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Analysis of magazine Cover 2.Kerrang issue 1149Within Temptation Edition

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Cover lines; the use of cover lines is to allow the reader to find out what is in the rest of the magazine. The bands mentioned here are all to do with the rock genre. So fit in with the style of the magazine and give you an insight to who will be mentioned.

Main image; the main image is there to advertise who the main cover line will be about. The Person the image is off is someone who will usually be someone who is well known in the particular genre . The image is very appealing to the male audience and it is quite sexual. She is using her body to entice the reader in. Her posture links to the name of the band ‘within temptation’ as if she is tempting you to read the magazine.

Barcode/date/price; the barcode is a magazine convention and allows the reader to find out the price and the date issue.

Masthead; the masthead is the little of the magazine, it usually follows the house style e.g. for Kerrang it is black and looks like it has been torn up on paper, looks like someone has cut it.

Header; the header is there is to advertise more bands that will be featured in the particular magazine. The bands that are mentioned are usually related to the genre of music.

Background; the background is quite plain with there only being a chair in the background, however the colour of the chair is red which could denotate to the band ‘within temptation’ being dangerous and fiery and that represents to her personality as well.

More images; this isn't usual magazine convention, however the effect it gives is you get a more idea of what would be included in the magazine and more of a clue of what the genre of the magazine is if you are new to Kerrang.

Flasher; a flasher is used to as an extra promotional offer and will usually link to the genre of the magazine.

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Editorial; this is a typical magazine convention. It is written by the editor of the magazine. It talks about what is in the magazine to inform the reader more. An editorial is used more in magazines that have a niche market as they talk to the reader as if they know what is going on and as if they read it every week. Its personal as you feel like the editor is talking to you. It is placed in white writing so it stands out on the red background it is also following the house style from the front cover.

Subscription; a subscription could be classed as a lure. It doesn't even say the whole name of the magazine it uses the letter ‘k’ presuming the reader is a regular. It is written all in capitals to stand out. It also contains images of other Kerrang magazines to intense you more.

House style; the house style is a typical magazine convention to keep with the style of the magazine. For this particular house style it follows red, white and black and a bit of yellow, it has also followed the text as the word ‘contents’ is written with the same effect as the word ‘Kerrang’ did on the front cover it makes it feel like one continuous

pages rather than all different., everything is also written in block capitals which is following on from the front cover.

Images; the reason extra images are used is because it informs the reader more of the main stories in the particular issue. There is one main image which takes up allot of room, the person’s eyes are directly looking at you which is almost staring at you as if to say ‘buy me’

‘this week’; is a list of some of the stories in the magazine, not all the stories are on there but it gives you an insight to what you will be reading all the stories link into the genre of the magazine following the house style with the colours yellow and white and also the block capitals.

Rule of thirds; this particular contents page does not follow the rule of thirds which could be a denotation to the suggest that the magazine doesn't follow the rules and does what it wants which could also relate to the genre of rock.

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Images; the main image takes up both the right hand side and a bit of the left. Following on from the front cover it is a red circle chair. Again i feel that the red represents her personality and she is in this bubble of danger and excitement and the rest of the world is boring hence the white background. She has her eyes closed which could detonate to the fact she is content with her life and is happy.

Drop capital; a drop capital has not been used her however with the start of a new paragraph they have used to the first two words in block capitals and bold and bigger font writing. The reason for this could be to separate the paragraphs rather it being a block of words as it could look a bit intense for the reader. They are also headings so it you wanted to read just a bit of it you know which bit to go and read.

Tag line; is a typical magazine convention, it allows the reader to re assure themselves who the article is about.

Layout; the layout is quite basic with the image being on one side and the writing being on the other. This could be a denotation to her life as it isn't very boring and is exciting. The text is divided up to two columns and three separate chunky paragraphs which could mean that whoever reads the interview will be very interested and wont mind reading that much.

Sub-headings; the idea of subheadings is to give a bit more insight into the readers life and there achievements

Page number; a typical magazine convention.

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Is a UK based magazine devoted to rock music. It was first published on June 6th

Kerrang is priced at £2.20 The main target audience for Kerrang is for people ages between 15-19 year olds.

The genre of music is for people that enjoy rock/punk/grunge/indie music.

In the early 2000s it became the best-selling British music newspaper.