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 A. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Skydiving is a sport where trust is very important. Skydiving need to have faith in

their instructors, faith in the equipment, and faith in those packing the parachutes. On their 

first jump, students are told that they will reach a top speed of 190 kilometers per hour 

about 10 seconds after leaving the plane. The only thing between you and the ground is aparachute of 18 to 28 square meters which was probably packed by someone you¶ve never 


But the parachute will open, you immediately trust the packers, and the fear 

decreases a little. And then you realize, too, that you have a lot in common with other 


 All Skydivers are asked the same questions by non-Skydivers,´What do you do that

for?´You often asked if you have a death wish. But statistics show that skydiving is one of 

the safest sports in the world. In fact, driving to the jump is generally more dangerous than jumping out of a plane. Accidents are rare, but risk is something that Skydivers accept,

even welcome.

The question of why people skydive is, in the end, impossible to answer. The

excitement, the close contact whit other Skydivers, the physical sensation of flying through

the air are all important. But there is something else, too, something that separates the

 jumper from the spectator: non-Skydivers can¶t believe anyone would jump out of an

airplane. Skydivers can¶t believe people don¶t.

Source: Theresa Clementson,Natural English Reading & Writing Skills Pre-Intermediate Resource Book,

Oxford University Press, 2005 

1. What is the text about?

  A. Aeromodelling B. ParachutingC. Hangliding D. SkydivingE. Diving

2. ³Skydivers need to have faith in their instructors «.´ What is the similar meaning of the

word µfaith¶?

  A. Belief B. Relief C. Content D. PatienceE. Dependency

3. According to the text, how big is the parachute needed for skydiving?

  A. 8 to 18 square meters B. 8 to 28 square metersC. 18 to 28 square meters D. 28 to 38 square metersE. 38 to 58 square meters

4. Which is NOT needed for a beginner when he jumps for the first time?

  A. Faith to the instructors B. Faith to the parachute.C. Faith to those packing D. Faith to the equipmentE. Faith to the pilot.

5. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

 A. The reason why people skydiveB. The reason why people skydive remains unknownC. Equipment needed to do the skydivingD. Skydiving is safer than driving on streetsE. How a new skydiver feels when his parachute open

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This text is for questions 6 to 9

The elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking

animal with its thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little

eyes, long white tusks and above all it has a long nose, the trunk.

The trunk is the elephant¶s peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The

elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower tap.

It can also lift leaves and puts them into its mouth. In fact the trunk serves the elephant

as a long arm and hand. An elephant looks very-clumsy and heavy and yet it can move

very quickly.

The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined whit its great

strength makes it a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to serve in various

ways such as carrying heavy loads, hunting for tiger and even fighting in a war.

6. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that «..

  A. elephants are strong B. elephants can lift logs

C. elephants are servants D. elephants are very usefulE. elephants must be trained

7. Which of the following is NOT part of the elephant described in the first paragraph?

  A. It looks strange B. It is heavyC. It is wind D. It has a trunkE. It has a small tail

8. It is stated in the text that the elephant uses the trunk to do the following, EXCEPT ....

  A. to eat B. to pushC. to drink D. to drink

E. to squirt water over the body9. ³The trunk is the elephant¶s peculiar feature «.´

  A. large B. strangeC. tough D. smoothE. longThis text is for question 10 to 13

 A planet is a body in space that revolves around a star. There are nine planets in

our solar system, and these nine planets travel around the Sun. The names of the

planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Planets travel in orbit, around the stars. All of the planets of the solar system

revolve in elliptical orbits. In other world, their orbits are like large, flat circles. The time

that it takes a planet to make one revolution around the Sun in called a year.

The Greeks were the first people to recognize and give names to some of the

planets. The word planets comes from a Greeks word meaning wanderer. If a person

wanders, tills means that he goes from one place to another and does not have a home.

The Greeks thought that planet ³wandered´ in the sky. However, modern scientists can

predict the movement of the planets very accurately.

10. What is the suitable title for this text?

  A. The Stars B. The PlanetsC. The Orbits D. The WanderersE. The Greeks

11. The planets in our solar system travel «.

  A. around the star B. around the circlesC. in one movement D. from one position to another E. in elliptical orbits

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12. ³However, modern scientists can predict the movement of the planets very accurately.´

(paragraph 3, last sentence)

The word ³predict´ has the closest meaning to «.

  A. think B. observe

C. foresee D. evaluateE. investigate

13. What does the word µplanet¶ mean?

  A. An object B. A wanderer C. A solid object D. A big and round circleE. A large, flat circleThis text is for questins 14 to 16.

Flowers came many colors and hues, from delicate blue violets to red roses. The

colors are not just for show. They have evolved to attract the insect and birds that

pollinate the plants. Red flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Blue lupines and

yellow coneflowers attract bees. White flowers are easy to see in dim light. They attractflies in a gloomy wood, or moths at night. The colors in flowers come from pigments

(chemical colorings). These pigments are called anthocyadins.

Source:John Farndon, In Thouch with Nature Flowering Plants,Singapore, The Brown Reference Group

plc, 2004.

14. What is the purpose of the text?

  A. To persuade the readers B. To retell past eventsC. To describe the way things are D. To persuade the readersE. To amuse the readers

15. What is the function of colors of flowers?

 A. To make the flowers look attractiveB. To attract the insects and birds that pollinate the plants.C. To chase away the insects and birds from pollinating the plants.D. To poison the insects and birds that pollinate the plantsE. To make the flowering plants easy to plant

16. ³White flowers are easy to see in dim light.´ What is the opposite meaning of the word


  A. Clean B. VagueC. Foggy D. Bright

E. Transparent17. Gonzales««« Indonesia for more than six years. He said that he loves Indonesia.

  A. have stayed B. stayedC. is staying D. will stayE. has stayed

There once was a little cottage on the edge of the woods, in which a little old

woman lived. One day she said to herself, ³I will bake sweet cakes for my dinner.´

She put on a fresh white apron to keep her nice black dress clean. Over her head

she pulled a little red cap to keep her hair tidy. It was chilly in the kitchen so she threw a

little white cape around her shoulders. Then, the little old woman was alla ready to makeher cakes.

She took a blue bowl down from the shelf. Into it she put eggs from the cupboard,

sugar from the bucket, milk from the pan, flour from the barrel and raisins from the jar.

She mixed up all these good things. Then, she rolled out the dough and popped a pantul

of cakes into the oven. They came out nice and brown and sweet smelling.

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 A poor old man was passing by. The cakes smelled good to him for he was very

hungry. He looked in at the door of the cottage and said to the old woman, ³Won¶t you

please give me one of your good cakes? I am very hungry.´ The old woman said, ³I will

bake one cake for you. I cannot give you one of these.´

She cut off a tiny piece off dough. She rolled and rolled it with her rolling-pin.

Then, she patted and patted it with her hands and shaped it into a tiny cake.

Then, something very strange happened. The tiny cake began to grow bigger and


³I cannot give you this cake,´ said the little old woman to the poor old man. ³It is

much too big. I will make you a smaller one.´

Then, she put the cake into the oven and baked it for herself.

She took another piece of dough, smaller than the first piece. She rolled it and

rolled it with her rolling-pin. She patted and patted it will her hands and shaped it into a

very tiny cake.

 Again something strange happened. The tiny cake began to grow bigger andbigger.

³I cannot give you this cake,´ said the little old woman to the old man. ³It is much

too big. I will make you a smaller one.´ So she put yhe cake into the oven and baked it

for herself.

Then, she took a tiny scrap of dough, no bigger than a grain of wheat. She rolled it

and rolled it with her rolling-pin. She patted and patted it with her hands and shaped it

into the tiniest of cakes.

She still wore her little red cap on her head. She still wore her black dress and her 

little white cape and her white apron. But they had all turned into feathers. She wasn¶t a

little old woman at all. She had turned into a bird!Source : February 27, 2009 <


18. What is the story about?

  A. A bird B. Sweet cakesC. A poor old man D.A stingy old womanE. The woman¶s apron

19. The following statements are TRUE according to the text, EXCEPT ....

 A. the woman made delicious cakes for herself 

B. the woman turned into a birdC. the old man was hungryD. the woman put on a red apronE. the woman refused to share the cakes

20. What can we learn from the story?

  A. We should not be stingy B. Social relationships are goodC. Sharing a cake is forbidden D. Making a cake is pleasurableE. It is difficult for people to share their happiness

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1. D2. A3. C

4. E5. B

6. A7. C8. D

9. B10. B

11. A12. C13. B

14. C15. B

16. D17. E18. D

19. D20. A
