Page 1: Keys to build huge profits with tiny list

Connie Ragen Green: Tiny Lists

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Interview with Connie Ragen Green:



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Connie Ragen Green: Tiny Lists

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Connie Ragen Green is a former classroom teacher and real estate appraiser who left it all behind to come online in 2006. Now a best-selling author and sought-after speaker, Connie teaches new online entrepreneurs how to build a profitable business based on their passions and experience.

Connie’s books include Huge Profits with a Tiny List and Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing.

RESOURCES FROM CONNIE RAGEN GREEN: Huge Profits with a Tiny List Cookie’s book teaches the secrets to making the most from your list with easy to understand, common sense, practical strategies that can be implemented immediately. Connie’s writing style is just like her- conversational, honest and straight up! Viral Report Marketing Connie offers a free e-course designed to help you discover the secrets to creating and promoting free reports online. The techniques and tools Connie teaches are paramount to building your online business and success. Affiliate Marketing Secrets Explained Discover Connie’s secrets to setting up and building passive online income to promote the products you already use and love. Get step by step direction in creating a profitable business model that pays you year after year.

DAVID PERDEW: David is the founder of NAMS – the Niche Affiliate Marketing System – one of the fastest growing affiliate marketing workshops and affiliate training systems available today. What makes NAMS so different is that the instructors TEACH, demonstrate, and enable the students with hands-on workshops. Students learn from their current experience level. Beginners work with beginners, Intermediates work with intermediates, and Advanced students work with advanced groups. Everyone talks the language they understand.

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Connie Ragen Green: Tiny Lists

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Connie Ragen Green: Tiny Lists

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Connie Ragen Green: Tiny Lists

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In this presentation from Connie Ragen Green, you’ll learn how Connie has taken her love of

teaching and successfully crossed over to a meaningful and abundant career as an author,

coach and mentor to both newcomers and experienced online affiliate marketers. Connie will

focus on the how-to’s of building your business starting with a tiny list, including:

The three keys to building huge profits: Building relationships, monetize every

page and become a storyteller.

How to create a one on one relationship with your customers

Creating your home on the internet

How to become a trusted advisor and marketer

How to become a resource before a vendor

The 5 Pronged Approach: Blogging, Article Marketing, Tele-seminars and

Webinars, Social Media and Live Events and Creating your Own Product Series

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Connie Ragen Green: Tiny Lists

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David: Hello, this is David Perdew and I’m from the Niche Affiliate Marketing System. This is Wednesday night, so we have a live training tonight and I’m pretty excited about this one, I’m pretty excited about all of them because of such good instructors and people deliver such good information. Tonight is especially good because this woman really knows her business. I was so impressed with her at the last NAMS that we did in August. I had known about her, but only got to meet her at the last NAMS. She came as a guest at the last NAMS, knowing that she’s going to be an instructor with this one. I really wanted her to understand how our system worked and what we were doing, so that she can make a decision of whether she could fit in or not. I was with her for about 15 minutes, and I knew she’d fit in. I was just tickled to have her around. This is Connie Reagan Green this evening and Connie’s got a really great story. She really learned how to become a super affiliate with a very small list. She goes against what everybody says you have to do and be online. She’s very successful at that and I listen very closely to what Connie says. Connie, thank you so much for coming.

Connie: Thank you for having me, David, I really appreciate it.

David: It’s always good to learn how you can do more with less and you started with less. I’ve flipped through your presentation and you really cranked up a lot of dollars with a small list. I think we’re going to learn a lot from you tonight—that’s really going to give a lot of people hope.

Connie: Yes, yes, I never really did give any memos early on that you had to do a certain thing.

David: That’s good, so the way that this is going to work is I’m going to let you drive tonight and you can just walk us through this. I’ll interrupt you if I have a question. If people would like to enter questions this evening, they need to do that in the Questions Box. You have a Questions Box in your control panel and that goes to our webinar system. Get familiar with that Questions Box because if I were you, I would input right now just to make sure you can do it, to input that you hear us just fine or that you have a question that you already would like to ask of Connie or something.

We’re going to have a question for you about 45 minutes into this and if you have listened

carefully, and are the 3rd person to input the correct answer, then you’re going to win a 12-month scholarship to the MyNAMS membership site—that is a large value.

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Connie: A fantastic value—

David: Yes, it is, it’s getting better all the time with a lot of great content in there, so very good. If people say, we’re loud and clear, it’s good. So, Connie, jump in there, let’s get started.

Connie: All right, I sure will. I’m going to talk about how to make huge profits with a tiny list and how to use relationship marketing to increase your bottom line.

David: Excellent.

Connie: I want to share that I reached $100,000 a year when I only had 651 names on my list. I remember that number distinctly and it happened in 2007, or the end of 2007, because Alex Menducian had challenged me---because when he found out that I had been one of his top affiliates with this small number, he challenged me to double that list over the next 30 days and I did take this challenge and meet it.

David: Wow!

Connie: This is what I started with and it worked very, very well and there you may have heard that you can’t make money until you have a list of over 5,000, or you a run a list of 10,000, sometimes even larger, but if you’re hearing that, then you’re listening to the wrong people, that’s all I can say. I’m going to share exactly how to do what I’ve done and I’m going to share that with you today. You can do that.

David: So, 651 names on your list got you $100,000, right? If you figure in lifetime value or customer value, that’s a rockin’ number.

Connie: It really is and I think it’s probably true in a whole lot of industries, we just don’t think of it in our own marketing. We always think that we probably would need some number larger than 651, that’s for sure.

I’ll tell you a little bit about me—I’m a former classroom teacher, I taught all the way from kindergarten to high school, I even taught some adult schools for a couple of years, this and 6th graders are my absolute favorites, they laugh at my jokes and it’s wonderful to deal with them. 3rd graders used to kind of stare at me and middle school kids were just way to cool to think anything that Mrs. Green ever said was funny, but those 5th and 6th graders, they were just fantastic.

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In my spare time, I like to say, I worked in real estate. That meant that I got up every morning about 4:30—4:45 and I had to be out of my house before 6am because it was a lot of traffic then to get to the school, be at school all day, and after school, which depending if the kids left between 2:30 and 3pm, after school for me was sometime between 4pm and 5pm, if I had a meeting or had things I had to do, that’s when I went out and did appraisals.

I was a residential appraiser for 20 years and I took listings and I actually sold property. So I did that after school, weekends and holidays. I was taking a picture of someone’s house on Christmas Eve morning one year, and the man came out of the house and said—what are you doing? I said—you’re going to have a refinance of your house and I’m going to need pictures for the appraisal. He said—but it’s Christmas! Then I said—no, no, it’s okay. I’m going to be going home, I’ll be with my family later today, and he just couldn’t believe that I was doing that. That’s what I had to do to make ends meet. David: I understand, been there, done that.

Connie: You’ve been there, done that? Yes, it wasn’t fun. Then when I got a little older and health issues made me really rethink everything. I’m a 3-time cancer survivor and I’m proud that I’m a survivor from that and I went through a whole lot with that and that also was the end of my teaching career.

I had a work accident—I was standing at a sink, which I knew I was not supposed to do in the

back corner of the classroom. I was putting up a bulletin board that the principal said she really wanted put up before I left for the weekend.

So I was up there doing it, and I fell. I fell on my left side, I ended up having shoulder surgery, rotator-cut surgery on the shoulder and I had a torn meniscus in my left knee. I had those surgeries within a few months of each other. I thought, this is not working out for me, it is really and I thought I wasn’t really living the life I was intended to live.

I had done a few things—I had been a big sister to a girl, I had been a foster parent, I had been

a few things here and there, but overall, I felt that my life was just kind of automated, and everyday in pretty much of the 365 days of the year, I was doing things that were just routine and it really was not as rewarding over time.

At the end of 2005, I said I want to do something different. I want to come online and that’s

when I found out that people had businesses on the internet. I was not aware of it before that, even though I was using computers and the internet, since 1981-82, so since before Bill Gates, since before Microsoft and all that. I go back to the K-Pro days, if you remember those, David.

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David: I have one.

Connie: Yes, I love the KayPro I have the 2, 5 and ¾ floppies, no hard drive, and you just store everything and I was doing computers because of the real estate and being in the classroom, you really have to. I didn’t realize that individuals had businesses. I knew that companies had websites, but when this all came to life for me, I thought that this is really what I want to do, and my life has changed dramatically, since that time.

David: For the better, of course.

Connie: For the better, it’s just so amazing! I’m involved with so many charities, in fact after this call, I’m joining a new group this evening and they’re initiating me in. I already started with a project—we made sandwiches for several hundred homeless people this past weekend. We set down for Los Angeles and that’s the group I’m starting with. This way, I have time and money to share with other people and that’s what I really wanted to do. I wanted to serve and share with others.

David: I will stop you right there, because this to me has been the biggest blessing of online business. This year, we actually started to practice, in January of last year, that was a tithing practice, and I’ve never really done that. We’ve given a lot of charity and stuff, but we’ve never really done a tithing. This year, we did that because #1 –it was good prosperity consciousness and #2—because it was belief-based and #3—because it was kind of the right thing to do, that we really wanted to do it. It’s so nice to be able to look at your income from the online business, and just watch it grow and know that you’re able to make a difference to charities that way. I love being able to do that.

Connie: So do I and they made such a change in my life. One of the charities that I started with when I came online was Rotary and I’m very active in Rotary and my club has about 60 or so members, and for the most part it was the same people that were there when I started five years ago. When I came in, I looked around and there’s some pretty heavy hitters, the movers and shakers of Santa Clarita, this city I’m in, north of Los Angeles, they were part of Rotary.

It was all I could do that first year, just to pay for my membership dues and to pay for lunch that they charged us for every week. Now, I’m the major donor in the Club. Boy, is that amazing and over the time, I’ve shared with them a little of what I’m doing and now I credit them.

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Even in my first book, I even gave a dedication to them. They were the group that put the microphone in my hand and let me speak, because I could not do that in front of anybody unless they were in my class, beforehand. It really made a huge difference, so I always will be thankful to that group for that. Then family time—you want to have time together—I missed every special occasion for all of those years. For 20 years, I missed birthdays and graduations. A family member became a naturalized US citizen and I missed that ceremony. I would have had told a lie that day to get that time off from school and I didn’t want to tell the lie and I wasn’t able to get the time off and I missed that. I didn’t want to miss anything anymore and so, now, I don’t have to—we have so much time together. Travel—that’s just something I always wanted to do and had done so very, very little of it. Now I’ve been to China, I’ve been to Europe, I go to Europe now every summer, that’s something I couldn’t do before. I have extended family over there. The Caribbean I go to regularly and throughout the United States, and if I want to take a trip, I’m able to plan that. Because we’re going to lots of events, the event in Atlanta, it’s fun to be able to plan things around that. These are all things that are finally, as I got my business together, I was able to change my life and do these things.

This is a place here—outside of Santa Clarita about ten miles from and it’s called St. Bonnie’s

Sanctuary. The people that started it—that’s one of the ladies that works with the horses—they started it because the shelters were just overwhelming with animals, they have dogs, cats and horses. That horse on the left is 40 years old and I didn’t even know horses got that old.

David: I had no idea.

Connie: No, it was amazing to me. These animals have been severely abused and I have dogs and one cat, I just can’t imagine who will do this type of thing, but this place takes them in. It’s very expensive to keep them fed and the vet bills and everything to keep them going. They even have a thoroughbred horse, I don’t know if that’s him on the back left or not, but they have a thoroughbred horse that the people that owned him, they claimed that he died for the insurance money and then just neglected him, just let him just go---it’s so, so sad. This place takes in all the animals and cares for them and it’s something that I’m now a part of.

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This is a scout troop. I’m part of another organization where we have boy scouts and girl

scouts—this was on Flag Day last June. These children are disadvantaged and many of them are disabled.

They would not be able to get into scouting any other way, so we sponsor these troops and we bring them together regularly for things. It has just changed their lives in such a great way—to be a part of scouting. I was really poor growing up, and I was never able to be in scouts, I was forever wanting to be a Brownie and my mother said No when she found out how much everything cost we were just never able to do that. So this group really does amazing things for these children.

These little children are part of my extended family in Finland—so these are my grandchildren

through extended family, which means we’re not blood-related. This is actually their front yard and the summer cottage that I was able to help them buy two years ago.

This is quite amazing and it’s a little teeny town in Finland, so it’s wonderful to go to. That’s Sophie on the left, she’s always trying to search for something in the sand and trying to catch a fish or something. Emily is swimming out there—Emily is 11. Samuel is the little fellow on the right. I actually named Samuel, so he’s a real sweetheart.

To be able to do this, for this family over in Finland, where they were in a two-bedroom

apartment and that meant that it was just not so comfortable. Now to have this summer house that they could go to, 4 or 5 months of the year, it’s just a beautiful, beautiful thing that I was able to help them do.

David: That’s very nice.

Connie: This is me. They asked me last year, on the 4th of July—we’re having a float and would you like to be in there, because we think that if we put several women on here for the 25 Years of Women in Rotary, we could probably get some new members. I reluctantly said yes because it gets to be about 105—110 on the 4th of July in Santa Clarita and I thought I was going to suffer all this in the float.

Well, about 10 minutes into it, I found the microphone and I started talking to the crowd and people would actually say—tell us about Rotary, when is the meeting? I was talking to them in the microphone and finally, at the end, when we were finished with the parade, I said-- can we go around once again?

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I was delighted to be there and sure enough, people showed up, over the rest of the summer, that said they had seen our float in the parade, and they’re now coming to Rotary. This is amazing, this is something now that I can be a part of and it’s just really very exciting. All right, so how do we start making huge profits with a tiny list? You want to build relationships with your prospects, monetize your list from the very beginning, and become a storyteller. These are the three keys. When I’m asked----what is it that I do that’s different? What do I do that works? These are the things that I do on a regular basis, and I’m here to go into greater details on each one. Hopefully you are taking notes and if you are, this is what I want you to write down. You got to build relationships, monetize that list from the very beginning, and become a storyteller. David: Now did you do that even when you had your 651 list in the very beginning—you were already monetizing that list?

Connie: I already was—I was monetizing that list by the time I had 100 people on it, and I was doing it in a variety of ways—mainly affiliate marketing in the beginning, because I was online a year before I had my first product. It was great to have that first product, finally—it was a $97 product that I had, but you can only sell so many, then you don’t have another product. So affiliate marketing always worked extremely well with that and I worked different ways to do things.

David: Let me ask you this—did you have a website when you were making your sales, to begin with?

Connie: I had my blog, I was using a blog.

David: Okay, because I hear some people say they can’t make any money because they don’t have a website, and we try to teach people at NAMS, that that just ain’t so.

Connie: It really isn’t so, and the blog is just so very easy to set up because we’re able to use Wordpress, and it’s so easy to get that going. So things are easier than when I first came online.

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When I first came online, Wordpress was not so user-friendly for someone like me, I had limited tech skills and everything, right, but I can definitely do it and especially if you’re doing affiliate marketing, you don’t need a website because you’re sending people to the other person—the product’s creators website.

Building that relationship—that will set you apart. I don’t know where this started, but it seems

that a lot of people doing business online, they kind of brag about the fact that they’re not building relationship with their list.

I guess they’re all on a tropical island and they have their drink with the little umbrella in it and that’s the internet marketing lifestyle, but I don’t want any part of that.

I love having this relationship with people, so just the fact that you really want to spend time

with the people that have come to you, and have trusted you to guide them, that’s what would really set you apart very, very quickly.

You want to be a trusted adviser. You want people to come to you. Now on a regular basis,

people are going to email me and -- I’m looking at these two courses, what do you think? In that way I can say, this one—I never heard of this and I never bought this one, so I don’t know what to say about it, but this other one, this is something that I have used.

So you’re able to really give them that type of advice, and it’s wonderful to be able to do that.

We do this offline, so I believe it just makes sense. We’re always building relationships and I

watch the people, like at the Rotary Club and the different organizations that I’m a part of.

The one I’m going to tonight, the people there—I watch how they’re networking and building relationships with each other because they’re doing business with each other. I don’t do any business locally, so I’m just observing. It just makes sense to connect with people that you’d like to know better, so that you can do business with them in one way or another.

How do we build these relationships? Ask people to hit reply and answer them personally. This

is something that I included in the book that I wrote called Huge Profits with a Tiny List.

It’s been an amazing thing because it will surprise them. It always surprises people when they get a reply and you write back very quickly sometimes, and wow, I didn’t know anybody was going to read this, certainly not so quickly.

This is one way that you could really get the attention because finally, you’ve built a different relationship with that prospect that the way I’ll compare it is—the way I was in that classroom

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all those years, most of the teachers never had any relationship with any of the families of the students. Most of my kids speak Spanish, I speak Spanish. I’m not really bilingual, but I am fluent enough in Spanish to find my way around, and I would even go and visit the homes. I always said, when you visit a family and you’ve sat in the kitchen, you’ve held the baby on your lap while the mom was making dinner and the other kids were watching TV or doing homework, you have a different relationship with that family. I feel the same way online. When you have reached out to people in that way, you have a different relationship with them. It’s not possible for anyone else to compete with you because they’re not willing to build that relationship. David: I want to go into this a little further, because I think people hear that you need to have a relationship with your list and the people on your list frequently, but what they don’t understand is that it is a one-on-one activity—it’s not a one-on-100 activity. You have to be able to talk to one person, specifically. How do you that other than the hit reply? How do you get more intimate with people?

Connie: I hold regular tele-seminars and those tele-seminars become a place where I would hold the line open. They become a place where people can either be on the webcast or they could be on the phone and I can answer their question directly, either them asking me if they’ve dialed in or if they’re on the webcast, for whatever reason they’re going to type it in, then I call them by name, and I answer their question, so we have that time together and I tell you, I really look forward to that time. I don’t say—oh, no it’s time for tele-seminar again. I say—oh good that I have a tele-seminar today. So I’m very excited about that opportunity to connect with someone.

I always think back to me, during my very first year, in 2006. If anyone would have answered my

email, if anyone at a tele-seminar would have answered my question, then I sure would have been thankful—but there really wasn’t anyone.

So I always imagined that the person hitting reply and asking me a question, or coming on the call, I imagine that they’re working 6 days a week and that’s the day they email me or come on the call, that’s their only day off.

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If their question is not answered, they may have to wait a whole week before they can move their business forward. That’s what’s in my mind, that’s my thinking—I don’t want to make someone wait a week because I had to wait too many weeks while I was trying to desperately search for information because there was no social media in 2006, so it was a different world. David: I put my contact information on every website or every blog. I put my support desk and all of that at the end of my email broadcast, so that people can get a hold of me, but how do you make sure that people can get a hold of you, but not be in your face all the time?

Connie: That was a concern, that it would be overwhelming and it would be too much. What I do is just the email that I’m sending my broadcast and my autoresponders from, that went forward directly to my personal email, so I get those. I’ll tell you, I don’t think I’ve ever answered ten questions in one day, it just isn’t that much, unless I’m doing a big promotion for something like NAMS, and I want them to be contacting me, then I might have 20 people in a day that have a quick question—but it is a quick question and even if I’m away from home, I have the iPhone, I’m able to answer the emails there and it works. Whether you have 100 people on your list or 651, which is my magic number, or another higher number, which I hope you’re moving up every day with that, if you do this, then it’s amazing.

You also want to share life events with your list. David, I’m going to use you as an example—

you took us with you to New Orleans and it was you and Charlsa and we found out exactly what you were doing there, there was a football game and you were so excited and that passion really poured out of that email.

We saw that you were more than just the person who’s marketing online and putting on NAMS. You’re this husband and this man who cares about football. All I can say is—Roll Tide!

David: Roll Tide, baby!

Connie: You want to do that series of events that when I go to Europe now in the summer, I talk about it. If I’m there during the first day of school at the beginning of August, I share that. Whatever we do, we go to Legoland or even if it’s Ikea last summer, and I shared that with everybody, they want to hear that.

David: I want to say one thing about that, because it took me a long time to realize that that was the stuff that people really got interested in. In fact it was the people that I wanted on my

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list that were interested in that. The people who did want to hear that kind of stuff from me probably weren’t the right people for my list, right, because I wanted that relationship as well. I got to the point where I really enjoyed the sharing of the life, more than I enjoyed the sharing of the marketing material. I had to be really careful about that because we got to make money with this, too. So I tried to incorporate both.

Connie: That is so true--in finding that nice balance between the two things. A lot of times, I end up telling a story that is related directly to what I do, like you do. They won the 14th National title, so then you had a big sale related to that number. Also, you want to be vulnerable, you want to really let people know that you don’t do things perfectly each time. Let them know when you made a mistake, or when you got confused about something.

On a regular basis, I’ll tell people about technology, it’s still confusing, I couldn’t figure out whether to do this or that, when I didn’t know, I didn’t do anything else. I share that with them and I show them that I’m just a person. All of us are in the process of becoming the person that we’re finally meant to be. Another way that and probably the best way—is you want to attend live events so that you can connect face to face with people. You can do this locally, like I do, with the Rotary Club and Elks and a variety of organizations, the Chamber of Commerce is a great way to connect with people, or you can come to something like NAMS and this I find to be just the most beautiful picture—that’s me on the right there, with the group, wearing green. Somebody took this picture of us and this isn’t all of our group. We had another seven or eight people, I don’t know where they were, this might have been earlier in the day when they took this photo, but to be able to come together and meet face to face. This is why I liked and used to do this, with my family, when I would go to the apartment and I would spend time with them. Every person that you’re seeing in this picture, I now have a very different relationship with, because I’ve met them in person. David: This is when I met you for the first time, when I walked by there and that was our first meeting—you were sitting in that seat.

Connie: Yes, and then we’re going to do that again in just a couple of weeks. Another important thing, like you were saying, you like to tell the stories, but we are marketing and this is a business, so you have to let people know that you’re in business. That’s so important especially because people who come into our list, we typically do a free giveaway. We want to make sure that—okay, this is the free giveaway, but this is what I have

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the sale, this is in my business. You want to start giving that information very, very quickly. Share your very best resources with them, including many things that cost money, so that they know.

I started doing that in the beginning, I started saying—yes, this is what I do, when I started

giving the tele-seminars, so I was just doing that sporadically in the very beginning. I said I had this, but then, if you want to spend individual time, a much longer time with me, there is a cost associated with that.

When you give people a way to further engage you, and the worst thing that can happen is, they come to your list, they get your free giveaway, they read your giveaway, at the end, you don’t have a call to action, you didn’t ask them to do anything.

They read it and they go—oh, that was nice, that was really good. Maybe the worst thing, they click that little red X at the upper right hand corner. Because they like it, they can keep it in their hard drive if it’s good enough to keep, but you didn’t ask them to do the next thing, to take that next step. So when you ask them to do that, ask them to spend money.

Another thing I’ll say is don’t be afraid to ask people to spend a lot of money. In the beginning, I

told a story about my list. I said this small group of people—they certainly don’t have $1000 or $2000 to spend on something because I didn’t have that money to spend on it. So I made my story their story.

Finally, one lady, she wrote to me, and she had spent a couple of thousand dollars on someone’s course, and she told me—oh it was so good that I want to share this information with you, something she had learned from the training, and I said—I could have promoted that, but I didn’t think anybody in my list, my little 651 would be able to do that. I learned the expensive lesson that day, so now I’m willing to promote things at all price ranges, if I surely believe in them and have spent money on them myself.

David: I talked about that before where I really take the decision-making out of my subscriber’s hands, because I decide that they don’t have the money to buy something that I don’t want to buy because it’s too expensive. It’s just what you said and I don’t know how many times I have gone to the list of people that purchased and they’re on my list. I think—why didn’t I do that?

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Connie: Yes, it’s really amazing, it’s like a psychological thing I believe, with us, but to monetize from the beginning, you want to start with affiliate marketing because it just makes sense. NAMS has been a rich affiliate marketing system and it makes sense for so many reasons. You’re recommending what you love and that’s how I think of it.

We do it in the real world all the time—people ask us for recommendations for a restaurant, or

for a movie, and we’re excited. We want to share and recommend what we love and only recommend what you use and benefit from yourself.

The example I like to use is—when you’re walking your dog and you see your neighbors walking down the street. They come up to you and say—we’d like to go out for pizza tonight, can you recommend a place in town that’s good?

You say—oh, yes, there’s a place downtown on 1st and Main, why don’t you go down there and

they’ll say—is there parking in the back, where do we park? You’ll say—well, I don’t know. They’d say—my wife is a vegetarian, do they a pizza that has many grilled vegetables and no meat? You’ll say—well, yes, maybe, probably, I’m just really not sure.

Well, the whole thing would be quite bizarre, because then it would be obvious that you have never been there.

You can still give a recommendation, but if you have been there and you truly love it, you’ll say—park in the back because there won’t be parking on the street, then you can go in the back door. When you go in, walk all the way through the restaurant, go up to the front and ask for Gus. He’s the night manager and tell Gus that I sent you. Have him sit you right by the window in the front, you’ll be able to see when the lights all come in the city. It’s just a real pretty view right there. I know that you’re a vegetarian, Mary, so be sure to tell Gus that you’re going to be ordering the Grilled Veggie Pizza and have it a little well-done, you’ll like it. If you don’t finish the whole pizza, they’ve got a special box you can put it in, and it keeps it warm and toasty, so you can bring it home with you. That’s how a recommendation should be. David: If you liked that experience, Connie, you can’t wait to tell somebody about it, right?

Connie: That’s right, that’s exactly what it is. Then you’ll see where the gaps are and what I mean by the gaps—there’s so many products out there, and they’re all excellent products, the ones you’re going to recommend of course, but somehow, you’ll look at them and say, if I only had this information before I took this course, that would have been helpful—or during this course, if I had started doing this particular thing, that would have made all this move much faster for me.

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That’s where you can create a product or create a bonus package, and I talk a lot about bonus packages with affiliate marketing, it’s a way to really get going with that, in a much bigger way.

David: Before you go away from that, I just wanted to let people know that what they’re listening to is a result of exactly that. After the first couple of NAMS that we did, the first four, as a matter of fact, we decided that it was time to help people go from one workshop to the next, with some training that help them prepare and move along unto the next workshop.

By the time we did four workshops, we realized we had people who had come into the 1st workshop and we’re completing the entire course in four workshops. So they were going from beginner to advanced marketers in four sessions. We wanted to be able to help those people move along, so we started doing more and more of these Wednesday night live trainings—and that’s where this came from.

Connie: Actually that’s excellent and that’s why NAMS is so special and so different because you are saying one size will never fit all. It just won’t. The way that you do it really accommodates everyone—I love that.

David: Right.

Connie: I love that so much. So affiliate marketing has been amazing. In the beginning, when I started doing affiliate marketing because I didn’t have my own products until I finally had one, then I had two, then I had three, but that came very slowly for me. I thought that I wouldn’t do affiliate marketing after I had enough products of my own. I thought I would just let that phase out. Instead, now it accounts for 50% of my business.

David: It just is a special base, isn’t it?

Connie: It really is, this picture—it is so peculiar to see me there with both headphones on. This I won from Arman Morrin--I just continue to be his top affiliate actually and I started in 2009. He had a big contest and I scooped up all the goodies here—the big Sony TV and the Bosch entertainment system-- all these things and you’ll see in the back there, I didn’t realize when I took this picture, the background really tells more of a story.

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You’ll see the small TV there in front of the fireplace, that’s the TV that I was using until that time. It was a 13-inch and there was a VCR in the bottom of it and that was one that I used in the classroom.

That was my TV before this contest. In the upper left there, that stereo, I bought that from a store called Montgomery Ward, when they went out of business in the fall of 1999. It has a turntable on top and I still actually have that. That was when my world really, really changed, when I started winning these contests.

This is me hugging the first iPad I had ever and I won it from Nicole Dean that was so, so special

to me and I promised her I would take a picture and let it be my picture on Twitter after I won and sure enough I took this picture, there it is and I just love winning the iPad, it’s something that I never would have purchased at that point in 2010.

Since then, I now have won 10 iPads, all sorts of iPads, even the iPad2, so that’s been fun.

David: Including one from me, by the way.

Connie: Yes, that’s right, you know that’s the one I’m using. That’s the one that I have with me, because the other ones, they end up for family and friends. The one that I’m using is the one I won from you in August—so that’s special for me.

At Christmas, what happens is that everybody’s that you’ve been a good affiliate for, they start

sending you really fabulous stuff. In the upper left corner, that’s the Harry and David pear-apple chocolate basket, then I received live lobsters, that I put on the floor because I didn’t know what else to do with them. I ran up to answer the phone and somebody said—you have your dogs down there, the lobsters will eat your dogs, and I forgot they had their little claws, so it was okay.

On the lower left, that’s bison I received organic bison. I received when I began advising this

year, and some Amazon cards. It’s just amazing to be able to do this.

David: Two of those, by the way, from me. $200 gift cards from me. In the last what—3 months, 2 months?

Connie: In the last one, I put toward a camera that I got one camera to bring with me, so I’m excited. You want to become a storyteller and really, that’s what we’ve done right here, tonight. We’re sharing stories with you and that would make a big difference. Think about the message that you want to get out to people, how can you wrap that in a story?

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How can you share that so that people won’t be expected to remember a bullet point? None of us can remember bullet points. We can’t remember poignant paragraphs, but we can remember a story. So think about that---how you’re going to share that, with the underlying message that you wish to convey.

I’ll go back to your email, David, when you sent that email about a football game, that email

which was 3 or 4 paragraphs long, wasn’t too long an email, but it told a huge story. It told about you and your wife and how you’ve been together all this time and you still have

something in common that you love and that you’ve flown to New Orleans to go to this football game, you have that in common, and how you’re connecting that with the business.

It told a huge, huge story that we will remember more than if you just gave us some bullet points about what you were doing—so we all want to do that.

What’s the message? It says that you are a good family man, and that you really care about

people. There’s so much that all of us write in--between the lines—that we want to get out to people. So you want to share those stories with your listeners—like I said, I share the when I go over to Finland.

That helps me talk about what I stand for and believe in because we talk about what we’re doing over there, I talk about the activities that they might be doing in Europe as opposed to what they’re doing in the US, so people get a further insight into who we are and what we believe in because we really want to do business with people we feel a commonality with—don’t you believe that’s true, David?

David: I do. To me, well you said at the last NAMS workshop, when I was wrapping up in the morning, you had tears in your eyes when you said that this had been such a life-changing event for you, that really moved me when you did that, but the thing that I realized was—I like building things where my friends enjoy coming. I like building a workshop where my friends enjoy meeting, and that’s what’s happened. I’m really excited because we have like-minded people all together.

Connie: We do and it’s a family. It’s definitely a family and that’s what I felt that weekend. That last morning when I was in tears, I thought this is my family now and it feels sad to be leaving

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my family, but I needed to share that with you, that the people who came there for me, we all were just changed forever.

Your beliefs—you want them to align with your message, so take a look at what it is you’re

trying to do. With me, I want people to know about my background with teaching. I want to refer back to the years I was teaching on a regular basis because I want people to know that I’m still a teacher.

I didn’t know that I was going to be when I came online. When I was just so small, and I was just getting started and it was still such a financial struggle for me, that first year in 2006, I didn’t know that I’d be able to hold webinars and have a mentor program to do all these things and that I’d be a teacher again. So that’s a message that I like to get out there.

How much are you willing to share, so that people can get to know you? We think that people

have boring lives many times, but we don’t. It’s the things that we’re doing day to day that can be very, very interesting, if it’s in alignment with your message.

David: The more you share, the more willing you become, too—so I love that.

Connie: That’s true. Think of famous figures in history. We remember them because of the stories. I think of John F. Kennedy, and think of the stories with the children—it really will make me cry if I talk to you too much about this, but this is what we remember. I don’t remember much of the speeches from John F.

Kennedy, I don’t remember anything about what they were doing, but I remember the stories. I remember his wife showing us through the House and all these things—it was the stories that they were telling, that makes us remember them.

Share your pain and your life lessons. I love to do that on a regular basis—that’s part of being

vulnerable, where we really let people see who we are and how we deal with things. Don’t be afraid of sharing too much, I’m really never afraid of that. If it’s something that’s super personal, it’s probably something that you don’t want to share, or you’ll share it later on.

Like with me, I had talked about my mother on a regular basis, so much that when she passed away, in March of last year, at the age of 93, it was too close to me. I couldn’t share it for that six weeks.

When it was Easter time, about six weeks later, that’s when I wrote that email to my list, that’s

when I shared my story. Now that I’m able to talk about her, then I’m so glad that I finally

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opened up, but I just couldn’t do it right away. So decide what you’re going to share and how you’re going to do it.

Remember other people have the same thing, we’re all so similar, we really are. We like to

think that it’s only us for so many situations, but it’s not true. People are definitely more alike than they are different.

With me, I started writing books, and in these books, I share my story. Finally, I even shared a story that I was so embarrassed about for so long—that we were so poor while I was growing up, I was homeless twice while I was still in elementary school.

In the last book, The End of the Game, that’s where I talk about that in detail, what that was

like, for my mother and I. We slept in a coin laundry, on the floor one time. It was just so hard, it was so embarrassing, and it was such a struggle for us. When you continue doing everything and write books, then you’re able to share your story in that big way.

David: Connie, one of the things I wanted to say here is that we all have something that if other people knew, they’d be surprised about. That’s the piece that we have to get to when we want to build a relationship that you were talking about earlier. That to me is the key difference between having a very loyal subscriber base, group of friends. People call that a community and you become just like the hub for that community. I think that’s really important to do and not be afraid of sharing all those life challenges because that’s how we all learn. That’s how we connect. It’s happened forever, so why shouldn’t it happen online as well?

Before we go on with your presentation there, I think this might be a breaking point where I

could actually ask the question and people should get ready to input the answer to this question in the board. You think this is a good spot, Connie?

Connie: I think it’s perfect.

David: Okay. The question I’m going to ask and the 3rd person who inputs the answer and is not an instructor, input the answer into the Question Box—the 3rd person who does that will win a 12-month scholarship to the MyNAMS membership site, whether you are a member now or are not a member, you will get 12 months added to your membership, starting from today.

The question is—how many people were on Connie’s list when she made her first $100,000

online? Wow! Look at that! Okay, you can stop, we got about 50 answers in like no time, flat.

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Connie: So people are focused and listening.

David: They are, and they’re all right! I’m impressed! Christina Mchale, you’re the 3rd person, congratulations!

Connie: All right, Christina!

David: Twelve additional months to your NAMS membership. I think you’re already a member, Christina, so we would definitely go in and get that added, so thank you so much for doing that. By the way, we do this every week, so we’re going to do this every week for 2012 and you should be blogging about this and using your affiliate link to get people into this real-life training because this is a great opportunity for you to come in, and get your affiliate link at—I’ll put that in the box here.

We were talking about the relationships and now you’re talking about taking action with your

tiny list.

Connie: You got to take action because everything that I learned in that first year—if I hadn’t taken action, then it wouldn’t really have made any difference. I like this quote from Lisa Satora—Treat your online endeavor as a business, and you’ll make money like a business. Treat is as a hobby and it will cost you as a hobby. Do you know who Lisa Satora is, David?

David: I don’t, actually.

Connie: She’s an eBay expert. She’s in my mastermind group and she’s fantastic. When I wrote her last night, I told her I was going to start sharing this quote. If you’re just playing around and it’s like a hobby, then it’s going to be an expensive hobby—so instead, you want to treat it like a business and you’ll make money and so it’s going to pay you like a business. I think that’s so important.

I have something I call my 5-Pronged Approach--this is what worked for me, it continues to

work for me to this day and this is what I recommend. Do you want to do blogging? Your blog is your home on the internet. You must focus there and get everything going. David is just calling you now to blog about what’s happening with NAMS.

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Article marketing, these are your original ideas. I’ve written about 1652 articles and you want to continue getting those articles out there. I’ve averaged more than one a day, over these last, I’ve been in article marketing for four years, so all during that time.

Tele-seminars, webinars, your voice is powerful. You want people to hear your voice. We’re

very flat and one-dimensional if we’re just blogging, writing articles and sending emails. The next time you go through emails in the morning, if you take a look at who sent you a message, go through them.

I want you to think about this—who is it that you don’t know really? Maybe you’ve seen their picture, but you don’t really know what they look like, you’ve been to their blog but that’s about it. Who among those messages is somebody who you’ve heard their voice? Whether you’ve met them in person or not, if you’ve heard their voice, I guarantee you you’ll read that message in a different way. You hear that person’s voice and this is very, very powerful—I really can’t say that enough. Social media and live events—you called it the meet and greet, David, I love that, because it’s true. You want to just get out there and connect with people. The 5th prong is your own products and services. Monetize everything that you do. I do those honestly, almost every single day. This is my flow. David: Do you do this in the internet marketing niche that you’re doing? You do writing and you’re teaching, do you do this in other niches as well or do you focus specifically on internet marketing?

Connie: I focus specifically now on internet marketing and I have some other little side niches that I do, but I don’t do any tele-seminars or webinars in those. I do blog and do article marketing, but I don’t so such media or tele-seminars with those, so I’m leaving out steps 3 and 4 here of this 5-pronged approach.

David: The reason for that?

Connie: If I wanted to get those bigger, I would include those. David: Right, that was my question. The reason for that is you’re putting all of your efforts into your main niche focus and the other niches you are doing, I would say, less personalized—would you?

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Connie: It’s less personalized, yes and the way I see it is that at anytime I could change that if I wanted to, but I love what I’m doing now, so much, I can’t imagine doing something else, so I’m just leaving them the way that they are. I love the idea that your blog is your home on the internet and I believe that I coined that phrase.

I don’t know if I heard that from Denise Wakeman or not. I did take blogging courses from her when I was getting started. All of us are going—the blog is boring, I don’t want to do it, but your blog, it really is your home and you want to make it presentable the way you make your home if somebody was coming to visit your house. You want to have that fresh fun in there for them, you want to give good information. Let them look around a little bit and know a little bit more about you. I talk about a few things that I believe in, the organizations I belong to, that kind of thing, on my blogs--you want to let people know what it is. David: Talk a little bit about using your blog and maybe I’m wrong in this, but my big concern is that I sometimes try to make what I have on my blog too formal, too thought out. Try to be more conversational, more comes-off-the-cuff sometimes, with my blog. I think I’d be better if I did more of that.

Connie: Yes, I do and I try to make it more from the personal stand—like today, I was writing about working from home and what that can look like, what that can mean. For me, all those years that I was getting up so early, I’d be the 2nd person at school, I’d be right behind the custodian because I didn’t have a key to get in, the custodian did. He would go—oh, it’s so great, you’re a morning person. I would grumble, no I’m not a morning person, I just have a career so I try to be here early in the morning.

I am a morning person, I write in the morning, I have more energy in the morning, everything is

more exciting in the morning for me, and the difference is I get to stay home—and do those things in the morning. I don’t have to be in traffic for 45 minutes, be at the school all day long where I know I can’t go back home. Once you’re out on the streets in your car, you’re out there. I think that’s an important part of everything.

Remember you don’t know what number they are on your list, we don’t have them sign up and

have someone send an email saying—I just wanted you to know that you are number 6453. We don’t do that, so we want to treat everybody as an individual and not a number.

That’s what you said earlier, David, how we want to talk to one person and not to 100 people, be very, very individual.

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This is from Kathleen, she says this repeatedly—be a resource before you are a vendor, so you want to give people good information, even though you’re letting them know things are for sale. Be that good trusted adviser. Become a master at problem-solving. This is really what we do.

David: It is.

Connie: This is my favorite quote—If you’re willing to do for a year what others won’t, you’ll live the rest of your life the way others can’t. This is my life right now. This quote really shares my reality now—I’m able to do things that I never thought I’d be able to do in my lifetime.

David: Love it, love it. I’d just throw out there my favorite quote that I’ve been using for about 20 years—Your action speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you’re saying.

Connie: Who said that one?

David: Ralph Waldo Emerson. I use it with my kids.

Connie: That’s another one I like, it’s from Sir Winston Churchill—Never, never, never give up.

David: Right, I agree with that completely.

Connie: I always say it—anybody with their right mind would have given up those first 6 months or so I was online, but I was determined to keep building that list, beginning when I had ten people and some of those were my animals that I had created emails for, you just want to keep on doing this because this is what works loudest, it definitely is.

David: We have some questions, are we in a place where we can take some questions?

Connie: Yes, yes, this is the end of the presentation.

David: Okay. Willie said he was going to ask your thoughts on blogging. Do you have anything else you want to add to what you said about blogging?

Connie: Well, use your keyword phrase in your blog title. That becomes your permalink, so that‘s important—and do it consistently.

David: Okay, anything else you want to say about blogging? Do you jump some hoops for blogging? Some people spend a lot of time in putting the SEO information in the all-in-one SEO or a bunch of other different tools. Do you just concentrate on the title itself and the blog posts itself and really, that’s like 80% of it or what?

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Connie: Yes and no. I’ll tell you what we’ve all been using for about a year, I’ll share it with you. It’s the Wordpress SEO by YOAST--- and it’s a man named Joost deValk we’re not using the all-in-one SEO anymore because that one is so much better. See what I do is I’m going to keyword to get a keyword phrase, I want to put that in as my title, then I either write or copy-paste my blogpost, then I put in that keyword phrase or press SEO point again. Then I publish it.

Immediately, in just a few seconds, I write a new title, because the title I’m using for SEO isn’t

the title I will really attract people to find interesting. Then I publish it again and I tell you, some of my posts are so high up in the search engine, and I’ve been doing this for about a year.

David: Great, that’s good. Good tip, thank you. Do you recommend having a personal MyName blog to do this activity? MyName includes like

Connie: Yes, except I didn’t do that until I had been online two years. My blog started out as I still own that domain, and it’s now forwarded to It moved during the night the way a sports team might. They pack up and the next day, they’re at St. Louis or something, in a different city. That’s what I do with my blog, I wanted a keyword phrase there at the beginning, to show that I was helping people write and market ebooks. Then finally, I used my name. I think you may want to add your name, which you may not want to use at the beginning. It’s so easy for a tech person to just move all your files. It only takes them about an hour to do everything. So that can be done later on.

David: Then we have, he says you’ll know him as BabyPowder Dan.

Connie: My new people, they smell like fresh baby powder.

David: BabyPowder Dan has a question for either of us—wanting to know suggestions about how to start blogging, not tech stuff, but personal what do you start with?

Dan, I’m not sure I understand the question but I assume that you’re asking what kind of topics

you’re starting with or what kind of platform you’re starting with, I’m not sure. Do you have any idea what he’s talking about here, Connie?

Connie: Yes, I think probably ideas for categories, that kind of thing. Go look at my blogs, I have two blogs and I have way too many categories, I probably have 30 on both and you really want about a dozen and you’re going to have some—if it’s parent-child, you’re going to have some sub-categories under those. Just choose a few based on keywords at the beginning and just start writing.

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When I look back, when I’d be getting blogposts, they were really like my beginning articles. My first hired blog was really quite horrible, but I leave everything up there so that people who do research take a look back and see how far I’ve come.

David: Also, it’s fresh content and has keywords in it, so it will help you—

Connie: Yes, and the writing keeps getting better and better and better and now I have six books and have contributed to four others at this point. I’m not writing the great American novel or any kind of writing like that, but it’s good enough for what we’re doing online definitely.

David: Okay, Jenny wants to know—What’s the name of that plugin again, it’s Wordpress SEO,


Connie: Wordpress SEO by YOAST and the fellow’s name is a Dutchman, it’s Joost deValk.

David: I’ve got some of his blog and he does good work. Let’s see, Natalie says—fantastic presentation, can’t wait to meet you live at NAMS, and me, too, so good. In fact, let’s do a quick thing here. I was just going to ask how many people are going to NAMS. Input the Question Box here if you are coming to NAMS, I just want to know.

What’s your suggestion for finding the right niche? Can you really do all these with multiple

niches? Robert’s asking that.

Connie: I don’t believe you can do it in multiple niches, like in my first year, I had ten blogs and that first year was a terrible struggle for me. I was trying to spread myself too thin, so you have to really just choose something. I taught people to do a 3-circle Venn diagram--Three circles and where they come together, that’s the sweet spot.

The upper left is everything that you really love and call it passions or whatever you want to call

it. For me, photography is now a reborn passion, something I used to do years ago, now I love it once again, so list everything.

The next circle—put all your experiences. For me, I wanted to be a teacher so I went to training

for that. I was interested in real estate and studied for that. I’m also a 3-time cancer survivor, so that’s a lot of experience that I didn’t choose. I have a dog that’s diabetic, that’s a life experience. List everything there that you really have knowledge about.

The 3rd one is the market---where are people spending money, where is there a business to be

had from these topics, they all come together, that’s your best at least beginning the first year, I believe.

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David: Wayne wants to know if you use any blogging tribes.

Connie: No, I’m not sure what he means by that. I guess not.

David: Me neither, so there you go. Let’s see—Jeremy’s coming, Robert’s coming, Lisa’s coming, Ute is coming, Helen’s coming, Aimee, Laura, Adrian, Troy, Charles. Laurie says she’s interested, still trying to decide if it’s good for her, she is a niche blogger. Laurie, it is a perfect fit for niche bloggers, I guarantee you, because niche bloggers should be doing a lot of affiliate marketing and vice-versa.

Connie: The person that you need to meet is going to be at NAMS. I can promise you that. You don’t know who that is right now, but they’re coming.

David: I know I couple she definitely needs to meet, so—if she hasn’t.

Connie: Take advantage--if you didn’t go and the person who’s going to meet you, they got there and they’re looking around and they didn’t find you. You don’t want your seat to be empty, you want to be there.

David: That’s right. Are you doing an extra session before NAMS officially starts, Connie?

Connie: I am, for the people that are coming through me, or who are in one of my programs already. We are meeting the day before, between 10am and 4pm.

David: Good, good.

Connie: That was so, so productive last year and some of those people are still doing direct ventures together.

David: That was the best, I couldn’t believe you brought so many people into that and they were all sitting around—these are Connie’s people, these are Connie’s people, I’m one of Connie’s people—so there you go.

I see Paul’s coming, Angela’s coming, Will is coming, Jeannie, Kimberly, Clarence is coming—

let’s see—what’s your feeling about article spinning ? Charles wants to know.

Connie: Anything that has the word spinning in it, I don’t like the sound of it, it’s like anytime they’re going to try to trick the system or maim the system. My phrase is, in the classroom I use

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this—No good can come from that. When you’re doing something that down deep you know you shouldn’t be doing. No, it’s not a good idea.

David: I had actually taught spinning one time, and it works, the way I do it---but by the time I get done spinning an article, I‘ve changed it so much, I should have just sat down and re-write it.

Connie: Right, the time that you take to spin it, might as well write something new. Today I wrote one article on working from home for my blog and wrote a completely different one for an eZine article.

David: Sure, let’s see. Liz is coming, Ute wants to know if I’m doing my special workshop again on Storytelling and I’m not in February, Ute, but I probably will in August. I’ll let you know about that.

The great thing you find at NAMS is that there are so many

great teachers. It’s hard to decide which course to take—this is William, thanks, William. I appreciate you saying that—it is truly amazing.

Jenny said—this is my first NAMS, when will we see the schedule? I got it in front of me, Jenny, I

got to confirm a couple of things from folks and I hope to have that posted today or tomorrow. I believe we are about out of questions here.

Jeremy says—I have never been to NAMS but I already sense like I have found a family. I hope

you have. Connie, one thing—not long ago, in an email to a bunch of people on our instructor list that

jumped out at me and I won’t ever forget it.

You’re close with this Connie and I want to ask you to comment—You said then that your mission in life is to get everybody in the world signed up for NAMS, and I thought—holy crap, Connie could do that. I got to build a bigger boat if that’s the case. Connie, do you have a redirect link for NAMS that you want to throw out here?

Connie: I do, it’s

David: There you go--

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Connie: The code, the last chance seven code is on there. What I’ll say is I got a lot of events. In 2010, I went to 16 of them. In 2011, I went to 12 events. In 2012, I won’t be going to that many events, but I will be at NAMS’ both times. The reason is that we want to pick and choose what we do and who we connect with and how we spend our valuable time, and what kind of information we’re allowing into our psyche, into our brain.

What David and that group is doing at NAMS----no one in the world is doing this. We have

different tracks so we can choose what level we’re at. I went to a variety of classes in August where I could hear all kinds of different instructors. Anything that you’ll need is going to be there so it will be worthwhile for your time and your money and your effort.

To be able to connect with some of these people at this event—I guarantee will change your life because you’ll see things differently and you’ll have an opportunity that is not available. I honestly feel that I can say this because I’ve been to so many events over these last few years. David: I appreciate your saying that because I think that’s absolutely true and I look forward to doing things completely differently from everybody else—adding value, that’s the deal. That’s it, that’s the deal.

Connie, thank you so much for doing this, I really appreciate it.

Connie: Thank you, David.

David: Good night, folks.

Connie: Good night everyone. Thank you for coming!

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1. Wordpress SEO by YOAST


3. Huge Profits with a Tiny List 4.


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