  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


    Ke Supp StrateiesFr TmrrwPerspectives on the Future o Purchasing and Supply

  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


    A.T. Kearney appreciates the insights and knowledge of

    the following study team leaders from CAPS Research and

    their contributions to this paper:

    Phillip L. Carter, D.B.A., Executive Directr r CAPS

    Research and Pressr Supp Chain Manaement,

    Hard E. Fearn Chair in Purchasin, W. P. Care Sch

    Business at Arizna State Universit, Tempe, Arizna.

    Joseph R. Carter, D.B.A., C.P.M.,Avnet Pressr, Depart-

    ment Supp Chain Manaement, W. P. Care Sch

    Business at Arizna State Universit, Tempe, Arizna.

    Robert M. Monczka, Ph.D., C.P.M., Directr, Strateic

    Surcin and Supp Chain Strate Research r CAPS

    Research, and Distinuished Research and ISM Pressr

    Supp Chain Manaement, W. P. Care Sch Business

    at Arizna State Universit, Tempe, Arizna.

  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


    A.T. Kearne | KEy SUPPly STRATEgIES FoR ToMoRRoW 3

    disintermediated as manuacturers in devepin

    cuntries expand their capabiities int desin,

    nance and distributin.

    Increased ba cmpetitin wi ue cn-

    tinued merers and acquisitins. Prir t enterin

    int deas, crprate bards wi require supp

    manaement t evauate pprtunities and risks.

    What cst savins are achievabe thruh new

    ecnmies scae? What is the untapped vaue

    ainin access t the acquired cmpans supp

    base? What disruptinssuch as severed rea-

    tinships with vaued incumbent suppiers and

    the intrductin new, untested suppiers int

    the supp netwrkcud resut rm the dea?

    Supp bases wi as cnsidate, which wi

    chane the baance pwer between sme buers

    and seers. A substantia chaene wi be psed

    b the need t prject which suppiers wi achieve

    the best psitin in rder t estabish strateic

    aiances r ke ds r services.

    Cmpanies wi experience bth interna and

    externa pressures t respnd t envirnmenta

    The initia erts t update and

    expand ur 1998 studThe Future

    of Purchasing and Supply: A Five-and Ten-Year Forecastbean with a

    research a t prbe three ke areas:


    evve in the next ve ears?

    What chanes wi ccur t

    supp strateies, supp man-

    aement prcesses and supp

    manaement enabers?


    externa and cmpetitive envi-

    rnments chane r businesses?

    What chanes cud resut r

    business mdes and strateies?


    supp manaement k ike?

    What majr transrmatins

    cud externa rces and business

    chanes drive? What miht these

    chanes mean r new market

    pprtunities r technies?

    T ather rst-hand views,

    chie prcurement cers and ther

    hih-eve supp chain strateists

    participated in cus rups, cn-

    erence cas and ne-n-ne inter-

    views. Fcus rups were hed inAtanta, Chica, Daas, New

    yrk, Mian, Madrid, Amsterdam,

    S Pau and Mexic Cit.

    Additina, participants cm-

    peted an nine surve that

    expred ve ke areas:

    Forcesofchange.The deree

    t which marketpace and cm-

    petitive rces aect the cm-

    pans business mde.


    The imprtance varius ee-

    ments the business strat-

    e n the uture success the

    cmpans business mde.


    ormance expectations. The

    imprtance varius eements

    supps missin, as and perr-

    mance expectatins in supprtin

    the cmpans business strate.


    and enablers. The impr-

    tance and deree impe-

    mentatin mre than 100

    supp strateies, prcesses andenabers r achievin the cm-

    pans supp missin, as and

    perrmance expectatins.


    rics. The expected manitude

    and directin chane in ke

    supp manaement metrics.

    We received 99 cmpeted sur-

    ves, which suppement the data

    athered rm the 113 supp man-

    aement executives wh participated

    in meetins and teecnerences with

    the research team. This wide reach

    ives credence t the vaidit and

    reiabiit the cncusins and

    recasts cntained in this reprt.

    This paper ers a hih-eve

    view the stud ndins and

    A.T. Kearnes perspectives n

    them. A separate, cmprehensive

    stud reprt rm CAPS Research

    wi as be made avaiabe at

    www.capsresearch.r in a 2007.

    About the Study

  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


    KEy SUPPly STRATEgIES FoR ToMoRRoW | A.T. Kearne4

    cncerns and avid cmprmisin situatins

    arund aspects such as endanered fra and

    auna, and use and abuse, putin cntrs and

    cimate chane. Cmpanies wi be expected t

    take actin t minimize ba warmin, cntrib-

    ute t sustainabe ecnmies, recce their prd-

    ucts and packain, and mitiate the impact

    emerin technies such as bi-

    enineerin and nantechn.

    The rise vernment re-

    uatins centered n areas such

    as crprate vernance, prduct

    saet, hmeand securit, pri-

    vac rihts and inteectua prp-

    ert rihts wi cntinue. The

    increasin risk and cst nn-

    cmpiance wi rce cmpanies

    t devte sinicant resurces t

    manain cmpiance issues

    and t extend these checks int

    the supp base, which ten -

    ws a dierent set custms and reuatins

    rm thse the cmpan that puts its name

    n r ses the ds (cncerns arund chid

    abr and wrkin cnditins in rein act-

    ries, r exampe).

    Corporate Evolutions Eect on Supply

    Whie externa rces wi sinicant aect

    supp, new cnsideratins arund crprate

    strate wi as rce chanes t the supp

    manaement unctin.

    Business models and strategies. our

    research indicates that cmpanies wi devep

    and emp new business mdes eared tward

    imprvin bth the incme statement and the

    baance sheet t respnd t externa rces and

    new market pprtunities. Chanes t the busi-

    ness mde wi brin majr impicatins r

    supp manaement.

    Cmpanies wi w severa strateies t

    increase revenue. Fr instance, thse enaed in

    heav manuacturin ma k t brin in new

    business thruh maintenance, repair and ther

    services. Caterpiar has dne this with its reman-

    uacturin business, which ives secnd ives t

    d diese enines and ther parts. Prducers

    branded cnsumer durabes ma enter emer-

    in markets r expand saes int such markets,

    which wi require taired prducts and packa-

    in, and ca surces supp and prductin.

    In man industries, sme cmpanies wi mve

    up the vaue stream t becme desiners, mar-

    keters and sstems interatrs, eavin behind

    r utsurcin traditina research and devep-

    ment and manuacturin capabiities.

    Cst reductin wi remain a ke strate in

    the cmin decade. Imprved cst structures wi

    enabe cmpanies t cmpete in devepin mar-

    kets and meet the chaenes new cmpetitrs

    rm w-cst cuntries in their hme markets.

    Cmpanies wi as pursue a variet strate-

    ies t reduce xed assets, and suppement these

    erts b maximizin the ecienc, fexibiit and

    mbiit the assets the retain t respnd best

    t chanes in custmer demands and surces

    Cmpanies must embrace China

    as both a market and a supply

    base, withut bein mpic t

    emerin pprtunities esewhere.

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    A.T. Kearne | KEy SUPPly STRATEgIES FoR ToMoRRoW 5

    supp. Cncurrent, cmpanies wi cntinue t

    reduce wrkin capita requirements t increase

    cash fw.

    Mission, goals and perormance expecta-

    tions. Tmrrws supp missin and as wi

    be brader and mre tiht inked t the strateic

    bjectives the business than tdas. Supp wi

    be expected t deiver aainst its current perr-

    mance as whie psitinin the supp base t

    supprt the uture. leverain increased innva-

    tin rm suppiers wi create tihter, mre strate-

    ic reatinships. Cmpanies wi k r suppiers

    in reated industries that can adapt their ideas

    and capabiities t a new settin. Nntraditina

    surces innvatin, such as desin huses r

    universit researchers, wi becme a ke cmp-

    nent the vaue chain. Supp manaement ra-

    nizatins must prper interate a parties int

    the cmpans new prduct and service devep-

    ment prcess, and encurae cabratin amn

    suppiers t increase vaue.

    Because cmpanies wi cntinue t cnrnt

    an ever-widenin rane risks, supp risk mit-

    iatin wi be increasin emphasized in the

    cmin decade. Extended ba supp chains

    that incude eraphica distant, unprven (r

    even unknwn) suppiers wi pse risks r supp

    cntinuit, reputatins and inteectua prpert.

    Additina cmpexit wi cme abut because

    the vatiit cmmdit prices, currencies

    and interest rates.

    T imprve cst manaement acrss the cr-

    pratin, supps infuencer even cntr

    wi extend even deeper int nntraditina areas

    (aciities manaement, ea, advertisin and

    cntract manuacturin, r exampe). This new

    reach wi urther cnsidate and everae cr-

    pratewide vumes, ndin new pprtunities

    and drivin bier benets. Pressure wi inten-

    si bth t acceerate and t deepen cst savins,

    especia in pst-merer interatins. Supp

    wi pursue utsurcin and shrin ppr-

    tunities acrss the business. Maximizin the

    vaue expenditures wi hep t rce reater

    standardizatin, tihten manaement speci-

    catins and demand, and increase the cus n

    tta ie-cce cst.

    Critical Success Factors or the Future

    Hw shud supp manaement ranizatins

    respnd t these new rces, business mdes and

    expectatins? Thruh ur extensive, in-depth

    discussins with supp executives and anasis

    surve data n mre than 100 uture supp

    manaement strateies, we cncuded that there

    are seven areas critica t uture success:







    Attracting andretaining supplymanagement



    aement ranizatin

    our views n the uture appraches and issues

    r each w.

    Developing category strategies.Cmpanies

    with cater strateies wi btain the riht bend

    eadin-ede innvatin, vaue and cst perr-

    mance r each specic spend area. Fr instance, a

    cmpan ma pt t interate prcesses with stra-

    teic suppiers ke cateries t imprve tta

    cst and enhance cmbined capabiities, creatin

    a mutua benecia strateic reatinship. The

    ma as impement interna prcesses t imprve

    perrmance in seect cateries b cratin usae

    picies, enrcin user cmpiance and cse

    trackin suppier perrmance.

  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


    A.T. Kearne | KEy SUPPly STRATEgIES FoR ToMoRRoW 7

    Figure 2

    Expect increased sourcing from developing markets

    Source: China Source: India

    Source: Eastern Europe Source: Brazil


    North America Europe















    Source: A.T. Kearney, CAPS Research, Institute for Supply Management

    2007 2012






    1.4x 2.2x


    North America Europe


    North America Europe


    North America Europe

























    in cmpexit and mitiatin revenue-ss risk,

    a which crss unctina bundaries.

    Supp ranizatins wi re n time,

    accurate and accessibe data and anatic ts.

    The inrmatin needs are enrmus. gba

    strateies require wrdwide data, cmmn cat-

    er cdes, accurate spend data b purchase

    item, suppier and use catin, and inrma-

    tin n suppier capabiities and perrmance.

    In additin, ts t perrm tta-cst anasis,

    risk-manaement scenari pannin, suppier

    cmpetenc matrices and purchase item cst

    mdes are ke t devepin cater strateies.

    Cater strateies wi have a strn impact

    n eraphic surces supp. As shwn in

    ure 2 and ure 3 n pae 8, ur surve

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  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


    A.T. Kearne | KEy SUPPly STRATEgIES FoR ToMoRRoW 9

    thruh technica advancements and ther

    innvatins. Each suppiers re and its respec-

    tive marketpace wi hep determine whether it

    shud be apprached via a cmpetitive r c-

    abrative cater strate (see sidebar: Driving

    toward Value-Based Relationships). Cmpanies wi

    expect their new suppiers t be cmpetitive in a

    areas imprtance.

    Whie supp executives nte that imprvin

    wrkin reatinships with strateic suppiers wi

    be ver imprtant t their cmpanies, there is a

    sinicant ap between current attempts t d s

    and its purprted imprtance. T ain dierentia

    vaue rm suppiers, rms wi strive t achieve

    preerred custmer status. Din s wi require

    chanes in the wrk streams r prcesses thruh

    which buers and suppiers interace in additin

    t sme behavira mdicatins n the part

    ke paers. Fr exampe, cmpanies ma have t

    chane the wa the reward a suppiers utstand-

    in perrmance, such as prvidin pprtunities

    r uture business and c-investment. Rewards

    miht as incude hepin suppiers devep their

    wn capabiities, areein n metrics t evauate

    perrmance and investment expectatins, shar-

    in inrmatin, and sicitin and istenin t

    the vice the suppier. Individuas wi as

    have t be better trained in reatinship buidin,

    and senir-eve persnne at buin cmpanies

    wi need t increase the time and ert the put

    int ensurin ainment with suppiers.

    The cst r switchin suppiers wi increase

    as reatinships evve t emphasize vaue ver

    csts, and man cmpanies wi require their sup-

    piers t be pen t cachin, imprvement and

    capabiit devepment. Severa eadin Japanese

    Figure 4

    Expect net decrease in number of suppliers by 2012

    Direct goods

    Percent of companies expecting change in number of suppliers


    Source: A.T. Kearney, CAPS Research, Institute for Supply Management



    No change

    Indirect goods and services

    Average13% fewersuppliers

    Average23% fewersuppliers


    22% 27%

    8% 15%

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    KEy SUPPly STRATEgIES FoR ToMoRRoW | A.T. Kearne10

    autmakers have a head start in suppier devep-

    ment and imprvement skis ater ears prac-

    ticin these techniques.

    Hwever, the uture wi nt be a abut

    pprtunit n the buers side. In an increasin

    number supp market sements, a rane

    actrs wi drive suppiers t be mre seec-

    tive abut which custmers the pt t wrk

    with. We predict that cmpanies wi ace mre

    aressive and pweru suppiers in sme mar-

    kets. Private equit rms kin t recup their

    investments wi cntr mre suppiers, aectin

    supp and supp base strateies. Cnsidatin

    traditina suppiers due t merers and bank-

    ruptcies wi cntinue and even acceerate, which

    wi ater price and avaiabiit and disrupt exist-

    in reatinships. T pursue new surces reve-

    nue, suppiers wi aressive mve dwnstream

    and buid capabiities that riva thse the cm-

    panies the have traditina sd t. Bth cus-

    tmers and suppiers wi have a reater abiit t

    measure and understand cst t serve, thus ead-

    in t tuher price netiatins (and, n the

    pus side, increased jint erts t rt ut waste

    and nn-vaue-addin activities). Cmpanies wi

    be chaened t baance the desire t ain inn-

    vatin and ecienc via suppier cabratin

    with the need t prtect their wn businesses.

    Designing and operating multiple supply

    networks. T supprt their u rane cmpet-

    itive pririties, cmpanies wi have t estabish

    and maintain mre diverse supp chains. Whie

    sme wi be semented b prduct, thers wi

    be distinct t particuar custmers. Fr exampe,

    A decade-n run that saw the

    advantae in mst supp markets

    take a prnunced tit tward the

    buers is cmin t a cse. It was a

    cst-cused apprach that made si-

    nicant cntributins t the crp-

    rate bttm ine. The new chaene

    wi be t identi suppiers that er

    ds, services and expertise that

    can cntribute t the tp ine. Frm

    nw n, when evauatin the prt-

    i current r ptentia suppi-

    ers in advance a surcin ert,

    cmpanies must cnsider the vaue-

    added assets, capabiities and ben-

    ets that a suppier ers abve and

    bend price and specicatins.

    Whie supp has traditina

    reied n reative straihtrward

    ike-t-ike cmparisns t make

    its decisins, vaue-based reatin-

    ships wi be buit n a undatin

    dierentiatin rather than cm-

    mnait. That is, ptentia suppi-

    ers wi have t be understd in

    terms thse capabiities that set

    them apart. Thse that er excep-

    tina capabiities wi need t be

    viewed as vaue chain partners rather

    than mere supp chain participants.

    Takin n such reatin-

    ships wi require a shit in mind-

    set (and skis) awa rm tradi-

    tina surcin, which seeks t

    expit buin pwer, tward rea-

    tinship manaement and creat-

    in cmpetitive advantae. The

    rmer xatin n unit price and

    cst savins wi ive wa t a

    vaue cus that cnsiders innva-

    tin, vaue chain ptimizatin, stra-

    teic cst manaement, business

    cntinuit and peratina exce-

    ence. Cmpetitin wi be repaced

    b cabratin; demands wi

    becme requests repete with ques-

    tins that ster nin diaue.

    The cncept vaue-based

    suppier reatinships is nt new.

    Sme eadin cmpanies have

    n exceed at them. What is

    new is the market-driven need t

    embrace suppiers instead cn-

    stant threatenin t repace them

    as supp market cnsidatin,

    scarcit ke suppies and ther

    rces intensi in cmin ears.

    Driving toward Value-Based Relationships

  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


    A.T. Kearne | KEy SUPPly STRATEgIES FoR ToMoRRoW 11

    t meet the needs custmers in devep-

    in ecnmies, cmpanies wi cntract with

    ca partners that can execute rder ument

    and deiver. The na inks the supp chain

    wi be taired t each devepin market.

    T meet the demands sma-

    market sements withut drivin

    up csts, cmpanies wi emp

    mduar desins, pstpnement,

    utsurcin, aternative transpr-

    tatin mdes and warehuses,

    and creative partnerin.

    Scarce surces supp wi

    ead t sme cmpex supp

    chains, as ne eadin U.S.-

    based ranic d manuac-

    turer earned. With demand r

    its prducts ever increasin, the

    cmpan nw imprts Chinese

    strawberries, Turkish appe pure

    and Canadian bueberries t prduce its ppuar

    ranic urts because dmestic surces are in

    such shrt supp.

    We predict that business is n the vere an

    era massive supp chain redesin and restructur-

    in. The past tw decades have witnessed a pri-

    eratin supp chain desins, and man supp

    ranizatins wi questin their wn. Supp

    chain assets and unctins, such as aciities, inven-

    tries, services and transprtatin, wi be repsi-

    tined in respnse t business dnamics. Aiit

    wi be vaued thruhut the supp chain, bth

    t aw r rapid respnse t chanin business

    cnditins and t manae disruptin. In sme

    cases, vertica interatin mdes wi be emped

    in seect eraphies r supp securit reasns.

    Tta-cst appraches wi streamine supp

    chain peratins. Reducin xed assets wi bth

    shrink csts and increase fexibiit as n-demand

    service cmes t be a preerred mde. Cst driv-

    ers wi be tracked and manaed acrss a tradin

    partners, whie cst manaement ver prduct

    ie cces wi be mdeed and cntred. Majr

    techn investments wi be made t reduce

    inventr and distributin csts and hep speed

    prducts t markets. With s much ridin n

    supp chain exceence, ean practices and Six

    Sima wi becme standard peratin prcedures

    in supp chain activities.

    Bth ba turbuence and the risk intr-

    duced b cntemprar supp practices wi

    mandate that risk be viewed as an verarchin

    cncern in supp netwrk desin and manae-

    ment. gba supp bases and markets, extended

    supp ines, ean practices, increased cmpex-

    it and tihter cupin wi increase supp

    chain risk. Cmpanies wi invest in sphisticated

    mdes t hep detect inherent risks, identi data

    needs, incrprate individua assessments, assess

    csts and benets, and suest risk-preventin

    and mitiatin strateies. In respnse, supp

    manaement wi be required t devep and

    impement sphisticated risk-manaement strat-

    eies that incude cabrative risk sharin an

    the supp chain.

    Smaer machines and better pro-

    cesses allow Toyota to reduce

    the cost buidin a new pant

    b near 30 percent.

  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


    KEy SUPPly STRATEgIES FoR ToMoRRoW | A.T. Kearne12

    Leveraging technology enablers. In recent

    ears, techn prviders have steadi created

    ts t enhance the prcesses r spend manae-

    ment, surcin, cntractin, prcurement and

    suppier manaement. A decade a, supp man-

    aement ranizatins measured their activities

    n the spend cverae the were abe t achieve

    with interna stakehders. In the uture, measure-

    ments wi be made aainst cmpetitive and cab-

    rative indicesr exampe, the requenc with

    which the app cmpetitive and cabrative

    techniques t spend cateries. leadin supp

    ranizatins wi cntinue t expit techn

    eective and benet rm mre and better tech-

    n enabers in the uture. Cmpanies wi use

    these enabers t resve issues arund data shar-

    in, cndentiait, ea securit and misuse b

    suppiers r custmers, and wi master the tech-

    nica interatin externa and interna sstems.

    Expressive biddin and scenari-based pti-

    mizatin unctins wi be wide used r surc-

    in. Increasin, end users wi perrm rutine

    purchasin activities thruh eectrnic catas

    that wi ive the same k, ee and ease use

    tdas cnsumer-cused e-cmmerce sites.

    Techn wi mnitr cmpiance t the terms

    master areements and enrce demand man-

    aement. Best practices in purchasin wi be

    embedded thruhut the ranizatin via st-

    ware-enabed prcesses.

    Whie techn has traditina cused

    n the interna inrmatin cntained within pr-

    tected enterprise resurce pannin sstems, web-

    based ts wi enabe cmpanies t capture and

    share peratina inrmatin acrss the supp

    chain t ive a partners visibiit int the bi pic-

    ture. Aut-identicatin and remte-mnitrin

    technies such as radi requenc identica-

    tin (RFID) wi make it easier t track activities,

    catins and cnditins. New ts wi emere

    r mnitrin and manain supp chain risk

    acrss mutipe tiers in the supp chain as risk

    becmes better dened and cdied.

    As the abiit t wrk with techn ts

    bend the crprate rewa increases, cab-

    ratin patrms wi better ink interna depart-

    ments and externa partners r new prduct

    devepment, desin chanes, and peratin pan

    and schedue chanes. Sstems wi prvide inte-

    rated data manaement (r exampe, prduct

    data manaement, cmputer-assisted desin, and

    requests r inrmatin, requests r prpsas

    and requests r qutes) with three-dimensina

    denitin, dcument manaement and cab-

    ratin capabiities.

    Tmrrws techn wi brin a hst

    benets. Individuas wi netwrk cabrative

    t cnnect with the riht pepe and accmpish

    wrk reardess their ranizatina aiatin.

    Individua users wi custmize dashbards and

    anatics t dene hw the want t access data,

    wrk with it and measure resuts. Knwede man-

    aement wi as imprve reat, awin indi-

    viduas t remember and share what the aread

    knw and readi access what thers knw.

    o curse, nne these ts wi pa

    withut master ke aspects ike techn-

    seectin, impementatin, maintenance and

    trainin. Cnsider, r exampe, the debace that

    ensued when a eadin aviatin cmpan dis-

    cvered t ate that tw its aciities in di-

    erent cuntries were usin incmpatibe desin

    stware. The prbem was nt discvered unti

    the wirin manuactured in ne aciit did nt

    t prper int a pane that was n an assem-

    b ine in anther, resutin in a substantia dea

    in the rut a majr new desin. As this

    exampe shws, the abiit t manae techn

    eectiverather than techns abiit t

    deiverwi becme the chaene.

  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


    A.T. Kearne | KEy SUPPly STRATEgIES FoR ToMoRRoW 13

    Collaborating internally and externally.

    Whie cmpanies have made tremendus strides

    ver the past decade b strenthenin their supp

    manaement capabiities and takin n aressive

    surcin imprvement prrams, achievin majr

    ains rm supp manaement in the uture wi

    require a much hiher eve interna and exter-

    na cabratin. Each tpe cabratin wi

    brin new chaenes r the supp manaement

    team an with the ptentia r

    substantia rewards.

    Interna, supp manae-

    ment wi devep r deepen rea-

    tinships with ther unctins.

    Whie much the cus arund

    surcin ver the past decade has

    been n direct spend, indirect areas

    such as inrmatin techn,

    ea, and marketin and adver-

    tisin wi cme t be addressed

    as cmpanies crdinate sup-

    ps prcess knwede with the

    subject matter expertise the

    crprate unctins.

    Vaue creatin wi advance

    int areas that re n exter-

    na cabratins. Wrkin with suppiers n

    initiatives such as drivin csts ut a cm-

    mdit r ndin was t repurpse existin

    technies n scratch the surace what

    wi be expected. Cmpanies wi devep net-

    wrks suppiers required t wrk we with

    ne anther and with the cmpan. Emphasis

    wi shit tward mutiatera actins t imprve

    hw a cmpans end prducts are desined,

    prduced and deivered.

    T ensure a stead stream innvatin, cm-

    panies wi need t imprve their interated prd-

    uct and service devepment prcesses. Supp

    manaement wi pa a make-r-break re b

    vercmin interna and externa behavira bar-

    riers and hepin t interate suppiers int the

    prcess. Findin the riht suppiers wi prve t

    be just the start. other kes wi incude strenth-

    enin reatinships with the cmpans wn

    research and devepment, enineerin and mar-

    ketin ranizatins, appin techn t sup-

    prt the prcess interatin, and ensurin mutua

    prtectin ne anthers inteectua prpert.

    Jint-devepment erts with suppiers wi

    brin a pweru pa and ead t cmpetitive

    advantae. Tta exces at this practice. one

    wa it has dne s is t wrk with its suppiers

    manuacturin equipment t devep smaer,

    ihter machines and t secure excusive use

    these new technies. The cmpan is thus

    abe t buid smaer pants and shrter assemb

    ines that can be readi recnured as prduc-

    tin needs chane. The widespread empment

    smaer machines and imprved prcesses has

    awed Tta t reduce the cst buidin a

    new pant b near 30 percent, hepin the aut-

    maker becme the ba saes vume eader.

    The cost-ocused hammer per-

    sonalities wh have driven supp

    success wi need t becme morelike Swiss army knives, readi

    adaptin t dierent purpses.

  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


    KEy SUPPly STRATEgIES FoR ToMoRRoW | A.T. Kearne14

    Attracting and retaining supply talent. In

    the next 10 ears, the supp manaement ra-

    nizatin wi take n increased respnsibiit and

    a hiher-vaue re. Success wi hine n whether

    the supp ranizatin can attract and retain

    individuas with the riht skis and capabiities t

    meet uture requirements.

    Thse wrkin in supp wi need deep

    supp market knwede cuped with extensive

    prcess knwede. At the same time, supp pr-

    essinas wi require brad-based business knw-

    ede and mutidiscipinar experience. Frein

    anuae skis and internatina experience wi

    as prve imprtant, as wi eadership, innva-

    tin and cabratin abiities. The cst-cused

    hammer persnaities wh have driven supp

    success ver the past decade wi need t becme

    mre ike Swiss arm knives that can readi adapt

    t dierent purpses.

    Cmpanies wi need a mutiprned strate

    t acquire, devep and retain individuas with

    these skis and cmpetencies. Thus, the skis

    sectin the rsum and the traits pepe

    demnstrate durin the recruitin prcess wi be

    at east as imprtant as the candidates previus

    prcurement experience. Recruitin externa

    r industr and supp manaement expertise,

    addin industr and dmain experts rm ther

    departments, recruitin n campus, trainin sta

    n an nin basis and prvidin individua

    career path devepment wi a prve t be just

    part the mix. The prverbia war r taent

    wi be uht ver thse wh pssess a the

    necessar traits and taents.

    Cmpetenc maps wi dene bth current

    and uture needs and hep cmpanies master

    taent evauatin b servin as the basis r ri-

    rus skis assessment and testin current

    sta and ptentia interna transers r new hires.

    Taent successin pannin wi increase in impr-

    tance as supp ranizatins se knwede

    and experience t retirement and ther cmpa-

    nies. Fiure 5 presents an verview hw supp

    manaement persnne wi be evauated.

    Factrs such as baizatin, demraphic

    shits and reater crss-ranizatina cabra-

    tin wi create a mre diverse, distributed wrk-

    in envirnment. leaders wi be chaened t

    manae and mtivate individuas and teams acrss

    unctins, eraphies, cutures and eneratins.

    With s man business skis needed r

    success, the re supp chie wi ead sme

    executives t ther career paths and be part the

    jurne rather than the na destinatin. Rick

    Waners path t CEo gM incuded a stint

    as head the autmakers prcurement rani-

    zatin. Frmer Chrser CEo Thmas Stakamp

    headed the cmpans supp manaement ra-

    nizatin and athered the eendar SCoRE pr-

    ram n his wa t the tp. Wiie Deese at Merck

    mved rm senir vice president ba pr-

    curement t president Merck Manuacturin

    Divisin in ess than tw ears.

    We predict that cmpanies wi app princi-

    pes earned rm strateic surcin and strateic

    suppier manaement t taent acquisitin. As a

    shrtae supp and ther taent wrdwide

    becmes evident, cmpanies wi estabish strn

    reatinships with eadin ca universities and

    prvide sinicant undin t bth acut and

    the institutin t ain access t students, whie

    taretin students at eadin schs wrdwide.

    Managing and enabling the uture supply

    organization.Whie the center-ed supp ra-

    nizatin wi cntinue t dminate in the cmin

    decade, chanin cnditins wi brin shits t

    ranizatina structures and crprate reatin-

    ships. Increasin, ranizatins must baance the

    advantaes that centraized crdinatin ers with

    the need r ca respnsiveness. Sme wi rant

  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


    A.T. Kearne | KEy SUPPly STRATEgIES FoR ToMoRRoW 15

    supp manaement authrit and eadership t

    ca business units t buid eadership and devep

    the taent needed in shre catins. others wi

    shit authrit and respnsibiit back t the stra-

    teic business units i the pressures n cmmdit

    prices essen. Best practices and prcesses wi be

    embedded in techn, thus essenin the need

    r center-ed r -cated practice experts.

    We predict that mre manuacturers wi

    chse t base their supp activities and persnne

    in devepin cuntries, pacin their supp head-

    quarters, pepe and respnsibiities in catins

    near majr manuacturin centers and devepin


    Interatin current supp-reated unc-

    tins is expected t increase. At sme cmpanies,

    supp manaement wi becme part a supp

    chain ranizatin that incudes peratins, dis-

    tributin and ther unctins. In ther crpra-

    tins, the prcurement chie wi unctin as mre

    a chie peratins cer, manain bth inter-

    na and externa supp units. In man instances,

    supp wi becme the ca pint cst man-

    aement thruhut the entire cmpan.

    Cmpanies wi devep measures that direct

    ink supp manaement perrmance t cmpan

    and business unit strateies. Additina, tta-

    cst mdes and predictive metrics wi hep uide

    strateic surcin and supp chain decisins.

    Onward and Upward

    As indicated b ur stud, man the next bi

    thin strateies and practices that have been dis-

    cussed in recent supp manaement pubicatins

    and studies are nw enterin int prminence

    and wi remain ke t success in cmin ears.

    Tw quaities that supp has n emphasized

    executin and reatinship manaementwi

    Figure 5

    Tomorrows talent profile

    Source: A.T. Kearney, CAPS Research, Institute for Supply Management

    Softer skills

    Cross-cultural attributes

    Cross-functional expertise

    Current and future needs


    Broad businessknowledge



    Leadership ability


    Foreign languageskills

    Supply market knowledge Supply process expertise

  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


    KEy SUPPly STRATEgIES FoR ToMoRRoW | A.T. Kearne16

    becme mre imprtant as it becmes necessar

    t hande certain strateic suppiers as careu as

    a cmpans ke accunts.

    Whie the pace da-t-da chane miht

    seem sw, a k back reveas hw swit

    thins rea are chanin. less than a enera-

    tin a, the prcurement unctins eader was

    tpica a directr wh reprted t a vice pres-

    ident wh reprted t a member the execu-

    tive team. Tda, supp manaement has a seat

    in the executive suite and sees its respnsibiit

    and accuntabiit cnstant increasin. Factrs

    such as baizatin, market dnamics, custmer

    demands and vernment reuatins cntinue

    t add cmpexit t supp chains, whie the

    imprtance buidin reatinships with vaue-

    added supp partners and interna cab-

    ratrs cntinues t increase. Techn wi

    urther transrm supp manaement strateies

    and prcesses, whie the supp ranizatin wi

    evve t t business mdes and strateic needs.

    Fina, with a eneratin n the vere retire-

    ment, and a new set skis required t succeed,

    ba taent manaement pses a rwin cha-

    ene that wi be addressed in was that pa t

    supps estabished strenths.

    onward and upward t meet the chaenes.

    Its a wa ie in supp.

  • 8/3/2019 Key Supply Strategies for Tomorrow AK Kearney


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