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Page 1: Juvenile Thug Life

Juvenile Thug Life


Page 2: Juvenile Thug Life

Starting off on the wrong foot Juveniles are often lured into small-time crime because of the quick money

they receive. They are often supported by the stronger enforcers and recruiters of more serious gangs.

Young thug growing up with bad parenting

Its all fun and games until Jamal is hired to kill Tyrone in the future

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“Perks” of being young in the thug life:

Juveniles often have access to alcohol, drugs, guns, cars and rides, and even women.

Recruiters like the 4 shown to the right, often speak of how they lived when they were kids and the “cool” things he was able to do because he was in the gang with his home boys.

Most Juveniles do not realize that the perks they receive now will bond them to their task-masters for a large amount of their lives.

Belief that they will “…make some serious bank, yo.”

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The Thug Life Every day, young teens are caught on the streets

breaking the law and breaking away from their authority figures.

Hatred, assimilation, crime, drugs, and an (excessive) desire for women, are all aspects a young thug must birth within himself.

Daily rides with other fellow homie bretheren to intimidate others, sell their products, smoke the greens, and have the time of their lives risks the lives of the young adolescents that tag along with the adult gangsters.

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Major crimes committed by Juveniles: Kahton Anderson (right) takes aim for his target, but by an awful

twist of fate, kills innocent passenger, Angel Rojas, due to bad accuracy, on March 20th, 2014.

Nicholas Lindsey (bottom) convicted of murdering a St. Petersburg officer, Dave Crawford in February, 2011, and is sentenced to life in prison without parole.

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More Crimes commited: Samuel Ortega Ricardez was 16 years old when he reportedly

killed another teenager. Prosecutor Geoff Allard suggested that gangsters in the neighborhood became aware of an invading group and shot at them. It was Ricardez that ran away, carrying his shotgun, when he came face-to-face with a rival-gang teen who recognized him. Ricardez raised up his 12 gauge shotty and shot Antonio Carachuri Perez, 17, at point blank range.

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Common Crimes: Vandalism and graffiti charges Shoplifting and other petty theft charges Simple assault (especially due to fighting incidents) Underage drinking violations Joyriding a car Small Drug sales Scouting and trafficking Exception of common crimes:

Torching childrens playgrounds

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Juvenile Fun Facts: US only country to actually sentence kids (18 yrs. and under) to life without parole for non-homicide crimes.

Most juveniles who are convinced to join gangs often stay for a long time, few ever decide to leave.

Of every 4 juveniles arrested, only 3 commit a non-violent crime.

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Works Used: Kahton Anderson:

Nicholas Lindsey:

Samuel Ortega Ricardez:
