Page 1: Know what to do when your baby is crying

Know What to Do When Your Baby Is Crying

The first form of communication for babies is crying. They do not always cry because of the

same reason and you do not always have to make them quiet. Babies who have crossed the

fourth month may cry for complex reasons as compared to babies who are less than 4 months

old. Let us look at some of the tips you could use to soothe the younger babies.

When deciding on how to make the baby calm, you should first take a look at the environment

and situation and think of why the baby may be crying. Breastfeed is not the only reason they

cry. Apart from crying because hunger they cry when in pain, overtired, over stimulated or

when they feel uncomfortable. The “whys” helps to know which soothing method should be


1. Babies who are less than eight weeks feel unsettled either everyday or once a week. Place

them in relaxed environment and give them an extra breast feed or two and more cuddles.

Baby feeding app can be very useful in this respect. The crying will eventually come to pass.

2. Sometimes the baby’s crying just does not stop even when you take them out for a walk

keeping them in a stroller. That becomes truer when the baby faces outside and does not have

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any idea whether you are close to him or not. They feel insecurity because they take you as

their guide and security. When many strange faces are looking at them, they are not ready yet

to face it alone until they are 3 months old. Still if you want to take them out in a stroller, try

moving on rough surfaces.

3. Babes like it being snuggled and held close. They love to listen to your heartbeat and feel

your touch. A carry sling is a perfect idea to make this bond and it keeps your hands free when

you are getting chores done. When buying a sling you can wear it and see if it is a perfect fit for

you or not. Carrying a baby in a carry sling helps strengthening bond of attachment and

stimulates breast milk production.

4. A deep and relaxing warm bath is a great idea. This relaxes just about anyone. If chamomile

or lavender oil is burning close by it can be a great idea. To the bath water, you can add a cup of

soothing Chamomile tea. Try to avoid using bright artificial lights and use sunlight or candles

instead of that. Allow the baby to float freely in water. Do not be hasty. If you see bubble on

the surface, that indicates relaxing of their bowel.

5. When babies are receptive and settled you can give babies a ten-minute massage everyday.

Massaging helps to reduce constipation, irritability, decrease colic and enhances the nervous

system which in turn allows them to sleep.

6. You can lay with the baby in bed. Cuddle up with him. Hum or sing to them
