine Thursday August 27 19O8N 6BB3fJSi Iyi fiJ U IAJ vv obl The Vision of Salome


L The Evening World Daily Magazine Thursday August 27 19O8N6BB3fJSi Iyi fiJ U IAJ vv obl

The Vision of SalomeI A Romance of the Herod DanceI By Albert Fayson Terbune-

i I Pictures Posed by GERTRUDE HOFFMANN theFamous Salome Dancer Now at Hammerateinsi-


CXX <OOXI XX roG f X i1Coli X iTiTi YriTr7iTrlYiYTf rryrtY tJ rt eil ri

CoprlirlitM 1W hv Press IubllsMnsCoTiiianj Mt rlc hS r PMpO Uscl by IPttill arraruenem with M rni Gut MaoJKir

VOIMS op rii KtHVCJ niM1 lKR-Horol Tetrirch f Juuiu Is r IInl 4LJh > i t Ie iI c Calm n t1Ian

i iiMi ill jr i irli t ite to onlr iu in-Uft hnl In iho Mjrii ird h rail Inn tol-xii Ililll i MIIIIK SrUn i Plain ntio sf

rrttly ow alJUP HIT il itir viiht rfilonif Kains fin Inhn the < ire3rottVt u ij tlpnojncM llfrul fnr si lnirJfr filler lillD anil ardllni hr metor10 lmprlvno In a dry well In th touiJ-

ri1 Si mo ilfnutiilj t 8ce tV Prr pVI3UIII fmujh h > kniw ho rnrrII hli onIr for Ufh dlnbedlv to n It in nli prinHft v po liin 0 rnl-Momf In mil nee ulie no in hav l-hlruhtt llfo llolll fimtVli HtroJ ardfrh ktllln Mnif-

lfCUAPTKR IVMother nurl Daught-

erWTunrnnofna fpirlnln Int Pnloip ilrpn hsck her

klr from conact with1h hlooil iiln l crip

Then with the cold lialfimu e1 Influlltlvpne s she mILt havp bestowedupon an ugly bfetln hf n prcd dnyn-

ard at thp htllJ lied heio tht hadlitelv been the dashlnr captain of thfpalace nianl

Poor fool < hp 1R11i And theTorld so full of women

This was the OP epitaph of Halthe SvrUn anfl It was brcarhAl shovf-Mm by the woman for whose cake h

ttt madly thrown away life andcareer

Thf riart hA d rin hrrpi1 ncrn

the entirtvird Wth black scarce con

craled looks of wrath at the Irlrpo-pyeral of thetn tendfflv nld and borWHY thp bodv of their b lnverl lender

One Mad man more or K s matteredllttb rtiirlnr the reign of 11 od AntJpithe TPtrarch-

Vuhlin slaves run fnrTurd with

tInt to wipe in th pnnlnR darktal fro the whto mirWp of tl-

yifi > rnent nut sciroe had they btnt-

in their task when th voice nf nn u > h-

at th hoad of the stnlrwa nt hemscurrying oT to their quarters

Veil Your EyesThe usher halted on the topmost step

while a hfrald nt either side of him

ounded a fanfare of trumpets that rang

echoIng through the highwalled court

Thfn he shouted In singsong Intona-



Audltf Audlte Hear y e Hear yeUHerod Tctrarch of Judca on whom ba

I>e ace driws nigh Make reverenceand veil our eyra lest the light of h-

ljlorv consume yeThe fact that the coirtynrt was de

rircd sive by tu PrlrcciH and n hand1Ill if guards nnl loltrr rs did not ren ¬

tier the ushers vilre IMS unctuous It

lni thus that etiquette denandej himto announce his mattern npproichthither to an empty ro m ora croud-

d market placeThe guards ranged themselves stiffly

at either eldc A double lino of j

torchbearers filed down the broad whitetteps from the banquet halt Into thecourt their scented smoky flatenuuxlWending with the moonlight In an unearthly glare that made every corner4 f the Inclosure dazzlingly bright Thoguards and IdUri made way for thisrrocenlon Only Salome standingnear the bloodstained space remainedmoveless her brooding sombre ey-ener Iud upon the curb of the drywell

HerodlasIAlready she had forgotten Halll Her

brief quarrel with him and its tragictllmaz hid wholly sUpped the girlsmemory Now once more her wholamind waa concentrated upon the manwho had so spurned her tho Piophewho had dared rebuke and chame aPrincess And ever aa the brooded herbrain grew hot with murderous hateLike the deadly orbs of a serpentgleamed her heavy lidded eyes

Out from the banquet hall In wakeof the torchbearers swept a womanTall regal cf full yet supple figure sheadvanced to the head ot the steps andb gan her Blow descent A jewelledcoronet blazed from her majiaea of redbaJr Her face was cold and pal her I

llpi very red

v vThe newcomer Herodlas wife of thi-

Tctrtrch mil mother of Salome glancediKlrher right nor left In response to thesalutes of the guards and the deep revcrenciM of the bystanders Her browwas clouded her eyes were dull withanger Clearly the feast had broughtscant cl eei to her stormy heart

On cume Herodlas nor puuied untilhe tMelicd tho spot where her diueli

ter MoodVI did you leave the fcart she

iMlilied The Tetrarch Is tnraged HespoXi openly of your teeming contemptfur him and your failure t honor nil

rtl a

He even blamed me for four anenc < Yes and turned on me In dninK-ii nxir when 1 deniedSalome made no reply Mhs hud nottard nor heeded Dispute hetweon her

hni tempered mother nnd her nardItllKing btepfMher weie matters o-fterjday occurrence

Have You No Answer 7

This tlm lunevcr the girls seemingllstlcssufss aroused Herjdlas to freshwrath

Have vou no answer to maker shedemanded Why did jou

She Caused notlit for the first timethe direction of her daughters gazeHer own eyes rested In consequenceupon the well curb nnd she shlxorei-leer so slightly Within that deep wellfor a whole year had languished herformer htisband Philip Then becaushe had not flt shown signs of dylnHerrd had ordeifd him strangled

Why do you look so at that welldemanded Ilorodlas The plrlts ofIhe iloail do not walk

Me Is there whispered the girlhalf to herself

He Is In his grave answeredHerodlas half terrified by Salomeeupprejsed fury Philip II In higrave Ve I wonder not thatlook with horror on the spot I toodrend the sight of It I will make theTelrarch have the well filled up andthe curb raztd Tomorrow It shiil Xdone

It cannot b > done returned SalomeIn the sanjeL dad voice It cannotHE Is lieV tJCfil V

Has the moon struck you madangrily demanded Herodias He U

not there A vear ago he was takenthence dead and

I dc no speak of the man wno wasmy flier lnterpo eJ Snlom nuielfrom her reverie by the elder womanvehemence 1

A Cry of RageWho then1 queried HeroJIas hotlv

If the cell of a prince li defiled ltthe presence of a common felon tv-Telrarch shall

It Is no common man It Is a demon or a saint

What are sou sayingThe cell U the abode of one whjrnJ

A halfanimal cry ot rane burst tramthe Irs lips and choked her wordsInto an unintelligible snarl IleroJIaalooked at her In itenuln Alum Accu-

tcmcil ns she wa < to ner dauchters 11

prices hero was a phase that anuzedand terrified her

The spirits of the moonshine halttlzod you brain he cried Thecourt surgeons must

Nol The court exe utlonerl mockedSalome He alone ran bring me peaceLot him go Into > onder well

Vou have not toll me who U thereIf U Is a prisoner nhu hai dared to-

spetk 111 of youIt Is i ProphetA Prophet The last of them was

slain whenHe Is not slain He Is there there

beneath your feetNoroe And n thousand times jea

The 1roplmi Joluimes Ho whom tileIsraelites Knuw aa John the liaptu-Mulnerl 1 deiiuiid his Ueath llu 10-

1turu l demandJ he Iroimut

Thoy Told file tie Was DeadllerYUllid almOL nciearned till word

Her danc taco went livid her eyesblazed Koigotteu was her concern furher dauffnter 1oruotten wan all savo-Ue knowledge thai the man who haureviled ter ajid hall kouglu io prevemher from mounting the throne an tho-Turarca a Kite A us mill alivu-

iu > luld me lie was ueudi the burstlorcii ill uiicuiuiuiiuultj jiaatfioo Tnu >

raid Heivd had ordered mill iiam Juthe uhall not uutllvu me mgni HerodBliall uxuxtt tun Inault to nib Aliiiuu uadiiuer uf miuul From mj bo4Ull tnaiiK > ou tor me louii > tu uiothat makes you lung for tnu defuinui ruuatn Uumu We will

It U uoi for your luute ineereJ thegirl Tno whola wuria may detanig-juu for auum i cuio i aveng aniukx ot my unn A

anu pautuu tui tiuuugli the lines olswirling torch tlare down the whitesteps a man wua lurching towardUiora llehnd liitu rundud a meritnuuy luut uf UauCcU cuurtleii andinKli otliLalii lu lit rear iitiir camdemeanpr and stately stride a cuttingLuatiaai to the tnroug of urunkun revelluis matched tli chief priests ufIsrael vvno had been unwilling gueiu-nl the board of Hit man who ouuiu ed-trrlr people

Down Uie slept came the TetrarchBtumbllng and walking unsteadily furihv wini was hot In hli

And at the foot of the stairscrouched like an angry tlgresi his wifeHerodlai awaited him The couitlorsat Bight of her white enra ed latedrew back In fear

To Be Continued

I d JNew Uses for Cretonne

quaintest novelty of the late summer Is cretonne as a millineryTHE Kach year the crein or snowy white hot appears early in

Generally It Is wound with crepa or chiffon or simplytrimmed with Miff white nlngs This year such hats are given sharp notesof cretonne either In a high soft band about the crown or In dlcki I tza charm Ing hat of this sort recently In which the disks were covered withcretonne In such a way that each was centred with a rota Each appearedto fasten In position a nhlto Mercury wing of which there wer two one a

I each ilde of the rant turning backward like the familiar headdron of theI god Light delicately printed cretonnes are of courie chosen for lueb purpones Md the results are aitonlihlngly pretty One lately produced modelWM mtd In this way TU upper tPd under tide of Uri wide brim raremoulded with the flowered stuff and the edgt finished with an Inchwideblack iatlo binding The full Charlotte crown wo of cretonne Black tatlnribbon wu p iMd around the but of the crown and brought together atthelft itdt of the front Harper1 Buar


Le i r t-


l JT ftT l I Jl S W JWiJM W4tt WiJlW-

MXttJThe Newlyweds > Their b 1

iY Yi iit i iimY omEifJi jclSeGiSiGeri lij



1i JE1-



Home Hints1 ur Luty 1l o liseI i e

Wash Silk Dressesthe vacation trip nothing is nler

FOIl wash silk for dresses waistkimonos tor women and girl

toy blouses can also be made of thieasll laundered material To launder I

wash In lukewarm water with a goomap riiue well and If white silk blull shake out roll up and It will b

ready to Iron in half an Vnr Tne Iron

Ins can La quickly done and will cause

but slight Inconvenience to the bushostess

Boiled Starchread several articles on

HAVING for straining jtnrch 1 woultell how I make smooth

uilck starch free from lumps and

which never needs strilnlip out of ilecommon bulk variety Take amount of

starch required u small lump ot lard

and a little borax dl soled In warer

and sufficient cold water to dissolve

starh Have ready vour kettle of bollIng water halt of which add to thestarch Place over the fire and Itlruntil It thickens Add gradually the

rut of the water stirring vigorouslyuntil smooth Doll until done

For Delicate Colors

prevent delicate colored summerTOdresses fading and losing freshness

wash In starch water and rinse In

starch water using small brush Insteadof board where badly soiled Use nosoap Hans In darkens room to dry

Homemade Filtera piece of cheese cloth and

TAKE a small big and put It onwater faucet tie It on with a

string Take It off every other dayand wash It You will be surprised atall the dirt and Ime1s you will find

C0 J0 x 0W-o

SConcerning HEasy Marks H


I By Lilian BellF are al-

waysM sfiy

tr Ins thingsthe reverse ot-

Ihlvalryif of thef J women who arechronic kickers

rJ hut while I mustu d m11 that I

vfJ wouldnt care tospend a successiont of rainy Sundays

iyt with a houseful oft <

J 4 < Amazonian world

i regulators sUII a<


6 word ir ht be saidwith proflt con


cerninu the wornand the penaltywho KolnKIre easy

they pay

Tor it Is not man alone who hatesscenes or who abominates a fuss

There are women too who dislike toput people out who permit themselvesto be Imposed upon who always paymore than anybody tlso for the samethinK and who always got hats whichare unbecoming shoes which dont fitand gowns which other women haverefused

1 know a Southern woman who on a

visit North last winter tell In love with

those beautiful duplex studio apart-

ments and sublet one by letter for two

months this summerI went to see her

1 thought s ou took this apartmentfurnished I said lie first time I

saw ItI lId she saidWell where U the furniture I

dent sec anyNeither do I but Ihe sayi this

apartment Is furnishedWhere are the bedsThere aint any We Hive to make

the couches up every night and sloopthere

I dont tee a single bureau norchiffonier nor a single article of fur-niture with drawers In It

The reason you dont PPB any Is be

cause there are none to see And thereare but four shoots and two pillowcases and six towels tIe slzo ofportage stamps We drink coffee ouof those two beer steins and we nndthat these big studio windows dontopen which makes It cozy theseAunust nUhts

firmlyI wouldnt stay one minute I I laid

Neither would I but I paid In ad-

vanceWithout seeing the place again 1

shriekedEven no1

111 llkp to do bi ness with ou I

said admiringly 1 believe you nre thonlv woman In the world who Is nbigger Idiot than I am

She agrwd with me that I could prob-ably do her In any htislnpsa dealand we shook hands feelingly

But let no woman deceive herself Intothinking that an easy woman acquirespopularity by her habit of being Im-posed upon No even tho e whoIrapoie upon and cheat and rob theeasy mark despise her for her easinessHer neighbors mock at her frequentdiscomfiture her husband laughi ather acquisition of misfits and her chil-dren


easily learn to despise her lack of-

assertlvenessTherefore toke courage you women

who kick until you ge exactly w hatyou want out of life and whn you wanta ejiactl the moment you nunt II Thumen may hHk at your kicking but inthe long run I believe YOU are tlio ro-tpected ones of the earth

At any rate the men fly around forthe woman kicker and seo thft shegets what she Is after If on I to topher fussing

Which Is more than anybody man orwoman will do for the easy mark

Beauty HintsHy Murnmt Ilnbliarl Iyer

A Matter of DietIt depends of coiirsic upon what

RI the upper Is whether It will wortfor good or evil Lobster or dev ¬

illed crabs or any at thoao unwhole

tome but tempting viands shouldcertainly not b euten livery nightor at all It the digestion la

weak On the other hand you

ought not to go to bed hungry ThereIs nothing so conduct to a sleep-



night as an empty stomachAnti especially In your case It would be-

well to eat a light supper before you

turn In since > our work lasts so lateWhether It Is brain work or hand-

work the concentration Is apt to In

luce an appetite A Ihs of milk anda sandwich or a simple salad made ofturn HOPS and le tuci or some stowedfruit and crackers or a plate of spi-ghftti would make a harmless but very

nice bed 11 in supper

Unruly EyebrowsJ SYou should train your eye-


J twice a day with a softbrush and either a little vaseline

or brllllantlne Any utiiy halM whichare conspicuous may be pulled outwith lIe tweczeru having llrst bathedthe brows In very hot water In order tosoften the skin

Hair Toni-

oGVHyou may buy a face s rub-

bing brush at any nrstclass dru1store Do not select one with

u limp orlstles If you do they wii-

UP sure to fall as soon ai they aredipped In water and consequently will

not answer their purpose of cleansingthe pores Here Is n tonic for dry hallApply with scalp massage Castor oil

12 pint pure alcohol 13 pint tincture

of cantharldes 12 ounce oil of berga-

mot 2 drams Color a pale pink with

alkanet root Apply to the rooti







T7 7 T

RF= 1

Gertrude Barnums1iTalka With Girls L iLove and Common Sense

t had been loaned the Key and given the freedom

W orthe house of a little Btaten Island family wflloa-waa away on Ita Unit Vacation 0 f

Well If anyone ever needed a vacation It waj Carriersaid Hetty a coqucito ef twentylive The way ihei lUGuj ilave for three ears would make a worm turn

Jut not a woman remarked Ann the strongmindedfrom her position by the book libel vel Poor thlngl Lokwhat one a been raiding The Care ef Baby rtire 004Reports Housekeepers Hints deadly

IAnd iliu used to be Quito cultured sljned Dorothy I

She gave that nil up when she married Jock itoaa-

tilngy he wouldnt keep a girl tiSentlmentul Millie had been studying a photograph over

< TRVIJ ZJAAN 11 Carrie dusk Well said the Jack sure la a good

looker i guess shel In love with him all right I

Love I Ann shrugged her shoulders What U lave anyway that a wom n I

should sell her freedom for ItThats what 1 lay Uottle seconded Besides if you want to keep a I

man In lave youve lot to keep him guessing If you want to lose nlm Jutmarry him





IJack la a good looker1 I

My friend Edna hid been sitting nuloi-durlm thl clKcusilcm until Millie chal-lenged her for her opinion on Lhla allImrorlnnt subject

Sparvh tno K Inn hushed then I

think till ubjcct Is too ileen for ordi-nary mortals

She led the wav to the nrottv hacknoroh IIlth Its hammock and windowboxes and pointed out the vegetable andHow or sarden below and tIe widesprividlnsr bnv and the distant hlgh

cltv rlilng from the seaTheres one thine certain she added

Dim Jick nnd Cnrrln shnwecl sensewhen thov picked out tills rtnt And-

two nenplp with tense outrlit to getalong together

Wo watched the sun set over thecreat nliiKid shins and after FtiDl er

return tn llml the little village belowthe dark green hllli lit up as by fire-

flies Ileyond woie clltteilnc sea craftliving over moonlit yvfilorH Ifi Jewelledharbor and the stars glimmered abovecompleting the Illusion that wo wereswlnginz midway between heaven andearth After we had sat silent for some

Betty Vincents Adviceon Courtship Marriage


Does He Love HerDtar Duty

A twenty ard am very much in

I love with a young man two yearsmy senior Will you kindly toll me

how to Imd out If he truly loves me-


Unleff the young mao tells you of Ms

love you cannot be absolutely sure of

his affection However actions some

times apeak louder than words and you

should be able to tell from the way theyoung man treats jou whether or not

he really loveb you

An Insufficient Safar >

Dmr IJ itrt-wentyfourAI and am In love with

I n of the same ago I have knownher a year She loves me very much

end wants get married soon but Iearn only JS a week Do you think I

can support a wife on that moneyA T

You most certainly cannot support awife on JS a week Doth you and thegirl would be very unhappy If you at-



It Cannot you tlnd anotherposition which would be more remuner-

ulve than jour present anal Do notmurry until your salary U larger

Does She Love HimDear Bctt

AM twentyone and am deeply In

I love with a sery pretty girl of eigh-



I have told her several times

mat I loed her more than any othergirl know and jn one occasion she

laid I still felt the same one monthhence she would tell me if there wasany hope for me That month pssed

fImo Millie broke silence and returnedto the chnr f

Hut dont vou really bcllovo In loveEdna she hesitated

lYes of course wis the reply I

think its lust aj real and realer than istinginess It ought to conquer evenstlimlncss In the long run

Do vou often see ItNot often but often enouch to be

Move In It Edna grew more serious<Its nrottv hard to define Anns rUht

n person shouldnt clve no freedom for tIt And I think Beth Is right In arway too most nil girls that marrvtheir lovers do seem to lose thorn If agirl loses all her freedom sholl bpretty certain to lose her lover Hut If-


make a good Affht she neednt Ilose either Women hate sot to usetheir brains on the proposition soi tuf1i

cut down the drudcorv of housuwork-nnd men have got to develop tho senseof Justice sos not to turn their wlveientirely Into cooks and cleaners andcaterers If they want to cruol their isociety Its going to be a flKht forwomen for a long time vet but Isn t ItIfnorth flchtlnir for love



and 1






and when I asked for an answer iheltj

hurst out crying I could not let 1I01t Iword from her I have written herseveral letters but did not let aa answer I cannot got the Idea qut of mfhead that sbe really love me thoughshe has never let on about It What l

shall I do aa I love her toe much ta < i

give her up UOK i

The girl li too young to be wre of Il

her own atteotloas and for that rea on

probably does not answer you You

also are too young to be seriously In

love and I advise you to be friend lwith her ony until you are both olderVrIto her a note saying you will bencontent to be friends with her and Ithink she will ask you to call again

He Loves a FlirtDear Deity 0


HAVE been keeping company wlU111

I young lady almost three yean and IK

I dearly love her I am In no post

tlon to marry at present and am afraid1 am going to lose her on account ot agirl friend of hers who > is quIts a flirt j

I and tries her best to have my friendgive me up She tella me that iheloves mo dearly and loves her friend jjalso I sw her threa or four Umas aweek and am willing to take her to 0places of amusement but Jlbo prefer frgoing out with her friend She aayeIbo will always be true to me butbeing a flirt herself 1 really dont know


what to do HEARTBUOKENtAs you admit you cannot ask the girl r

to marry you you cannot expect to con i 1trol her actions However If sho reallyloved you she would prefer to be with-you ard would willingly walt until youcould marry but as she Is a tlirt It li-


doubtful whether her affectionswould stand the strain of a long en K-










CAyou divide the circular aviary llh seven straight linn ee that every

Intbird shall have a separate compartment

if tI
