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For this task 2 coursework, we need to prepare a scheme of work (SoW)

comprising two weeks of lessons in a primary school. After that, based on the SoW

that we have prepared, we need to prepare a lesson plan and design the teaching

materials. Before we start preparing the SoW, we begin with choosing which year

and what topic we want to teach. After discussing with my partner, Mawaddah Binti

Anuar, we decided that we will choose Year 3 and the topic will be from topic 3 until

topic 6. After finished preparing the SoW, we then decided to choose one skills from

my scheme of work that is reading skills and then we design a lesson plan to teach

the year 3 pupils.

The reason why we choose reading skills is because for us, reading is

important to the pupils. If the pupils cannot read, it will be difficult to teach other

skills. So, we decide to choose reading skills for our lesson plan. The topic that we

choose is topic 5: Having Fun. We choose this topic because the topic is related to

their daily life. This will help them learned as it is related to their daily life. The pupils

will be able to do the task given easily as it is related to them and thus it will increase

the pupils’ motivation to learn.

The learning objectives that we planned can be achieved by the students.

This is because we didn’t set the objectives that is too high for them. The pupils in

the class is in mixed ability so the objectives can be achieved although one or two

pupils might have some difficulties. However, they might not feel to burden to do the

task given as the task are not too difficult to them.

The sequencing of the lesson is starting from simple activity to complex. The

pupils will learn the basic skills that is reading for enjoyment and proceed until more

complex skills that is to read for information. Pupils will be able to follow the lesson

as the activities is not too difficult or too easy for them. Teacher also will not have

difficulty to teach as the steps is easy for teacher and pupils teaching and learning

session. Teacher will not face difficulties to monitor the student’s works as there are

worksheet given to pupils. Teachers can observe the students worksheet to monitor

them whether they are doing their work or not.
