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Presented by Kamal Jit

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Roman Numerals

It is based on the letters of English

alphabets, which are combined to signify

their values.

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Symbol I V X L C D M

Value 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000

The basic symbols used by Roman to write their numerals were

7 English letters.

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• Roman numerals read from left to right, larger values to the left and work to the smaller values on the right. CV = 100+5 = 105 LXI = 50 + 10 + 1 = 61

• A symbol can be repeated three times. III = 1+1+1= 3 XXX = 10+10+10 = 30

• Only I, X, C and M can be repeated.

Some Basic Rules

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• If a lesser symbol is before a greater symbol, the lesser is subtracted from the greater. For example, IV= (5-1) =4 XC = (100-10) = 90 CM = (1000-100)= 900

• If a lesser symbol is after a greater symbol, the two values are added. For example, VI=( 5 + 1 ) = 6 LXXX = (50+10+10+10) =80 MCC = (1000+100+100)= 1200

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• The number zero did not have its own Roman numeral.

• Only I, X , C can be subtracted,

• V, L and D can not be subtracted.

• Subtracted only one number from another.

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The value of

XVIII = 10 + 5 + 1 +1+1 18

CCLX = 100+100+50+10= 260

MCLIV = 1000+100+50+4=1154

DCCIX= 500+100+100+9=709

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Roman Numeral for

1550 = MDL

526 = DXXVI

2009 = MMIX


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Fill in the blanks using Roman Numerals

I was born in the year …………. The year in progress is …………. India got freedom in the year …….. Mahatma Gandhi was born in ……. Your examination roll no is ……….. Our body has ……… no of bones.

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Which of the following Roman Numerals are meaningless?



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Prepare a Roman Numeral chart for numbers 1 to 100.

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