  • 8/13/2019 Keep It Simple Science 2 - Metals


    Patterns of the Periodic Table

    In Mendeleev's day no-one could explain why these patterns existed.

    However, when scientists see patterns in nature like this, they know there must be underlying "r ules" or

    "laws of nature" causing and controlling the patterns.

    Perhaps Mendeleev's great contribution was not just the Periodic Table itself,

    but the stimulus it gave other scientists to investigate the reasons behind the patterns.

    Within 40 years Science had unravelled the secrets of atomic structure, the electron energy levels, and more.

    At this sta e our task is to lear n s ome of th e atter ns.

    Electrical Conductivity

    As you go across any row ("period") of the table, you will

    move through anumber of metals, then one or two semi-

    metals, then into the non-metals.

    Therefore, the conductivity will start out high, but r apidly

    decrease as you encounter a semi-metal, and becomeextremely low at the non-metals.

    r!, I

    CLJ\ I i


    Boiling Points

    follow a similar pattern to

    Melting Points

    Valencies are the same

    down each group

    Melting Point

    You learned in topic 1 how melting point is determined by the

    bonding within a substance.

    At the left side of the table are the very active metals of d1e

    Activity Series. They are also usually soft, and have relatively low

    (for metals) melting points.

    Moving to the right across a period you enter d1e "Transition

    Block" containing typical hard, high melting point metals, held

    strongly together by "metallic bonding".

    Further right you hit d1e Semi-Metals. These often have very high

    melting points because of their covalent lattice structure.

    Then you enter d1e Non-Metals which have covalent molecular

    structures and quite low mp's. At the far right column, each period

    ends with an Inert Gas which are all s ingle-atom molecules, and

    have d1elowest mp of each period.

    This pattern repeats itself along each period.

    Melting Points of ElementsI




    Peaks are Transi ti on M etals

    or Semi-Metals



    Go~ooo... -



    0 Na


    Chemical Bonding, Valency & Reactivity

    What you've already learnt about the Activity Series, Ionic and Covalent Bonding and Valency

    will help you make sense of the following: ("" G 8 I Group nert ases

    No chemical reactions,

    no bonding

    Activity of Non-Metals

    Most active at top-right(FIuori ne)

    Activity (generally)decreases downwardsand to the left.

  • 8/13/2019 Keep It Simple Science 2 - Metals


    Atomic Radius

    The s ize o f an atom is the distance across its outer electron shell.

    You might think that the atoms along each period would be the same size,

    because it's the same orbit being added to.

    However, the increasing amount of positive charge in the nucleus pulls that

    orbit inwards closer and closer to the centre.




    Li 0,1




    .~ 1


    Na .~: MQ AI Si P

    O]lO 600------------------------------------~Radius decreasing across a periodCa197





    The Syllabus requires that you

    produce a table and a graph of

    the changes in a property

    across a period,

    and down a group

    When you do, you can clearly see

    how the Periodic Table got its


    "Periodic" means "recurring at

    regular intervals".

    This graph shows what aspreadsheet plot gives for the radii

    of the first 37 elements.

    o tice h ow the s ame g raphical

    pattern keeps recurring ... it is a

    periodic pattern.

    The following diagramsare to scale and show therelative sizes of the first

    20 elements

    The numbers given are the atomic radii in picometres.

    1 picometre = 1xl 0-12




    o o o o ooS102


    o o oDown each group the radius increases.

    This is because, as you go down a group, you have added an entire

    electron shell to the outside of the previous layer

    Spreadsheet Plot of Atomic Radii0

    aJ 0


    E0 0u 0C. N.....,III







    Ar -----------~Ne ------------. Tfend

    He _-------- Increasing up_------ down a gfO


    Atomic Number

    There are a number of irregularities and "glitches"

    apparent on the graph. It is beyond the scope of

    this course (and way beyond the K.ISS. Principle)

    to attempt an explanation of these.

  • 8/13/2019 Keep It Simple Science 2 - Metals


    Highest Value Inert gases

    ..._....., Fluorine ~ot included

    '21 I I r-1,~ 1 1; :::::::::__ ._ EI .. V 1 I , Io. ( J.' ectronegatlvlty a ues r..--.!-....~.."'-"-T-"-'''['-'-''~-''-j

    ~: ~~ ~~ of selected elements 1~~1~~':~~::~';~~Or._j~IL_:..J..~_~-------------t-t- -1- [3.0! i...1 I r 1r. (values decrease to left) -,r---T-_ -+-~--+l~ ,0.81 ! I" I 2 8\

    -0 1 I' -----{ t---,-.- ..t-+-l'

    l-",-1- :1-..-1'.----.1.---1~--f- -1-.- -:..l .._~

    VlI 0.8 Ii : I ' i j, I !2.5 i~:ro~)--lr--1----:-- ..I..--.. --- ---+-- -"II--r+-+-1+1;:;1--,~tr;:;-~-'-lr--r-'-+-,-- _+_~ L....JL.J..~L---,--_..1..._J

    L__1.._..!I '--_L-.I _..I-_ J

    keep it simple science

    Ionization Energy

    The meaning of tlle "1st Ionization Energy" was explained

    previously in relation to the Activity Series of Metals.

    +A (g)

    where "A" stands for any atom

    in the gas state

    Any atom can lose an electron if enough energy is

    supplied... even atoms which do not normally lose


    The Periodic Trend in 1st Ionization Energy

    You should remember that the very active metals are the

    ones with low 1st ionization energies. They easilylose their

    outer electron(s) and so react readily.


    1st I.E. increases to the right because each atom across a

    period has more and more (+ve) nuclear charge attractingand holding electrons in the orbit concerned. Therefore, it

    requires more energy to remove an electron.

    1st I.E. decreases down each group because, at each step

    down, anextra whole layer of electrons has been added to the

    outside of tlle atom. The outer shell is further away from the

    nucleus, and is partially "shielded" from nuclear attraction by

    the layers of electrons underneath it. Therefore, it becomes

    easier and easier to remove an electron.

    Electronegativityis avalue assigned to each element to describe tlle

    power of an atom to attract electrons to itself.

    Atoms with a tendency to gain electrons and

    form negative ions have high values.

    Atoms with a tendency to lose electrons easily

    Qow 1st I.E.) and form (+ve) ions have very low


    Once again, there is a pattern in these values in

    the Periodic Table.

    Northmead High School SL#603217

    Successive Ionization Energies

    Having added the energy o f 1st I.E. an d r emoved an

    electron from any atom, it is then possible to add more

    energy and remove a2nd electron, and a 3rd, and s o on.


    +1st I.E. A (g) + e

    2nd I.E. A + ----.. A+2 + e

    (g) (g)

    3rd I.E. A+2 ~ A+3 + e

    (g) (g)

    ...and so on,

    according to how many electrons

    the atom has

    Once the f irst electr on is removed, tl1e remaining electrons

    are pulled in t ighter to the nucleus. Each one experiences

    increased force of attraction, so it requires more energy to

    remove the next electron.

    Once the entire outer orbit has been stripped away,the next

    ionization must remove an electron from an underlying

    orbit, which requires ahuge increase in the next ionization

    energy. This results in an interesting pattern:

    Patterns in Successive Ionization Energy Data

    (values shown are energy measurements)

    Successive Elements on Period 3

    Element Electron 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

    Config. I.E. I.E. I.E. I.E.

    Sodium 2.8.1 0.5 4.5 6.9 9.6

    Magnesium 2.8.2 0.7 1.4 7.7 10.5

    Aluminium 2.8.3 0.6 1.8 2.8 11.6

    Notice how the values "jump" (underlined data) as the next

    ionization has t o remo ve an electron from the next lower


  • 8/13/2019 Keep It Simple Science 2 - Metals


    As early as 1830, the German a) .

    noticed patterns in the properties of the elements. In 1860,

    the English scientist b) proposed a

    "Law of c) " d es cr ibing the

    repeating pattern of properties.

    It was the Russian d) who invented

    the e) , in more or less its

    modern form. He realized that there were probably many

    elements that had not f ) ,

    so he g) in his table for later

    additions . By s tudying the details of k no wn elements, he

    w as able to h) very precisely the

    properties of the missing elements.

    Sure enough when discovered, the missing elements were

    found to have properties i) .

    Conductivity, which generally j) to

    the right, as you go from metals to k) .

    and .

    Melting Points: tend to l) to about the

    mid dle of each p eriod, then m)............................. The

    highest value is usually a n) metal or

    o ne of the 0) elements. The

    lowest value on each period is always the

    p)................................ gas member on the extreme

    g) (right/left)

    Valencies are r) down each vertical

    group. Bonding follows the pattern of the main categories

    of elements. s) form t) .

    bonds when they lose electrons and become u) .

    ions. The Semi-metal elements form only v) .

    bonds. The Non-metals can bond w) .

    or can x) electrons to form y) .


    Chemical Reactivity is different for metals and n on -

    metals. The most ac tive metals are located at the lef t

    z)................................... (top/bottom) of the table.

    Generally, activity decreases aa) and to tile

    ab) The Inert Gases show no chemical

    activity. Apart from them, the most active non-metals are

    located on the r ig ht ac) (top/bottom)

    of the table. Activity generally decreases as you move

    ad) and .



    Atomic Radius ae) across a period

    because each successive element h as af ) .

    (more/less) positive charge in the ag) to

    attract the electron shell and pull it inwards. As yo u g o

    down a group the radius ah) as each new

    electron shell is added.

    First ai) Energies aj) .

    across a period, as the increasing amount of nuclear chargemakes it more and more difficult to ak) .

    an electron. The values al) down a

    group because each extra shell of electrons is am) .

    (more/less ) s trongly held than the previous.

    Successive Ionization Ener gies measure the energy

    required to an)............................ another, subsequent

    electron from an atom. T he energy required to remove the

    next electron is always ao) .

    (higher/lower). When the next electron happens to b e in

    the next lower shell, the value ap) .

    by a huge amount.

    ag) is a value which describesthe power of an atom to ar) electrons.

    The element with the highest value is as) ,

    and values decrease as you move to the at) .

    and asyou move au) the Periodic Table.

    1. a) Write equations to represent the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th

    ionisations for a calcium atom.

    b) Between which two o f these successive ionisations

    would you expect a h uge increase in the required energy?

    2. On each of the following Periodic Table diagrams label

    the arrows with the word "increasing" or "decreasing" tocorrectly describe the trend in the direction shown.

    a) Atomic



    I;o""P), (right)I}-t-~ - - - - - - - - ,

    ;;)(d?~J~:HffillE!b) Electro-


    Also indicate

    ("H"&"L") the

    position of

    elements with

    highest &lowest values.

  • 8/13/2019 Keep It Simple Science 2 - Metals


    207.2grams of


    , contains.; ,. 6.022 x 1023 39.95 grams of

    ,. Lead atoms Argon

    1~'(~1 39.95 207.2 l...- ..J 6.~~~t:i~;23 12.01grams ofI

    _~~". C b1 1 " ~ . Argon atoms ar on

    mo e, 1 mole.... 1 mole,. contains

    = 12.01grams' = 39.95 grams"" = 207.2 grams .,...,. "'" 6.022 x 1023', _--_... ,., .; Carbon atoms


    ... ~'" e

    . 16 .,. .."Copyright 2005-2006

    "......... ~----........_-_ ..... - ....

    Quantities in Chemical Calculations

    Atoms, molecules and ions always react with each other in

    fixed, whole-number ratios. That's why balancing an

    equation is so important... it actually brings the equation

    into line with what is happening at the particle level.

    For example, when hydrogen and oxygen react to form

    water, the balanced equation is

    This is a t r ue description of what is happening to the




    2 Moleculesof H20

    However, when we carry out chemical reactions in the

    laboratory or in Chemical Industry, we cannot see or count

    the molecules. Instead, we measure the mass or volume of


    To measure out the correct numbers of particles for a

    reaction we need a simple w ay to convert masses and

    volumes to numbers of molecules, and vice-versa. That's

    the purpose of

    The Mole

    1 mole of a ny element or compound contains exactly the

    same number of particles.

    1 mole of each substance has a different mass, because the

    atoms and molecules allweigh differently.

    The really clever and convenient thing about the mole is its

    link to the Periodic Table and the "Atomic Weights" shown.







    Defining the Mole

    For technical reasons, the "atomic standard" used to

    compare the masses of all atoms is the carbon atom,

    which contains


    6 neutrons

    6 electrons

    Since this is the standard of comparison, the formal

    definition of the mole is:

    "the number of atoms contained inexactly 12 grams of carbon-12"

    Note: In Topic 1 it was pointed out that the Mass

    Number for any atom is a whole number. It has still not

    been explained why the ' 'Atomic Weights" in the

    Periodic Table are mostly not whole numbers.

    This WILL be explained in a later topic.

    If you cannot wait, go find out about "Isotopes".

    Avogadro's Number

    Just how many atoms are in 1 mole?

    Obviously, it is a very large number. We now know that it

    is about 6,000 billion trillion.

    Avogadro's Number

    6.022 X 1023

    particles in 1 mole of anything

    This number is named in honour of an Italian scientist

    who you will learn about s oon.

  • 8/13/2019 Keep It Simple Science 2 - Metals


    keep it simple science

    Calculating Mole Quantities

    You need to be able to calculate mole quantities in terms of

    both mass and number of particles.

    Molar Mass

    The "Molar Mass" of any chemical species is the mass (in

    grams) of 1 mole of the substance.

    You need to add up all the Atomic Weights

    of all the atoms given in the formula.








    Molar Mass (g)





    (16.00 x 2)

    (35.4 5 x 2)




    Carbon Dioxide

    Sodium chloride

    H20 (1.008x2 + 16.00)

    CO2 (12.01 + (16.00x2)NaCl (22.99 + 35.45)




    Number of Moles in a Given Mass

    When you weigh a chemical sample you then need to be

    able to calculate how many moles this contains.

    No. of moles = mass of substance vou havemolar mass

    n= m


    Example Calculations

    1. How many moles in a) 5.23g of magnesium?

    b) 96.7g of water?

    a) n = --ill..-


    5.23 = 0.215 mol24.31

    b) n = -- ill..- _96_.7 _

    MM (2x1.008 + 16.00)= 96.7/18.016= 5.37 mol

    2. What mass is needed if you want to have 1.50 molesof s alt (sodium cWoride)?

    n = --ill..-


    so m = n x M M = -1.50 x (22.99 + 35.45)= 1.50 x 58.44

    = 87.7 g

    Northmead High School SL#603217

    Moles and Numbers of Particles

    Since one mole of any substance contains Avogadro's

    Number of particles:

    No. of moles = No. of particles you haveAvogadro's Number

    Example Calculations

    1. How many moles are present in a sample of lead

    containing 7.88 x 1024





    = 13.1 mol

    2. a) How many atoms of lead are needed to make

    0.0250 mole?

    b) What would be the mass of this quantity?



    b) m = n x M1vl= 0.0250 x 207.2 (molar mass of Pb)= 5.18 g

    23so N = n x NA = 0.0250 x 6.022x10

    = 1.51 x 1022 atoms

    Mole Quantities in Chemical Equations

    When you consider an equation like



    m2 Molecules

    of H20

    However, the number of molecules reacting is really just a

    ratio. The actual numbers migh t b e

    or, (let's use Avagadro's number)

    (2 x NA) H2 + NA 02 --.- (2 x NA) H20

    The Balancing Coefficients in a Chemical Equation

    May be Interpreted as Mole Ratios

  • 8/13/2019 Keep It Simple Science 2 - Metals


  • 8/13/2019 Keep It Simple Science 2 - Metals


    keep it simple science

    Comparing Mass Changes

    When Metals Burn

    Atoms always react in simple whole-number mole ratios,

    but atoms have different masses, and compounds have

    various formulas, so the result is that chemicals do NOT

    react in simple ratios by mass.

    That's why we need the mole... we measure quantities by

    their mass, b ut this mak es no s en se u ntil moles are


    The syllabus requires that you should consider the mass

    changes involved when various' metals combine with

    oxygen to form their oxide compound.

    The following table shows the mass changes for ;lOOg of

    the metal in each case:

    100g of Formula Mass 0z Mass of

    Metal of oxide n eeded( g) O xide fo rmed

    Lithium Liz 115 215

    Iron FeZ


    43 143

    Zinc ZnO 49 149

    Lead PbOz 15 115

    Empirical Formulas vMolecular Formulas

    Y ou are r emin ded that a molecular formula really does

    describe the atoms present in a molecule.

    The molecular compound methane,

    has formula CH4

    , because that's

    exactly what each molecule contains ...

    1 carbon atom and 4 hydrogen atoms.

    Lattice structures, either ionic or covalent

    are NOT molecular.

    Example: sodium chloride, NaCl

    The formula does NOT

    describe a molecule, but only

    gives the simplest ratio between

    the bonded atoms ... this is an empirical formula.

    On the previous page was an example of how formulas are

    determined by analysing the mass composition of a


    You should note that this metho d can o nly produce an

    empirical formula. (In fact, the w or d "empirical" means

    something determined by experiment, not by theory.)

    If a molecular compound, with molecular formula XzY6

    was analysed by mass measurements, its empirical formula

    would be calculated t o be :>"''Y3

    ... simplest ratio of atoms.

    Northmead High School SL#603217

    A Little History ...

    How the Mole was Invented

    The "mole" a s a m easure of chemical quantities, is a

    mathematically convenient device (a "trick") to help

    chemical calculations.

    Gay-Lussac's Law

    Joseph Gay-Lussac wa s a French sc ie nt ist wi th an

    unfortunat e name, bymodern standards. He lived 200 years

    ago, and was very interested in flight using balloons, so he

    investigated the way gases react chemically.

    After a series of clever experiments, in which the volumes

    of reacting gases were measured, in 1808 he propo sed the

    "Law of Combining Volumes":

    When measured

    at constant temperature and pressure,

    the volumes of gases in a chemical reaction

    show simple, whole-number ratios

    to each other.

    The volume of a gas is easily changed by temperatur e and

    pressure, so it is very important that the volumes are all

    measured at the same conditions.

    Hydrogen(g) + Chlorine(g)~ Hydrogen chloride(g)1 litre 1 litre 2 litres

    Hydrogen(g) + Oxygen(g)2 litres 1 litre

    . W ater (g) (vapour)

    2 litres

    Hydrogen(g) + Nitrogen(g) --.. Ammonia(g)3 litres 1 litre 2 litr es

    Notice that in every case, t hat the volumes are alwaysi n a

    simple, whole number ratio to each other.

    Now con sider the balanced equ ation s fo r these thr ee

    example reactions:

    The mol e ra ti os a re t he same as the vo lume r atios

    discovered by Gay-Lussac!

    enter .Avogadro!

  • 8/13/2019 Keep It Simple Science 2 - Metals


    keep it simple science

    Avogadro's HypothesisThe Italian, Amadeo Avogadro (1776-1856) was trained in

    Law, but became very interested in Science.

    In 1811, he noticed the similarity between Gay-Lussac's

    Law (an empirical "law" based on experiment) and the

    concept that atoms must combine in simple, whole number

    ratios to form compounds.

    Equal Volumes of all Gases

    Contain Equal Numbers of Molecules

    (when measured at the same conditions

    of temperature and pressure)

    Prior to Avogadro, it was assumed that the the reaction

    involved single atoms, like this:

    Hydrogen{g) + Chlorine(g) ~ Hydroge n chloride (g)1 volume : 1 volume 2 volumes

    Now, reasoned Avogadro, gases react in simple, whole-

    number volume ratios because each litre of gas has the

    same number o f molecules in it. Therefore, to get the

    volume ratios shown above, each hydrogen molecule, and

    each chlorine molecule, must have 2 atoms!

    i.e. Hydrogen is H2(g) and Chlorine is Cl2(g)' and the correct

    equation is

    Then, for the same reaction, scientists could measure the

    masses of these gases as well as volumes. This showed that

    chlorine atoms must be about 35 times heavier than

    hydrogen ... chemists were on the way to figuring out the

    relative atomic weights of elements, and being able to

    calculate chemical quantities.

    Although he did not invent the concept of the mole, we

    name the number of particles in 1 mole i n Avogadro's

    honour ...

    Northmead High School SL#603217

    Molar Volume of a GasIf 1 mole of any chemical species contains the same

    number of particles (Avogadro' s Number) AND if equal

    volumes of gases contain equal number of particles

    (Avogadro'S Hypothesis), then it follows that

    1 mole of any gas must occupy the same volume,

    if measured at the same temperature and pressure.

    This volume is the "Molar Volume" and is the same for

    every gas. It is measured at the standard set of conditions

    known as Standard Laboratory Conditions (SLC); 25C

    and 1 standard atmosphere of pressure.

    Mole Calculations Involving GasesThis additional knowledge opens up the opportunity to

    carry out quantity calculations which involve mass and

    volumes of gases.

    Example Problems1.

    If 15.65g of calcium carbonate (CaC03) was completely

    decomposed by heat, what volume of carbon dioxide

    gas would be produced (if measured at SLC)?


    Always begin with the balanced equation for the reaction.

    CaC03(s) . CO2(g) + CaO(s)mole ratio = 1 : 1 : 1

    Moles of CaC03: n =..J.!L = 15.65 = 0.1564 molj\1},,f 100,09

    Mole ratio is 1 :1, so moles of CO2

    formed = 0.1564


    :. Volume of CO2 = 0.1564 x 24.8...... Molar Vol.

    = 3.88 L (at SLC) of all gasesat S LC


    What volume of hydrogen g as ( at S LC) wo uld be

    produced if 10.00g of lithium metal was reacted with

    sulfuric acid?


    2 Li(s) +2 :

    . H2(g) + Li2SO4(aq)1 1

    Moles of lithium: n = ..J.!L = 10.00 = 1.441 mol

    MM 6.941

    Mole ratio is 2:1, so moles of H2

    = 1/2 X 1.441=0.7204

    :. Volume of Hz = 0.7204 x 24.8

    = 17.9 L (at SLC)